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Analysis of 12 polymorphic simple sequence repeats identified in the genome sequence of Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of 'sudden oak death', revealed genotypic diversity to be significantly higher in nurseries (91% of total) than in forests (18% of total). Our analysis identified only two closely related genotypes in US forests, while the genetic structure of populations from European nurseries was of intermediate complexity, including multiple, closely related genotypes. Multilocus analysis determined populations in US forests reproduce clonally and are likely descendants of a single introduced individual. The 151 isolates analysed clustered in three clades. US forest and European nursery isolates clustered into two distinct clades, while one isolate from a US nursery belonged to a third novel clade. The combined microsatellite, sequencing and morphological analyses suggest the three clades represent distinct evolutionary lineages. All three clades were identified in some US nurseries, emphasizing the role of commercial plant trade in the movement of this pathogen.  相似文献   
Major advances have been made in the past year towards an understanding of the structure and chemistry of copper chaperone proteins. Three-dimensional structures of Atx1, CopZ, yCCS, and hCCSdII were determined, and reveal a remarkable structural similarity between chaperones and target proteins. In addition, biochemical studies of CCS suggested that chaperones are required in vivo because intracellular copper concentrations are extremely low and also indicated that copper transfer occurs via a direct protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   
In this study, we use dual‐wavelength optical imaging‐based laser speckle technique to assess cerebral blood flow and metabolic parameters in a mouse model of acute hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). The effect of acute glucose levels on physiological processes has been extensively described in multiple organ systems such as retina, kidney, and others. We postulated that hyperglycemia also alters brain function, which in turn can be monitored optically using dual‐wavelength laser speckle imaging (DW‐LSI) platform. DW‐LSI is a wide‐field, noncontact optical imaging modality that integrates the principles of laser flowmetry and oximetry to obtain macroscopic information such as hemoglobin concentration and blood flow. A total of eight mice (C57/BL6) were used, randomized into two groups of normoglycemia (control, n = 3) and hyperglycemia (n = 5). Hyperglycemia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a commonly used anesthetic drug combining ketamine and xylazine (KX combo). We found that this KX combo increases blood glucose (BG) levels from 150 to 350 mg/dL, approximately, when measured 18 minutes post‐administration. BG continues to increase throughout the test period, with BG reaching an average of 463 ± 20.34 mg/dL within 60 minutes. BG levels were measured every 10 minutes from tail blood using commercially available glucometer. Experimental results demonstrated reductions in cerebral blood flow (CBF) by 55%, tissue oxygen saturation (SO2) by 15%, and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) by 75% following acute hyperglycemia. The observed decrease in these parameters was consistent with results reported in the literature, measured by a variety of experimental techniques. Measurements with laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) were also performed which confirmed a reduction in CBF following acute hyperglycemia. In summary, our findings indicate that acute hyperglycemia modified brain hemodynamic response and induced significant changes in blood flow and metabolism. As far as we are aware, the implementation of the DW‐LSI to monitor brain hemodynamic and metabolic response to acute hyperglycemia in intact mouse brain has not been previously reported.   相似文献   
Unit Cell Hypothesis for Streptococcus faecalis   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The mass doubling times of exponential-phase cultures of Streptococcus faecalis were varied from 30 to 110 min by omitting glutamine from a defined growth medium and providing different concentrations of glutamate (ranging from 300 to 14 μg/ml). After Formalin fixation, cells were dried by the critical point method, and carbon-platinum replicas were prepared. The surface area and volume of cell poles seen in these replicas were estimated by a computer-assisted, three-dimensional reconstruction technique. It was found that the amount of surface area and volume of poles seen in these replicas were independent of the growth rate of culture from which the samples were taken. These observations were consistent with the unit cell model hypothesis of Donachie and Begg, in which a small number of surface sites would produce a constant amount of new cell surface regardless of the mass doubling time of the culture. However, measurements of the thickness of the cell wall taken from thin sections of the same cells showed that the cell wall increased in thickness as a function of the increase in cellular peptidoglycan content which occurs when the growth rate of this organism is slowed down by a decrease in glutamate concentration. Thus, it would seem that although the size of polar shells made by S. faecalis is invariant with growth rate, the amount of wall precursors used to construct these shells is not.  相似文献   
60 dental plaster casts of Jewish adolescents, half of them children of immigrants from Yemen and half of them from Cochin (India), were investigated as to tooth measurements and morphologic traits. Each group was composed of an equal number of males and females. Cochini showed a sex specific dimorphism in tooth size, a relatively larger bucco-lingual diameter of upper and lower first premolars, lower frequency of Carabelli's tuberculum and in males larger tooth measurements than their Yemenite counterparts. The variability of 2I2 was significantly higher in females than in males, and in Yemenite girls than in Cochini. The molar patterns were similar in both groups with regard to number and development of cusps and occlusal form of the mandibular molars.  相似文献   
