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Endoparasitoid insects have evolved mechanisms to counteract host immune defences. At oviposition, the endoparasitoid Venturia canescens injects virus-like particles (VLPs) together with the egg that interfere with the immune system of the host. These prevent encapsulation of the parasitoid egg. It has been shown that the gene coding for one of the VLP proteins exists in two variants (called Repeat-Plus (RP) and Repeat-Minus (RM)). Previous observations suggested that these variants induce pleiotropic effects on the reproductive biology of the female resulting, in an impeded transfer of eggs from the ovarioles to the oviducts in RM females, and in alterations in the egg laying sequence. We show that RM females from another geographical locality do not exhibit any phenotypic alteration of the reproductive biology. By showing a lack of association between VLP alleles and the reproductive phenotypic characteristics in a given strain, our results do not support the hypothesis of pleiotropic effects. Conversely, the results suggest that different genes code for the VLPs and for the reproductive biology characteristics. Different phenomena such as linkage, the action of pathogens, etc. could explain the association between characters that is observed in some strains.  相似文献   
Spleen cells from rats immunized with the syngeneic (C58NT)D Gross virus induced lymphoma have previously been shown to differentiate into cytotoxic effector cells following restimulation with tumor cells in vitro. Previous work has also demonstrated that the addition of PPD-primed syngeneic spleen cells and PPD to cultures of (C58NT)D-primed spleen cells will potentiate the in vitro cytotoxic response to tumor antigens. In the studies presented here, the potentiating effect was found to be mediated by a soluble factor(s) released by nonadherent cells from BCG-primed rats. The release of this immunopotentiating factor(IPF) required the presence of PPD and varied with the concentration of PPD added. IPF was produced by BCG-primed spleen, lymph node, and thymus cells. Maximal production of IPF in PPD-stimulated cultures was obtained after 6–12 hr of incubation. Supernatants obtained after 30 hr of incubation lacked apparent IPF activity when tested initially, but activity was recovered after mild heat treatment. Recovery of IPF activity after heat exposure is best explained by the presence of a heat-labile inhibitor. IPF itself is stable to heat treatment to 56 °C for 40 min. IPF was also shown to be capable of enhancing immune responses to histocompatibility antigens in vitro.  相似文献   
The technique of heat denaturation was used in addition to electrophoresis for the detection of thermostability variants of hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in an attempt to measure the amount of genetic variability present in villages in the United Republic of Cameroon, Equatorial Africa. A minimum of three to a maximum of 13 thermostability variants were estimated for HbA and HbS, and a minimum of two to a maximum of ten thermostability variants were estimated for GdA, GdB, and GdA —. It is suggested that hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase thermostability variants are genetically determined and that the sites of these variants are at the hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase structural loci. The evidence for the existence of these hidden variants and their importance in the neutralist v. selectionist controversy are discussed.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant HL 16005. S. C. B. was an International Telephone and Telegraph International Fellow to Cameroon, was supported by Training Grant NIH-GM 07197, and is currently an Insurance Medical Scientist Scholar. This work is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics by S. C. B.  相似文献   
The surface of cells in the cutaneous epidermis of the newborn rat exhibits a discrete change in lectin-binding specificity from Griffonia simplicifolia I-B4 (GS I-B4), specific for alpha-D-galactosyl residues, to Ulex europeus agglutinin I (UEA), specific for alpha-L-fucose, as the cell leaves the basal layer and differentiates. Primary monolayer cultures of rat keratinocytes maintained in low Ca2+ medium (0.08 mM) exhibited a characteristic unimodal pattern in the ratio of bound UEA to bound GS I-B4 (UEA/B4 ratio) over a 7-day culture period as determined by a quantitative fluorometric assay. The UEA/B4 ratio was initially low between Days 1 and 2 (0.56 +/- 0.05), steadily increased to a maximum of 0.84 +/- 0.09 between Days 2 and 4, and then gradually decreased to 0.41 +/- 0.07 between Days 6 and 7. Estimation of DNA synthesis showed (a) a higher [3H]thymidine incorporation when the UEA/B4 ratio was low and (b) a steady but lower incorporation between Days 3 and 4, coincident with the higher UEA/B4 ratio. Autoradiographic results further showed that cells stained intensely with UEA failed to incorporate [3H]thymidine into their nuclei. Electrophoresis of [3H]fucose-labeled material isolated on UEA-Sepharose 4B revealed that the changes in labeling by [3H]fucose, bound UEA, and the UEA/B4 ratio in the monolayer were related in part to variable expression of "96K-associated UEA-bound" radioactivity corresponding to a major class of lectin-specific cell-surface glycoproteins (GP96 fraction) identified in situ. Overall, the results suggest that (a) the increase in the UEA/B4 ratio between Days 2 and 4 reflects the progression of a proportion of the cells in the monolayer to an early spinous cell stage, the ultimate fate of which is desquamation into the medium and (b) the decrease in the UEA/B4 ratio between Days 5 and 7 reflects a consequent proliferative response to this loss of cells. This system should be useful for studying environmental influences on the homeostasis of cell proliferation and differentiation in the cutaneous epidermis.  相似文献   
