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Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles is an autosomal recessive muscle disease with preferential involvement of the tibialis anterior that spares the quadriceps muscles in young adulthood. In a Japanese patient with distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles, we identified pathogenic mutations in the gene encoding the bifunctional enzyme UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase/ManNAc kinase, which catalyzes the initial two steps in the biosynthesis of sialic acid. In this study, we demonstrated the relationship between the genetic mutations and enzymatic activities using an in vitro expression assay system. Furthermore, we also showed that the levels of sialic acid in muscle and primary cultured cells from DMRV patients were reduced to 60-75% of control. The reactivities to lectins were also variable in some myofibers, suggesting that hyposialylation and abnormal glycosylation in muscles may contribute to the focal accumulations of autophagic vacuoles, amyloid deposits, or both in patient muscle tissue. The addition of ManNAc and NeuAc to primary cultured cells normalized sialylation levels, thus demonstrating the therapeutic potential of these compounds for this disease.  相似文献   
Abnormal thyroid function is usually associated with altered cardiac function. Mutations in the thyroid hormone (TH)-binding region of the TH beta-receptor (TRbeta) that eliminate its TH-binding ability lead to the thyroid hormone resistance syndrome (RTH) in humans, which is characterized by high blood TH levels, goiter, hyperactivity, and tachycardia. Mice with "knock-in" mutations in the TH alpha-receptor (TRalpha) or TRbeta that remove their TH-binding ability have been developed, and those with the mutated TRbeta (TRbeta(PV/PV)) appear to provide a model for RTH. These two types of mutants show different effects on cerebral energy metabolism, e.g., negligible change in glucose utilization (CMR(Glc)) in TRbeta(PV/PV) mice and markedly reduced CMR(Glc), like that found in cretinous rats, in the mice (TRalpha(PV/+)) with the knock-in mutation of the TRalpha gene. Studies in knockout mice have indicated that the TRalpha may also influence heart rate. Because mutations in both receptor genes appear to affect some parameters of cardiac function and because cardiac functional activity and energy metabolism are linked, we measured heart glucose utilization (HMR(Glc)) in both the TRbeta(PV/PV) and TRalpha(PV/+) mutants. Compared with values in normal wild-type mice, HMR(Glc) was reduced (-77 to -95%) in TRalpha(PV/+) mutants and increased (87 to 340%) in TRbeta(PV/PV) mutants, the degree depending on the region of the heart. Thus the TRalpha(PV/+) and TRbeta(PV/PV) mutations lead, respectively, to opposite effects on energy metabolism in the heart that are consistent with the bradycardia seen in hypothyroidism and the tachycardia associated with hyperthyroidism and RTH.  相似文献   
Although a number of immunohistochemical studies have been carried out on the differentiation of chicken gonadotropes during embryogenesis, the temporal and spatial properties of appearance of gonadotropes are not clear. In this study, we studied the appearance and morphological characteristics of gonadotropes in the embryonic and adult chicken anterior pituitary glands using RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. For this purpose, we raised specific antisera against chicken follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit (cFSHbeta) and chicken luteinizing hormone beta-subunit (cLHbeta) based on each putative amino acid sequence. RT-PCR analysis revealed that cFSHbeta mRNA was expressed from embryonic day 7 (E7). Chicken FSHbeta mRNA-expressing (-ex) and -immunopositive (-ip) cells started to appear in the ventral part of the caudal lobe in the anterior pituitary gland at E8. Chicken LHbeta-ip cells were also first observed there at E8, but cLH mRNA expression was confirmed from E4 by RT-PCR analysis. The distribution of these chicken gonadotropin-ex and -ip cells spread from the ventral part to dorsal part in the caudal lobe around E10 and subsequently expanded to the cephalic lobe from E12 to E20. These cells were morphologically classified into two types (round- and club-shaped cells). It was found that the density of gonadotropin-ip cells in the caudal lobe was always higher than that in the cephalic lobe throughout the period of development. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report focusing on the differentiation of chicken gonadotropes by assessment of both protein and mRNA of chicken gonadotropin.