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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific immune responses during primary HIV-1 infection appear to play a critical role in determining the ultimate speed of disease progression, but little is known about the specificity of the initial HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses in individuals expressing protective HLA class I alleles. Here we compared HIV-1-specific T-cell responses between subjects expressing the protective allele HLA-B27 or -B57 and subjects expressing nonprotective HLA alleles using a cohort of over 290 subjects identified during primary HIV-1 infection. CD8(+) T cells of individuals expressing HLA-B27 or -B57 targeted a defined region within HIV-1 p24 Gag (amino acids 240 to 272) early in infection, and responses against this region contributed over 35% to the total HIV-1-specific T-cell responses in these individuals. In contrast, this region was rarely recognized in individuals expressing HLA-B35, an HLA allele associated with rapid disease progression, or in subjects expressing neither HLA-B57/B27 nor HLA-B35 (P < 0.0001). The identification of this highly conserved region in p24 Gag targeted in primary infection specifically in individuals expressing HLA class I alleles associated with slower HIV-1 disease progression provides a rationale for vaccine design aimed at inducing responses to this region restricted by other, more common HLA class I alleles.  相似文献   
We have investigated conformational changes of the purified maltose ATP-binding cassette transporter (MalFGK(2)) upon binding of ATP. The transport complex is composed of a heterodimer of the hydrophobic subunits MalF and MalG constituting the translocation pore and of a homodimer of MalK, representing the ATP-hydrolyzing subunit. Substrate is delivered to the transporter in complex with periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MalE). Cross-linking experiments with a variant containing an A85C mutation within the Q-loop of each MalK monomer indicated an ATP-induced shortening of the distance between both monomers. Cross-linking caused a substantial inhibition of MalE-maltose-stimulated ATPase activity. We further demonstrated that a mutation affecting the "catalytic carboxylate" (E159Q) locks the MalK dimer in the closed state, whereas a transporter containing the "ABC signature" mutation Q140K permanently resides in the resting state. Cross-linking experiments with variants containing the A85C mutation combined with cysteine substitutions in the conserved EAA motifs of MalF and MalG, respectively, revealed close proximity of these residues in the resting state. The formation of a MalK-MalG heterodimer remained unchanged upon the addition of ATP, indicating that MalG-EAA moves along with MalK during dimer closure. In contrast, the yield of MalK-MalF dimers was substantially reduced. This might be taken as further evidence for asymmetric functions of both EAA motifs. Cross-linking also caused inhibition of ATPase activity, suggesting that transporter function requires conformational changes of both EAA motifs. Together, our data support ATP-driven MalK dimer closure and reopening as crucial steps in the translocation cycle of the intact maltose transporter and are discussed with respect to a current model.  相似文献   
Uptake of modified lipoproteins by macrophages causes foam cell formation and promotes atherosclerosis. Atherogenic lipoproteins are cytotoxic and induce cell death under certain conditions but may also enhance macrophage survival. Macrophages treated with enzymatically modified LDL (E-LDL) were subjected to GeneChip analysis and the antiapoptotic gene TOSO was found induced. TOSO mRNA is upregulated and apoptosis is reduced in E-LDL but not in oxidized LDL (Ox-LDL) loaded macrophages. FLIP(L) abundance was suggested to mediate the antiapoptotic properties of TOSO; however, FLIP(L) was not changed. Ox-LDL is internalized predominantly by scavenger receptors such as CD36 while E-LDL particles are preferentially internalized by Fc- and complement-receptor dependent phagocytosis and internalization of phagobeads by macrophages upregulates TOSO. In COS-7 cells however, phagocytotic activity was not affected by TOSO. These data indicate that E-LDL-generated foam cells are protected from cell death most likely through the expression of TOSO by a FLIP(L) independent mechanism.  相似文献   
