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Fine needle aspiration cytology of thymic tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytologic material was reviewed from 23 mediastinal tumors clinically suspected as thymomas. The thymomas had a characteristic biphasic cell pattern in material obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy that was easy to recognize and possible to differentiate from carcinoid tumors, malignant lymphomas and oat-cell carcinomas.  相似文献   
Agents such as TEA+ or CS+ ions, these last ions instead of K+ ions in poor K extracellular solution, known to reduce or abolish the inwardly rectifying channel in many preparations produced no effect in crayfish muscle membrane By contrast, poor Cl extracellular solution (Cl- ions were replaced by CH3OSO3- ions) blocked the inward current activated by hyperpolarizing pulses and produced an increase of the resting potential. Niflumic acid is a agent which inhibited the inward going rectification of the crayfish muscle membrane. Apparent dissociation constant of niflumic acid with membrane sites was equal to about 6 X 10(-8) M; this value corresponds to that given by Cousin & Motais (1979) concerning translocation of Cl- ions in the membrane of red cells. Activation of the inward going rectification in the crayfish membrane is responsible of an inward current carried by Cl- ions.  相似文献   
Using the indirect immunofluorescence staining technique, the occurrence and localization of proacrosin, the zymogen form of acrosin, was studied during spermatogenesis in the bull, ram, boar and rabbit. Proacrosin staining was demonstrable for the first time in the early haploid spermatid and increased with the differentiation of the spermatid to spermatozoon. The spermatozoon is covered by a cap-like structure of uniform fluorescence corresponding to the acrosomal compartment of the male gamete. No fluorescence could be found in diploid spermatogenic cells, i.e., in spermatogonia and spermatocytes. An identical developmental pattern of proacrosin was observed with the indirect immunoperoxidase staining technique. However, with this staining technique a distinct distribution of proacrosin staining was observed in the acrosome of epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa of the bull, ram, boar, rabbit and man. Proacrosin seems to be distributed in the acrosome in granules rather than in the homogeneous form, as was indicated by the results of indirect immunofluorescence staining.  相似文献   
The secretion of steroids and the release of cAMP in response to repeated luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation were examined during superfusion of isolated preovulatory rat follicles. A high dose of ovine LH (1 microgram/ml for 20 min) caused a prolonged increase in the secretion of progesterone (P) and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone (20 alpha-OHP) and a transient increase in the secretion of testosterone (T) and estradiol-17 beta (E2), and was accompanied by a peak of cAMP release. A single pulse of LH at a low dose level (10 mg/ml for 20 min) gave a limited increase in T secretion, but no clear change in P, 20 alpha-OHP and E2 secretion or cAMP release. When the follicles were challenged with a second pulse of LH (at 1 microgram/ml), the response varied according to the dose of LH delivered in the preceding pulse. Following exposure to the high dose of LH, the follicles were partially refractory to the second LH challenge in terms of cAMP and P and the secretion of T and E2 remained low. The low dose of LH, however, had a conditioning effect on the follicles since the response to the second LH challenge was amplified in terms of P, 20 alpha-OHP and cAMP. In this case a secondary increase in T and E2 secretion was found. The differential response to varying doses of LH are likely to reflect the physiological control of steroidogenesis during final follicular maturation.  相似文献   
A relationship between the FV blood group phenotype and 4 out of 45 haematological and blood chemical parameters--red cell number, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and serum iron--has been demonstrated in young bulls of three Swiss cattle breeds. There was also a relationship between haemoglobin type and 7 out of 45 haematological and blood chemical parameters (haemoglobin concentration, red cell number, MCV, MCHC and red cell concentrations of K+ and Na+ and their sum). In addition to expanding the species in which there is an effect of haemoglobin phenotype on MCV to include cattle, these data also demonstrate a significant correlation between their FV phenotype and MCV.  相似文献   
The bumetanide-sensitive (K+ + Na+ + 2Cl-)-cotransport system in turkey erythrocytes is activated by either of two treatments: addition of epinephrine or an increase in osmolarity. At elevated (20 mM) K+ concentration, cotransport activity induced by epinephrine slowly (within 90 min) declines to background level again. This time-dependent inactivation has been linked to bumetanide-sensitive cell swelling. We have compared both the initial rate of cotransport activity and its time dependence after induction by either epinephrine, increased osmolarity or a combination of the two treatments. As a measure of cotransport activity we took the bumetanide-sensitive fraction of 86Rb+ influx. Immediately after activation, several kinetic characteristics of this flux (Vmax; Km towards K+; Ki towards bumetanide; pH profile) were identical in cells activated by either treatment. By contrast, cotransport activated by hypertonicity was significantly more resistant towards subsequent inactivation. We show this to be due to the increase in intracellular ion concentrations brought about by hypertonic cell shrinkage. This tended to reverse the driving force for cotransport, and thereby prevented the bumetanide-sensitive swelling associated with inactivation. Our data support the notion that cell volume plays a key role both in the activation and in the time-dependent inactivation of bumetanide-sensitive transport.  相似文献   
