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The drought-resistant cyanobacteria Phormidium autumnale, strain LPP4, and a Chroococcidiopsis sp. accumulated trehalose, sucrose, and both trehalose and sucrose, respectively, in response to matric water stress. Accumulated sugar concentrations reached values of up to 6.2 μg of trehalose per μg of chlorophyll in P. autumnale, 6.9 μg of sucrose per μg of chlorophyll in LPP4, and 4.1 μg of sucrose and 3.2 μg of trehalose per μg of chlorophyll in the Chroococcidiopsis sp. The same sugars were accumulated by these cyanobacteria in similar concentrations under osmotic water stress. Cyanobacteria that did not show drought resistance (Plectonema boryanum and Synechococcus strain PCC 7942) did not accumulate significant amounts of sugars when matric water stress was applied.  相似文献   
Streams and rivers in mediterranean-climate regions (med-rivers) are subjected to sequential, yet contrasting hydrologic disturbances of drying and flooding. Although seasonally predictable, these disturbances can vary in intensity and duration within and among mediterranean-climate regions (med-regions). Consequently, med-rivers differ in the permanence of their aquatic habitats. To persist, species have acquired matched resistance and resilience adaptations. They gain resistance either by enduring the stress or avoiding it. Community recovery (or resilience) is achieved with cessation of hydrologic stress that permits maximization of re-colonization and reproduction. Endurance strategies are usually disturbance-specific, but avoidance enables organisms to cope with both drying and flooding, and is the prevalent resistance strategy. Correspondingly, community persistence depends to a large extent on the integrity of refuges, an aspect that has so far been little explored. Existing information suggests that seasonal community succession becomes more pronounced with increasing aridity and declining water permanence. The invertebrate community in semi-arid med-rivers can therefore undergo succession through three to four identifiable assemblages, whereas in perennial streams the difference between wet and dry period assemblages is smaller. Community turnover is influenced by the intensity of the hydrologic disturbances and varies between wet and drought years.  相似文献   
Animals often search for food more efficiently with experience. However, the contribution of experience to foraging success under direct competition has rarely been examined. Here we used colonies of an individually foraging desert ant to investigate the value of spatial experience. First, we trained worker groups of equal numbers to solve either a complex or a simple maze. We then tested pairs of both groups against one another in reaching a food reward. This task required solving the same complex maze that one of the groups had been trained in, to determine which group would exploit better the food reward. The worker groups previously trained in the complex mazes reached the food reward faster and more of these workers fed on the food than those trained in simple mazes, but only in the intermediate size group. To determine the relative importance of group size versus spatial experience in exploiting food patches, we then tested smaller trained worker groups against larger untrained ones. The larger groups outcompeted the smaller ones, despite the latter's advantage of spatial experience. The contribution of spatial experience, as found here, appears to be small, and depends on group size: an advantage of a few workers of the untrained group over the trained group negates its benefits.  相似文献   
Summary Serum amyloid A (SAA), an acute-phase reactant, exists naturally as a minor protein in the sera of healthy individuals. However, its levels in sera are increased markedly during various transient and chronic inflammatory diseases, often concomitantly with accumulation at inflicted sites. SAA is synthesized mainly in the liver following the synergistic action of cytokines, mainly tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 and-6 (IL-1 and IL-6). It was already shown by us that upon interaction with SAA or amyloid A (AA), the extracellular matrix (ECM) and laminin induced the adhesion of resting human CD4+ T-cells in an apparently β1-integrin-mediated manner. Herein we have shown that the SAA-ECM complex modulates the regulation of cytokine synthesis by human T-lymphocytes. The SAA-ECM complex dramatically enhanced the release of TNF-α by human T-cells in a dose-dependent manner, reaching its maximal effect in the presence of 100 μM recombinant SAA. The SAA domain, responsible for the enhanced release of TNF-α by human T-lymphocytes, is apparently the amyloid A protein (AA, i.e. SAA2-82). Specifically, TNF-α enhanced secretion is mediated through intimate interactions of SAA/AA, with laminin. Thus, the ECM serving as a temporary anchorage site for SAA and AA seems to be involved in regulating TNF-α secretion and the recruitment and accumulation of immunocytes in extravascular, inflammatory compartments.  相似文献   