Strength training with low load under conditions of vascular occlusion has been proposed as an alternative to heavy-resistance exercise in the rehabilitation setting, when large forces acting upon the musculoskeletal system are unwanted. Little is known, however, about the relative intensity at which occlusion of blood flow significantly reduces dynamic muscular endurance and, hence, when it may increase the training effect. The purpose of this study was to investigate endurance during dynamic knee extension at different loads with and without cuff occlusion. Sixteen subjects (20-45 years of age) with strength-training experience were recruited. At 4 test sessions, the subjects performed unilateral knee extensions to failure with and without a pressure cuff around the thigh at 20, 30, 40, and 50% of their 1 repetition maximum (1RM). The pressure cuff was inflated to 200 mm Hg during exercise with occlusion. Significant differences in the number of repetitions performed were found between occluded and nonoccluded conditions for loads of 20, 30, and 40% of 1RM (p < 0.01) but not for the 50% load (p = 0.465). Thus, the application of a pressure cuff around the thigh appears to reduce dynamic knee extension endurance more at a low load than at a moderate load. These results may have implications regarding when it could be useful to apply a tourniquet in order to increase the rate of fatigue and perhaps also the resulting training effect. However, the short- and long-term safety of training under ischemic conditions needs to be addressed in both healthy and less healthy populations. Furthermore, the high acute pain ratings and the delayed-onset muscle soreness associated with this type of training may limit its potential use to highly motivated individuals.  相似文献   
Growth hormone (GH) and anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are commonly used in sports communities. Several studies have suggested an association between GH and AAS. We have investigated the impact of GH in rats treated with nandrolone decanoate (ND). Male Wistar rats received ND (15 mg/kg) every third day during three weeks and were subsequently treated with recombinant human GH (1.0 IU/kg) for ten consecutive days. Plasma samples were collected and peripheral organs (i.e. heart, liver, testis and thymus) were dissected and weighed. Concentration of thirteen endogenous steroids was measured in the rat plasma samples using high specificity LC–MS/MS methods. Seven steroids were detected and quantified, and concentrations of estrone, testosterone, and androstenedione were significantly different among the groups, while concentrations of pregnenolone, DHEA, 17-hydroxyprogesterone and corticosterone were not altered. Administration of rhGH alone altered the plasma steroid distribution, and the results demonstrated significantly increased concentrations of plasma estrone as well as decreased concentrations of testosterone and androstenedione in the ND-treated rats. Administration of rhGH to ND-pretreated rats did not reverse the alteration of the steroid distribution induced by ND. Administration of ND decreased the weight of the thymus, and addition of rhGH did not reverse this reduction. However, rhGH administration induced an enlargement of thymus. Taken together, the plasma steroid profile differed in the four groups, i.e. control, AAS, rhGH and the combination of AAS and rhGH treatment.  相似文献   
A novel single step assay approach to screen a library of photdynamic therapy (PDT) compounds was developed. Utilizing high content analysis (HCA) technologies several robust cellular parameters were identified, which can be used to determine the phototoxic effects of porphyrin compounds which have been developed as potential anticancer agents directed against esophageal carcinoma. To demonstrate the proof of principle of this approach a small detailed study on five porphyrin based compounds was performed utilizing two relevant esophageal cancer cell lines (OE21 and SKGT-4). The measurable outputs from these early studies were then evaluated by performing a pilot screen using a set of 22 compounds. These data were evaluated and validated by performing comparative studies using a traditional colorimetric assay (MTT). The studies demonstrated that the HCS assay offers significant advantages over and above the currently used methods (directly related to the intracellular presence of the compounds by analysis of their integrated intensity and area within the cells). A high correlation was found between the high content screening (HCS) and MTT data. However, the HCS approach provides additional information that allows a better understanding of the behavior of these compounds when interacting at the cellular level. This is the first step towards an automated high-throughput screening of photosensitizer drug candidates and the beginnings of an integrated and comprehensive quantitative structure action relationship (QSAR) study for photosensitizer libraries.  相似文献   
Rhizocticins and Plumbemycins are natural phosphonate antibiotics produced by the bacterial strains Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 and Streptomyces plumbeus, respectively. Up to now, these potential threonine synthase inhibitors have only been synthesized under enzymatic catalysis. Here we report the chemical stereoselective synthesis of the non-proteinogenic (S,Z)-2-amino-5-phosphonopent-3-enoic acid [(S,Z)-APPA] and its use for the synthesis of Rhizocticin A and Plumbemycin A. In this work, (S,Z)-APPA was synthesized via the Still–Gennari olefination starting from Garner’s aldehyde. The Michaelis–Arbuzov reaction was used to form the phosphorus–carbon bond. Oligopeptides were prepared using liquid phase peptide synthesis (LPPS) and were tested against selected bacteria and fungi.  相似文献   


