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Peyer's patches (PPs) are lined by follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) with Ag-transporting M cells. To investigate the spatial relationships of B cells, T cells, and dendritic cells (DCs) in PPs during microbial colonization, their in situ redistribution was examined in germfree (GF) rats exposed to a conventional pathogen-free microflora (conventionalized, CV). Although occasional B and T cells occurred in the FAE of GF rats, it contained mainly immature DCs (CD4(+)CD86(-)), whereas mature DCs (CD86(high)) were seen in the interfollicular zones even under GF conditions. In CV rats, DCs had disappeared from the FAE, which instead contained clusters by B and T cells associated with induction of putative M cell pockets. CD86 was seen neither in the FAE nor in the follicles under GF conditions, but it became apparent on intraepithelial B cells 5 wk after colonization. The level of CD86 on these B cells was comparable to that on germinal center B cells, although the B cell follicles did not show direct contact with the M cell areas. B cells in the follicular mantles acquired Bcl-2 after 12 wk in CV rats, whereas B cells in the FAE did not express Bcl-2 at a substantial level throughout the experimental period. The cellular redistribution patterns and phenotypic characteristics observed after colonization suggested that immature DCs, but not B cells, are involved in Ag presentation during primary immune responses against intestinal bacteria. However, the spatial cellular relationships sequentially being established among DCs, B cells, and T cells in PPs, are most likely important for the induction of post-germinal center B cells subsequently residing within the M cell pockets.  相似文献   
The functional role of histamine (HA) in zebrafish brains was studied. Zebrafish did not display a clear circadian variation in brain HA levels. Loading of zebrafish with l-histidine increased HA concentration in the brain. A single injection of the histidine decarboxylase (HDC) inhibitor, alpha-fluoromethylhistidine (alpha-FMH), gave rise to a rapid reduction in zebrafish brain HA. Low HDC activity in the brain after injections verified the effect of alpha-FMH. A reduction in the number of histaminergic fibres but not neurones and an increased expression of HDC mRNA was evident after alpha-FMH. Automated behavioural analysis after alpha-FMH injection showed no change in swimming activity, but abnormalities were detected in exploratory behaviour examined in a circular tank. No significant behavioural changes were detected after histidine loading. The time spent for performance in the T-maze was significantly increased in the first trial 4 days after alpha-FMH injections, suggesting that lack of HA may impair long-term memory. The rostrodorsal telencephalon, considered to correspond to the mammalian amygdala and hippocampus in zebrafish, is densely innervated by histaminergic fibres. These results suggest that low HA decreases anxiety and/or affects learning and memory in zebrafish, possibly through mechanisms that involve the dorsal forebrain.  相似文献   
The replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA is associated with a high degree of homologous recombination. While cellular enzymes may take part in mediating this recombination, we present evidence for an HSV-1-encoded recombinase activity. HSV-1 alkaline nuclease, encoded by the UL12 gene, is a 5'-->3' exonuclease that shares homology with Redalpha, commonly known as lambda exonuclease, an exonuclease required for homologous recombination by bacteriophage lambda. The HSV-1 single-stranded DNA binding protein ICP8 is an essential protein for HSV DNA replication and possesses single-stranded DNA annealing activities like the Redbeta synaptase component of the phage lambda recombinase. Here we show that UL12 and ICP8 work together to effect strand exchange much like the Red system of lambda. Purified UL12 protein and ICP8 mediated the complete exchange between a 7.25-kb M13mp18 linear double-stranded DNA molecule and circular single-stranded M13 DNA, forming a gapped circle and a displaced strand as final products. The optimal conditions for strand exchange were 1 mM MgCl(2), 40 mM NaCl, and pH 7.5. Stoichiometric amounts of ICP8 were required, and strand exchange did not depend on the nature of the double-stranded end. Nuclease-defective UL12 could not support this reaction. These data suggest that diverse DNA viruses appear to utilize an evolutionarily conserved recombination mechanism.  相似文献   
