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The Zap70 protein tyrosine kinase controls TCR-linked signal transduction pathways and is critical for T cell development and responsiveness. Following engagement of TCR, the Zap70 undergoes phosphorylation on multiple tyrosine residues that are implicated in the regulation of its catalytic activity and interaction with signaling effector molecules downstream of the TCR. We have shown previously that the CT10 regulator of kinase II (CrkII) adapter protein interacts with tyrosine-phosphorylated Zap70 in TCR-engaged T cells, and now extend these studies to show that Tyr315 in the Zap70 interdomain B region is the site of interaction with CrkII. A point mutation of Tyr315 (Y315F) eliminated the CrkII-Zap70 interaction capacity. Phosphorylation of Tyr315 and Zap70 association with CrkII were both dependent upon the Lck protein tyrosine kinase. Previous studies demonstrated the Tyr315 is the Vav-Src homology 2 (SH2) binding site, and that replacement of Tyr315 by Phe impaired the function of Zap70 in TCR signaling. However, fluorescence polarization-based binding studies revealed that the CrkII-SH2 and the Vav-SH2 bind a phosphorylated Tyr315-Zap70-derived peptide with affinities of a similar order of magnitude (Kd of 2.5 and 1.02 microM, respectively). The results suggest therefore that the biological functions attributed to the association of Zap70 with Vav following T cell activation may equally reflect the association of Zap70 with CrkII, and further support a regulatory role for CrkII in the TCR-linked signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exists as a complex population of multiple genotypic variants in persons with chronic infection. However, acute HIV-1 infection via sexual transmission is a low-probability event in which there is thought to be low genetic complexity in the initial inoculum. In order to assess the viral complexity present during primary HIV-1 infection, the V1/V2 and V3 variable regions of the env gene were examined by using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) capable of resolving these genotypic variants. Blood plasma samples from 26 primary HIV-1-infected subjects were analyzed for their level of diversity. Half of the subjects had more than one V1/V2 viral variant during primary infection, indicating the frequent transmission of multiple variants. This observation is inconsistent with the idea of infrequent transmission based on a small transmitting inoculum of cell-free virus. In chronically infected subjects, the complexity of the viral populations was even greater in both the V1/V2 and the V3 regions than in acutely infected subjects, indicating that in spite of the presence of multiple variants in acute infection, the virus does pass through a genetic bottleneck during transmission. We also examined how well the infecting virus penetrated different anatomical compartments by using the HTA. Viral variants detected in blood plasma were compared to those detected in seminal plasma and/or cerebral spinal fluid of six individuals. The virus in each of these compartments was to a large extent identical to virus in blood plasma, a finding consistent with rapid penetration of the infecting variant(s). The low-probability transmission of multiple variants could be the result of transient periods of hyperinfectiousness or hypersusceptibility. Alternatively, the inefficient transfer of a multiply infected cell could account for both the low probability of transmission and the transfer of multiple variants.  相似文献   
The protein kinase C-interacting cousin of thioredoxin (PICOT; also termed glutaredoxin 3) protein was discovered a decade ago as a protein kinase C θ (PKCθ)-binding protein in human T lymphocytes. PICOT possesses an amino-terminal monothiol thioredoxin-like domain and a carboxy-terminal tandem repeat of a monothiol glutaredoxin-like domain. Nevertheless, the enzymatic activities of PICOT and its potential substrates have not yet been characterized and its biological importance is unknown. Earlier studies reported the presence of PICOT in several different cell lines and tissues, but its expression pattern has not been thoroughly investigated. We performed Northern blot analysis of 19 different human organs and tissues and found the expression of PICOT mRNA in all organs and tissues tested. Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of PICOT at the protein level in all organs and tissues tested and showed, in addition, that PICOT and PKCθ expression in different tissues only partially overlap. These findings support the involvement of PICOT in biological functions that are independent of PKCθ. To analyze the in vivo expression pattern of PICOT within cells of different human organs, we performed immunohistochemical staining using PICOT-specific antibodies. Analysis of breast, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, and kidney sections demonstrated a differential expression of PICOT in various cell types, with a predominant cytosolic staining of epithelial cells and low or undetectable levels of PICOT in the stroma. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:799–806, 2010)  相似文献   