The syndrome of hypoparathyroidism associated with growth retardation, developmental delay, and dysmorphism (HRD) is a newly described, autosomal recessive, congenital disorder with severe, often fatal consequences. Since the syndrome is very rare, with all parents of affected individuals being consanguineous, it is presumed to be caused by homozygous inheritance of a single recessive mutation from a common ancestor. To localize the HRD gene, we performed a genomewide screen using DNA pooling and homozygosity mapping for apparently unlinked kindreds. Analysis of a panel of 359 highly polymorphic markers revealed linkage to D1S235. The maximum LOD score obtained was 4.11 at a recombination fraction of 0. Analysis of three additional markers-GGAA6F06, D1S2678, and D1S179-in a 2-cM interval around D1S235 resulted in LOD scores >3. Analysis of additional chromosome 1 markers revealed evidence of genetic linkage disequilibrium and place the HRD locus within an approximately 1-cM interval defined by D1S1540 and D1S2678 on chromosome 1q42-43.  相似文献   
Each cell division in Caulobacter crescentus is asymmetric, yielding a swarmer cell with several polar pili and a non-piliated stalked cell. To identify factors contributing to the asymmetric biogenesis of polar pili, cytological studies of pilus assembly components were performed. We show here that the CpaC protein, which is thought to form the outer membrane pilus secretion channel, and its assembly factor, CpaE, are localized to the cell pole prior to the polymerization of the pilus filament. We demonstrate that the PleC histidine kinase, a two-component signal transduction protein shown previously to localize to the piliated cell pole before and during pilus assembly, controls the accumulation of the pilin subunit, PilA. Using an inactive form of PleC (PleCH610A) that lacks the catalytic histidine residue, we provide evidence that PleC activity is responsible for the asymmetric distribution of CpaE and itself to only one of the two cell poles. Thus, a polar signal transduction protein controls its own asymmetric location as well as that of a factor assembling a polar organelle.  相似文献   
Lysis of virus-infected and tumor cells by NK cells is mediated via natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs). We have recently shown that the NKp44 and NKp46 NCRs, but not the NKp30, recognize viral hemagglutinins. In this study we explored the nature of the cellular ligands recognized by the NKp30 and NKp46 NCRs. We demonstrate that target cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are recognized by NKp30 and NKp46 and that 6-O-sulfation and N-acetylation state of the glucose building unit affect this recognition and lysis by NK cells. Tumor cells expressing cell surface heparanase, CHO cells lacking membranal heparan sulfate and glypican-1-suppressed pancreatic cancer cells manifest reduced recognition by NKp30 and NKp46 and are lysed to a lesser extent by NK cells. Our results are the first clue for the identity of the ligands for NKp30 and NKp46. Whether the ligands are particular HSPGs, unusual heparan sulfate epitopes, or a complex of HSPGs and either other protein or lipid moieties remains to be further explored.  相似文献   
Activity of the cat gene driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter has been assayed by transfecting petunia protoplasts with the pUC8CaMVCAT plasmid. In vitro methylation of this plasmid with M.HpaII (methylates C in CCGG sites) and M.HhaI (methylates GCGC sites) did not affect bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activity. It should be noted, however, that no HpaII or HhaI sites are present in the promoter sequence. In contrast, in vitro methylation of the plasmid with the spiroplasma methylase M.SssI, which methylates all CpG sites, resulted in complete inhibition of CAT activity. The promoter sequence contains 16 CpG sites and 13 CpNpG sites that are known to be methylation sites in plant DNA. In the light of this fact, and considering the results of the experiments presented here, we conclude that methylation at all CpG sites leaving CpNpG sites unmethylated is sufficient to block gene activity in a plant cell. Methylation of CpNpG sites in plant cells may, therefore, play a role other than gene silencing.  相似文献   
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