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In extending our previous results demonstrating critical fluctuations in electropathophysiological brain activity prior to onset of partial epileptic seizures, we used once again Hakens approach to self-organized complex systems, which resorts to identifying an order parameter. A renormalized density in phase space and a renormalized differential density were defined and substituted for the Lerner density, which we used previously. Fluctuations in electropathophysiological activity, consisting of periods of high activity recorded from both depth and scalp electrodes in six presurgical patients, were characterized on different time scales. Extension in space of the fluctuations was characterized by observing their synchronous occurrence in different areas of the brain. By simultaneously establishing the fluctuations criticality, we were observing synchronous instabilities. Criticality followed from characterizing the time course of the synchronously arising fluctuations, when approaching seizure onset (i) by their slowing, for the longer-lasting ones (up to about 2 min), and (ii) by their increase in rate of production, for those of shorter duration (up to 20–30 s). Critical behavior may be displayed in favorable cases over more than 1 h prior to seizure onset. Other effects are also described that in some cases may interfere with the simple time course of fluctuations and must be given further consideration, particularly with a view to application to seizure anticipation. Because periods of high activity are involved, any marker of increased electropathophysiological activity in the brain may, in principle, play the role of an order parameter or of an approximate order parameter, e.g., a signals root-mean-square amplitude, or its excess energy content. Such markers may be put to use for the fluctuations they display or merely for their average time evolution prior to seizure onset. We compared the time evolution, prior to onset, of the excess production rate of synchronies and of the signals excess energy content, both averaged over signal sections of a chosen duration. In view of potential noninvasive applications, those scalp electrodes showing effects similar to the observations we made at the epileptogenic focus were identified, and the time course of their order parameters prior to seizure onset was analyzed.  相似文献   
Chiral hairpin polyamides linked to a Hoechst 33258 analogue at the -position of the hairpin turn amino acid (1, 2) were synthesized on solid phase by adopting Fmoc and ivDde techniques. The DNA-binding properties of enantiomeric conjugates 1 and 2, and N-terminal linked conjugate 3 for 8–14 bp sequences were determined by spectrofluorometric and thermal melting studies. Conjugates 1 and 2 recognize a 10 bp sequence, while conjugate 3 recognizes a 9 bp sequence. Interestingly, R-enantiomer 1 exhibited 10- to 30-fold higher binding affinities than S-enantiomer 2 for the DNA sequences studied. These binding differences were accounted for by molecular modeling studies, which revealed that the amide proton nearest to the chiral center in R-conjugate 1 is better positioned to form hydrogen bonds to the DNA bases, while S-conjugate 2 does not.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that the myotome is formed by a first wave of pioneer cells generated from all along the dorsomedial portion of the epithelial somite and a second wave of cells issued from all four edges of the dermomyotome. Cells from the extreme rostral and caudal edges directly generate myofibers that elongate towards the opposite pole of each segment and along the pre-existing myotomal scaffold. In contrast, cells from the dorsomedial and ventrolateral lips first reach the extreme edges and then contribute to myofiber formation. The mechanism by which these epithelial cells translocate remained unknown and was the goal of the present study. We have found that epithelial cells along the dorsomedial and ventrolateral lips of the dermomyotome first delaminate into the immediate underlayer of the corresponding lips, the sub-lip domain, then migrate longitudinally along this pathway until reaching the extreme edges from which they differentiate into myofibers. Cells of the sub-lip domain are negative for Pax3 and desmin but express MyoD, Myf5 and FREK, suggesting that they are specific myogenic progenitors.  相似文献   
The myotome is formed by a first wave of pioneer cells originating from the entire dorsomedial region of epithelial somites and a second wave that derives from all four lips of the dermomyotome but generates myofibers from only the rostral and caudal edges. Because the precedent progenitors exit the cell cycle upon myotome colonization, subsequent waves must account for consecutive growth. In this study, double labeling with CM-DiI and BrdU revealed the appearance of a third wave of progenitors that enter the myotome as mitotically active cells from both rostral and caudal dermomyotome edges. These cells express the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor FREK and treatment with FGF4 promotes their proliferation and redistribution towards the center of the myotome. Yet, they are negative for MyoD, Myf5 and FGF4, which are, however, expressed in myofibers. The proliferating progenitors first appear around the 30-somite stage in cervical-level myotomes and their number continuously increases, making up 85% of total muscle nuclei by embryonic day (E)4. By this stage, generation of second-wave myofibers, which also enter from the extreme lips is still under way. Formation of the latter fibers peaks at 30 somites and progressively decreases with age until E4. Thus, cells in these dermomyotome lips generate simultaneously distinct types of muscle progenitors in changing proportions as a function of age. Consistent with a heterogeneity in the cellular composition of the extreme lips, MyoD is normally expressed in only a subset of these epithelial cells. Treatment with Sonic hedgehog drives most of them to become MyoD positive and then to become myofibers, with a concurrent reduction in the proportion of proliferating muscle precursors.  相似文献   
