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Circulating cell-free DNA (cf-DNA) is a useful indicator of cell death, and it can also be used to predict outcomes in various clinical disorders. Several innate immune mechanisms are known to be involved in eliminating DNA and chromatin-related material as part of the inhibition of potentially harmful autoimmune responses. However, the exact molecular mechanism underlying the clearance of circulating cf-DNA is currently unclear.


To examine the mechanisms controlling serum levels of cf-DNA, we carried out a genome-wide association analysis (GWA) in a cohort of young adults (aged 24–39 years; n = 1841; 1018 women and 823 men) participating in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Genotyping was performed with a custom-built Illumina Human 670 k BeadChip. The Quant-iTTM high sensitivity DNA assay was used to measure cf-DNA directly from serum.


The results revealed that 110 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were associated with serum cf-DNA with genome-wide significance (p<5×10−8). All of these significant SNPs were localised to chromosome 2q37, near the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1 (UGT1) family locus, and the most significant SNPs localised within the UGT1 polypeptide A1 (UGT1A1) gene region.


The UGT1A1 enzyme catalyses the detoxification of several drugs and the turnover of many xenobiotic and endogenous compounds by glucuronidating its substrates. These data indicate that UGT1A1-associated processes are also involved in the regulation of serum cf-DNA concentrations.  相似文献   
To develop methods for studying phosphorylation of protein tyrosine residues is an important task since this protein modification regulates many cellular functions and often is involved in oncogenesis. An optimal protocol includes enrichment of tyrosine phosphorylated (pTyr) peptides or proteins, followed by a high resolving analytical method for identification of the enriched components. In this Methods paper, we describe a working strategy on how immunoaffinity enrichments, using anti-pTyr antibodies, combined with mass spectrometric (MS) analysis can be used to study the pTyr proteome. We describe in detail how our procedure was used to characterize the pTyr proteome of K562 leukemia cells. Important questions concerning the use of different anti-pTyr antibodies, enrichments performed at the peptide and/or the protein level, pooling of enrichments and requirements for the MS characterization are discussed.  相似文献   
Epidemiological studies suggest that viral infections during childhood are a risk factor for the development of asthma. However, the role of virus-specific pattern recognition receptors in this process is not well defined. In the current study, we compare the effects of the inhaled viral TLR ligands polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (TLR3) and resiquimod (TLR7/8) on sensitization to a model allergen (OVA) in a murine model. Both compounds enhance the migration, activation, and Ag-processing of myeloid dendritic cells from the lung to the draining lymph nodes comparable to the effects of LPS. Application of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)] or LPS induces production of allergen-specific IgE and IgG1, whereas resiquimod (R848) had no effect. In addition, rechallenge of mice with OVA resulted in airway inflammation and mucus production in animals that received either poly(I:C) or LPS but not after application of R848. In summary, these results show that activation of TLR3 in combination with inhaled allergen results in induction of dendritic cell activation and migration similar to the effects of LPS. This leads to the development of allergic airway disease after allergen rechallenge, whereas mice treated with R848 did not develop allergic airway disease. These findings give further insight into the effects of stimulation of different TLRs on the development of asthma.  相似文献   
The role of vitamin D in innate immunity is increasingly recognized. Recent work has identified a number of tissues that express the enzyme 1alpha-hydroxylase and are able to activate vitamin D. This locally produced vitamin D is believed to have important immunomodulatory effects. In this paper, we show that primary lung epithelial cells express high baseline levels of activating 1alpha-hydroxylase and low levels of inactivating 24-hydroxylase. The result of this enzyme expression is that airway epithelial cells constitutively convert inactive 25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) to the active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3). Active vitamin D that is generated by lung epithelium leads to increased expression of vitamin D-regulated genes with important innate immune functions. These include the cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide gene and the TLR coreceptor CD14. dsRNA increases the expression of 1alpha-hydroxylase, augments the production of active vitamin D, and synergizes with vitamin D to increase expression of cathelicidin. In contrast to induction of the antimicrobial peptide, vitamin D attenuates dsRNA-induced expression of the NF-kappaB-driven gene IL-8. We conclude that primary epithelial cells generate active vitamin D, which then influences the expression of vitamin D-driven genes that play a major role in host defense. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin D alters induction of antimicrobial peptides and inflammatory cytokines in response to viruses. These observations suggest a novel mechanism by which local conversion of inactive to active vitamin D alters immune function in the lung.  相似文献   
