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Mitoxantrone, a new anthraquinone, showed inhibitory an effect on protein kinase C (PKC) activity. Its IC50 value was 4.4 micrograms/ml (8.5 microM), which is much lower than those of the well-known anthracyclines daunorubicin and doxorubicin, the IC50 values of which are more than 100 micrograms/ml (> 170 microM). Kinetic studies demonstrated that mitoxantrone inhibited PKC in a competitive manner with respect to histone H1, and its Ki value was 6.3 microM (Ki values of daunorubicin and doxorubicin were 0.89 and 0.15 mM, respectively), and in a non-competitive manner with respect to phosphatidylserine and ATP. Inhibition of phosphorylation by mitoxantrone was observed with various substrates including S6 peptide, myelin basic protein and its peptide substrate derived from the amino-terminal region. Their IC50 values were 0.49 microgram/ml (0.95 microM), 1.8 micrograms/ml (3.5 microM), and 0.82 microgram/ml (1.6 microM), respectively. Mitoxantrone did not markedly inhibit the activity of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, casein kinase I or casein kinase II, at concentrations of less than 10 micrograms/ml. On the other hand, brief exposure (5 min) of HL60 cells to mitoxantrone caused the inhibition of cell growth with an IC50 value of 52 ng/ml (0.1 microM). In HL60 cells, most of the PKC activity (about 90%) was detected in the cytosolic fraction. When HL60 cells exposed to 10 micrograms/ml mitoxantrone for 5 min were observed with fluorescence microscopy, the fluorescence elicited from mitoxantrone was detected in the extranuclear area. These results indicated that mitoxantrone is a potent inhibitor of PKC, and this inhibition may be one of the mechanisms of antitumor activity of mitoxantrone.  相似文献   
In regenerating rat liver, nuclear protein histone H2A was shown to be phosphorylated on its amino-terminal serine residue [Sung et al. (1971) J. Biol. Chem. 246, 1358-1364], but the protein kinase which phosphorylates this residue has not been identified. To evaluate the possibility that protein kinase C can phosphorylate this residue, calf thymus histone H2A was 32P-labeled by incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP and highly purified protein kinase C from rat brain in the presence of calcium and phospholipid. About 1 mol of 32P was incorporated per mol of histone H2A and the Km and apparent Vmax of the reaction were calculated to be 2.1 microM and 0.35 mumol/min/mg, respectively. So histone H2A seemed to be a good substrate for protein kinase C. Further, the proteolytic phosphopeptides of 32P-labeled histone H2A were isolated by means of a series of column chromatographies and analyzed for their amino acid compositions. Comparison of the data with the known primary structure of histone H2A revealed their amino acid sequence as 1Ser-Gly-Arg. These data suggest that protein kinase C may be a candidate for the protein kinase which phosphorylates the amino-terminal serine residue of histone H2A during the regeneration of rat liver.  相似文献   
A microtubule-associated protein (MAP) with a molecular mass of 72-kDa that was purified from porcine brain by using its property of heat stability in a low pH buffer was characterized. Low-angle rotary shadowing revealed that the 72-kDa protein was a rodlike protein approximately 55-75 nm long. The 72-kDa protein bound to microtubules polymerized from phosphocellulose column-purified tubulin (PC-tubulin) with taxol and promoted the polymerization of PC-tubulin in the absence of taxol. Microtubules polymerized by the 72-kDa protein showed a tendency to form bundles of several microtubules. Quick-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy revealed that the 72-kDa protein formed short crossbridges between microtubules. We performed peptide mapping to analyze the relationship of the 72-kDa protein to other heat-stable MAPs, and the results showed some resemblance of the 72-kDa protein to MAP2. Cross-reactivity with a monoclonal anti-MAP2 antibody further suggested that the 72-kDa protein and MAP2 are immunologically related. To study the relationship between the 72-kDa protein and MAP2C, a smaller molecular form of MAP2 identified in juvenile rat brain, we prepared the 72-kDa protein from rat brain by the same method as that used for porcine brain. The fact that the 72-kDa protein from juvenile rat brain was also stained with our monoclonal anti-MAP2 antibody also suggested that the 72-kDa protein is an MAP2C homologue of the porcine brain.  相似文献   
Pseudotypes of gibbon ape leukemia virus/simian sarcoma-associated virus (GALV/SSAV) and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B) have been constructed by rescuing a Moloney murine leukemia virus vector genome with wild-type GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. The resulting recombinant viruses utilized core and envelope proteins from the wild-type virus and conferred resistance to growth in L-histidinol upon infected cells by virtue of the HisD gene encoded by the vector genome. They displayed the host range specificity of the rescuing viruses and could be neutralized by virus-specific antisera. Receptor cross-interference was observed when the GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B pseudotypes were used to superinfect cells productively infected with either GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. Although murine cells are resistant to FeLV-B infection, murine cells expressing the human gene for the GALV/SSAV receptor became susceptible to FeLV-B infection. Therefore GALV/SSAV and FeLV-B utilize the same cell surface receptor.  相似文献   