Circulating cell-free (ccf) fetal DNA comprises 3–20% of all the cell-free DNA present in maternal plasma. Numerous research and clinical studies have described the analysis of ccf DNA using next generation sequencing for the detection of fetal aneuploidies with high sensitivity and specificity. We sought to extend the utility of this approach by assessing semi-automated library preparation, higher sample multiplexing during sequencing, and improved bioinformatic tools to enable a higher throughput, more efficient assay while maintaining or improving clinical performance.


Whole blood (10mL) was collected from pregnant female donors and plasma separated using centrifugation. Ccf DNA was extracted using column-based methods. Libraries were prepared using an optimized semi-automated library preparation method and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer in a 12-plex format. Z-scores were calculated for affected chromosomes using a robust method after normalization and genomic segment filtering. Classification was based upon a standard normal transformed cutoff value of z = 3 for chromosome 21 and z = 3.95 for chromosomes 18 and 13.


Two parallel assay development studies using a total of more than 1900 ccf DNA samples were performed to evaluate the technical feasibility of automating library preparation and increasing the sample multiplexing level. These processes were subsequently combined and a study of 1587 samples was completed to verify the stability of the process-optimized assay. Finally, an unblinded clinical evaluation of 1269 euploid and aneuploid samples utilizing this high-throughput assay coupled to improved bioinformatic procedures was performed. We were able to correctly detect all aneuploid cases with extremely low false positive rates of 0.09%, <0.01%, and 0.08% for trisomies 21, 18, and 13, respectively.


These data suggest that the developed laboratory methods in concert with improved bioinformatic approaches enable higher sample throughput while maintaining high classification accuracy.  相似文献   


To investigate the accuracy of three clinical scales for predicting severe disease (severe dehydration or death) in children with diarrhea in a resource-limited setting.


Participants included 178 children admitted to three Rwandan hospitals with diarrhea. A local physician or nurse assessed each child on arrival using the World Health Organization (WHO) severe dehydration scale and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) scale. Children were weighed on arrival and daily until they achieved a stable weight, with a 10% increase between admission weight and stable weight considered severe dehydration. The Clinical Dehydration Scale was then constructed post-hoc using the data collected for the other two scales. Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed for each scale compared to the composite outcome of severe dehydration or death.


The WHO severe dehydration scale, CDC scale, and Clinical Dehydration Scale had areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) of 0.72 (95% CI 0.60, 0.85), 0.73 (95% CI 0.62, 0.84), and 0.80 (95% CI 0.71, 0.89), respectively, in the full cohort. Only the Clinical Dehydration Scale was a significant predictor of severe disease when used in infants, with an AUC of 0.77 (95% CI 0.61, 0.93), and when used by nurses, with an AUC of 0.78 (95% CI 0.63, 0.93).


While all three scales were moderate predictors of severe disease in children with diarrhea, scale accuracy varied based on provider training and age of the child. Future research should focus on developing or validating clinical tools that can be used accurately by nurses and other less-skilled providers to assess all children with diarrhea in resource-limited settings.  相似文献   
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