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Bovine alpha2-globulin contains a protein which increases the activity of bovine alpha-chymotrypsin against synthetic substrates. The active protein fraction migrates slowly on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, so it was named slow alpha2-globulin (Salpha2). The fraction was isolated from bovine serum and purified. Its sedimentation constant S20 was 18.5 S. It was thus identified with the alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M). By kinetic studies, the dissociation constant of the alpha-chymotrypsin-alpha2 M complex was calculated to be of the order of 10(-7) l/mol. The purified alpha2 M was shown to bind alpha-chymotrypsin at a definite rate. If the binding ratio was assumed to be 1:2, the molecular weight was calculated to be about 8 X 10(5).  相似文献   
Phage contamination has resulted in abnormal fermentation in silage. We isolated a phage-resistant strain, Lactobacillus plantarum NGRI0101 from silage. The strain carried two plasmids, pLKL (6.8 kb) and pLKS (2.0 kb). By curing and retransformation of the plasmids, we clarified that pLKS has phage resistant activity, characterized as no adsorption inhibition. pLKS has 2,025 bp and three orfs, orfl23, orf132, and orf918. The predicted amino acid sequence of the orf918 product showed high similarity to those of Rep proteins of Pediococcus halophilus plasmid pUCL287 and Lactobacillus acidophilus plasmid pLA103. The replication origin (ori) was upstream from orf918. There was no gene similar to typical phage resistant genes encoded by known plasmids. The phage resistance of L. plantarum NGRI0101 may possibly be due to a plasmid-encoded abortive infection.  相似文献   
The amine oxidase was found to be formed in mycelia of fungi when they were grown on monoamines or diamines as sole nitrogen sources. The maximal formation of enzyme was observed in the initial stage of growth, then the enzyme disappeared semilogarithmically. Other sources of nitrogen, such as ammonia, nitrate, urea and amino acids, were fully inactive for the enzyme formation. Furthermore, ammonia repressed the enzyme formation by fungi. The amine oxidase of fungi resembled in substrate specificity the monoamine oxidase of animal tissues. The enzyme oxidized preferentially aliphatic monoamines of C3–C6. Agmatine and histamine were also oxidized but in lower rates. Benzylamine was well oxidized by the enzymes of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum, but not by the enzymes of Monascus anka and Fusarium bulbigenum. Polyamines were not oxidized by the fungal enzymes.  相似文献   
Cancer cells metastasized to bone induce osteoclastogenesis for bone destruction. Coculture of either mouse melanoma B16 or breast cancer Balb/c-MC cells with mouse bone marrow cells (BMCs) induced osteoclast-like cells, which were not observed when cancer cells were segregated from BMCs. Osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF), also known as receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), is a direct mediator of many osteotropic factors. Neither BMCs, B16 nor Balb/c-MC cells alone expressed ODF mRNA. However, coculture of these cancer cells with BMCs induced ODF expression, which was prevented by indomethacin. Moreover, the coculture with cancer cells inhibited secretion of osteoprotegerin/osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor (OPG/OCIF), an inhibitory decoy receptor for ODF, from BMCs. Thus, enhanced osteoclastogenesis in the presence of cancer cells might be due to an increase in ODF activity. These results suggest that interactions between cancer cells and BMCs induce ODF expression and suppress OPG/OCIF level in metastatic foci resulting in pathological osteoclastogenesis for bone destruction.  相似文献   
A band-type alternating pattern of acidic and alkaline regions formed along the Characean cell wall is discussed theoretically. The model system is constructed from linear diffusion equations for the concentration of H+ outside the internode and in the protoplasm. The plasmalemma is taken as a boundary transporting H+ under energy supply by light. The sizes of the protoplasm and extracellular water phase are taken into account explicitly in the present model system to reproduce qualitatively the characteristics observed in various types of experiments. Theoretical analysis shows that the band pattern belongs to dissipative structures emerging far from equilibrium, and is stabilized through the electric current loops produced by locally activated electrogenic H+ pumps and spatially separated passive H+ influx (or OH- efflux) across the membrane. Both the numerical calculation and the theoretical analysis using a generalized time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation reveal the following points: (i) the intemodal cell with a larger vacuole in a smaller size of the extracellular water phase tends to exhibit a clearer band pattern; (ii) the increase in viscosity of the external aqueous medium makes the bands appear more easily and, furthermore, distinctly; (iii) the change in size of the extracellular water phase significantly affects the kinetics of the pattern- formation process. These results are interpreted reasonably by taking account of the electric current circulating between the acidic and alkaline regions.  相似文献   
In an attempt to elucidate a possible role of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor in adrenal glomerulosa cell, effect of diazepam on potassium-induced aldosterone secretion was studied using isolated bovine adrenal glomerulosa cell. Diazepam inhibited aldosterone secretion stimulated by 8mM potassium in a dose dependent manner. The ID50 was approximately 14 nM. Although diazepam inhibited potassium action effectively, forskolin-induced aldosterone secretion was not affected by diazepam. These results indicate that peripheral benzodiazepine receptor may have an active role in regulating aldosterone secretion. The voltage dependent calcium channel may be a possible site of benzodiazepine action in this tissue.  相似文献   
Effects of water-soluble matter adhering to rat hairs on fibroblasts were examined. The dialysate of the wash water of rat hairs significantly enhanced the cell proliferation of both diploid human dermal fibroblasts (DHDF) and diploid rat fibroblasts (DRDF). The cell growth-promoting activity was partially purified by a gel filtration column chromatography. The activity permeates through a ultrafiltration membrane (M.W. cut off: 500). Analyses of its chemical nature show that it is soluble in water, dimethyl sulfoxide or acetonitrile, insoluble in other organic solvents examined, stable to heat or pH shock, and resistant to a bacterial protease.  相似文献   
We have developed a computational method of protein design to detect amino acid sequences that are adaptable to given main-chain coordinates of a protein. In this method, the selection of amino acid types employs a Metropolis Monte Carlo method with a scoring function in conjunction with the approximation of free energies computed from 3D structures. To compute the scoring function, a side-chain prediction using another Metropolis Monte Carlo method was performed to select structurally suitable side-chain conformations from a side-chain library. In total, two layers of Monte Carlo procedures were performed, first to select amino acid types (1st layer Monte Carlo) and then to predict side-chain conformations (2nd layers Monte Carlo). We applied this method to sequence design for the entire sequence on the SH3 domain, Protein G, and BPTI. The predicted sequences were similar to those of the wild-type proteins. We compared the results of the predictions with and without the 2nd layer Monte Carlo method. The results revealed that the two-layer Monte Carlo method produced better sequence similarity to the wild-type proteins than the one-layer method. Finally, we applied this method to neuraminidase of influenza virus. The results were consistent with the sequences identified from the isolated viruses.  相似文献   
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