Summary Gene conversion - apparently non-reciprocal transfer of sequence information between homologous DNA sequences - has been reported in various organisms. Frequent association of gene conversion with reciprocal exchange (crossing-over) of the flanking sequences in meiosis has formed the basis of the current view that gene conversion reflects events at the site of interaction during homologous recombination. In order to analyze mechanisms of gene conversion and homologous recombination in an Escherichia coli strain with an active RecF pathway (recBC sbcBC), we first established in cells of this strain a plasmid carrying two mutant neo genes, each deleted for a different gene segment, in inverted orientation. We then selected kanamycin-resistant plasmids that had reconstituted an intact neo + gene by homologous recombination. We found that all the neo + plasmids from these clones belonged to the gene-conversion type in the sense that they carried one neo + gene and retained one of the mutant neo genes. This apparent gene conversion was, however, only very rarely accompanied by apparent crossing-over of the flanking sequences. This is in contrast to the case in a rec + strain. or in a strain with an active RecE pathway (recBC sbcA). Our further analyses, especially comparisons with apparent gene conversion in the rec + strain, led us to propose a mechanism for this biased gene conversion. This successive half crossing-over model proposes that the elementary recombinational process is half crossing;-over in the sense that it generates only one recombinant DNA duplex molecule, and leaves one or two free end(s), out of two parental DNA duplexes. The resulting free end is, the model assumes, recombinogenic and frequently engages in a second round of half crossing-over with the recombinant duplex. The products resulting from such interaction involving two molecules of the plasmid would be classified as belonging to the gene-conversion type without crossing-over. We constructed a dimeric molecule that mimics the intermediate form hypothesized in this model and introduced it into cells. Biased gene conversion products were obtained in this reconstruction experiment. The half crossing-over mechanism can also explain formation of huge linear multimers of bacterial plasmids, the nature of transcribable recombination products in bacterial conjugation, chromosomal gene conversion not accompanied by flanking exchange (like that in yeast mating-type switching), and antigenic variation in microorganisms.  相似文献   
The formation of sporophytic shoots, which is induced by treatmentwith benzylaminopurine of gametophyte tissue of Equisetum arvense,can be divided into initiation and developmental phases. Thenitrogen in MS medium was suitable for two phases as well as gametophytic growth, buta reduction in the concentration of available nitrogen was neededfor the development of shoots. ions alone were effective for gametophytic growth and the initiationof sporophytic shoots, but both and ions was required for the developmental phase. (Received February 18, 1992; Accepted April 14, 1992)  相似文献   
Nine bovine T-cell receptor (Tcr) chain (Tcrg) and three Tcr chain (Tcrd) cDNA clones were isolated from the cDNA libraries constructed from peripheral blood lymphocytes and thymocytes. Of nine Tcrg cDNA clones, only four were rearranged and contained specific V, J, and C gene segments, but the remaining five contained specific J and C or only C gene segments without the V gene segment. Three kinds of Tcrg-C, which were highly related at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, were found and designated as Tcrg-C1, Tcrg-C2, and Tcrg-C3. Compared with human and mouse Tcrg-C, bovine Tcrg-C sequences are much longer, with about 27–55 amino acids corresponding to the hinge and connector regions, where the characteristic repetitive 5-amino acid motif (TTEPP or TTKPP) exists in sheep Tcrg-C as previously reported. From three Tcrd cDNA clones, two Tcrd-V and three Tcrd-J segments were isolated. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of bovine Tcrd-C, especially the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, are well conserved among species. As in bovine Tcrg-C, diversity of amino acid residues in the Tcrd-C region is concentrated in the hinge regions. Southern blot analysis showed that there are at least three Tcrg-C genes and one Tcrd-C gene in the bovine genome. The analysis also revealed the presence of Tcrg-C- and Tcrd-C-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms among bovine breeds.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers D90409-20.  相似文献   
Summary Candida antarctica strain T-34, which was isolated as a biosurfactant producer, was found to produce organic acids and polyols extracellularly but not to produce biosurfactants, when grown on glucose or other carbohydrates as the sole carbon source. It was also observed microscopically that the strain contained oil globules within the cells. The intracellular lipids of the strain mainly consisted of triglycerides and mannosylerythritol lipids (MEL). The MEL content of the cells during the culture exceeded 10% of the dry cell weight, and the pattern of variation of the MEL content was very similar to that of triglycerides. All three stock strains of C. antarctica tested also accumulated a relatively large amount of MEL from glucose. These results suggested that these strains accumulated the MEL intracellularly as one of the storage materials together with triglycerides.Offprint requests to: D. Kitamoto  相似文献   
Two frameshift mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a recessive disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. We have identified in exon 7 two frameshift mutations, one caused by a two-nucleotide insertion and the other caused by a one-nucleotide deletion; these mutations--CF1154insTC and CF1213delT, respectively, are predicted to shift the reading frame of the protein and to introduce UAA(ochre) termination codons at residues 369 and 368.  相似文献   
The effects of arachidonic acid on the enzyme complexes in the electron transport system were investigated using submitochondrial particles from rat brain. Arachidonic acid irreversibly inhibited NADH-CoQ oxidoreductase (complex I) activity, but had no effect on the activities of succinate-CoQ oxidoreductase (complex II), CoQH2-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), ATPase (complex V), glutamate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase up to 50 microM. The inhibition was dose-dependent with an IC50 value of 110 nmol/mg protein. The Lineweaver-Burk plot revealed that the inhibition by arachidonic acid was noncompetitive against CoQ with a Ki value of 33 microM and uncompetitive against NADH with a Ki value of 22 microM.  相似文献   
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