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Zusammenfassung Die Cuticula von Triops cancriformis besteht aus Endo-, Exo- und Epicuticula. Die Epicuticula ist aus vier Schichten aufgebaut, die Exocuticula aus 10 und die Endocuticula aus 60–80. Die Schichten der Endocuticula sind aus annähernd oberflächenparallel verlaufenden Mikrofibrillen, die zu Lamellulae zusammentreten, gebildet. Diese Lamellulae atehen senkrecht zur Oberfläche. Die Lamellulae der einzelnen Lagen verlaufen im rechten Winkel zu denen der Nachbarlagen. In Sinnesborsten verläuft so ein Teil der Fibrillen in Längsrichtung, der andere quer zur Längsachse.Polysaccharide finden sich in den Lamellulae, in zwei Schichten der Epicuticula, den Desmosomen und als Glykogengranula in Epidermiszellen.Die Häutung zeigt anscheinend keine Besonderheiten gegenüber anderen Arthropoden.
Ultrastructure and polysaccharide content of the cuticle of Triops cancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca) during the Molting preparation
Summary The cuticle of Triops cancriformis consists of endo-, exo- and epicuticle. The epicuticle comprises 4 layers, the epocuticle 10 and the endocuticle 60–80 layers. The layers of the endocuticle consist of microfibrils. These microfibrils are almost parallel to the surface of the cuticle and merge into lamellulae. These lamellulae run vertical to the surface. The lamellulae in any one layer are at right angles to the lamellulae in the neighbouring layers. Thus, some of the fibrils in sensory setae are parallel to the longitudinal axis and others are perpendicular to it.Polysaccharides are found in the lamellulae, in two layers of the epicuticle, in the attachment regions and in the glycogen deposits in the epidermis cells.The molting process seems to be similar to the molting process of other arthropoda.
Summary The isolation, morphology and growth chracteristics of pure cultures of a Thiothece, Lamprocystis and Thiodictyon strain are described.Their carotenoid composition is reported. The Thiothece strain produced in addition to okenone (1), several related ketocarotenoids, among which a demethylated okenone (6) was identified by a small scale total synthesis. Thiodictyon and Lamprocystis produced carotenoids of the rhodopinal (previously warmingone) series, the latter organism contained as major carotenoids a lycopenol (4), not previously found in Nature, and a cross-conjugated lycopenal (2), previously called anhydro-warmingone.Part 7. Acta chem. scand. 21, 2185 (1967).  相似文献   
Peptide antibiotics containing lanthionine and 3-methyllanthionine bridges, named lantibiotics are of increasing interest. A new lantibiotic, gallidermin, has been isolated from Staphyloccus gallinarum. Here we report the isolation of its structural gene which we name gdmA. In all lantibiotics so far studied genetically, three peptides can be formally distinguished: (i) the primary translation product, which we call the prepeptide; (ii) the propeptide lacking the leader sequence and (iii) the mature lantibiotic. Unlike the plasmid-coded epidermin, gdmA is located on the chromosome. The gdmA locus codes for a 52 amino acid residue prepeptide, consisting of an alpha-helical leader sequence of hydrophilic character, which is separated from the C-terminus (propeptide) by a characteristic proteolytic processing site (Pro-2 Arg-1 Ile1). Although pro-gallidermin differs from pro-epidermin (a recently isolated lantibiotic) only by a single amino acid residue exchange. Leu instead of Ile, the N-terminus of the prepeptide differs by an additional two exchanges.  相似文献   
Peroxisome proliferators, and especially hypolipidemic drugs such as ciprofibrate, are known to be hepatocarcinogens in rodents, but their effect in humans is controversial. In an attempt to investigate the effects of ciprofibrate at a cellular level, the analysis of individual whole cells was performed by flow cytometry on samples from two hepatic-derived cell lines: the rat Fao cell line and the human HepG2 cell line. The increase of light scatter signals in rat Fao cells treated for 3 days with ciprofibrate at 250 μMwas related to modifications of intrinsic cellular parameters, such as size and cytoplasmic granularity. Conversely, no variations appeared in human HepG2-treated cells. Moreover, the study of the cell cycle distribution of asynchronously growing cells showed an increase in the percentage of proliferative cells in Fao-treated cells, but not in HepG2-treated cells. In order to give a simultaneous assessment of changes in cellular parameters and cell metabolism, these flow cytometric experiments were completed with the measurements of the palmitoyl–CoA oxidase activity, used as a marker of peroxisome proliferation. The cellular modifications in the rat Fao cell line were accompanied by a great increase in this enzymatic activity, whereas the human HepG2 cell line, which failed to exhibit changes of cytometric data, presented no, or weak, increase in this oxidase activity. The cellular modifications observed in the rat Fao cell line may be related to the well-known hepatocarcinogenicity of ciprofibrate in rodents, whereas the absence of response of HepG2 cells is in favor of the noncarcinogenicity of this drug in humans. This report validates another methodological approach for the investigation of the safety of peroxisome proliferators in humans.  相似文献   
Summary Cytosolic proteins as components of the physiological mitochondrial environment were substituted by dextrans added to media normally used for incubation of isolated mitochondria. Under these conditions the volume of the intermembrane space decreases and the contact sites between the both mitochondrial membranes increase drastically. These morphological changes are accompanied by a reduced permeability of the mitochondrial outer compartment for adenine nucleotides as it was shown by extensive kinetic studies of mitochondrial enzymes (oxidative phosphorylation, mi-creatine kinase, mi-adenylate kinase). The decreased permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane causes increased rate dependent concentration gradients in the micromolar range for adenine nucleotides between the intermembrane space and the extramitochondrial space. Although all metabolites crossing the outer membrane exhibit the same concentration gradients, considerable compartmentations are detectable for ADP only due to its low extramitochondrial concentration. The consequences of ADP-compartmentation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space for ADP-channelling into the mitochondria are discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper the cloning of a full-length cDNA clone encoding the PmSUC2 sucrose-H+ symporter from Plantago major is described. This plant allows the simple preparation of vascular bundles from the basal regions of fully developed source leaves and thus a separation of vascular and non-vascular tissue. A cDNA library was constructed from poly(A)+ RNA isolated from vascular bundles and used for the subsequent cloning of cDNAs. The respective mRNA is specifically expressed in the vascular bundles as shown on Northern blots of total RNA from vascular and non-vascular tissues. The PmSUC2 protein has 12 putative transmembrane helices and is highly homologous to other plant sucrose transporters. Substrate specificity and energy dependence of the transporter encoded by this cDNA were determined by expression in baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The PmSUC2 protein catalyses the transport of sucrose into transgenic yeast cells. Invertase null mutants of yeast expressing PmSUC2 accumulate sucrose more than 200-fold. This transport was sensitive to uncouplers or SH-group inhibitors. Plasma membranes from yeast cells expressing the PmSUC2 protein were purified and fused to proteoliposomes containing cytochrome-c-oxidase. In this system sucrose is accumulated only when proton motive force is generated, indicating that PmSUC2 is a sucrose-H+ symporter. The apparent molecular weight of the PmSUC2 protein is 35 kDa on 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The presented data strongly support the theory of phloem loading from the apoplastic space by a sucrose-H+ symporter.  相似文献   
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