Curariform alkaloids competitively inhibit muscle acetylcholine receptors (AChR) by bridging the alpha and non-alpha subunits that form the ligand-binding site. Here we delineate bound orientations of d-tubocurarine (d-TC) and its methylated derivative metocurine using mutagenesis, ligand binding measurements, and computational methods. When tested against a series of lysine mutations in the epsilon subunit, the two antagonists show marked differences in the consequences of the mutations on binding affinity. The mutations epsilon L117K, epsilon Y111K, and epsilon L109K decrease affinity of metocurine by up to 3 orders of magnitude but only slightly alter affinity of d-TC. At the alpha subunit face of the binding site, the mutation alpha Y198T decreases affinity of both antagonists, but alpha Y198F preferentially enhances affinity of d-TC. Computation of antagonist docking orientations, based on our structural model of the alpha-epsilon site of the human AChR, indicates distinct orientations of each antagonist; the flatter metocurine fits into a pocket formed principally by the epsilon subunit, whereas the more compact d-TC spans the narrower crevasse between alpha and epsilon subunits. The side chains of epsilon Tyr-111 and epsilon Thr-117 juxtapose one of two quaternary nitrogens in metocurine but are remote from the equivalent quaternary nitrogen in d-TC, which instead closely approaches alpha Tyr-198. The different docked orientations arise through tilt of the curariform scaffold by approximately 60 degrees normal to the nitrogen-nitrogen axis, together with a 20 degrees rotation about the axis. The overall mutagenesis and computational results show that despite their similar structures, d-TC and metocurine bind in distinctly different orientations to the adult human AChR.  相似文献   
Human ABO(H) blood group glycosyltransferases GTA and GTB catalyze the final monosaccharide addition in the biosynthesis of the human A and B blood group antigens. GTA and GTB utilize a common acceptor, the H antigen disaccharide alpha-l-Fucp-(1-->2)-beta-d-Galp-OR, but different donors, where GTA transfers GalNAc from UDP-GalNAc and GTB transfers Gal from UDP-Gal. GTA and GTB are two of the most homologous enzymes known to transfer different donors and differ in only 4 amino acid residues, but one in particular (Leu/Met-266) has been shown to dominate the selection between donor sugars. The structures of the A and B glycosyltransferases have been determined to high resolution in complex with two inhibitory acceptor analogs alpha-l-Fucp(1-->2)-beta-d-(3-deoxy)-Galp-OR and alpha-l-Fucp-(1-->2)-beta-d-(3-amino)-Galp-OR, in which the 3-hydroxyl moiety of the Gal ring has been replaced by hydrogen or an amino group, respectively. Remarkably, although the 3-deoxy inhibitor occupies the same conformation and position observed for the native H antigen in GTA and GTB, the 3-amino analog is recognized differently by the two enzymes. The 3-amino substitution introduces a novel intramolecular hydrogen bond between O2' on Fuc and N3' on Gal, which alters the minimum-energy conformation of the inhibitor. In the absence of UDP, the 3-amino analog can be accommodated by either GTA or GTB with the l-Fuc residue partially occupying the vacant UDP binding site. However, in the presence of UDP, the analog is forced to abandon the intramolecular hydrogen bond, and the l-Fuc residue is shifted to a less ordered conformation. Further, the residue Leu/Met-266 that was thought important only in distinguishing between donor substrates is observed to interact differently with the 3-amino acceptor analog in GTA and GTB. These observations explain why the 3-deoxy analog acts as a competitive inhibitor of the glycosyltransferase reaction, whereas the 3-amino analog displays complex modes of inhibition.  相似文献   
Various drugs that elevate cGMP levels and activate cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) inhibit agonist-induced platelet activation. In the present study we identified the LIM and SH3 domain protein (LASP) that was recently cloned from human breast cancer cells (Tomasetto, C., Regnier, C., Moog-Lutz, C., Mattei, M. G., Chenard, M. P., Liderau, R., Basset, P., and Rio, M. C. (1995) Genomics 28, 367-376) as a novel substrate of cGK in human platelets. Recombinant human LASP was phosphorylated by cGMP- and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK) in vitro. Cotransfection of PtK-2 cells with LASP and cGK confirmed phosphorylation of LASP in vivo. Studies with human LASP mutants identified serine 146 as a specific phosphorylation site for cGK and cAK in vivo. LASP is an actin-binding protein, and the phospho-LASP-mimicking mutant S146D showed reduced binding affinity for F-actin in cosedimentation experiments. Immunofluorescence of transfected PtK2 cells demonstrated the localization of LASP in the tips of cell membrane extensions and at cell-cell contacts. Expression of the human LASP mutant S146D resulted in nearly complete relocalization to the cytosol and reduced migration of the cells. Taken together, these data suggest that phosphorylation of LASP by cGK and cAK may be involved in cytoskeletal organization and cell motility.  相似文献   
