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Abstract: Incubation of rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells with 4β-phorbol-12β-myristate-13α-acetate (PMA), an activator of Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C), or forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, is associated with increased activity and enhanced phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase. Neither the activation nor increased phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase produced by PMA is dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Both activation and phosphorylation of the enzyme by PMA are inhibited by pretreatment of the cells with trifluo-perazine (TFP). Treatment of PC 12 cells with l-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol also leads to increases in the phosphorylation and enzymatic activity of tyrosine hydroxylase; 1, 2-diolein and 1, 3-diolein are ineffective. The effects of forskolin on the activation and phosphorylation of the enzyme are independent of Ca2+ and are not inhibited by TIT5. Forskolin elicits an increase in cyclic AMP levels in PC 12 cells. The increases in both cyclic AMP content and the enzymatic activity and phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase following exposure of PC 12 cells to different concentrations of forskolin are closely correlated. In contrast, cyclic AMP levels do not increase in cells treated with PMA. Tryptic digestion of the phosphorylated enzyme isolated from untreated cells yields four phosphopeptides separable by HPLC. Incubation of the cells in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin increases the phosphorylation of three of these tryptic peptides. However, in cells treated with either PMA or forskolin, there is an increase in the phosphorylation of only one of these peptides derived from tyrosine hydroxylase. The peptide phosphorylated in PMA-treated cells is different from that phosphorylated in forskolin-treated cells. The latter peptide is identical to the peptide phosphorylated in dibutyryl cyclic AMP-treated cells. These results indicate that tyrosine hydroxylase is activated and phosphorylated on different sites in PC 12 cells exposed to PMA and forskolin and that phosphorylation of either of these sites is associated with activation of tyrosine hydroxylase. The results further suggest that cyclic AMP-dependent and Ca2+/ phospholipid-dependent protein kinases may play a role in the regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in PC 12 cells.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis and metabolic turnover of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was examined in a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, UCVA-1. This cell line has been shown to possess a much higher level of EGF receptors than is expected solely from receptor gene/mRNA dosage. Analysis of the biosynthesis using metabolic labeling, immunological quantitation, and inhibitor treatment revealed that the naked EGF receptor in UCVA-1 cells is a protein of Mr 130,000 that is matured consecutively as a Mr 160,000 and 170,000 glycoprotein through post-translational glycosylation. Analysis of the metabolic turnover using pulse-chase labeling and inhibitor treatment revealed that the rate of EGF receptor synthesis in UCVA-1 cells was similar to that in two squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, NA and Ca9-22, which also have high numbers of EGF receptors, but because of gene amplification. In contrast, the rate of receptor degradation in UCVA-1 cells was significantly slower than in the other two cell lines. These results suggest that the retarded metabolic turnover may constitute a unique mechanism for elevating cell surface EGF receptor levels in some tumor cells independent of gene amplification.  相似文献   
The syntheses of two new radioactive probes derived from cardiolipin and phosphatidylcholine are reported. These probes are derivatives of natural lipids and contain an amine-specific benzaldehyde in the head-group region. This functional group allows a choice of timing of the reaction (e.g., after equilibration and detergent removal) because an irreversible covalent bond is formed only upon the addition of reducing agent. These probes, as well as a benzaldehyde analogue of phosphatidic acid, and a water-soluble benzaldehyde reagent were covalently attached to bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. After reconstitution into vesicles, the lipid-benzaldehyde probes selectively incorporated into the smaller polypeptides of the enzyme, while the remaining subunits (I-IV) exhibited little incorporation of label. The accessibility of amine groups labeled under the conditions used here was independent of the structural and charge differences between the benzaldehyde probes. This suggests that all three lipid probes react with polypeptides of the cytochrome c oxidase complex at general contact sites for membrane phospholipids. A water-soluble benzaldehyde reagent predominantly labeled subunits IV, Va, and Vb and polypeptides of VII-VIII. A comparison of these results facilitates a more refined view of the disposition of polypeptides of cytochrome c oxidase in respect to the lipid and aqueous phases.  相似文献   
