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The mechanism of inhalation anesthesia remains to be fully elucidated. While certain neuronal membrane proteins are considered sites of action, cytosolic proteins may also be targets. We hypothesize that inhaled anesthetics may act via glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which has recently been shown to participate in neuronal inhibition. We examined the effects of sevoflurane, a halogenated ether anesthetic, on the catalytic and fluorescence properties of GAPDH. Initial rates of oxidoreductase activity decreased approximately 30% at saturating levels of sevoflurane. NADH-stimulated oxidoreductase activity (25 μM NADH; 0.8 mM NAD+) increased with sevoflurane. Sevoflurane quenched tryptophan fluorescence emission and increased polarization. Additionally, sevoflurane increased the susceptibility of GAPDH to thermal denaturation suggesting an effect on conformation. Our findings warrant further research on sevoflurane's effect on GAPDH and indicate that this approach may lead to delineation of a novel contribution to the mechanism of anesthesia.  相似文献   
Colonization by Helicobacter species is commonly noted in many mammals. These infections often remain unrecognized, but can cause severe health complications or more subtle host immune perturbations. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize putative novel Helicobacter spp. from Bengal tigers in Thailand. Morphological investigation (Gram-staining and electron microscopy) and genetic studies (16SrRNA, 23SrRNA, flagellin, urease and prophage gene analyses, RAPD DNA fingerprinting and restriction fragment polymorphisms) as well as Western blotting were used to characterize the isolated Helicobacters. Electron microscopy revealed spiral-shaped bacteria, which varied in length (2.5–6 µm) and contained up to four monopolar sheathed flagella. The 16SrRNA, 23SrRNA, sequencing and protein expression analyses identified novel H. acinonychis isolates closely related to H. pylori. These Asian isolates are genetically very similar to H. acinonychis strains of other big cats (cheetahs, lions, lion-tiger hybrid and other tigers) from North America and Europe, which is remarkable in the context of the great genetic diversity among worldwide H. pylori strains. We also found by immunoblotting that the Bengal tiger isolates express UreaseA/B, flagellin, BabA adhesin, neutrophil-activating protein NapA, HtrA protease, γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase GGT, Slt lytic transglycosylase and two DNA transfer relaxase orthologs that were known from H. pylori, but not the cag pathogenicity island, nor CagA, VacA, SabA, DupA or OipA proteins. These results give fresh insights into H. acinonychis genetics and the expression of potential pathogenicity-associated factors and their possible pathophysiological relevance in related gastric infections.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing health care utilization behavior for children with mild or severe disease symptoms in rural Ghana. Between March and September 2008 a cross-sectional health care utilization survey was conducted and 8,715 caregivers were interviewed regarding their intended behavior in case their children had mild or severe fever or diarrhea. To show associations between hospital attendance and further independent factors (e.g. travel distance or socio-economic status) prevalence ratios were calculated for the four disease symptoms. A Poisson regression model was used to control for potential confounding. Frequency of hospital attendance decreased constantly with increasing distance to the health facility. Being enrolled in the national health insurance scheme increased the intention to attend a hospital. The effect of the other factors diminished in the Poisson regression if modeled together with travel distance. The observed associations weakened with increasing severity of symptoms, which indicates that barriers to visit a hospital are less important if children experience a more serious illness. As shown in other studies, travel distance to a health care provider had the strongest effect on health care utilization. Studies to identify local barriers to access health care services are important to inform health policy making as they identify deprived populations with low access to health services and to early treatment.  相似文献   


The antineoplastic efficacy of anthracyclines is limited by their cardiac toxicity. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity of doxorubicin, non-pegylated liposomal-delivered doxorubicin, and epirubicin in HL-1 adult cardiomyocytes in culture as well as in the mouse in vivo.


The cardiomyocytes were incubated with the three anthracyclines (1 µM) to assess reactive oxygen generation, DNA damage and apoptotic cell death. CF-1 mice (10/group) received doxorubicin, epirubicin or non-pegylated liposomal-doxorubicin (10 mg/kg) and cardiac function was monitored by Doppler echocardiography to measure left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (CO) both prior to and 10 days after drug treatment.


In HL-1 cells, non-pegylated liposomal-doxorubicin generated significantly less reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as less DNA damage and apoptosis activation when compared with doxorubicin and epirubicin. Cultured breast tumor cells showed similar sensitivity to the three anthracyclines. In the healthy mouse, non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin showed a minimal and non-significant decrease in LVEF with no change in HR or CO, compared to doxorubicin and epirubicin.


