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Osteogenesis in the teleost was morphologically observed using regenerating scales of goldfish. Histological observations indicated that osteoblasts around the regenerating scales on days 7 to 10 were greater in size and number than those at other stages. Therefore, further experiments were carried out to examine the activity of osteoblasts in the regenerating period. To quantify their osteoblastic activities, scales on the left side of the body were taken, and the regenerating scales were then used to measure the activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), a marker of osteoblasts, on days 7, 10, and 15. The ontogenic scales on the right side of the body were also collected and used to measure ALP activity on the same days. Osteoblasts at all stages of regenerating scales were more active than those in the remaining ontogenic scales. The regenerating scales on day 10 had the highest activity. Furthermore, we found that estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA was expressed in the regenerating scales because estrogen participates in osteoblastic growth and differentiation in mammals. Therefore, using a scale culture system reported previously, the estrogenic response was examined in the ontogenic and regenerating scales on day 10. The reactivity was much higher in regenerating scales, although estrogen treatment significantly activated the osteoblastic activities in both scales. We are the first to demonstrate that ER is expressed in regenerating scales and that estrogen participates in osteogenesis as it does in mammalian bone. Our findings strongly suggest that regenerating scales can be used as a model of osteogenesis in vertebrates.  相似文献   
During bacterial degradation of methoxylated lignin monomers, such as vanillin and vanillic acid, formaldehyde is released through the reaction catalyzed by vanillic acid demethylase. When Burkholderia cepacia TM1 was grown on vanillin or vanillic acid as the sole carbon source, the enzymes 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS) and 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase (PHI) were induced. These enzymes were also expressed during growth on Luria-Bertani medium containing formaldehyde. To understand the roles of these enzymes, the hps and phi genes from a methylotrophic bacterium, Methylomonas aminofaciens 77a, were introduced into B. cepacia TM1. The transformant strain constitutively expressed the genes for HPS and PHI, and these activities were two- or threefold higher than the activities in the wild strain. Incorporation of [14C]formaldehyde into the cell constituents was increased by overexpression of the genes. Furthermore, the degradation of vanillic acid and the growth yield were significantly improved at a high concentration of vanillic acid (60 mM) in the transformant strain. These results suggest that HPS and PHI play significant roles in the detoxification and assimilation of formaldehyde. This is the first report that enhancement of the HPS/PHI pathway could improve the degradation of vanillic acid in nonmethylotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   
To elucidate the aberrant growth properties of rheumatoid synoviocytes, we have examined the gene expression profile of rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts (RSFs) and compared with that of normal synovial fibroblasts (NSF). Gene expression profile analysis was conducted with synoviocyte cultures obtained from five rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and five control cases using a commercial cDNA array containing the defined 588 cancer-related genes. The results were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR. Gene expression levels for the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and stromal cell derived factor 1A (SDF1A) are constitutively augmented in RSF compared with NSF. The mRNA levels of PDGFRalpha, PAI-1, and SDF1A in RSF over NSF were 4.6-, 14-, and 2.8-fold, respectively, by real-time RT-PCR. In fact, we found that RSFs showed greater sensitivity to the cell proliferative effect of PDGF. T his aberrant gene expression profile suggests that RSF may have retained the premature phenotype of primordial synoviocytes.  相似文献   
Summary Formaldehyde dismutase was greatly stabilized by immobilization in a urethane prepolymer (PU-6). The immobilized enzyme exhibited stochiometrical dismutation of formaldehyde to methanol and formate in several repeated reactions. Conversion of methanol to formate occurred in a reaction with an immobilized enzyme system consisting of alcohol oxidase, catalase and formaldehyde dismutase, and with an intact cell-mixture of Hansenula polymorpha and Pseudomonas putida. Furthermore, the stability of the cell-mixture during repeated reactions was greatly improved by the immobilization, the 600 mM methanol added periodically being converted to formate in a 75% yield in 12 h. The immobilized cellsystem was also effective for the conversion of several aliphatic alcohols, C1 to C4, to the corresponding acids.  相似文献   
Summary For echolocation, the mustached bat,Pteronotus parnellii rubiginosus, emits orientation sounds (pulses) and listens to echoes. Each pulse is made up of 8 components, of which 4 are constant frequencies (CF1–4) and 4 are frequency-modulated (FM1–4). Target-range information, conveyed by the time delay of the echo FM from the pulse FM, is processed in this species by specialized neurons in a part of the auditory cortex known as the FM-FM area. These cortical neurons are responsive to pulse-echo pairs at specific echo delays (Fig. 1). The essential components in the sound pair include the pulse FM1 followed by an echo FMn (n=2, 3 or 4). Downward sweeping FM1-FMn sounds that are similar to those the animal naturally hears during echolocation are the most effective in evoking facilitative responses. Most FM-FM neurons, however, still exhibit facilitative responses to stimulus pairs consisting of upward sweeping FM sounds and/or pure tones at frequencies found in FM sweeps (Figs. 2 and 3). The magnitude of facilitation is altered by changes in echo rather than pulse amplitude (Figs. 5 and 6). Neurons characterized by shorter best delays (or echoes from closer targets) do not require larger best echo amplitudes for facilitation.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation - H n CF — FM harmonics of the mustached bat biosonar signal - CF n CF components of the harmonics - FM n FM components of the harmonics - PCF n pulse CFn - ECF n echo CFn - PFM n pulse FMn - EFM n echo FMn - PH n pulse Hn - EH n echo Hn - BA best amplitude for facilitation - BD best delay for facilitation - PST peri-stimulus-time - PSTC peri-stimulus-time-cumulative - dB SPL dB re 20 Pa  相似文献   