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of an oxidatively stable subtilisin-like alkaline serine protease, KP-43 from Bacillus sp. KSM-KP43, with a C-terminal extension domain, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacements method with anomalous scattering. The native form was refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.134 (Rfree of 0.169) at 1.30-A resolution. KP-43 consists of two domains, a subtilisin-like alpha/beta domain and a C-terminal jelly roll beta-barrel domain. The topological architecture of the molecule is similar to that of kexin and furin, which belong to the subtilisin-like proprotein convertases, whereas the amino acid sequence and the binding orientation of the C-terminal beta-barrel domain both differ in each case. Since the C-terminal domains of subtilisin-like proprotein convertases are essential for folding themselves, the domain of KP-43 is also thought to play such a role. KP-43 is known to be an oxidation-resistant protease among the general subtilisin-like proteases. To investigate how KP-43 resists oxidizing reagents, the structure of oxidized KP-43 was also determined and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.142 (Rfree of 0.212) at 1.73-A resolution. The structure analysis revealed that Met-256, adjacent to catalytic Ser-255, was oxidized similarly to an equivalent residue in subtilisin BPN'. Although KP-43, as well as proteinase K and subtilisin Carlsberg, lose their hydrolyzing activity against synthetic peptides after oxidation treatment, all of them retain 70-80% activity against proteinaceous substrates. These results, as well as the beta-casein digestion pattern analysis, have indicated that the oxidation of the methionine adjacent to the catalytic serine is not a dominant modification but might alter the substrate specificities.  相似文献   
Responses of electromyogram (EMG) in soleus muscle and both afferent and efferent neurograms at the fifth lumbar (L(5)) segmental level of spinal cord were investigated during acute and chronic unloading induced by hindlimb suspension and/or tenotomy in adult rats. The soleus EMG and afferent neurogram decreased 88 and 37%, respectively, relative to those at quadrupedal posture on the floor after acute hindlimb suspension that causes passive shortening of soleus due to ankle plantarflexion. However, the afferent neurogram (P < 0.05) and soleus EMG (P > 0.05) recorded on the floor increased after tenotomy of synergists. Furthermore, the afferent input was inhibited when the soleus EMG disappeared after tenotomy of soleus. The afferent neurogram and EMG of the soleus showed correlated responses to a variety of treatments, suggesting that the afferent neurogram recorded at the L(5) segmental level reflects the neural input associated with the activity level of the soleus predominantly. The level of efferent neurogram decreased after acute hindlimb suspension but was not influenced significantly by tenotomy of synergists and/or soleus itself. The EMG and afferent neurograms remained low up to the 4th day but recovered to the preexperimental levels within 14 days, due to reorganization of sarcomere number and length, as well as the shortening of muscle fiber length and recovery of tension development. It is suggested that the levels of EMG and afferent neurogram associated with antigravity muscle are closely related to the tension development of the muscle.  相似文献   
Colicin D is a plasmid-encoded proteinaceous toxin which kills sensitive Escherichia coli. Toxicity stems from ribonuclease activity that targets exclusively four isoacceptors of tRNA(Arg) with a cleavage position between 38 and 39 of the corresponding anticodons. Since no other tRNAs with the same sequences at 38 and 39 as tRNA(Arg)s are cleaved, colicin D should be capable of recognizing some higher order structure of tRNAs. We report here two crystal structures of catalytic domains of colicin D which have different N-terminal lengths, both complexed with its cognate inhibitor protein, ImmD. A row of positive charge patches is found on the surface of the catalytic domain, suggestive of the binding site of the tRNAs. This finding, together with our refined tRNase activity experiments, indicates that the catalytic domain starting at position 595 has activity almost equivalent to that of colicin D.  相似文献   
