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The above-ground coarse wood productivity of 104 Neotropical forest plots   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The net primary production of tropical forests and its partitioning between long‐lived carbon pools (wood) and shorter‐lived pools (leaves, fine roots) are of considerable importance in the global carbon cycle. However, these terms have only been studied at a handful of field sites, and with no consistent calculation methodology. Here we calculate above‐ground coarse wood carbon productivity for 104 forest plots in lowland New World humid tropical forests, using a consistent calculation methodology that incorporates corrections for spatial variations in tree‐size distributions and wood density, and for census interval length. Mean wood density is found to be lower in more productive forests. We estimate that above‐ground coarse wood productivity varies by more than a factor of three (between 1.5 and 5.5 Mg C ha?1 a?1) across the Neotropical plots, with a mean value of 3.1 Mg C ha?1 a?1. There appear to be no obvious relationships between wood productivity and rainfall, dry season length or sunshine, but there is some hint of increased productivity at lower temperatures. There is, however, also strong evidence for a positive relationship between wood productivity and soil fertility. Fertile soils tend to become more common towards the Andes and at slightly higher than average elevations, so the apparent temperature/productivity relationship is probably not a direct one. Coarse wood productivity accounts for only a fraction of overall tropical forest net primary productivity, but the available data indicate that it is approximately proportional to total above‐ground productivity. We speculate that the large variation in wood productivity is unlikely to directly imply an equivalent variation in gross primary production. Instead a shifting balance in carbon allocation between respiration, wood carbon and fine root production seems the more likely explanation.  相似文献   
We investigated the differences in the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of normal and abnormal human placentas. Normal placentas, placentas with infant intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and placentas from mothers with diabetes mellitus (DM) were used, none of which had been treated before measurement. The tissues were divided into three parts: the upper one-third portion (P1), the middle portion (P2), and the lower one-third portion (P3). Placental tissues were also investigated histochemically. The differences of the main second-derivative FTIR spectra among P1, P2, and P3 in normal placentas were observed in bands appearing between 1080 and 1090 cm(-1). Bands in P2 were observed at 1083 cm(-1), which was significantly higher than that in P3 (p < 0.05). The spectrum of P2 tissue in placentas with infant IUGR had a peak at 1081 cm(-1), which was significantly different from those of P1 and P3 (p < 0.05). In placentas with DM, the P2 band was shifted to a peak at 1088 cm(-1). These data were well correlated with the histochemical sugar-chain staining pattern of the P2 portion of the placenta. Our data suggested that this IR technique is applicable to the clinical diagnosis of diseases in the gynecological field.  相似文献   
The roles of serum mannan binding protein (MBP) and the mannose receptor in the cellular uptake of mannosylated liposomes (Man-liposomes) by macrophages were studied. Man-liposomes were prepared by incorporating cholesten-5-yloxy-N-(4-((1-imino-2-beta-D-thiomannosylethyl)amino)butyl)formamide (Man-C4-Chol) into small unilamellar long circulating liposomes consisting of cholesterol (Chol) and distearoyl phosphatidylcholine (DSPC). In the in vitro cellular uptake study with cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages, [(3)H]Man-liposomes were taken up to a great extent, whereas no significant uptake was observed for [(3)H]cholesterol and DSPC liposomes without Man-C4-Chol (Bare-liposomes). The uptake of [(3)H]Man-liposomes was dose- and temperature-dependent and inhibited by an excess of mannosylated bovine serum albumin, suggesting their specific uptake via membrane mannose receptor-mediated endocytosis. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that (111)In-MBP binds strongly to Man-liposomes based on the recognition of Man-C4-Chol and markedly enhanced their uptake by macrophages. These results are supported by confocal laser microscopic images. In addition, in vivo hepatic uptake of (111)In-MBP was enhanced by Man-liposomes. On the other hand, the uptake of Man-liposomes was significantly reduced by preincubation with serum and further with MBP-depleted serum suggesting inhibitory effects of serum proteins such as albumin on mannose receptor-mediated endocytosis. The involvement of serum-type MBP and membrane mannose receptors in the uptake of Man-liposomes is thus suggested.  相似文献   