A number of recent papers have suggested basing the statistical analysis of Salmonella (Ames) mutagenicity test results on a mathematical model of the complete dose-response curve. For most mutagens at low doses the curve increases linearly; then, as the dose increases, the curve may flatten and finally turn downwards due primarily to effects of toxicity. The exact mechanism underlying this shape is, however, not well understood and is likely to vary for different chemicals. A different approach is to assume that the initial part of the curve is linear and to base the statistical analysis solely on this region, reasoning that it contains most of the interpretable information about the mutagenesis dose response. In this paper a formal method of deciding which points are on the initial linear part of the curve is described, and a statistical method is proposed for analyzing these points. Computer simulations are used to examine the properties of the procedure and comparisons are made with a previously proposed mathematical model of the whole curve. It is concluded that the method suggested here provides a very satisfactory, robust method for the standard analysis of Salmonella data.  相似文献   
Template requirements for in vivo replication of adenovirus DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The adenovirus (Ad) DNA origin of replication was defined through an analysis of the DNA sequences necessary for the replication of plasmid DNAs with purified viral and cellular proteins. Results from several laboratories have shown that the origin consists of two functionally distinct domains: a 10-base-pair sequence present in the inverted terminal repetition (ITR) of all human serotypes and an adjacent sequence constituting the binding site for a cellular protein, nuclear factor I. To determine whether the same nucleotide sequences are necessary for origin function in vivo, we developed an assay for the replication of plasmid DNAs transfected into Ad5-infected cells. The assay is similar to that described by Hay et al. (J. Mol. Biol. 175:493-510, 1984). With this assay, plasmid DNA replication is dependent upon prior infection of cells with virus and only occurs with linear DNA molecules containing viral terminal sequences at each end. Replicated DNA is resistant to digestion with lambda-exonuclease, suggesting that a protein is covalently bound at both termini. A plasmid containing only the first 67 base pairs of the Ad2 ITR replicates as well as plasmids containing the entire ITR. Deletions or point mutations which reduce the binding of nuclear factor I to DNA in vitro reduce the efficiency of plasmid replication in vivo. A point mutation within the 10-base-pair conserved sequence has a similar effect upon replication. These results suggest that the two sequence domains of the Ad origin identified by in vitro studies are in fact important for viral DNA replication in infected cells. In addition, we found that two separate point mutations which lie outside these two sequence domains, and which have little or no effect upon DNA replication in vitro, also reduce the apparent efficiency of plasmid replication in vivo. Thus, there may be elements of the Ad DNA origin of replication which have not yet been identified by in vitro studies.  相似文献   
We examined how aggressive, affiliative, and sexual behavior function to integrate male capuchins (Cebus apella) into a new social group. Nine males were exchanged among four social groups. We performed instantaneous scans and all-occurrence sampling during baseline, introduction, and follow-up periods. The study included three different introduction situations: 1) males familiar to one another were introduced to a group with no other adult male, 2) males unfamiliar to one another were introduced to a group with no other adult male, and 3) males familiar to one another were introduced to a group with an existing elderly, resident male. Severe aggression occurred in situations 2 and 3, but the introductions were peaceful in situation 1. In all cases proceptive females were among the first individuals to affiliate with the males, and males did not appear to compete for access to proceptive females. Following their period of proceptivity, the females that had cycled remained preferred social partners for the males. Immature animals also quickly affiliated with the new males, and the males tolerated the attention from immatures. Affiliative relationships between the males and nonproceptive females developed slowly, and while male-female aggression was mild, aggression among adult males (familiar and unfamiliar) had the potential to be severe.  相似文献   
Female reproductive cycles and birth data from an Old World Monkey colony   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations on reproductive cycles and births for a variety of captive Old World monkey species are reported. The majority of the subjects have been group living animals, housed with conspecifics in large outdoor compounds. Reproductive cycles were measured by notation of changes in the degree of female sex skin swellings. Three types of cycles are distinguished: estrus, intrapregnancy, and pubertal. Cycle length periods and the duration of the period of swelling are described for each cycle type. Birth distributions are analyzed for the occurrence of seasonality, and a marked seasonal effect tied to the onset of cycling in pubescent females is noted. The influence of a group formation effect on the timing of the reproductive season in one species is discussed.  相似文献   
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