Binary mixed liposomes were prepared from dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and a minor compound, e.g., egg phosphatidylglycerol (PG) at a ratio of 9:1. Using different preparative techniques, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV), small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) or multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were obtained and were studied with an electron microscope for morphology, with a Wilhelmy balance for spreading and surface tension lowering potential, and in the surfactant-depleted isolated rat lung for their ability to restore expiratory lung capacity. Only the simultaneous investigation of phospholipids by negative staining and thin sectioning allows unequivocal classification of liposomes. The surface-active structures prepared with the technique of Bangham et al. (Bangham, A.D., Hill, M.W. and Miller, N.G.A. (1974) in Methods in Membrane Biology (Korn, E., ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 1-68, Plenum Press, New York) at room temperature are LUV. LUV containing DPPC:PG at a ratio of 9:1 rapidly spread to a film with high surface tension lowering potential. Within 5 min after injection into the subphase they rise to the surface and form a film at the air/liquid interface able to lower the surface tension to less than 1 mN/m at compression. SUV of the same chemical composition, however, are immediately surface-active only when spread directly onto the surface. MLV exhibit poor surface activity. LUV or pure DPPC, applied onto the surface, are weakly surface active within 5 min. DPPC vesicles injected into the subphase at 37 degrees C do not adsorb to any film with surface tension lowering potential in this time. The minor compounds PE, PI, PS, PA, lysoPC enable DPPC to form surface-active films after application on saline at 37 degrees C. Removal of surfactant decreases the expiratory lung capacity of the isolated rat lung from 49.7 to 12.4% at 4 cmH2O. After substitution with natural surfactant, the expiratory lung capacity is twice that of the washed lung (25.9%), but the original distensibility of the native lung is not restituted. The effect of LUV containing DPPC:PG at a ratio of 9:1 is also remarkable (21.2%).  相似文献   
Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor is a human serum protease inhibitor of Mr 180 000 which may release physiological derivatives. A complex between IgG and an inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor derivative of Mr 30 000 has been recently detected in human serum and was found to be inactive against trypsin, in contrast with the known inhibitory activity of the free 30-kDa derivative. The present study deals with detailed characterization of an inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor-IgG complex following its purification by affinity chromatography techniques (anti-inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor immunoadsorbent and Protein A-Sepharose) in mild conditions. The resulting product reacted simultaneously with anti-IgG and anti-inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor antibodies. This complex contained Mr 180 000 inhibitor at least to some extent. It migrated in the beta-gamma zone in agarose; its molecular weight was estimated to be 1 500 000 or more; part of it displayed covalent bonding between inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and IgG; it had a trypsin inhibitor activity. Immunoelectrophoresis allowed one to demonstrate the native complex in serum owing to the use of anti-inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and anti-gamma radioactively labelled antibodies. The double immunoreactivity thus evidenced proved to be heterogeneous with respect to its level and location in the native as well as in the purified complex.  相似文献   
Eighty different adenine-modified cAMP analogs were tested as activators of rabbit muscle protein kinase I (cAKI) in an in vitro phosphotransferase assay. All the analogs tested were able to activate completely the kinase. The affinities of the cAMP derivatives for the two types (A and B) of binding sites associated with the regulatory moiety of cAKI were determined under conditions similar to those used in the phosphotransferase assay. The potency of the cAMP analogs as cAKI activators was found to correlate with the mean affinity for sites A and B, rather than to the affinity for only one of the sites. This was true whether cAKI was assayed at low or near physiological ionic strength, whether the concentration of cAKI binding sites was 0.2 or 400 nM, and whether the kinase substrate was mixed histones or homogeneous phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase. Furthermore, site A-selective and site B-selective cAMP analogs activated cAKI synergistically. Finally, it was shown that the degree of synergism between cAMP analogs in activating cAKI correlated with their degree of site selectivity. It is concluded that cyclic nucleotides interact with both types of binding sites in the process of cAKI activation.  相似文献   
25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase in rat kidney mitochondria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Assay conditions for the measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase activity in rat kidney mitochondria have been worked out. The product, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 was quantitated either by high pressure liquid chromatography or by isotope dilution-mass spectrometry. By these procedures, the enzyme activity could be measured with saturating concentration (greater than 2.5 X 10(-6) M) of substrate. Pretreatment of the animals by aminophylline (Kulkowski, J. A., Chow, T., Martinez, J., and Ghazarian, J. G. (1979) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 90, 50-57) stimulated the 24-hydroxylase activity in vitro at least 2 to 3-fold. The identity of the product was verified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The rates of the reaction varied between 1.5 and 5 pmol/mg of mitochondrial protein.min (at 25 degrees C), and the K'm was determined to be 4.2 X 10(-7) M. Malate, succinate, and isocitrate were all able to support the reaction. Low O2 tension, CO, KCN, and the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone inhibited the reaction, while the respiratory inhibitor rotenone had no effect. Metyrapone inhibited the reaction with 50% inhibition at a concentration of 2.5 mumol/ml. The enzyme was found to be localized inside the inner mitochondrial membrane. The results indicate that in the rat the renal mitochondrial 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase is a cytochrome P-450 and that the reducing equivalents are primarily supplied by NADPH via the energy-dependent transhydrogenase.  相似文献   
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