A sensitized immunoblotting method was established for measuringsmall amounts of plant tubulin. The method involves electrophoretictransfer of protein including tubulin from SDS-polyacrylamidegels onto nitrocellulose paper, successive incubation of thenitrocellulose paper with a mouse monoclonal antibody to - orß-tubulin of chicken brain, an antibody to mouse IgGas the second antibody and the radioactive iodinated proteinA, and determination of the radioactivities of the bands onthe nitrocellulose paper thus probed. The radioactivities werelinearly proportional to the amounts of - or ß-tubulinfrom dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlings within a range of 4 to56 ng or of 4 to 32 ng, respectively. This method was used to estimate the tubulin contents of severalplant species using Vigna tubulin as a standard. -Tubulin contentsthus estimated were 25, 9, 19 and 11 µg-equivalents ofVigna tubulin per mg protein for Vigna seedlings, Daucus suspensioncells, Catharanthus suspension cells and Mougeolia cells, respectively.ß-Tubulin contents of Vigna, Daucus, Catharanthusand Mougeotia cells were 29, 10, 13 and 5 µg-equivalentsof Vigna tubulin per mg protein, respectively. (Received August 6, 1985; Accepted December 5, 1985)  相似文献   
When mouse peritoneal macrophages as well as P388D1 cells, an established macrophage-like cell line, were cultured with liposomes composed of rat liver phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine, storage of fluorescent products, ceroid-like pigments, within those cells was observed with light and fluorescence microscopy, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The amounts of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and fluorescent products in macrophages were increased gradually to reach a maximal level to between 6 and 8 days of culture. The involvement of peroxidation of liposomal lipids in the formation of the pigments was further suggested by the 6 days that incorporation of alpha-tocopherol into liposomes decreased the storage of the pigments. No appreciable formation of the pigments was observed in macrophages cultured with liposomes containing dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine instead of rat liver phosphatidylcholine. The fluorescent products formed in cultured cells were found in lipid-soluble and -insoluble fractions. Lipid-insoluble fluorescent products had an excitation maximum at 360 nm and a fluorescence maximum at 430 nm in SDS-aqueous solution (pH 7.4) and the intensity of the fluorescence was quenched at base pH, but it was not changed in acidic media. These findings indicate that the macrophages can store Schiff base fluorescent substances formed by the reaction between peroxidation products of exogenous lipids and amino compounds in the cells, under some pathological conditions.  相似文献   
The structure for trichoclin, (E)-8-(3-methyl-4-hydroxy-2-butenyloxy)-psoralen, a new furocoumarin isolated from Trichocline incana, has been established. Phellopterin and isopimpinellin were also obtained. The new side chain of trichoclin was confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
For the purpose of developing highly sensitive and convenient determination of plasmalogens, the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using radioactive iodine ((125)I) was investigated. Radioactive triiodide (1-) ion ((125)I(3)(-)), which is an actual iodine form capable of reacting with vinyl ether bond ([bond]CH(2)[bond]O[bond]CH[double bond]CH[bond]) of plasmalogens, could be safely and efficiently produced by oxidizing a commercial radioactive sodium iodine (Na(125)I) with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) under acid condition (pH 5.5-6.0), which is called iodine-125 reagent. I(3)(-) specifically reacted with plasmalogens at the molar ratio of 1:1 in methanol, and 1 or 2 mol of plasmalogens was involved in the binding with iodine per iodine atom, resulting in the formation of stable iodine-binding phospholipids. The HPLC system with Diol column and acetonitrile/water as a mobile phase was available for separating iodine-binding phospholipids from nonbinding free iodine and for separately eluting iodine-binding phospholipids derived from choline and ethanolamine plasmalogens. Using iodine-125 reagent (1.85 MBq/ml), plasmalogens were detectable at high sensitivity of 10,000-15,000 cpm/nmol, which is more than 1000-fold higher sensitivity than the classical determination with nonradioactive iodine. Plasmalogen concentrations in human plasma were measured with the HPLC system and determined as, on average, 129.1+/-31.3 microM (n=8) in a 1.2 content ratio of choline to ethanolamine plasmalogens, a concentration that nearly agrees with the value reported previously.  相似文献   
The superoxide-producing phagocyte NADPH oxidase can be reconstituted in a cell-free system. The activity of NADPH oxidase is dependent on FAD, but the physiological status of FAD in the oxidase is not fully elucidated. To clarify the role of FAD in NADPH oxidase, FAD-free full-length recombinant p47(phox), p67(phox), p40(phox), and Rac were prepared, and the activity was reconstituted with these proteins and purified cytochrome b(558) (cyt b(558)) with different amounts of FAD. A remarkably high activity, over 100 micromol/s/micromol heme, was obtained in the oxidase with purified cyt b(558), ternary complex (p47-p67-p40(phox)), and Rac. From titration with FAD of the activity of NADPH oxidase reconstituted with purified FAD-devoid cyt b, the dissociation constant K(d) of FAD in cyt b(558) of reconstituted oxidase was estimated as nearly 1 nm. We also examined addition of FAD on the assembly process in reconstituted oxidase. The activity was remarkably enhanced when FAD was present during assembly process, and the efficacy of incorporating FAD into the vacant FAD site in purified cyt b(558) increased, compared when FAD was added after assembly processes. The absorption spectra of reconstituted oxidase under anaerobiosis showed that incorporation of FAD into cyt b(558) recovered electron flow from NADPH to heme. From both K(d) values of FAD and the amount of incorporated FAD in cyt b(558) of reconstituted oxidase, in combination with spectra, we propose the model in which the K(d) values of FAD in cyt b(558) is changeable after activation and FAD binding works as a switch to regulate electron transfer in NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   
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