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Depression is a serious public-health issue. Recent reports have suggested higher susceptibility to viral infections in depressive patients. However, how depression affects antiviral innate immune signaling remains unknown. Here, we revealed a reduction in expression of Abelson helper integration site 1 (AHI1) in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and macrophages from the patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), which leads to attenuated antiviral immune response. We found that depression-related arginine vasopressin (AVP) induces reduction of AHI1 in macrophages. Further studies demonstrated that AHI1 is a critical stabilizer of basal type-I-interferon (IFN-I) signaling. Mechanistically, AHI1 recruits OTUD1 to deubiquitinate and stabilize Tyk2, while AHI1 reduction downregulates Tyk2 and IFN-I signaling activity in macrophages from both MDD patients and depression model mice. Interestingly, we identified a clinical analgesic meptazinol that effectively stimulates AHI1 expression, thus enhancing IFN-I antiviral defense in depression model mice. Our study promotes the understanding of the signaling mechanisms of depression-mediated antiviral immune dysfunction, and reveals meptazinol as an enhancer of antiviral innate immunity in depressive patients.Subject terms: Innate immunity, Ubiquitylation, Cell signalling  相似文献   
区域生态文明建设水平综合评估指标   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
2007年中国政府提出"生态文明"建设以来,已批准了三批52个生态文明建设试点。生态系统与社会经济发展的复杂性要求科学、客观地评估区域生态文明建设,以便科学地决策和行动。区域生态文明建设是一个复合的过程,其核心在于社会-经济-自然复合生态系统各组分的和谐进步。因此,基于生态系统服务(ES)、生态足迹(EF)和人均GDP3个指标,以及这3个指标所代表的资源禀赋、人类对自然生态系统的占用、经济增长之间的线性逻辑关系,构建综合性相对指数;并以此对2010年中国大陆各省(市、直辖市)的生态文明建设水平进行了综合评估,其中,海南省的生态文明建设指数最大,为0.5091,北京市的指数最小,为0.0377;最后,分析了2010年中国大陆各省(市、区)生态文明建设的生态压力和生态效率,北京、天津和上海3个直辖市处于低资源禀赋高资源消费状况,全国大多数省(市、区)处于低消耗和低产出的阶段,经济增长尚有较大的潜力。  相似文献   
【目的】对患病斑点叉尾鮰进行病原菌分离、鉴定及药敏实验,为斑点叉尾鮰肠道坏死病的防控提供参考。【方法】从患病斑点叉尾鮰病灶、肝、脾和肾分离纯化病原菌,经理化特性测定及16S rRNA基因序列分析对其进行鉴定,开展人工感染试验,并利用纸片扩散法进行药敏特性分析。【结果】分离菌株k1为本次引发斑点叉尾鮰病害的致病菌,其对斑点叉尾鮰的LD50为2.82×10~5 CFU/g。菌株k1理化特性与普通变形杆菌Proteus vulgaris基本一致,16S rRNA基因序列与普通变形杆菌相似性最高,综合判定分离菌株为普通变形杆菌。分离菌株k1对环丙沙星、头孢唑林及头孢拉定等12种抗生素高度敏感,对苯唑西林、阿莫西林及痢特灵等7种抗生素耐药。【结论】分离菌株k1是斑点叉尾鮰病原菌,养殖时可选用庆大霉素及氟苯尼考等药物进行防控。  相似文献   
Age‐related memory impairment (AMI) is a common phenomenon across species. Vulnerability to interfering stimuli has been proposed to be an important cause of AMI. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this vulnerability‐related AMI remain unknown. Here we show that learning‐activated MAPK signals are gradually lost with age, leading to vulnerability‐related AMI in Drosophila. Young flies (2‐ or 3‐day‐old) exhibited a significant increase in phosphorylated MAPK levels within 15 min after learning, whereas aged flies (25‐day‐old) did not. Compared to 3‐day‐old flies, significant 1 h memory impairments were observed in 15‐, 20‐, and 30‐day‐old flies, but not in 10‐day‐old flies. However, with post‐learning interfering stimuli such as cooling or electric stimuli, 10‐day‐old flies had worse memory performance at 1 h than 3‐day‐old flies, showing a premature AMI phenomenon. Increasing learning‐activated MAPK signals through acute transgene expression in mushroom body (MB) neurons restored physiological trace of 1 h memory in a pair of MB output neurons in aged flies. Decreasing such signals in young flies mimicked the impairment of 1 h memory trace in aged flies. Restoring learning‐activated MAPK signals in MB neurons in aged flies significantly suppressed AMI even with interfering stimuli. Thus, our data suggest that age‐related loss of learning‐activated neuronal MAPK signals causes memory vulnerability to interfering stimuli, thereby leading to AMI.  相似文献   
Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), a member of the genus Bocaparvovirus of the family Parvoviridae, causes acute respiratory tract infections in young children. Well-differentiated pseudostratified human airway epithelium cultured at an air-liquid interface (HAE-ALI) is an ideal in vitro culture model to study HBoV1 infection. Unique to other parvoviruses, bocaparvoviruses express a small nonstructured protein NP1 of ~25 kDa from an open reading frame (ORF) in the center of the viral genome. NP1 plays an important role in viral DNA replication and pre-mRNA processing. In this study, we performed an affinity purification assay to identify HBoV1 NP1-inteacting proteins. We identified that Ku70 and RPA70 directly interact with the NP1 at a high binding affinity, characterized with an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 95 nM and 122 nM, respectively. Furthermore, we mapped the key NP1-interacting domains of Ku70 at aa266-439 and of RPA70 at aa181-422. Following a dominant negative strategy, we revealed that the interactions of Ku70 and RPA70 with NP1 play a significant role in HBoV1 DNA replication not only in an in vitro viral DNA replication assay but also in HBoV1-infected HAE-ALI cultures. Collectively, our study revealed a novel mechanism by which HBoV1 NP1 enhances viral DNA replication through its direct interactions with Ku70 and RPA70.  相似文献   
鲁梅  黄庆华  崔宁  许传田 《微生物学通报》2017,44(10):2407-2414
【目的】近年来鸡传染性支气管炎病毒在国内鸡群呈现流行趋势,尤其是变异毒株的出现,加剧了对鸡群的危害。鸡主要组织相容复合体蛋白(MHC I)通过特定的基序结合抗原表位多肽,进而识别感染病毒的细胞并引起免疫反应,达到清除病毒的效果。鉴定BF2*15鸡主要组织相容复合体(MHC I)的结合基序。【方法】采用同源建模、分子动力学和分子对接等计算方法,构建了传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)N蛋白表位多肽和鸡MHC I BF2*15之间的复合物结构,来探索BF2*15识别抗原表位多肽的潜在结合基序。【结果】通过对该复合物的相互作用关系分析,鉴定出BF2*15鸡主要组织相容复合体(MHC I)的一条潜在结合基序"x-Arg-xx-x-Arg"。【结论】解释了传染性支气管炎病毒N蛋白CTL表位与BF2*15鸡MHC I基序的相互作用原理,该研究结果对了解传染性支气管炎病毒免疫机制以及基于特定基序筛选和设计通用疫苗具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Inherited retinal degeneration due to loss of photoreceptor cells is a leading cause of human blindness. These cells possess a photosensitive outer segment linked to the cell body through the connecting cilium (CC). While structural defects of the CC have been associated with retinal degeneration, its nanoscale molecular composition, assembly, and function are barely known. Here, using expansion microscopy and electron microscopy, we reveal the molecular architecture of the CC and demonstrate that microtubules are linked together by a CC inner scaffold containing POC5, CENTRIN, and FAM161A. Dissecting CC inner scaffold assembly during photoreceptor development in mouse revealed that it acts as a structural zipper, progressively bridging microtubule doublets and straightening the CC. Furthermore, we show that Fam161a disruption in mouse leads to specific CC inner scaffold loss and triggers microtubule doublet spreading, prior to outer segment collapse and photoreceptor degeneration, suggesting a molecular mechanism for a subtype of retinitis pigmentosa.

