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Administration of p13C- and p2H-labelled precursors to Streptocarpus dunnii cell cultures demonstrated that the naphthoquinones formed through aunique prenylation mode are biosynthesized via 4-(2'-carboxyphenyl)-4-oxobutanoic acid, 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, lawsone and lawsone 2-prenyl ether, and that the anthraquinones are biosynthesized through prenylation of 2-carboxy-4-oxo-1-tetralone at the carboxy-bearing carbon atom to form 2-carboxy-2-prenyl-4-oxo-1-tetralone,or through ipso attack of the prenyl group on the corresponding carbon atom of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid.  相似文献   
Maintenance of pathogenicity of viable but nonculturable Salmonella typhimurium cells experimentally stressed with UV-C and seawater, was investigated relative to the viability level of the cellular population. Pathogenicity, tested in a mouse model, was lost concomitantly with culturability, whereas cell viability remained undamaged, as determined by respiratory activity and cytoplasmic membrane and genomic integrities.  相似文献   
peg , on the transition zone between hypocotyl and root. Our spaceflight experiment verified that the lateral positioning of a peg in cucumber seedlings is modified by gravity. It has been suggested that auxin plays an important role in the gravity-controlled positioning of a peg on the ground. Furthermore, cucumber seedlings grown in microgravity developed a number of the lateral roots that grew towards the water-containing substrate in the culture vessel, whereas on the ground they oriented perpendicular to the primary root growing down. The response of the lateral roots in microgravity was successfully mimicked by clinorotation of cucumber seedlings on the three dimensional clinostat. However, this bending response of the lateral roots was observed only in an aeroponic culture of the seedlings but not in solid medium. We considered the response of the lateral roots in microgravity and on clinostat as positive hydrotropism that could easily be interfered by gravitropism on the ground. This system with cucumber seedlings is thus a useful model of spaceflight experiment for the study of the gravimorphogenesis, root hydrotropism and their interaction. Received 13 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 1999  相似文献   
Roots respond not only to gravity but also to moisture gradient by displaying gravitropism and hydrotropism, respectively, to control their growth orientation, which helps plants obtain water and become established in the terrestrial environment. As gravitropism often interferes with hydrotropism, however, the mechanisms of how roots display hydrotropism and differentiate it from gravitropism are not understood. We previously reported MIZU-KUSSEI1 (MIZ1) as a gene required for hydrotropism but not for gravitropism, although the function of its protein was not known. Here, we found that a mutation of GNOM encoding guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factor-type G proteins was responsible for the ahydrotropism of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), miz2. Unlike other gnom alleles, miz2 showed no apparent morphological defects or reduced gravitropism. Instead, brefeldin A (BFA) treatment inhibited both hydrotropism and gravitropism in Arabidopsis roots. In addition, a BFA-resistant GNOM variant, GNM696L, showed normal hydrotropic response in the presence of BFA. Furthermore, a weak gnom allele, gnomB/E, showed defect in hydrotropic response. These results indicate that GNOM-mediated vesicular trafficking plays an essential role in hydrotropism of seedling roots.Stationary growth is a distinct feature of plants and distinguishes them from other organisms. Plants have evolved a variety of mechanisms for responding to environmental cues, which enables them to survive in the presence of limited resources or environmental stresses. One of the most important growth adaptations plants have acquired is tropism, growth response that involves bending or curving of plant organs toward or away from a stimulus. For example, roots display tropisms in response to environmental cues such as gravity, light, touch, and moisture (Darwin and Darwin, 1880; Takahashi, 1997; Correll and Kiss, 2002; Monshausen et al., 2008). Gravitropism has been the subject of intense study, while other tropic responses of roots have been less well characterized. There is some evidence of hydrotropism in roots, but this response has proven difficult to differentiate from gravitropism, as the latter always interferes with hydrotropism (Jaffe et al., 1985; Takahashi, 1994; Takahashi, 1997). The demonstration of true hydrotropism in roots has facilitated the identification of some of the physiological aspects of hydrotropism and its existence in a wide range of plant species. However, the underlying mechanisms that regulate hydrotropism remain unknown. The limited supply of water and precipitation in many parts of the world greatly affects agriculture and ecosystems. Elucidating the molecular mechanism of hydrotropism in roots is therefore important not only for understanding how terrestrial plants adapt to changes in moisture, but also for improving crop yields