Induction of apoptosis by ionizing radiation and CI-1033 in HuCCT-1 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CI-1033 is a quinazoline-based HER family tyrosine kinase inhibitor that is currently being evaluated as a potential anticancer agent. The present study examines the molecular mechanism by which CI-1033 induces apoptosis either as a single agent or in combination with radiation. Although CI-1033 alone did not induce apoptosis, the simultaneous exposure of cells to CI-1033 and radiation induced significant levels of apoptosis. The sequential treatment of cells with CI-1033 followed by radiation induced an even greater effect with 62.6% of cells undergoing apoptosis but this enhanced effect was not seen if cells were treated first with radiation and then CI-1033. The combination treatment induces apoptosis of HuCCT-1 via upregulation of FasL and Bid cleavage. These data suggest that modulation of the Fas-FasL pathway and activation of Bid could be useful for increasing the anti-tumor effect of CI-1033 in this type of cancer.  相似文献   
Kanai R  Haga K  Akiba T  Yamane K  Harata K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(44):14047-14056
Maltohexaose-producing amylase, called G6-amylase (EC, from alkalophilic Bacillus sp.707 predominantly produces maltohexaose (G6) from starch and related alpha-1,4-glucans. To elucidate the reaction mechanism of G6-amylase, the enzyme activities were evaluated and crystal structures were determined for the native enzyme and its complex with pseudo-maltononaose at 2.1 and 1.9 A resolutions, respectively. The optimal condition for starch-degrading reaction activity was found at 45 degrees C and pH 8.8, and the enzyme produced G6 in a yield of more than 30% of the total products from short-chain amylose (DP = 17). The crystal structures revealed that Asp236 is a nucleophilic catalyst and Glu266 is a proton donor/acceptor. Pseudo-maltononaose occupies subsites -6 to +3 and induces the conformational change of Glu266 and Asp333 to form a salt linkage with the N-glycosidic amino group and a hydrogen bond with secondary hydroxyl groups of the cyclitol residue bound to subsite -1, respectively. The indole moiety of Trp140 is stacked on the cyclitol and 4-amino-6-deoxyglucose residues located at subsites -6 and -5 within a 4 A distance. Such a face-to-face short contact may regulate the disposition of the glucosyl residue at subsite -6 and would govern the product specificity for G6 production.  相似文献   
Akiba T  Nishio M  Matsui I  Harata K 《Proteins》2004,57(2):422-431
The beta-glycosidase of the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii is a membrane-bound enzyme with the preferred substrate of alkyl-beta-glycosides. In this study, the unusual structural features that confer the extreme thermostability and substrate preferences of this enzyme were investigated by X-ray crystallography and docking simulation. The enzyme was crystallized in the presence of a neutral surfactant, and the crystal structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined at 2.5 A. The main-chain fold of the enzyme belongs to the (betaalpha)8 barrel structure common to the Family 1 glycosyl hydrolases. The active site is located at the center of the C-termini of the barrel beta-strands. The deep pocket of the active site accepts one sugar unit, and a hydrophobic channel extending radially from there binds the nonsugar moiety of the substrate. The docking simulation for oligosaccharides and alkylglucosides indicated that alkylglucosides with a long aliphatic chain are easily accommodated in the hydrophobic channel. This sparingly soluble enzyme has a cluster of hydrophobic residues on its surface, situated at the distal end of the active site channel and surrounded by a large patch of positively charged residues. We propose that this hydrophobic region can be inserted into the membrane while the surrounding positively charged residues make favorable contacts with phosphate groups on the inner surface of the membrane. The enzyme could thus adhere to the membrane in the proximity of its glycolipid substrate.  相似文献   
Ubiquinone (UQ), an electron carrier in the respiratory chain ranging from bacteria to humans, shows antioxidative activity in vitro, but its physiological role in vivo is not yet clarified in plants. UQ biosynthesis was modified by overexpressing the yeast gene coq2, which encodes p-hydroxybenzoate:polyprenyltransferase, to increase the accumulation of UQ-6 in yeast and UQ-10 in tobacco. The yeast and tobacco transgenic lines showed about a three- and six-fold increase in UQ, respectively. COQ2 polypeptide, the localization of which was forcibly altered to the endoplasmic reticulum, had the same or a greater effect as mitochondria-localized COQ2 on the increase in UQ in both the yeast and tobacco transformants, indicating that the UQ intermediate is transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the mitochondria. Plants with a high UQ level are more resistant to oxidative stresses caused by methyl viologen or high salinity. This is attributable to the greater radical scavenging ability of the transgenic lines when compared with the wild type.  相似文献   
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