The plane of cell divisions is pivotal for differential fate acquisition. Dermomyotome development provides an excellent system with which to investigate the link between these processes. In the central sheet of the early dermomyotome, single epithelial cells divide with a planar orientation. Here, we report that in the avian embryo, in addition to self-renewing, a subset of progenitors translocates into the myotome where they generate differentiated myocytes. By contrast, in the late epithelium, individual progenitors divide perpendicularly to produce both mitotic myoblasts and dermis. To examine whether spindle orientations influence fate segregation, early planar divisions were randomized and/or shifted to a perpendicular orientation by interfering with LGN function or by overexpressing inscuteable. Clones derived from single transfected cells exhibited an enhanced proportion of mixed dermomyotome/myotome progeny at the expense of `like' daughter cells in either domain. Loss of LGN or Gαi1 function in the late epithelium randomized otherwise perpendicular mitoses and favored muscle development at the expense of dermis. Hence, LGN-dependent early planar divisions are required for the proper allocation of progenitors into either dermomyotome or myotome, whereas late perpendicular divisions are necessary for the normal balance between muscle and dermis production.  相似文献   
Our understanding of the brain's functional organisation has greatly benefited from occasional exploratory sessions during electrophysiological studies, trying various manipulations of an animal's environment to trigger responses in particular neurons. Famous examples of such exploration have unveiled various unexpected response properties, such as those of mirror neurons. This approach, which relies on the possibility to test online the reactivity of precise neural populations has no equivalent so far in humans. The present study proposes and applies a radically novel framework for mapping human brain functions in ecological situations based on a combination of a) exploratory sessions, using real-time electrophysiology to formulate hypotheses about the functional role of precise cortical regions and b) controlled experimental protocols specifically adapted to test these hypotheses. Using this two-stage approach with an epileptic patient candidate for surgery and implanted with intracerebral electrodes, we were able to precisely map high-level auditory functions in the patients' superior temporal lobe. We propose that this procedure constitutes at the least a useful complement of electrical cortical stimulations to map eloquent brain areas in epileptic patients before their surgery, but also a path of discovery for human functional brain mapping.  相似文献   
The presence of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) on the cuticular surface of the seed gall nematodes Anguina agrostis and Anguina tritici was demonstrated, and the nature of its binding was examined. Crude extracts from the cuticles of A. tritici agglutinated human red blood cells, and only N-acetylglucosamine (GlucNAc) inhibited the agglutination. Distribution of the lectin was visualized by treating live infective juveniles (J2) with rabbit anti-WGA antibody and staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. The lectin bound to the outer cuticular surface of the whole body wall. Pretreatment with GlucNAc oligomers did not reduce the fluorescence created by the anti-WGA-WGA binding, indicating at least a partial nonspeciflc adhesion of the WGA to the nematode surface. Proteolytic enzyme pretreatments diminished the fluorescence, whereas lipase and periodate pretreatments increased the fluorescence. Adult females and males were labeled only on the head and tail, whereas eggs were not labeled at all. It was concluded that the WGA on the J2 cuticle originates from the host.  相似文献   
A highly specific energy-dependent glutamate transport system was demonstrated in membrane vesicles of glutamate-utilizing Escherichia coli K-12 mutants. The glutamate transport activity of membranes from the parent strain, unable to grow on glutamate, was very low. With ascorbate-phenazine methosulfate as the electron donor, mutant preparations displayed 17 to 20 times higher activity than did the wild type. However, the affinity of the mutant carrier for L-glutamate remained the same as in the parent strain. Comparative inhibition analysis of glutamate transport in whole cells and membrane vesicles and of in vitro binding of glutamate to a specific periplasmic-binding protein suggests that under certain conditions the latter may be a component of the E. coli K-12 glutamate transport system.  相似文献   
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