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Protein translocation between different subcellular compartments might play a significant role in various signal transduction pathways. The S100 family is comprised of the multifunctional, small, acidic proteins, some of which translocate in the form of vesicle-like structures upon increase in intracellular Ca(2+) levels. Previously, cells were fixed before and after calcium activation in order to examine the possible relocation of S100 proteins. In this study, we were able to track the real-time translocation. We compared the localization of endogenous S100A11 to that of the S100A11-green fluorescent protein. The application of thapsigargin, an agent increasing intracellular Ca(2+) levels, resulted in the relocation of the S100A11. In contrast, addition of EGTA, which specifically binds Ca(2+), either inhibited the ongoing process of translocation or prevented its induction. Since translocation was not affected by treatment with brefeldin A, it appears that S100A11 relocates in an endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-independent pathway. Furthermore, the depolymerization of actin filaments by amlexanox did not affect the capacity of S100A11 to translocate. However, the time course treatment with demecolcine, which depolymerizes tubulin filaments, resulted in cease of translocation, suggesting that the tubulin network is required for this process.  相似文献   
The placenta secretes various factors in stage- and cell-specific manners. We have identified a cDNA encoding a novel protein with 124 amino acids, which was named spongiotrophoblast specific protein (SSP). SSP is highly homologous to mouse 4311, showing 81% and 59% similarity at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively. Northern blot analysis showed that SSP mRNA was first detected on Day 14 of pregnancy, peaked on Day 16, and remained elevated until term. In situ hybridization analysis showed that SSP mRNA was specifically expressed in spongiotrophoblast cells of Day 20 placenta but not in Day 12 placenta. No expression was detected from the differentiated or undifferentiated rat choriocarcinoma Rcho-1 cell line. Native SSP was detected as a 19-kDa molecule by Western blotting in cell extracts prepared from the junctional zone. SSP was predicted to be a secretory protein, because 1) a hydropathy test revealed that SSP contained an N-terminal hydrophobic region and 2) native SSP was also detected in the cultured media of junctional zone explants. To further investigate a potential signal peptide of this protein, sets of recombinant SSP were generated using a COS7 transfection system. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of secreted recombinant SSP confirmed that the N-terminal 17 amino acids had been cleaved to produce a secretory protein. Thus, we have identified and cloned a novel secretory protein, SSP, which is specifically expressed by rat spongiotrophoblast cells during the latter half of pregnancy.  相似文献   
The role of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway in the hyperphosphorylation of tau was investigated in SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of PI3K, induced transient (after 1 h) activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), hyperphosphorylation of tau and dose-dependent cytotoxicity. However, continuous inactivation of protein kinase (PK) B was observed from 1 to 24 h, suggesting the involvement of protein kinase(s) other than PKB in the phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK-3 after 3 h. In cells treated with wortmannin, PKC delta fragments were observed, and the PKC activity increased after 3 h, whereas treatment of cells with z-DEVD-fmk, an inhibitor of caspase 3, also inhibited fragmentation of PKC delta and induced continuous activation of GSK-3. It is suggested that fragmentation of PKC delta during the process of apoptosis results in the phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK-3 and consequently inhibition of the phosphorylation of tau.  相似文献   
To study the pathophysiological roles of overexpressed caspase-1 (CASP1), originally designated as IL-1 beta-converting enzyme, we generated transgenic mice in which human CASP1 is overexpressed in their keratinocytes. The transgenic mice spontaneously developed recalcitrant dermatitis and skin ulcers, characterized by the presence of massive keratinocyte apoptosis. The skin of the mice contained the active form of human CASP1 and expressed mRNA for caspase-activated DNase, an effector endonuclease responsible for DNA fragmentation. Their skin and sera showed elevated levels of mature IL-18 and IL-1 beta, but not of IFN-gamma. The plasma from these animals induced IFN-gamma production by IL-18-responsive NK cells. Administration of heat-killed Propionibacterium acnes, a potent in vivo type 1 cell inducer, caused IFN-gamma-mediated lethal liver injury in the transgenic mice, which was completely inhibited by treatment with neutralizing anti-IL-18 Ab. These results indicated that in vivo overexpression of CASP1 caused spontaneous apoptotic tissue injury and rendered mice highly susceptible to exogenous type 1 cell-inducing condition in collaboration with endogenously accumulated proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   