Alveolar macrophages play an important role in the distribution, clearance and inflammatory reactions after particle inhalation, which may influence long-term events such as fibrosis and tumorigenesis. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the early inflammatory events after plutonium oxide inhalation in rats and involvement of alveolar macrophages. Lung changes were studied from 3 days to 3 months after inhalation of PuO2 of different isotopic compositions (70% or 97% 239Pu) and initial lung deposits (range 2.1 to 43.4 kBq/rat). Analyses of bronchoalveolar lavages showed early increases in the numbers of granulocytes, lymphocytes and multinucleated macrophages. The activation of macrophages was evaluated ex vivo by measurement of inflammatory mediator levels in culture supernatants. TNF-alpha and chemokine MCP-1, MIP-2 and CINC-1 production was elevated from 7 days after inhalation and remained so up to 3 months. In contrast, IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-10 production was unchanged. At 6 weeks, pulmonary macrophage numbers and activation state were increased as observed from an immunohistochemistry study of lung sections with anti-ED1. Similarly, histological analyses of lung sections also showed evidence of inflammatory responses. In conclusion, our results indicate early inflammatory changes in the lungs of PuO2-contaminated animals and the involvement of macrophages in this process. A dose-effect relationship was observed between the amount of radionuclide inhaled or retained at the time of analysis and inflammatory mediator production by alveolar macrophages 14 days after exposure. For similar initial lung deposits, the inflammatory manifestation appears higher for 97% 239Pu than for 70% 239Pu.  相似文献   
Lake Tanganyika, the second-oldest and second-deepest lake in the world, harbors an impressive cichlid fish fauna counting about 250 endemic species that are characterized by a great level of ecological, morphological, and behavioral specialization. This study describes and compares cichlid fish communities at two rocky shores with differential human impact in the south of Lake Tanganyika. Species inventories and depth-dependent abundances were elaborated. About 41 and 46 sympatric cichlid species were recorded in the two study sites, respectively. Variabilichromis moorii was the most abundant species (29–60% of total number of fishes), followed by Aulonocranus dewindti (3–19%), Tropheus moorii (12%), Ophthalmotilapia ventralis (4–10%), Eretmodus cyanostictus (6–11%), and Cyathopharynx furcifer (0.01–9%). All other species had abundances below 5%. It further emerged that large cichlids such as Petrochromis species, Cyathopharynx furcifer, and Lobochilotes labiatus were very rare at one location, with frequencies of 0.55% or less. Territorial sizes of three particularly abundant species, Variabilichromis moorii, Aulonocranus dewindti, and Tropheus moorii, were assessed by behavioral observations. We distinguished between territorial core areas and total defended area, yielding average core areas between 0.4 (V. moorii) and 1.6 m2 (T. moorii), and total defended areas averaging for each species between 1.6 (V. moorii) and 5.0 m2 (A. dewindti) with no significant differences between the two study sites. The data on individual densities are also relevant for evolutionary studies, in that they allow more accurate calculations of effective population sizes.  相似文献   
A growing number of molecular studies show that many fungi have phylogeographic structures and that their distinct lineages are usually limited to different continents. As a conservative test of the extent to which wind-dispersed mycorrhizal fungi may exhibit phylogeographic structure, we chose to study Amanita muscaria, a host-generalist, widespread, wind-dispersed fungus. In this paper, we document the existence of several distinct phylogenetic species within A. muscaria, based on multilocus DNA sequence data. According to our findings, A. muscaria has strong intercontinental genetic disjunctions, and, more surprisingly, has strong intracontinental phylogeographic structure, particularly within North America, often corresponding to certain habitats and/or biogeographic provinces. Our results indicate that the view of A. muscaria as a common, widespread, easily identifiable, ecologically plastic fungus with a wide niche does not correctly represent the ecological and biological realities. On the contrary, the strong associations between phylogenetic species and different habitats support the developing picture of ecoregional endemisms and relatively narrow to very narrow niches for some lineages.  相似文献   
Kostic  Ljiljana  Nikolic  Nina  Bosnic  Dragana  Samardzic  Jelena  Nikolic  Miroslav 《Plant and Soil》2017,419(1-2):447-455
Plant and Soil - Although silicon (Si) is known to improve plant growth under low phosphorus (P) conditions, the in planta mechanisms responsible for this effect are still unknown. Here, we...  相似文献   


Because of the potential benefits to individuals of saving investment for future mating opportunities, there is conflict between mates over most aspects of reproduction. Males of many species transfer compounds in the ejaculate that manipulate female reproductive physiology to increase male reproductive success. These seminal compounds are often associated with direct and/or indirect costs to females. In contrast, in some species ejaculates also contain nutrients used by females for somatic maintenance and increased reproductive output. In general, the extent to which male seminal components are detrimental or beneficial to females is poorly understood, and interactions between seminal compounds with different effects have been almost completely neglected. Here we examine the impact of male receptivity-suppressing factors and nutrient donations on female longevity and lifetime reproductive output in the bushcricket Requena verticalis.  相似文献   
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