Inherited retinal degeneration due to loss of photoreceptor cells is a leading cause of human blindness. Ultrastructure expansion microscopy on mouse retina reveals the presence of a novel structure inside the photoreceptor connecting cilium, the inner scaffold, that protects the outer segment against degeneration.  相似文献   
岷江干旱河谷黄蔷薇和川滇蔷薇更新能力及其限制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周志琼  包维楷  吴福忠  吴宁 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1931-1939
植物种子、种子库和幼苗库的研究是种群更新和植被恢复的重要内容.研究了岷江干旱河谷两种乡土灌木(黄蔷薇和川滇蔷薇)的种子、种子库和幼苗库特征.黄蔷薇和川滇蔷薇种子产量较高, 分别为(627±216)和(7832±4347)果/丛,但种子质量较差,饱满率分别为(49.62±1.03)%和(73.83±3.42)%,活力为(32.25±0.67)%和(55.38±2.5)%.黄蔷薇种子产量和活力低于川滇蔷薇,但其种子重量和休眠程度却远高于川滇蔷薇.两种蔷薇土壤种子库的水平和垂直分布格局相似:在水平分布上,离植株基部越近,种子密度越高;在垂直分布上,种子主要分布在地表层.黄蔷薇和川滇蔷薇种子库密度均较高,分别为(560±90)粒m2和(1955±235)粒/m2,但活力种子数量较少,分别为(26±4)粒/m2和(152±18)粒/m2, 处于休眠状态的种子,黄蔷薇(60.6%)较川滇蔷薇(18.4%)高,可萌发的种子,两者分别为(10±1)粒/m2和(124±14)粒/m2.黄蔷薇(65.3%)的种子库中被啮齿动物取食的比例较川滇蔷薇(0.5%)高.两种蔷薇的幼苗密度差异不大,黄薇幼苗密度((4.28±0.49)株/m2)略小于川滇蔷薇((5.24±1.28)株/m2).幼苗组成的总体趋势是高度级低的幼苗所占的比例相对较高,且Ⅰ级幼苗数显著高于较其他级幼苗数.研究表明,两种蔷薇种子存在休眠,能形成持久种子库,种子特征对种子库和幼苗库具有深刻影响.两种蔷薇更新状况不佳,比较而言,黄蔷薇更新较川滇蔷薇好.黄蔷薇更新的主要限制因素是动物对种子的破坏,而川滇蔷薇更新的主要限制因素是幼苗存活定居.  相似文献   
中国天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营的理论与技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘世荣  马姜明  缪宁 《生态学报》2015,35(1):212-218
全面总结了近年来中国在天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术实践方面所取得的研究进展。高度凝练出了天然林动态干扰与保育技术、典型退化天然林的生态恢复技术和天然林景观恢复与空间经营技术等三方面的创新成果,形成了天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术创新体系,对今后天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营进行了展望。  相似文献   
Geng X  Bai Q  Zhang Y  Li X  Wu D 《Journal of biotechnology》2004,113(1-3):137-149
A new technology for renaturation with simultaneous purification of the recombinant human interferon-gamma (rhIFN-gamma) in downstream of biotechnology is presented. The strategies to develop the new technology in industry scale were suggested. Based on chemical equilibrium and molecular interactions, the principle of rhIFN-gamma refolding by HPHIC was described. The kind of stationary and mobile phases were evaluated and found the former to contribute to the rhIFN-gamma refolding more than the latter. The extract containing the rhIFN-gamma in gram scale in 7.0 mol L(-1) guanidine hydrochloride solution of 700 mL was directly pumped into a unit of simultaneous renaturation and purification of proteins (USRPP, 10 x 300 mm i.d.) packed by small particle packings of hydrophobic interaction chromatography and a satisfactory recovery of bioactivity and mass of the rhIFN-gamma was obtained. With flow rate 100 mL min(-1) and a gradient elution by only one step in 4h, the purity and specific bioactivity approach to 95% and 8.7 x 10(7) IU(-1) mg, respectively. To evaluate the goodness of the presented new technology in this study, a usual method with the renaturation by dilution method firstly and then purification with a series of LC in literature was employed to compare with each other. The obtained result in terms of purity, recoveries of mass and bioactivity, cost time as well as expenses, the former is much better than the latter. Comparing the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma in the extract before to that after the renaturation by the USRPP, the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma increased 62-fold.  相似文献   
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