and biomass production.The isolation and analysis of hydrotropism-deficient mutants using the model plant species Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) represents a potent tool for dissecting the molecular mechanism of hydrotropism. Previously, we isolated an ahydrotropic mutant of Arabidopsis, mizu-kussei1 (miz1), and showed that MIZ1 encodes a protein of unknown function (Kobayashi et al., 2007). In light of both the physiological features of hydrotropism, as well as what we have learned from genetic studies of other tropisms, it is unlikely that miz1 alone governs the hydrotropic response. In support of this, we have identified a second ahydrotropic mutant, miz2, a unique allele of gnom that confers ahydrotropic but not agravitropic growth, which implies distinct roles of vesicular trafficking between hydrotropism and gravitropism in roots.  相似文献   
The existence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium viable-but-nonculturable (VBNC) cells is a public health concern since they could constitute unrecognized sources of infection if they retain their pathogenicity. To date, many studies have addressed the ability of S. Typhimurium VBNC cells to remain infectious, but their conclusions are conflicting. An assumption could explain these conflicting results. It has been proposed that infectivity could be retained only temporarily after entry into the VBNC state and that most VBNC cells generated under intense stress could exceed the stage where they are still infectious. Using a Radioselectan density gradient centrifugation technique makes it possible to increase the VBNC-cell/culturable-cell ratio without increasing the exposure to stress and, consequently, to work with a larger proportion of newly VBNC cells. Here, we observed that (i) in the stationary phase, the S. Typhimurium population comprised three distinct subpopulations at 10, 24, or 48 h of culture; (ii) the VBNC cells were detected at 24 and 48 h; (iii) measurement of invasion gene (hilA, invF, and orgA) expression demonstrated that cells are highly heterogeneous within a culturable population; and (iv) invasion assays of HeLa cells showed that culturable cells from the different subpopulations do not display the same invasiveness. The results also suggest that newly formed VBNC cells are either weakly able or not able to successfully initiate epithelial cell invasion. Finally, we propose that at entry into the stationary phase, invasiveness may be one way for populations of S. Typhimurium to escape stochastic alteration leading to cell death.Like several readily culturable pathogenic bacterial species, Salmonella enterica has been shown to enter into a viable-but-nonculturable (VBNC) state in response to environmental stresses (25, 33). In this state, cells display integrity and activities but escape detection by conventional culture-based monitoring (24). The physiological significance of this phenotype is unclear: some authors have proposed that it is part of an adaptive response aimed at long-term survival under adverse conditions (22, 32); others argue that it is a consequence of stochastic cellular deterioration and that VBNC cells are on their way to death (4, 10, 12, 23). In any case, the existence of VBNC pathogens is a public health concern since they may constitute unrecognized sources of infection if they retain their pathogenicity.To date, many studies have addressed the ability of VBNC pathogens to remain infectious, but the conclusions of some investigators are conflicting (15, 36). In vitro experiments have shown that VBNC cells of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serovar Oranienburg can recover their culturability (13, 27, 30, 31). This phenomenon, called resuscitation, confirms that at least some VBNC cells ultimately remain able to multiply and are therefore potentially infectious. On the other hand, most in vivo studies ruled out the ability of S. Typhimurium VBNC cells to initiate infection in mice and chicken or to resuscitate during their passage in the animal gut (6, 17, 34, 35). However, one study reported evidence of the maintenance of pathogenicity by VBNC cells of S. Oranienburg in a model of morphine-immunosuppressed mice (1). An assumption could explain these apparently opposite results. It has been proposed that infectivity could be retained only temporarily after entry into the VBNC state (8, 19, 26). Experiments intended for testing the ability of VBNC cells to retain their pathogenicity cannot be fully conclusive if the inocula still contain culturable cells. Therefore, all previously published animal experiments with S. Typhimurium were conducted on populations with VBNC-cell/culturable-cell ratios around 10,000:1. Such populations were obtained after strong exposure to stress, either under intense stressing factors for a short period (e.g., germicidal UV-C for 2 min [6]) or under mild stressing factors for a long period (e.g., starvation for a minimum of 1 week [35]). In such populations, most VBNC cells could exceed the stage where they are still infectious, and the negative outcomes of infection studies could actually reflect their inability to specifically address the fraction of recent VBNC cells.A Radioselectan density gradient centrifugation technique was shown to fractionate stationary-phase populations of Escherichia coli into two subpopulations (10, 12, 18). Interestingly, the VBNC cells formed during a 48-h E. coli culture were specifically recovered in the high-density (HD) subpopulation (12). This technique thus gives the opportunity to increase the VBNC-cell/culturable-cell ratio without increasing exposure to stress and, consequently, to work with a larger proportion of cells having recently entered the VBNC state.Here, this technique was used to discriminate different stationary-phase S. Typhimurium subpopulations. We further investigated the invasiveness of these cell subpopulations by using both gene expression assays of invasion genes and in vitro invasion tests. