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Frequent exacerbations induce a high burden to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). We investigated the course of exacerbations in the published COSMIC study that investigated the effects of 1-year withdrawal of fluticasone after a 3-month run-in treatment period with salmeterol/fluticasone in patients with COPD.


In 373 patients, we evaluated diary cards for symptoms, Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), and salbutamol use and assessed their course during exacerbations.


There were 492 exacerbations in 224 patients. The level of symptoms of cough, sputum, dyspnea and nocturnal awakening steadily increased from 2 weeks prior to exacerbation, with a sharp rise during the last week. Symptoms of cough, sputum, and dyspnea reverted to baseline values at different rates (after 4, 4, and 7 weeks respectively), whereas symptoms of nocturnal awakening were still increased after eight weeks. The course of symptoms was similar around a first and second exacerbation. Increases in symptoms and salbutamol use and decreases in PEF were associated with a higher risk to develop an exacerbation, but with moderate predictive values, the areas under the receiver operating curves ranging from 0.63 to 0.70.


Exacerbations of COPD are associated with increased symptoms that persist for weeks and the course is very similar between a first and second exacerbation. COPD exacerbations are preceded by increased symptoms and salbutamol use and lower PEF, yet predictive values are too low to warrant daily use in clinical practice.  相似文献   
This study compared the gastric emptying and oxidation of two 15% carbohydrate (CHO) solutions: a 22-chain-length glucose polymer (GP) and soluble starch (SS). Six endurance-trained subjects ingested 1,200 ml of either GP or SS while cycling for 90 min at 70% of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Whereas the calculated total CHO oxidation (GP 266.8 +/- 41.9 g; SS 263.6 +/- 28.9 g) and the volume emptied from the stomach (GP 813 +/- 130 ml; SS 919 +/- 116 ml) were similar, the appearance of the 14C label in plasma occurred more rapidly from ingested SS than from GP (P less than 0.001). This resulted in a significantly greater rate of SS oxidation than that from GP (SS 105.9 +/- 21.9 g, GP 49.6 +/- 10.2 g; P less than 0.001). Exogenous CHO oxidation from GP accounted for 19% of total CHO oxidation, whereas the corresponding value for SS was 40%. This study suggests that the oxidation of SS and GP solutions ingested during exercise at 70% VO2max is not limited by gastric emptying. Rather, it appears to be either the rate of digestion or absorption of these solutions that determines their utilization.  相似文献   
To assess the usefulness and applications of machine vision (MV) and machine learning (ML) techniques that have been used to develop a single cell-based phenotypic (live and fixed biomarkers) platform that correlates with tumor biological aggressiveness and risk stratification, 100 fresh prostate samples were acquired, and areas of prostate cancer were determined by post-surgery pathology reports logged by an independent pathologist. The prostate samples were dissociated into single-cell suspensions in the presence of an extracellular matrix formulation. These samples were analyzed via live-cell microscopy. Dynamic and fixed phenotypic biomarkers per cell were quantified using objective MV software and ML algorithms. The predictive nature of the ML algorithms was developed in two stages. First, random forest (RF) algorithms were developed using 70% of the samples. The developed algorithms were then tested for their predictive performance using the blinded test dataset that contained 30% of the samples in the second stage. Based on the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve analysis, thresholds were set to maximize both sensitivity and specificity. We determined the sensitivity and specificity of the assay by comparing the algorithm-generated predictions with adverse pathologic features in the radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. Using MV and ML algorithms, the biomarkers predictive of adverse pathology at RP were ranked and a prostate cancer patient risk stratification test was developed that distinguishes patients based on surgical adverse pathology features. The ability to identify and track large numbers of individual cells over the length of the microscopy experimental monitoring cycles, in an automated way, created a large biomarker dataset of primary biomarkers. This biomarker dataset was then interrogated with ML algorithms used to correlate with post-surgical adverse pathology findings. Algorithms were generated that predicted adverse pathology with >0.85 sensitivity and specificity and an AUC (area under the curve) of >0.85. Phenotypic biomarkers provide cellular and molecular details that are informative for predicting post-surgical adverse pathologies when considering tumor biopsy samples. Artificial intelligence ML-based approaches for cancer risk stratification are emerging as important and powerful tools to compliment current measures of risk stratification. These techniques have capabilities to address tumor heterogeneity and the molecular complexity of prostate cancer. Specifically, the phenotypic test is a novel example of leveraging biomarkers and advances in MV and ML for developing a powerful prognostic and risk-stratification tool for prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   
Defective FUS metabolism is strongly associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia (ALS/FTD), but the mechanisms linking FUS to disease are not properly understood. However, many of the functions disrupted in ALS/FTD are regulated by signalling between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. This signalling is facilitated by close physical associations between the two organelles that are mediated by binding of the integral ER protein VAPB to the outer mitochondrial membrane protein PTPIP51, which act as molecular scaffolds to tether the two organelles. Here, we show that FUS disrupts the VAPB–PTPIP51 interaction and ER–mitochondria associations. These disruptions are accompanied by perturbation of Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria following its release from ER stores, which is a physiological read‐out of ER–mitochondria contacts. We also demonstrate that mitochondrial ATP production is impaired in FUS‐expressing cells; mitochondrial ATP production is linked to Ca2+ levels. Finally, we demonstrate that the FUS‐induced reductions to ER–mitochondria associations and are linked to activation of glycogen synthase kinase‐3β (GSK‐3β), a kinase already strongly associated with ALS/FTD.  相似文献   
Mutation of the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase OCRL1 results in two disorders in humans, namely Lowe syndrome (characterized by ocular, nervous system, and renal defects) and type 2 Dent disease (in which only the renal symptoms are evident). The disease mechanisms of these syndromes are poorly understood. Here we identify two novel OCRL1-binding proteins, termed inositol polyphosphate phosphatase interacting protein of 27 kDa (IPIP27)A and B (also known as Ses1 and 2), that also bind the related 5-phosphatase Inpp5b. The IPIPs bind to the C-terminal region of these phosphatases via a conserved motif similar to that found in the signaling protein APPL1. IPIP27A and B, which form homo- and heterodimers, localize to early and recycling endosomes and the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The IPIPs are required for receptor recycling from endosomes, both to the TGN and to the plasma membrane. Our results identify IPIP27A and B as key players in endocytic trafficking and strongly suggest that defects in this process are responsible for the pathology of Lowe syndrome and Dent disease.  相似文献   