Exposing vertebrates to pathogenic organisms or inflammatory stimuli, such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), activates the immune system and triggers the acute phase response. This response involves fever, alterations in neuroendocrine circuits, such as hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and -gonadal (HPG) axes, and stereotypical sickness behaviors that include lethargy, anorexia, adipsia, and a disinterest in social activities. We investigated the hormonal, behavioral, and thermoregulatory effects of acute LPS treatment in a seasonally breeding songbird, the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) using laboratory and field experiments. Captive male and female sparrows were housed on short (8L:16D) or long (20L:4D) day lengths and injected subcutaneously with LPS or saline (control). LPS treatment activated the HPA axis, causing a rapid increase in plasma corticosterone titers over 24 h compared to controls. Suppression of the HPG axis occurred in long-day LPS birds as measured by a decline in luteinizing hormone levels. Instead of a rise in body temperature, LPS-injected birds experienced short-term hypothermia compared to controls. Birds treated with LPS decreased activity and reduced food and water intake, resulting in weight loss. LPS males on long days experienced more weight loss than LPS males on short days, but this seasonal effect was not observed in females. These results paralleled seasonal differences in body condition, suggesting that modulation of the acute phase response is linked to energy reserves. In free-living males, LPS treatment decreased song and several measures of territorial aggression. These studies highlight immune-endocrine-behavior interrelationships that may proximately mediate life-history tradeoffs between reproduction and defense against pathogens.  相似文献   
The multispecies coalescent provides an elegant theoretical framework for estimating species trees and species demographics from genetic markers. However, practical applications of the multispecies coalescent model are limited by the need to integrate or sample over all gene trees possible for each genetic marker. Here we describe a polynomial-time algorithm that computes the likelihood of a species tree directly from the markers under a finite-sites model of mutation effectively integrating over all possible gene trees. The method applies to independent (unlinked) biallelic markers such as well-spaced single nucleotide polymorphisms, and we have implemented it in SNAPP, a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler for inferring species trees, divergence dates, and population sizes. We report results from simulation experiments and from an analysis of 1997 amplified fragment length polymorphism loci in 69 individuals sampled from six species of Ourisia (New Zealand native foxglove).  相似文献   
Recent work has established that for an arbitrary genetic locus with its number of alleles unspecified, the homozygosity of the locus confines the frequency of the most frequent allele within a narrow range, and vice versa. Here we extend beyond this limiting case by investigating the relationship between homozygosity and the frequency of the most frequent allele when the number of alleles at the locus is treated as known. Given the homozygosity of a locus with at most K alleles, we find that by taking into account the value of K, the width of the allowed range for the frequency of the most frequent allele decreases from ${2/3-\pi^2/18 \approx 0.1184}$ to ${1/3-1/(3K)-\{K/[3(K-1)]\}\sum_{k=2}^K 1/k^2}$ . We further show that properties of the relationship between homozygosity and the frequency of the most frequent allele in the unspecified-K case can be obtained from the specified-K case by taking limits as K → ∞. The results contribute to a greater understanding of the mathematical properties of fundamental statistics employed in population-genetic analysis.  相似文献   
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) have become a model system for studies on the influence of genetic diversity on disease. Honey bee queens mate with a remarkably high number of males-up to 29 in the current study-from which they produce a colony of genetically diverse daughter workers. Recent evidence suggests a significant benefit of intracolony genetic diversity on disease resistance. Here, we explored the relationship between the level of genetic diversity and multiple physiological mechanisms of cellular and humoral immune defense (encapsulation response and phenoloxidase activity). We also investigated an effect of genetic diversity on a measure of body condition (fat body mass). While we predicted that mean colony phenoloxidase activity, encapsulation response, and fat body mass would show a positive relationship with increased intracolonial genetic diversity, we found no significant relationship between genetic diversity and these immune measures, and found no consistent effect on body condition. These results suggest that high genetic diversity as a result of extreme polyandry may have little bearing on the physiological mechanisms of immune function at naturally occurring mating levels in honey bees.  相似文献   
Recent studies have examined the influence on patterns of human genetic variation of a variety of cultural practices. In India, centuries‐old marriage customs have introduced extensive social structuring into the contemporary population, potentially with significant consequences for genetic variation. Social stratification in India is evident as social classes that are defined by endogamous groups known as castes. Within a caste, there exist endogamous groups known as gols (marriage circles), each of which comprises a small number of exogamous gotra (lineages). Thus, while consanguinity is strictly avoided and some randomness in mate selection occurs within the gol, gene flow is limited with groups outside the gol. Gujarati Patels practice this form of “exogamic endogamy.” We have analyzed genetic variation in one such group of Gujarati Patels, the Chha Gaam Patels (CGP), who comprise individuals from six villages. Population structure analysis of 1,200 autosomal loci offers support for the existence of distinctive multilocus genotypes in the CGP with respect to both non‐Gujaratis and other Gujaratis, and indicates that CGP individuals are genetically very similar. Analysis of Y‐chromosomal and mitochondrial haplotypes provides support for both patrilocal and patrilineal practices within the gol, and a low‐level of female gene flow into the gol. Our study illustrates how the practice of gol endogamy has introduced fine‐scale genetic structure into the population of India, and contributes more generally to an understanding of the way in which marriage practices affect patterns of genetic variation. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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