Hyposensitization therapy for atopic diseases has been conducted for decades but suffered from many problems including anaphylactic reactions. We previously developed a mutant protein of the major mite allergen Derf-2, C8/119S, which showed reduced binding to IgE. The C8/119S mutant was shown to exhibit more efficient hyposensitizing effect than Derf-2 in the animal model of allergic bronchial asthma. In the present study, we indicate that C8/119S exhibits markedly augmented immunogenicity for the proliferation of Derf-2-specific human T cells and T cell clones irrespective of the epitope specificity as compared with Derf-2. Furthermore, C8/119S has induced potent and almost exclusive differentiation of Th1 cells from the peripheral blood of atopic patients in vitro. Neither Ag dosage effect nor absence of B cell-mediated Ag presentation could fully account for these effects. C8/119S has been indicated to lose the characteristic beta-barrel structure as judged by circular dichroism spectroscopic analysis and to polymerize solubly in physiological condition. Heating of Derf-2 also caused less stable molecular aggregation, but it hardly affected the secondary structure and failed to induce such a polarity toward the Th1 cell differentiation. These results have indicated that the degenerate secondary structure of C8/119S leading to stable molecular polymerization is primarily responsible for the marked increase in T cell-immunogenicity and the induction of exclusive Th1 cell differentiation in atopic patients. It has been suggested strongly that the recombinant C8/119S protein can provide an effective Ag with the least risk of anaphylaxis for allergen immunotherapy against house dust mite in human.  相似文献   
Upon encounter with bacterial products, immature dendritic cells (iDCs) release proinflammatory cytokines and develop into highly stimulatory mature DCs. In the present study, we show that human monocyte-derived DCs functionally express the CD47 Ag, a thrombospondin receptor. Intact or F(ab')2 of CD47 mAb suppress bacteria-induced production of IL-12, TNF-alpha, GM-CSF, and IL-6 by iDCs. 4N1K, a peptide derived from the CD47-binding site of thrombospondin, also inhibits cytokine release. The inhibition of IL-12 and TNF-alpha is IL-10-independent inasmuch as IL-10 production is down-modulated by CD47 mAb and blocking IL-10 mAb fails to restore cytokine levels. CD47 ligation counteracts the phenotypic and functional maturation of iDCs in that it prevents the up-regulation of costimulatory molecules, the loss of endocytic activity, and the acquisition of an increased capacity to stimulate T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production. Interestingly, regardless of CD47 mAb treatment during DC maturation, mature DC restimulated by soluble CD40 ligand and IFN-gamma, to mimic DC/T interaction, produce less IL-12 and more IL-18 than iDCs. Finally, CD47 ligation on iDCs does not impair their capacity to phagocytose apoptotic cells. We conclude that following exposure to microorganisms, CD47 ligation may limit the intensity and duration of the inflammatory response by preventing inflammatory cytokine production by iDCs and favoring their maintenance in an immature state.  相似文献   
In classic cholic acid biosynthesis, a series of ring modifications of cholesterol precede side chain cleavage and yield 5beta-cholestane-3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha-triol. Side chain reactions of the triol then proceed either by the mitochondrial 27-hydroxylation pathway or by the microsomal 25-hydroxylation pathway. We have developed specific and precise assay methods to measure the activities of key enzymes in both pathways, 5beta-cholestane-3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha-triol 25- and 27-hydroxylases and 5beta-cholestane-3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha, 25-tetrol 23R-, 24R-, 24S- and 27-hydroxylases. The extracts from either the mitochondrial or microsomal incubation mixtures were purified by means of a disposable silica cartridge column, derivatized into trimethylsilyl ethers, and quantified by gas chromatography;-mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring in a high resolution mode. Compared with the addition of substrates in acetone, those in 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin increased mitochondrial triol 27-hydroxylase activity 132% but decreased activities of the enzymes in microsomal 25-hydroxylation pathway (triol 25-hydroxylase and 5beta-cholestane-3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha, 25-tetrol 23R-, 24R-, 24S- and 27-hydroxylases) 13;-60% in human liver. The enzyme activities in both pathways were generally 2- to 4-times higher in mouse and rabbit livers compared with human liver. In all species, microsomal triol 25-hydroxylase activities were 4- to 11-times larger than mitochondrial triol 27-hydroxylase activities but the activities of tetrol 24S-hydroxylase were similar to triol 27-hydroxylase activities in our assay conditions. The regulation of both pathways in rabbit liver was studied after bile acid synthesis was perturbed. Cholesterol feeding up-regulated enzyme activities involved in both 25- (64;-142%) and 27- (77%) hydroxylation pathways, while bile drainage up-regulated only the enzymes in the 25-hydroxylation pathway (178;-371%). Using these new assays, we demonstrated that the 25- and 27-hydroxylation pathways for cholic acid biosynthesis are more active in mouse and rabbit than human livers and are separately regulated in rabbit liver.  相似文献   
Several effector molecules, including cytokines, are differentially produced by Th1 and Th2 cells. We used a gene expression screen method to identify a gene encoding hematopoietic PG D synthase (hPGDS) which was preferentially expressed in human Th2 but not Th1 clones. Studies with anti-hPGDS mAbs confirmed the Th2-dominated expression of hPGDS protein. Upon stimulation with anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 mAbs, coordinated cyclooxygenase-2 expression and PGD2 production were induced in Th2 lines. hPGDS expression was also observed in a small population (<1.0%) of peripheral blood CD4+ lymphocytes from healthy adults. Most hPGDS-expressing CD4+ lymphocytes showed a typical Th2-type cytokine pattern. Our results suggest that, at the sites of Ag presentation, at least part of the Th2 cell population produces PGD2, which may be involved in various aspects of Th2-related immune responses similar to mast cells.  相似文献   
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