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Exposure to asbestos fiber is central to mesothelial carcinogenesis, for which iron overload in or near mesothelial cells is a key pathogenic mechanism. Alternatively, iron chelation therapy with deferasirox or regular phlebotomy was significantly preventive against crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis in rats. However, the role of iron transporters during asbestos-induced carcinogenesis remains elusive. Here, we studied the role of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1; Slc11a2), which is a Fe(II) transporter, that is present not only on the apical plasma membrane of duodenal cells but also on the lysosomal membrane of every cell, in crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis using DMT1 transgenic (DMT1Tg) mice. DMT1Tg mice show mucosal block of iron absorption without cancer susceptibility under normal diet. We unexpectedly found that superoxide production was significantly decreased upon stimulation with crocidolite both in neutrophils and macrophages of DMT1Tg mice, and the macrophage surface revealed higher iron content 1?h after contact with crocidolite. Intraperitoneal injection of 3?mg crocidolite ultimately induced malignant mesothelioma in ~50% of both wild-type and DMT1Tg mice (23/47 and 14/28, respectively); this effect was marginally (p?=?0.069) delayed in DMT1Tg mice, promoting survival. The promotional effect of nitrilotriacetic acid was limited, and the liver showed significantly higher iron content both in DMT1Tg mice and after crocidolite exposure. The results indicate that global DMT1 overexpression causes decreased superoxide generation upon stimulation in inflammatory cells, which presumably delayed the promotional stage of crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis. DMT1Tg mice with low-stamina inflammatory cells may be helpful to evaluate the involvement of inflammation in various pathologies.  相似文献   
Some insect species are thought to grow quickly, even in low temperatures under natural conditions, presumably by conducting basking behaviors to use sunlight. However, whether basking behavior in fact enhances developmental speed and shortens the larval period in the field has not been determined. Moreover, few studies have examined whether basking is behavioral thermoregulation or simply the result of highly‐heterogeneous heat environments in the field. To examine these issues, we conducted field observations and laboratory experiments using larvae of Parnassius citrinarius Motschulsky, which mature within a short period after the thaw in early spring. First, body temperatures of larvae were measured under sunny and cloudy conditions. Second, larval preference for warmer locations was examined. Finally, we compared the developmental speed of larvae when they basked under field conditions and when did not bask in laboratory conditions under different air temperature regimes. Under sunny conditions, larval body temperature was substantially higher than either the temperature of the host plant or the air temperature, and was equivalent to the temperature of dead leaves, which the larvae used as basking sites. In contrast, no such tendency was observed under cloudy conditions. Larvae exhibited an exclusive preference for warmer locations. Moreover, in the field, despite the low ambient temperature, larvae grew much faster than those reared in the laboratory. These results imply that the basking behavior of P. citrinarius larvae is active thermoregulation to maintain high body temperatures in the cold season.  相似文献   
Bmi1 is overexpressed in a variety of human cancers including gastrointestinal cancer. The high expression level of Bmi1 protein is associated with poor prognosis of gastrointestinal cancer patients. On the other hand, tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) contribute to tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis by producing various mediators in the tumor microenvironment. The aim of this study was to investigate TAM-mediated regulation of Bmi1 expression in gastrointestinal cancer. The relationship between TAMs and Bmi1 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and results showed a positive correlation with tumor-infiltrating macrophages (CD68 and CD163) and Bmi1 expression in cancer cells. Co-culture with TAMs triggered Bmi1 expression in cancer cell lines and enhanced sphere formation ability. miRNA microarray analysis of a gastric cancer cell line co-cultured with macrophages was conducted, and using in silico methods to analyze the results, we identified miR-30e* as a potential regulator of Bmi1 expression. Luciferase assays using miR-30e* mimic revealed that Bmi1 was a direct target for miR-30e* by interactions with the putative miR-30e* binding sites in the Bmi1 3′ untranslated region. qRT-PCR analysis of resected cancer specimens showed that miR-30e* expression was downregulated in tumor regions compared with non-tumor regions, and Bmi1 expression was inversely correlated with miR-30e* expression in gastric cancer tissues, but not in colon cancer tissues. Our findings suggest that TAMs may cause increased Bmi1 expression through miR-30e* suppression, leading to tumor progression. The suppression of Bmi1 expression mediated by TAMs may thus represent a possible strategy as the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer.  相似文献   
