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We previously developed potent nonviral vectors based on complexation of lipoplexes and pH-sensitive fusogenic liposomes, which achieve efficient transfection through membrane fusion with intracellular acidic compartments such as endosomes. Because transferrin receptor is known to be overexpressed in cancer cells, in this study, we investigated the effect of transferrin as a ligand for transfection of various cancer-derived cell lines mediated by the liposome-lipoplex hybrid complexes. Results showed that these hybrid complexes with transferrin exhibited higher transfection efficiency toward these cells than complexes without transferrin, but the extent of the transferrin-induced enhancement was dependent on the cell line. Conjugation of transferrin increased their transfection activity for HeLa and KB cells, although it only slightly enhanced transfection for HT1080, HepG2, and K562. Transferrin receptors in HT1080, HepG2, and K562 cells were internalized slowly, whereas those in HeLa and KB cells were internalized quickly and actively. These results indicate that transfection mediated by the ligand-attached hybrid complex does not correlate with the amount of transferrin receptor in the cell surface but correlate with the activity of internalization of transferrin receptor into the cells.  相似文献   
Thirteen microsatellite loci were isolated from a size-selected genomic library of the surfperch (Ditrema temmincki Bleeker). All loci displayed a high degree of length polymorphism, as observed in the total number of alleles per locus (two to 23) and a high degree of estimated heterozygosity, ranging from 0.080 to 0.893. The primers developed for D. temmincki were also tested for their ability to amplify homologous sequences in D. viride and Neoditrema ransonetii. Distinct differences were observed among three species of surfperches, in both genetic variability and the frequency distribution of the alleles.  相似文献   
ADAMTS-4 (aggrecanase-1) and ADAMTS-5 (aggrecanase-2) are multidomain metalloproteinases belonging to the ADAMTS family. We have previously reported that human ADAMTS-5 has much higher aggrecanolytic activity than human ADAMTS-4. To investigate the different proteolytic activity of the two enzymes, we generated a series of chimeras by exchanging various non-catalytic domains of the two proteinases. We found that the catalytic domain of ADAMTS-5 has higher intrinsic catalytic ability than that of ADAMTS-4. The studies also demonstrated that the non-catalytic domains of ADAMTS-5 are more effective modifiers than those of ADAMTS-4, making both catalytic domains more active against aggrecan, an Escherichia coli-expressed interglobular domain of aggrecan and fibromodulin. Addition of the C-terminal thrombospondin type I motif of ADAMTS-5 to the C terminus of ADAMTS-4 increased the activity of ADAMTS-4 against aggrecan and fibromodulin severalfold. In contrast to previous reports (Kashiwagi, M., Enghild, J. J., Gendron, C., Hughes, C., Caterson, B., Itoh, Y., and Nagase, H. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 10109-10119 and Gao, G., Plaas, A., Thompson, V. P., Jin, S., Zuo, F., and Sandy, J. D. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 10042-10051), our detailed investigation of the role of the C-terminal spacer domain of ADAMTS-4 indicated that full-length ADAMTS-4 is approximately 20-times more active against aggrecan than its spacer domain deletion mutant, even at the Glu373-Ala374 site of the interglobular domain. This discrepancy is most likely due to selective inhibition of full-length ADAMTS-4 by heparin, particularly for cleavage at the Glu373-Ala374 bond. However, removal of the spacer domain from ADAMTS-4 greatly enhanced more general proteolytic activity against non-aggrecan substrates, e.g. E. coli-expressed interglobular domain, fibromodulin, and carboxymethylated transferrin.  相似文献   
Dilated cardiomyopathy often results from autoimmunity triggered by microbial infections during myocarditis. However, it remains unclear how immunological disorders are implicated in pathogenesis of autoimmune myocarditis. Here, we demonstrated that Sema4A, a class IV semaphorin, plays key roles in experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM). Dendritic cells pulsed with myosin heavy chain-α peptides induced severe myocarditis in wild-type mice, but not in Sema4A-deficient mice. In adoptive transfer experiments, CD4+ T-cells from wild-type mice induced severe myocarditis, while CD4+ T-cells from Sema4A-deficient mice exhibited considerably attenuated myocarditis. Our results indicated that Sema4A is critically involved in EAM by regulating differentiation of T-cells.  相似文献   
The highly oxygen-permeable material, poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS), has the potential to be applied to cell culture microdevices, but cell detachment from PDMS has been a major problem. In this study, we demonstrate that a combination of collagen covalently immobilized PDMS and an adequate oxygen supply enables the establishment of a stable, attached spheroid (hemispheroid) culture of rat hepatocytes. The bottom PDMS surfaces were first treated with oxygen plasma, then coupled with aminosilane followed by a photoreactive crosslinker, and they were finally reacted with a collagen solution. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements showed that the covalent immobilization of collagen on the surface occurred only where the crosslinker had been introduced. On the collagen-conjugated PDMS surface, rat hepatocytes organized themselves into hemispheroids and maintained the viability and a remarkably high albumin production at least for 2 weeks of culture. In contrast, hepatocytes on the other types of PDMS surfaces formed suspended spheroids that had low albumin production. In addition, we showed that blocking the oxygen supply through the bottom PDMS surface inhibited the formation of hemispheroids and the augmentation of hepatocellular function. These results show that appropriate surface modification of PDMS is a promising approach towards the development of liver tissue microdevices.  相似文献   