Effects of calcium ionophore A23187 and BAY-K-8644, a calcium channel agonist, on cytoplasmic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) and H2O2 generation were studied in cultured porcine thyroid cells. We monitored continuously the effects of A23187 and BAY-K-8644 on [Ca2+]i and H2O2 generation, using the intracellularly trapped fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, fura-2, and homovanillic acid, respectively. A23187 and BAY-K-8644 induce an immediate increase in [Ca2+]i and H2O2 generation. The A23187- and BAY-K-8644-induced [Ca2+]i responses and H2O2 generation occur immediately, reach a maximum within several seconds, and then slowly decline. The minimum doses of A23187 or BAY-K-8644 to increase [Ca2+]i stimulate H2O2 generation. H2O2 generation is regulated by [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   
Commercial cellulase preparations from Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger were immobilized on porous silica glass and ceramics such as alumina and titania with titanium tetrachloride (TiCl(4)) and on their silanized derivatives with glutaraldehyde (GLUT). The amounts of the immobilized enzymes were in the range 10-50 mg/g carrier (dry) depending on the kind of carrier and immobilization method. Their activities toward carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), xylan, aryl-beta-glucoside, and aryl-beta-xyloside were 3-53% of those of the native enzymes. The optimum pH of the enzymes shifted to the acidic side in most cases, whereas the optimum temperatures were nearly the same as those of native ones. The activity of immobilized enzyme preparations towards CMC did not change significantly during continuous operation over a periods of 60 days. Finally, xylan was hydrolyzed with the immobilized enzymes, and the sugars formed were investigated.  相似文献   
Hydrocephalic rats were found in a breeding colony of Csk: Wistar-Imamichi strain rats. In males, the hydrocephalus were serious and could be detected from 7 days after birth. Survival was 3-4 weeks. In females, the hydrocephalus was moderate, there was no abnormal external appearance, and the rats were able to mature. Ventricular dilatation was excessive in males but moderate in females. The total frequency of hydrocephalus was 34.3% in both males and females. Breeding data indicated that this disease is heritable and is single dominant and X-linked (symbol, Hyd). The female moderate hydrocephalics could be detected by progeny tests without examining brain sections. No evidence of developmental anomaly was observed in the ventricles. This hydrocephalus was classified as being of the communicating type, and this strain was named the Hyd strain as an animal model for human hydrocephalus.  相似文献   
A triple tandem repeat (TTR) consisting of 90 nucleotides exists immediately upstream of the ATG initiator codon in human thymidylate synthase (TS) cDNA (pcHTS-1). To investigate the role of the TTR in the expression of the TS cDNA, we used pcHTS-1 to construct mutant cDNA clones in which part of the TTR was deleted or an additional element was inserted. The mutant cDNA plasmid was introduced into murine TS-negative mutant cells and the relative translation efficiencies of the mutant cDNAs were determined by measuring the transient expression of TS activity and the amount of TS mRNA transcribed. The translation efficiency in transient expression of the mutants was increased by deletions covering all the first two repeated elements, and the part of the third closest to the ATG initiator codon, but was not affected by deletions of only parts of the first two repeated elements at the 5' end. The translation efficiency was also not affected by insertion of an additional repeated element into the TTR. These results suggest that the first two repeated elements at the 5' end both have inhibitory effects on translation of the TS mRNA, probably due to the unique structural feature of this element.  相似文献   
Rubredoxin was purified from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki. It was sequenced and some of its properties determined. Rubredoxin is composed of 52 amino acids. It is highly homologous to that from D. vulgaris Hildenborough. Its N-methionyl residue is partially formalated. The millimolar absorption coefficients of the rubredoxin at 489 nm and 280 are 8.1 and 18.5, respectively, and the standard redox potential is +5 mB, which is slightly higher than those of other rubredoxins. Rubredoxin, as well as cytochrome c-553, was reduced with lactate by the action of lactate dehydrogenase of this organism, and the rection was stimulated with 2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone. It is suggested that rubredoxin, in collaboration with membraous quinone, functions as natural electron carrier for cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase of this organism, whereas cytochrome c-553 plays the same role for periplasmic lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
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