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the invasiveness of the cell subpopulations in accordance with their cellular states.  相似文献   
The bivalve Codakia orbicularis, hosting sulfur-oxidizing gill endosymbionts, was starved (in artificial seawater filtered through a 0.22-μm-pore-size membrane) for a long-term experiment (4 months). The effects of starvation were observed using transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization and catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH), and flow cytometry to monitor the anatomical and physiological modifications in the gill organization of the host and in the symbiotic population housed in bacteriocytes. The abundance of the symbiotic population decreased through starvation, with a loss of one-third of the bacterial population each month, as shown by CARD-FISH. At the same time, flow cytometry revealed significant changes in the physiology of symbiotic cells, with a decrease in cell size and modifications to the nucleic acid content, while most of the symbionts maintained a high respiratory activity (measured using the 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride method). Progressively, the number of symbiont subpopulations was reduced, and the subsequent multigenomic state, characteristic of this symbiont in freshly collected clams, turned into one and five equivalent genome copies for the two remaining subpopulations after 3 months. Concomitant structural modifications appeared in the gill organization. Lysosymes became visible in the bacteriocytes, while large symbionts disappeared, and bacteriocytes were gradually replaced by granule cells throughout the entire lateral zone. Those data suggested that host survival under these starvation conditions was linked to symbiont digestion as the main nutritional source.The entire marine Lucinidae family, found in a wide range of sulfidic habitats, lives in association with chemoautotrophic sulfide-oxidizing bacterial symbionts, generally hosted in the gills of the bivalve. Lucinids are usually found in shallow water, such as intertidal mud or seagrasses (4, 53), in deeper water, e.g., Bathyaustriella thionipta (30), and in deep oceans at a 2,000-m depth, i.e., Lucinoma kazani (21, 55). The chemoautotrophic endosymbionts involved in such relationships are always localized inside specialized cells called bacteriocytes, and they have been found in several genera of the Lucinidae family, such as Codakia (4, 28), Loripes (39, 43), Lucina, and Lucinoma (17). Sulfur granules inside the symbiont cytoplasm have been demonstrated in most of the investigated species. The intracellular symbionts take energy from the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds (27, 56, 59) and synthesize organic molecules by CO2 fixation in a Calvin-Benson cycle, translocated to the host (18). This relationship between the host and its symbionts represents the autotrophic pathway for host nutrition (27). It has also been suggested that in symbiotic bivalves, intracellular digestion of the symbionts may be a nutrient source for the host, based on studies of hydrothermal vent and shallow water bivalves (6, 26, 39).The relative importance of the autotrophic versus heterotrophic nutritional pathway can be estimated by measuring the carbon isotope (δ-13C) ratios in the host tissue. Measuring this δ-13C ratio on a wide range of invertebrates suggested that bivalves, including members of the Lucinidae, that live in reduced sediment may obtain a significant proportion of their organic carbon from chemoautotrophic endosymbionts (4, 10, 51, 52, 57). This suggestion was in agreement with the reduced functional digestive system previously described for the Lucinidae family (2, 53). Structural and morphological studies of gills of a few lucinids (belonging to the genera Lucina and Lucinoma) strongly suggested that symbionts play an important role in host nutrition since they occupy about 30% of the gill tissue and produce most of the host energy (17). Nevertheless, an alternative pathway for feeding, i.e., heterotrophic particulate feeding, could occur in some of the lucinid bivalves, since diatoms were found in the stomach of some lucinids (57). Duplessis et al. (22) showed that particulate feeding could be an important part of the nutritional strategy in symbiont-bearing Lucinoma, as opposed to the anatomical features that gave the impression that this bivalve relied only on symbiont nutrition.In natural habitats, chemoautotrophic bivalves