This study provides evidence for reduced cardiac toxicity of non-pegylated-liposomal doxorubicin characterized by attenuation of ROS generation, DNA damage and apoptosis in comparison to epirubicin and doxorubicin.  相似文献   
Intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering therapy has been shown to arrest or retard the progression of optic neuropathy typical for glaucoma and can, thus, be described as neuroprotective. At present, six classes of medical therapy are employed, namely parasympathomimetics, alpha/beta-sympathomimetics, β-blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, α2-adrenergic receptor agonists and prostaglandin analogues. For several of these substances, some experimental evidence exists of a possible neuroprotective mechanism, beyond their IOP-lowering activity. β-Blockers are involved in the up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and can decrease glutamate-mediated NMDA receptor activation. Not only systemic but also topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are able to increase retinal blood flow. α2-Adrenergic receptor agonists can up-regulate the formation of BDNF and anti-apoptotic factors. Prostaglandin analogues increase blood flow to the eye, possibly including the retina. To date, evidence for a neuroprotective effect independent of IOP regulation in human glaucoma is scarce and has only been shown to be likely for the α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, brimonidine.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) 1 was crystallized in an intermediate tetrameric conformation. The crystal structure is similar to that of T. gondii NTPDase3 and represents an inactive conformation as the activating disulfide bridge is not reduced and the active site cleft between the two domains of each monomer is open. However, the arrangement of the monomers within the tetramer differs from that of the inactive form of NTPDase3 and may represent an intermediate conformation on the path of the closure motion of the tetramer induced upon activation. Proteins 2013; 81:1271–1276. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dimerization or oligomerization of the ErbB/Neu receptors are necessary but not sufficient for initiation of receptor signaling. The two intracellular domains must be properly oriented for the juxtaposition of the kinase domains allowing trans-phosphorylation. This suggests that the transmembrane (TM) domain acts as a guide for defining the proper orientation of the intracellular domains.

Two structural models, with the two helices either in left-handed or in right-handed coiling have been proposed as the TM domain structure of the active receptor. Because experimental data do not distinguish clearly helix-helix packing, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to investigate the energetic factors that drive Neu TM-TM interactions of the wild and the oncogenic receptor (Val664/Glu mutation) in DMPC or in POPC environments. MD results indicate that helix-lipid interactions in the bilayer core are extremely similar in the two environments and raise the role of the juxtamembrane residues in helix insertion and helix-helix packing. The TM domain shows a greater propensity to adopt a left-handed structure in DMPC, with helices in optimal position for strong inter-helical Hbonds induced by the Glu mutation. In POPC, the right-handed structure is preferentially formed with the participation of water in inter-helical Hbonds. The two structural arrangements of the NeuTM helices both with GG4 residue motif in close contact at the interface are permissible in the membrane environment. According to the hypothesis of a monomer-dimer equilibrium of the proteins it is likely that the bilayer imposes structural constraints that favor dimerization- competent structure responsible of the proper topology necessary for receptor activation.  相似文献   
Published topological models of the integral membrane a subunit of the vacuolar proton‐translocating ATPase complex have not been in agreement with respect to either the number of transmembrane helices within the integral membrane domain, or their limits and orientations within the lipid bilayer. In the present work we have constructed a predictive model of the membrane insertion of the yeast a subunit, Vph1p, from a consensus of seven topology prediction algorithms. The model was tested experimentally using epitope tagging, green fluorescent protein fusion, and protease accessibility analysis in purified yeast vacuoles. Results suggest that a consensus prediction of eight transmembrane helices with both the amino‐terminus and carboxyl‐terminus in the cytoplasm is correct. Characterization of two glycosylation sites within the homologous mouse a subunit membrane domain further corroborates this topology. Moreover, the model takes into account published data on cytoplasmic and luminal accessibility of specific amino acids. Changes in the degree of protease accessibility in response to the V‐ATPase substrate, MgATP, and the V‐ATPase‐specific inhibitor, concanamycin A, suggest that functional conformational changes occur in the large cytoplasmic loop between TM6 and TM7 of Vph1p. These data substantially confirm one topological model of the V‐ATPase a subunit and support the notion that conformational changes occur within the membrane domain, possibly involving previously proposed axial rotation and/or linear displacement of TM7 in the proton transport cycle. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1474–1487, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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