We directly evaluated the role of extrafloral nectaries (EFN) in ant attraction and herbivore exclusion by experimental removal of EFN in the laboratory. When EFN of Vicia faba Linnaeus (Leguminosae) were artificially removed, the number of workers of Tetramorium tsushimae Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) visiting the plant decreased, and the efficiency of herbivore exclusion by ants also decreased. Herbivore exclusion by ants was mostly ineffective on a plant when less than four workers visited the plant, but when more than four workers visited, the time a herbivore resided on the plant decreased rapidly with increasing numbers of visiting ants. Therefore, the efficiency of herbivore exclusion from a plant is determined by the number of ants visiting, and EFN play an important role in ant attraction.  相似文献   
Cell-cell adhesion is crucial not only for mechanical adhesion but also for tissue morphogenesis. Protein 4.1B, a member of the protein 4.1 family named from an erythrocyte membrane protein, is a potential organizer of an adherens system. In adult mouse seminiferous tubules, protein 4.1B localized in the basal compartment, especially in the attaching region of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. Protein 4.1B localization and appearance were not different in each spermatogenic stage. Developmentally, protein 4.1B was not detected at postnatal day 3 (P3), was diffusely localized at P15, and was found in the basal compartment during the third week. By double staining for protein 4.1B and F-actin, their localizations were shown to be different, indicating that protein 4.1B was localized in a region lower than the basal ectoplasmic specialization that formed the Sertoli-Sertoli junction. By electron microscopy, immunoreactive products were seen mainly on the membranes of Sertoli cells. In the W/W(v) mutant mouse, the seminiferous epithelium had few germ cells. Protein 4.1B and beta-catenin were not detected, although the basal ectoplasmic specialization was retained. These results indicate that protein 4.1B may be related to the adhesion between Sertoli cells and germ cells, especially the spermatogonium.  相似文献   
OMP85 is a highly conserved outer membrane protein in all Gram-negative bacteria. We studied an uncharacterized OMP85 homolog of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a primary periodontal pathogen forming subgingival plaque biofilms. Using an outer-loop peptide antibody specific for the OMP85 of P. gingivalis, loop-3 Ab, we found a difference in the mobility of OMP85 on SDS-PAGE gel between the P. gingivalis wild-type and the isogenic galE mutant, a deglycosylated strain, suggesting that OMP85 naturally exists in a glycosylated form. This was also supported by a shift in OMP85 PAGE mobility after chemical deglycosylation treatment. Further, loop-3 Ab cross-reacted with the galE mutant stronger than the wild-type strain; and could inhibit biofilm formation in the galE mutant more than in the wild-type strain. In conclusion, this is the first report providing the evidence of OMP85 glycosylation and the involvement of OMP85 in biofilm formation.  相似文献   
Various carbon and sulfur sources on the growth and desulfurization activity of Mycobacterium strain G3, which is a dibenzothiophene (DBT)-degrading microorganism, were studied. Ethanol, glucose or glycerol as the sole carbon source and MgSO4, taurine or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the sole sulfur source were suitable for the growth. In addition, desulfurization activity was expressed in medium containing taurine, MgSO4 or DMSO at 0.1 mM, when 217 mM ethanol was used as the sole carbon source. The highest desulfurization activity was in the stationary phase cells after 5 days' growth, rather than those harvested during active growth, when Mycobacterium G3 was cultivated in medium containing 217 mM ethanol and 0.1 mM MgSO4. Thus alternative sulfur sources to DBT can be used for the cultivation of this desulfurizing microorganism.  相似文献   
Transposon insertional mutants of Listeria monocytogenes were constructed to identify genes involved in osmotolerance, and one mutant that showed reduced growth under high osmotic pressure was obtained. The cloned gene from the transposon insertion site of the mutant, named rel, was 2,214 bp in length and had very high homology to relA of Bacillus subtilis, which encodes guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and guanosine pentaphosphate (pppGpp) [collectively designated (p)ppGpp] synthetase during stringent response. The mutant showed a deficiency in (p)ppGpp accumulation. In the parental strain, the amount of intracellular (p)ppGpp was not increased after an osmotic upshift but was slightly decreased compared with the level before the upward shift. The reduced osmotolerance of the mutant was restored to a level almost equal to that of the parent strain when the chromosomal region that included rel of L. monocytogenes was introduced into the mutant. After exposure to methyl glucoside, the rel mutant accumulated (p)ppGpp at a higher level than the basal level and partially restored the ability to grow in NaCl-supplemented brain heart infusion broth. The mutant was found to grow in chemically defined minimal medium supplemented with glycine betaine or carnitine, so-called compatible solutes, and 4% NaCl. Our results suggest that the appropriate intracellular concentration of (p)ppGpp is essential for full osmotolerance in L. monocytogenes and that its mechanism is different from that for the accumulation of compatible solutes.  相似文献   
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