live at the interface between an anoxic sulfide-generating zone and water column oxygenated sediment. However, even if they are not close to a vent, these symbiotic organisms often have to deal with environments that are periodically depleted of oxygen (5, 12) and with extremely low sulfide concentration (13, 15, 16). These natural environmental variations lead to annual and seasonal changes in the δ-13C ratio, as observed for some thyasirid species (13, 14). This δ-13C ratio variation may be assumed to correspond to the capability of the host to rely on both autotrophic and heterotrophic pathways, and the preponderance of one pathway versus the other in the mixotrophic diet has been considered to be the way in which these organisms deal with changes in the chemical composition of their environment.Apart from the decrease in symbiont abundance suggested by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis and a decrease in sulfur and protein content in the gill tissue of thyasirids (20, 38, 40), little is known about the physiological status of these symbionts and the changes undergone by the symbiotic population of starved bivalves. A previous study of the population was carried out under natural conditions with Codakia orbicularis, a chemoautotrophic bivalve. This tropical bivalve lives in shallow-water sediment among the roots of seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum) (1). Like all lucinids studied so far, it is associated with sulfur-oxidizing symbionts (4, 27, 28) containing elemental sulfur in their cytoplasm (42). The bacterial symbiont of C. orbicularis, environmentally transmitted to the host (31), belongs to a single taxonomic group (Gammaproteobacteria) (25) and is shared by several other tropical lucinids (24, 25, 34, 35). Only a few data are available on the physiology of this symbiont. It was characterized by the presence of Rubisco and ATP sulfurylase enzymes and a δ-13C ratio typical of chemoautotrophic bivalves (4). Unlike other related thyasirids tested for nitrate respiration even under oxygenated conditions (37), the symbionts of C. orbicularis use oxygen as the primary electron acceptor (23). Initial investigations of the population of Codakia orbicularis'' symbiont revealed that the symbiotic population hosted by freshly collected individuals contained a high proportion of large bacterial cells containing multiple copies of their genome, typical of actively growing cells, despite the absence of dividing cells (11). It was assumed that the host could maintain a pure culture of the symbiont inside the bacteriocytes by regulating the entry and growth of newly recruited symbionts from sediment and probably regulating symbiont densities by host digestion (11).This study was undertaken to investigate the dynamics of the symbiotic population hosted by C. orbicularis under experimental conditions based on long-term starvation of bivalves, i.e., incubated without planktonic food. We set out the ultrastructural, structural, and physiological changes that occurred in the symbiont population by examining the host gill sections using TEM and fluorescence in situ hybridization and catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH). A purified fraction of gill endosymbionts was analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM) to investigate the nucleic acid content and cell size of symbionts and by using the 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) method and epifluorescence microscopy to detect the respiratory activity of symbionts. The modifications induced by host starvation in the symbiotic population are described for the period of long-term starvation.  相似文献   
Two new rottlerin-like phloroglucinol derivatives were detected from the fruits of Mallotus japonicus and identified as 3-(3,3-dimethylallyl)-5-(3-acetyl-2,4-dihydroxy-5-methyl-6-methoxybenzyl)-phlorobutyrophenone and -phloroisobutyrophenone by spectral studies. 2,6-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-4-methoxyacetophenone was also isolated  相似文献   
A series of copolyesters of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) was biosynthesized by Alcaligenes eutrophus from an amino acid, threonine. The 3HV content of these polyesters ranged from less than 0.1% to 30%.  相似文献   
Chimeric genes consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a CDNA encoding a small GTP-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (ara-2 or ara-4) and the terminator of the nopaline synthase gene were cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco leaf tissues were transformed with this plasmid via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants possessing either ara-2 or ara-4 occasionally showed morphological abnormalities in leaves and other organs. However, such alterations were not always associated with co-transferred characters, such as kanamycin tolerance, and they arose in no more than 10% of the transgenic plants. Such phenomena were also observed in the progenies of the primary transgenic plants. Despite such unusual inheritance of the phenotypic abnormalities, GTP-binding activity of the inserted ara gene products was detected in all plants tested.  相似文献   
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