LuxS is the synthase enzyme of the quorum sensing signal AI-2. In Salmonella Typhimurium, it was previously shown that a luxS deletion mutant is impaired in biofilm formation. However, this phenotype could not be complemented by extracellular addition of quorum sensing signal molecules.  相似文献   
The history, origin, identity, chemistry and use of Evans blue dye are described along with the first application to staining by Herbert McLean Evans in 1914. In the 1930s, the dye was marketed under the name, Evans blue dye, which was profoundly more acceptable than the ponderous chemical name.  相似文献   
The aims of the work were (1) to develop statistical tests to identify whether substitution takes place under a covariotide model in sequences used for phylogenetic inference and (2) to determine the influence of covariotide substitution on phylogenetic trees inferred for photosynthetic and other organisms. (Covariotide and covarion models are ones in which sites that are variable in some parts of the underlying tree are invariable in others and vice versa.) Two tests were developed. The first was a contingency test, and the second was an inequality test comparing the expected number of variable sites in two groups with the observed number. Application of these tests to 16S rDNA and tufA sequences from a range of nonphotosynthetic prokaryotes and oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and eukaryotes suggests the occurrence of a covariotide mechanism. The degree of support for partitioning of taxa in reconstructed trees involving these organisms was determined in the presence or absence of sites showing particular substitution patterns. This analysis showed that the support for splits between (1) photosynthetic eukaryotes and prokaryotes and (2) photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic organisms could be accounted for by patterns arising from covariotide substitution. We show that the additional problem of compositional bias in sequence data needs to be considered in the context of patterns of covariotide/covarion substitution. We argue that while covariotide or covarion substitution may give rise to phylogenetically informative patterns in sequence data, this may not always be so.   相似文献   
Pseudoephedrine is without ergogenic effects during prolonged exercise   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gillies, Hunter, Wayne E. Derman, Timothy D. Noakes, Peter Smith, Alicia Evans, and Gary Gabriels.Pseudoephedrine is without ergogenic effects during prolongedexercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6): 2611-2617, 1996.This study was designed to measure whether a single dose of 120 mg pseudoephedrine ingested 120 min before exercise influencesperformance during 1 h of high-intensity exercise. The effects ofexercise on urinary excretion of the drug were also studied. Tenhealthy male cyclists were tested on two occasions, separated by atleast 7 days, by using a randomly assigned, double-blind,placebo-controlled, crossover design. Exercise performance was testedduring a 40-km trial on a laboratory cycle ergometer, and skeletalmuscle function was measured during isometric contractions. On a thirdoccasion, subjects ingested 120 mg pseudoephedrine but did not exercise[control (C)]. Pseudoephedrine did not influence eithertime trial performance [drug (D) vs. placebo: 58.1 ± 1.4 (SE) vs. 58.7 ± 1.5 min] or isometric muscle function. Urinary pseudoephedrine concentrations were significantly increased 1 h after exercise (D vs. C: 114.3 ± 27.2 vs. 35.4 ± 13.1 µg/ml; P < 0.05). Peak plasma pseudoephedrineconcentrations (P < 0.05) but not time taken to reach peakplasma concentrations or the area under the plasma pseudoephedrineconcentration vs. time curve was significantly increased in the totalgroup with exercise (D vs. C). In three subjects, plasmapseudoephedrine concentrations were not influenced by exercise. Onlythese subjects showed increased urinary pseudoephedrine excretionduring exercise. We conclude that a single therapeutic dose ofpseudoephedrine did not have a measurable ergogenic effect duringhigh-intensity exercise of 1-h duration, but plasma drug concentrationsand urinary excretion were altered by exercise. These findings havepractical relevance to doping control regulations in internationalsporting competitions.

Oxygen consumption (VO2), ventilation (VI), respiratory exchange ratio (R), stride frequency and blood lactate concentrations were measured continuously in nine trained athletes during two continuous incremental treadmill runs to exhaustion on gradients of either 0 degree or -3 degrees. Compared to the run at 0 degree gradient, the athletes reached significantly higher maximal treadmill velocities but significantly lower VO2, VI, R and peak blood lactate concentrations (P less than 0.001) during downhill running. These lower VO2 and blood lactate concentrations at exhaustion indicated that factors other than oxygen delivery limited maximal performance during the downhill run. In contrast, stride frequencies were similar at each treadmill velocity; the higher maximal speed during the downhill run was achieved with a significantly longer stride length (P less than 0.001); maximal stride frequency was the same between tests. Equivalent maximal stride frequencies suggested that factors determining the rate of lower limb stride recovery may have limited maximal running speed during downhill running and, possibly, also during horizontal running.  相似文献   
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