Using a pair of plasmids carrying the rpsL target sequence in different orientations to the replication origin, we analyzed a large number of forward mutations generated in wild-type and mismatch-repair deficient (MMR(-)) Escherichia coli cells to assess the effects of directionality of replication-fork movement on spontaneous mutagenesis and the generation of replication error. All classes of the mutations found in wild-type cells but not MMR(-) cells were strongly affected by the directionality of replication fork movement. It also appeared that the directionality of replication-fork movement governs the directionality of sequence substitution mutagenesis, which occurred in wild-type cells at a frequency comparable to base substitutions and single-base frameshift mutations. A very strong orientation-dependent hot-spot site for single-base frameshift mutations was discovered and demonstrated to be caused by the same process involved in sequence substitution mutagenesis. It is surprising that dnaE173, a potent mutator mutation specific for sequence substitution as well as single-base frameshift, did not enhance the frequency of the hot-spot frameshift mutation. Furthermore, the frequency of the hot-spot frameshift mutation was unchanged in the MMR(-) strain, whereas the mutHLS-dependent mismatch repair system efficiently suppressed the generation of single-base frameshift mutations. These results suggested that the hot-spot frameshift mutagenesis might be initiated at a particular location containing a DNA lesion, and thereby produce a premutagenic replication intermediate resistant to MMR. Significant numbers of spontaneous single-base frameshift mutations are probably caused by similar mechanisms.  相似文献   
When anti-CD98 mAb 6-1-13, 4-5-1, or 38-2-2 was added to the culture fluids of monocytes, extensive cell aggregation and polykaryocyte formation were induced. These multinucleated giant cells were tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive. On the other hand, when monocytes were incubated with another anti-CD98 mAb, HBJ 127, polykaryocyte formation was not detected, although extensive cell aggregation was induced. When HBJ 127 and 6-1-13 were simultaneously added to the culture fluids, anti-CD98 mAb-induced cell fusion was inhibited almost completely. HBJ 127 suppressed formation of 6-1-13-induced cell fusion in a dose-dependent manner. If, however, HBJ 127 was added after incubation of monocytes with mAb 6-1-13 for 6 h, an appreciable degree of TRAP-positive polykaryocyte formation was found. The bindings of 6-1-13 and HBJ 127 were not mutually competed. When monocytes were incubated with 6-1-13 or HBJ 127, 6-1-13 induced c-src mRNA, while HBJ 127 did not. Furthermore, when monocytes were incubated with both 6-1-13 and HBJ 127, c-src mRNA could not be detected, showing that HBJ 127 suppresses c-src expression. Therefore, CD98-mediated osteoclast formation can be regulated by modification of CD98 system.  相似文献   
This article tries to demonstrate by new pathological findings (with the use of immunohistochemical technique and confocal laser microscopy) that chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy is a result of multiple factors involving myocarditis, immunodepression, severe fibrosis and microvessels dilatation and that all of these alterations are probably directly related with the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites in the host associated with inadequate immunological response of the host.  相似文献   
Hexadecaheme high molecular weight cytochrome c from a sulfate-reducing bacterium, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F has been successfully purified and crystallized. X-ray diffraction data have been collected by the multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The crystal belongs to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit-cell parameters a=60.42, b=84.29 and c=144.16 A and contains one molecule per asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
Regional rheological differences in locomoting neutrophils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intracellular rheology is a useful probe of the mechanisms underlying spontaneous or chemotactic locomotion and transcellular migration of leukocytes. We characterized regional rheological differences between the leading, body, and trailing regions of isolated, adherent, and spontaneously locomoting human neutrophils. We optically trapped intracellular granules and measured their displacement for 500 ms after a 100-nm step change in the trap position. Results were analyzed in terms of simple viscoelasticity and with the use of structural damping (stress relaxation follows a power law in time). Structural damping fit the data