One of the objectives of the HUman MicroNucleus (HUMN) project is to identify the methodological variables that have an important impact on micronucleus (MN) or micronucleated (MNed) cell frequencies measured in human lymphocytes using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. In a previous study we had shown that the scoring criteria used were likely to be an important variable. To determine the extent of residual variation when laboratories scored cells from the same cultures using the same set of standard scoring criteria, an inter-laboratory slide-scoring exercise was performed among 34 laboratories from 21 countries with a total of 51 slide scorers involved. The results of this study show that even under these optimized conditions there is a great variation in the MN frequency or MNed cell frequency obtained by individual laboratories and scorers. All laboratories ranked correctly the MNed cell frequency in cells from cultures that were unirradiated, or exposed to 1 or 2Gy of gamma rays. The study also estimated that the intra-scorer median coefficient of variation for duplicate MNed cell frequency scores is 29% for unexposed cultures and 14 and 11% for cells exposed to 1 and 2Gy, respectively. These values can be used as a standard for quality or acceptability of data in future studies. Using a Poisson regression model it was estimated that radiation dose explained 67% of the variance, while staining method, cell sample, laboratory, and covariance explained 0.6, 0.3, 6.5, and 25.6% of the variance, respectively, leaving only 3.1% of the variance unexplained. As part of this exercise, nucleoplasmic bridges were also estimated by the laboratories; however, inexperience in the use of this biomarker of chromosome rearrangement was reflected in the much greater heterogeneity in the data and the unexplained variation estimated by the Poisson model. The results of these studies indicate clearly that even after standardizing culture and scoring conditions it will be necessary to calibrate scorers and laboratories if MN, MNed cell and nucleoplasmic bridge frequencies are to be reliably compared among laboratories and among populations.  相似文献   
Molecular epidemiology uses biomarkers and advanced technology to refine the investigation of the relationship between environmental exposures and diseases in humans. It requires careful handling and storage of precious biological samples with the goals of obtaining a large amount of information from limited samples, and minimizing future research costs by use of banked samples. Many factors, such as tissue type, time of collection, containers used, preservatives and other additives, transport means and length of transit time, affect the quality of the samples and the stability of biomarkers and must be considered at the initial collection stage. An efficient study design includes provisions for further processing of the original samples, such as cryopreservation of isolated cells, purification of DNA and RNA, and preparation of specimens for cytogenetic, immunological and biochemical analyses. Given the multiple uses of the samples in molecular epidemiology studies, appropriate informed consent must be obtained from the study subjects prior to sample collection. Use of barcoding and electronic databases allow more efficient management of large sample banks. Development of standard operating procedures and quality control plans is a safeguard of the samples' quality and of the validity of the analyses results. Finally, specific state, federal and international regulations are in place regarding research with human samples, governing areas including custody, safety of handling, and transport of human samples, as well as communication of study results.Here, we focus on the factors affecting the quality and the potential future use of biological samples and some of the provisions that must be made during collection, processing, and storage of samples, based on our experience in the Superfund Basic Research Program and Children's Environmental Health Center, at the University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   
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