DNA sequences capable of adopting non-canonical secondary structures have been associated with gross-chromosomal rearrangements in humans and model organisms. Previously, we have shown that long inverted repeats that form hairpin and cruciform structures and triplex-forming GAA/TTC repeats induce the formation of double-strand breaks which trigger genome instability in yeast. In this study, we demonstrate that breakage at both inverted repeats and GAA/TTC repeats is augmented by defects in DNA replication. Increased fragility is associated with increased mutation levels in the reporter genes located as far as 8 kb from both sides of the repeats. The increase in mutations was dependent on the presence of inverted or GAA/TTC repeats and activity of the translesion polymerase Polζ. Mutagenesis induced by inverted repeats also required Sae2 which opens hairpin-capped breaks and initiates end resection. The amount of breakage at the repeats is an important determinant of mutations as a perfect palindromic sequence with inherently increased fragility was also found to elevate mutation rates even in replication-proficient strains. We hypothesize that the underlying mechanism for mutagenesis induced by fragile motifs involves the formation of long single-stranded regions in the broken chromosome, invasion of the undamaged sister chromatid for repair, and faulty DNA synthesis employing Polζ. These data demonstrate that repeat-mediated breaks pose a dual threat to eukaryotic genome integrity by inducing chromosomal aberrations as well as mutations in flanking genes.  相似文献   
Approximately 10–15% of individuals infected with Helicobacter pylori will develop ulcer disease (gastric or duodenal ulcer), while most people infected with H. pylori will be asymptomatic. The majority of infected individuals remain asymptomatic partly due to the inhibition of synthesis of cholesteryl α-glucosides in H. pylori cell wall by α1,4-GlcNAc-capped mucin O-glycans, which are expressed in the deeper portion of gastric mucosa. However, it has not been determined how cholesteryl α-glucosyltransferase (αCgT), which forms cholesteryl α-glucosides, functions in the pathogenesis of H. pylori infection. Here, we show that the activity of αCgT from H. pylori clinical isolates is highly correlated with the degree of gastric atrophy. We investigated the role of cholesteryl α-glucosides in various aspects of the immune response. Phagocytosis and activation of dendritic cells were observed at similar degrees in the presence of wild-type H. pylori or variants harboring mutant forms of αCgT showing a range of enzymatic activity. However, cholesteryl α-glucosides were recognized by invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, eliciting an immune response in vitro and in vivo. Following inoculation of H. pylori harboring highly active αCgT into iNKT cell-deficient (Jα18−/−) or wild-type mice, bacterial recovery significantly increased in Jα18−/− compared to wild-type mice. Moreover, cytokine production characteristic of Th1 and Th2 cells dramatically decreased in Jα18−/− compared to wild-type mice. These findings demonstrate that cholesteryl α-glucosides play critical roles in H. pylori-mediated gastric inflammation and precancerous atrophic gastritis.  相似文献   
Floral chemical components are important cues used by plants to attract pollinators. One outstanding case is “fruit fly orchids” in the genus of Bulbophyllum to attract their pollinators by releasing characteristic fragrances. Dacini fruit flies are main or exclusive pollinators which are strongly attracted to certain natural chemicals, either methyl eugenol (ME: a phenylpropanoid) or raspberry ketone (RK: a phenylbutanoid). Furthermore, zingerone (ZN: a phenylbutanoid) has been characterized as the attractant for both ME- and RK-sensitive fruit fly species. In the present study, we examined chemical profiles of two closely related Bulbophyllum orchids—B. hortorum, and B. macranthoides subsp. tollenoniferum—distributed in Papua New Guinea and the Southeast Asian countries, respectively. We first observed that RK-sensitive flies were attracted to these orchids by ex situ cultivation in Penang, Malaysia. These Bulbophyllum orchids contained RK and/or ZN as their main floral components. Other than these attractants, multiple phenylbutanoids including potential attractants for RK-sensitive species were identified from these orchids. Therefore, we examined attractiveness of potential phenylbutanoid attractants to an RK-sensitive melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae, using laboratory-reared flies. Furthermore, we analyzed molecular phylogenetic relationships among phenylpropanoid- or phenylbutanoid-producing orchids to see a relation between chemical profiles and phylogenetic classification in the related species.  相似文献   
We sequenced nucleosomal DNA fragments of the filamentous ascomycetes Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus oryzae and then mapped those sequences on their genomes. We compared the GC content and nucleosome density in the exonic and intronic regions in the genes of A. nidulans and A. oryzae. Although the GC content and nucleosome density in the exonic regions tended to be higher than those in the intronic regions, the difference in the distribution of the GC content was more notable than that of the nucleosome density. Next, we compared the GC content and nucleosome density in the exonic regions of 9616 orthologous gene pairs. In both Aspergillus species, the GC content did not correlate with the nucleosome density. In addition, the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ = 0.51) between the GC content of the exonic regions of the 9616 orthologous gene pairs was higher than that (ρ = 0.31) of the nucleosome densities of A. nidulans and A. oryzae. These results strongly suggest that the GC content in the exons of the orthologous gene pairs has been conserved during evolution but the nucleosome density has varied throughout.  相似文献   
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