A T-lymphoid cell line termed 221 was derived from a rhesus monkey infected with herpesvirus saimiri. Growth of 221 cells was dependent on the addition of interleukin-2 (IL-2) to the culture medium. In the absence of IL-2, 221 cells arrested in G0-G1 but did not die. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replicated efficiently in IL-2-stimulated 221 cells whether or not the nef gene was present. In the absence of IL-2, nef-containing SIV replicated 8 to 100 times more efficiently in 221 cells than did the same virus lacking nef. nef-containing virus preferentially stimulated the production of IL-2 from 221 cells. HIV-1 nef and v-ras genes, but not the c-ras gene, were shown to substitute functionally for SIV nef when tested as recombinant viruses in this assay system. These results demonstrate a role for natural nef in causing lymphoid cell activation, and they provide a system for delineating the biochemical mechanisms responsible for this activation.  相似文献   
PcoC is a soluble periplasmic protein encoded by the plasmid-born pco copper resistance operon of Escherichia coli. Like PcoA, a multicopper oxidase encoded in the same locus and its chromosomal homolog CueO, PcoC contains unusual methionine rich sequences. Although essential for copper resistance, the functions of PcoC, PcoA, and their conserved methionine-rich sequences are not known. Similar methionine motifs observed in eukaryotic copper transporters have been proposed to bind copper, but there are no precedents for such metal binding sites in structurally characterized proteins. The high-resolution structures of apo PcoC, determined for both the native and selenomethionine-containing proteins, reveal a seven-stranded beta barrel with the methionines unexpectedly housed on a solvent-exposed loop. Several potential metal-binding sites can be discerned by comparing the structures to spectroscopic data reported for copper-loaded PcoC. In the native structure, the methionine loop interacts with the same loop on a second molecule in the asymmetric unit. In the selenomethionine structure, the methionine loops are more exposed, forming hydrophobic patches on the protein surface. These two arrangements suggest that the methionine motifs might function in protein-protein interactions between PcoC molecules or with other methionine-rich proteins such as PcoA. Analytical ultracentrifugation data indicate that a weak monomer-dimer equilibrium exists in solution for the apo protein. Dimerization is significantly enhanced upon binding Cu(I) with a measured delta(deltaG degrees )相似文献   
Insulin resistance results, in part, from impaired insulin signaling in insulin target tissues. Consequently, increased levels of insulin are necessary to control plasma glucose levels. The effects of elevated insulin levels on pancreatic beta (β) cell function, however, are unclear. In this study, we investigated the possibility that insulin may influence survival of pancreatic β cells. Studies were conducted on RINm, RINm5F and Min-6 pancreatic β-cells. Cell death was induced by treatment with H2O2, and was estimated by measurements of LDH levels, viability assay (Cell-Titer Blue), propidium iodide staining and FACS analysis, and mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1). In addition, levels of cleaved caspase-3 and caspase activity were determined. Treatment with H2O2 increased cell death; this effect was increased by simultaneous treatment of cells with insulin. Insulin treatment alone caused a slight increase in cell death. Inhibition of caspase-3 reduced the effect of insulin to increase H2O2-induced cell death. Insulin increased ROS production by pancreatic β cells and increased the effect of H2O2. These effects were increased by inhibition of IR signaling, indicative of an effect independent of the IR cascade. We conclude that elevated levels of insulin may act to exacerbate cell death induced by H2O2 and, perhaps, other inducers of apoptosis.  相似文献   
The activity of L-arginine decarboxylase (EC and L-ornithine decarboxylase (EC, polyamine content, and incorporation of arginine and ornithine into polyamines, were determined in mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] plants subjected to salt (hypertonic) stress (NaCl at 0.51–2.27 MPa). Changes in enzyme activity in response to hypotonic stress were determined as well in several halophytes [Pulicaria undulata (L.), Kostei, Salsola rosmarinus (Ehr.) Solms-Laub, Mesembryanthemum forskahlei Hochst, and Atriplex halimus L.]. NaCl stress, possibly combined with other types of stress that accompanied the experimental conditions, resulted in organ-specific changes in polyamine biosynthesis and content in mung bean plants. The activity of both enzymes was inhibited in salt-stressed leaves. In roots, however, NaCl induced a 2 to 8-fold increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity. Promotion of ornithine decarboxylase in roots could be detected already 2 h after exposure of excised roots to NaCl, and iso-osmotic concentrations of NaCl and KCl resulted in similar changes in the activity of both enzymes. Putrescine level in shoots of salt-stressed mung bean plants increased considerably, but its level in roots decreased. The effect of NaCl stress on spermidine content was similar, but generally more moderate, resulting in an increased putrescine/spermidine ratio in salt-stressed plants. Exposure of plants to NaCl resulted also in organ-specific changes in the incorporation of both arginine and ornithine into putrescine: incorporation was inhibited in leaf discs but promoted in excised roots of salt-stressed mung bean plants. In contrast to mung bean (and several other glycophytes), ornithine and arginine decarboxylase activity in roots of halophytes increased when plants were exposed to tap water or grown in a pre-washed soil—i.e. a hypotonic stress with respect to their natural habitat. NaCl, when present in the enzymatic assay mixture, inhibited arginine and ornithine decarboxylase in curde extracts of mung bean roots, but did not affect the activity of enzymes extracted from roots of the halophyte Pulicaria. Although no distinct separation between NaCl stress and osmotic stress could be made in the present study, the data suggest that changes in polyamines in response to NaCl stress in mung bean plants are coordinated at the organ level: activation of biosynthetic enzymes concomitant with increased putrescine biosynthesis from its precursors in the root system, and accumulation of putrescine in leaves of salt-stressed plants. In addition, hypertonic stress applied to glycophytes and hypotonic stress applied to halophytes both resulted in an increase in the activity of polyamine biosynthetic enzymes in roots.  相似文献   
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