better than did viscoelasticity. Regional viscoelastic stiffness and viscosity or structural damping storage and loss moduli were all significantly lower in leading regions than in pooled body and/or trailing regions (the latter were not significantly different). Structural damping showed similar levels of elastic and dissipative stresses in body and/or trailing regions; leading regions were significantly more fluidlike (increased power law exponent). Cytoskeletal disruption with cytochalasin D or nocodazole made body and/or trailing regions 50% less elastic and less viscous. Cytochalasin D completely suppressed pseudopodial formation and locomotion; nocodazole had no effect on leading regions. Neither drug changed the dissipation-storage energy ratio. These results differ from those of studies of neutrophils and other cell types probed at the cell membrane via 2-integrin receptors, which suggests a distinct role for the cell cortex or focal adhesion complexes. We conclude that 1) structural damping well describes intracellular rheology, and 2) while not conclusive, the significantly more fluidlike behavior of the leading edge supports the idea that intracellular pressure may be the origin of motive force in neutrophil locomotion. structural damping; power law; viscoelasticity; optical trap  相似文献   
Identification of major proteins in maize egg cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In most flowering plants, the female gametophyte develops in an ovule deeply embedded in the ovary. Through double fertilization, the egg cell fuses with the sperm cell, resulting in a zygote, which develops into the embryo. In the present study, we analyzed egg cell lysates by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subsequent mass spectrometry-based proteomics technology, and identified major protein components expressed in the egg cell. The identified proteins included three cytosolic enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 3-phosphoglycerate kinase and triosephosphate isomerase, two mitochondrial proteins, the ATP synthase beta-subunit and an adenine nucleotide transporter, and annexin p35. In addition, expression levels of these proteins in the egg cell were compared with those in the early embryo, the central cell and the suspension cell. Annexin p35 was highly expressed only in the egg cell, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 3-phosphoglycerate kinase and the adenine nucleotide transporter were expressed at higher levels in egg cells than in central and cultured cells. These results indicate that annexin p35 in the egg cell and zygote is involved in the exocytosis of cell wall materials, which is induced by a fertilization-triggered increase in cytosolic Ca2+ levels, and that the egg cell is rich in an enzyme subset for the energy metabolism.  相似文献   
TNF-alpha has numerous biological activities, including the induction of chemokine expression, and is involved in many gastric injuries. C-C chemokines [monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha] and C-X-C chemokines [MIP-2 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-2alpha] mediate chemotaxis of monocytes and neutrophils, respectively. We examined the roles of TNF-alpha and dynamics of chemokine expression in gastric ulceration including ulcer recurrence and indomethacin-induced injury. Rats with healed chronic gastric ulcers received intraperitoneal TNF-alpha to induce ulcer recurrence. Some rats were given neutralizing antibodies against neutrophils or MCP-1 together with TNF-alpha. In a separate experiment, rats were orally administered 20 mg/kg indomethacin with or without pretreatment with pentoxifylline (an inhibitor of TNF-alpha synthesis) or anti-MCP-1 antibody. TNF-alpha (1 microg/kg) induced gastric ulcer recurrence after 48 h, which was completely prevented by anti-neutrophil antibody. TNF-alpha increased the number of macrophages and MCP-1 mRNA expression in scarred mucosa from 4 h, whereas it increased MPO activities (marker of neutrophil infiltration) and mRNA expression of MIP-2 and CINC-2alpha from 24 h. Anti-MCP-1 antibody inhibited leukocyte infiltration with reduction of the levels of C-X-C chemokines and prevented ulcer recurrence. Indomethacin treatment increased TNF-alpha/chemokine mRNA expression from 30 min and induced macroscopic erosions after 4 h. Pentoxifylline inhibited the indomethacin-induced gastric injury with reduction of neutrophil infiltration and expression of chemokine (MCP-1, MIP-2, and CINC-2alpha). Anti-MCP-1 antibody also inhibited the injury and these inflammatory responses but did not affect TNF-alpha mRNA expression. In conclusion, increased MCP-1 triggered by TNF-alpha may play a key role in gastric ulceration by regulating leukocyte recruitment and chemokine expression.  相似文献   
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