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World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology - Derived from RNA, 5?-ribonucleotides, especially Inosine-5?-monophosphate (IMP) and guanosine-5?-monophosphate (GMP), can enhance...  相似文献   
Males and females share most of their genome and develop many of the same traits. However, each sex frequently has different optimal values for these shared traits, creating intralocus sexual conflict. This conflict has been observed in wild and laboratory populations of insects and affects important evolutionary processes such as sexual selection, the maintenance of genetic variation, and possibly even speciation. Given the broad impacts of intralocus conflict, accurately detecting and measuring it is important. A common way to detect intralocus sexual conflict is to calculate the intersexual genetic correlation for fitness, with negative values suggesting conflict. Here, we highlight a potential confounder of this measure—cytoplasmic incompatibility caused by the intracellular parasite Wolbachia. Infection with Wolbachia can generate negative intersexual genetic correlations for fitness in insects, suggestive of intralocus sexual conflict. This is because cytoplasmic incompatibility reduces the fitness of uninfected females mated to infected males, while uninfected males will not suffer reductions in fitness if they mate with infected females and may even be fitter than infected males. This can lead to strong negative intersexual genetic correlations for fitness, mimicking intralocus conflict. We illustrate this issue using simulations and then present Drosophila simulans data that show how reproductive incompatibilities caused by Wolbachia infection can generate signals of intralocus sexual conflict. Given that Wolbachia infection in insect populations is pervasive, but populations usually contain both infected and uninfected individuals providing scope for cytoplasmic incompatibility, this is an important consideration for sexual conflict research but one which, to date, has been largely underappreciated.  相似文献   
Gene flow between populations can allow the spread of beneficial alleles and genetic diversity between populations, with importance to conservation, invasion biology, and agriculture. Levels of gene flow between populations vary not only with distance, but also with divergence in reproductive phenology. Since phenology is often locally adapted, arriving migrants may be reproductively out of synch with residents, which can depress realized gene flow. In flowering plants, the potential impact of phenological divergence on hybridization between populations can be predicted from overlap in flowering schedules—the daily count of flowers capable of pollen exchange—between a resident and migrant population. The accuracy of this prospective hybridization estimate, based on parental phenotypes, rests upon the assumptions of unbiased pollen transfer between resident and migrant active flowers. We tested the impact of phenological divergence on resident–migrant mating frequencies in experiments that mimicked a single large gene flow event. We first prospectively estimated mating frequencies two lines of Brassica rapaselected or early and late flowering. We then estimated realized mating frequencies retrospectively through progeny testing. The two estimates strongly agreed in a greenhouse experiment, where procedures ensured saturating, unbiased pollination. Under natural pollination in the field, the rate of resident–migrant mating, was lower than estimated by phenological divergence alone, although prospective and retrospective estimates were correlated. In both experiments, differences between residents and migrants in flowering schedule shape led to asymmetric hybridization. Results suggest that a prospective estimate of hybridization based on mating schedules can be a useful, although imperfect, tool for evaluating potential gene flow. They also illustrate the impact of mating phenology on the magnitude and symmetry of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
An oligosaccharide that corresponds to the repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Providencia alcalifaciens O36. Structural studies of the oligosaccharide and O-deacylated lipopolysaccharide were performed using sugar and methylation analyses along with (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D (1)H,(1)H COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, and H-detected (1)H,(13)C HSQC and HMBC experiments. It was found that the O-polysaccharide is built up of linear trisaccharide repeating units containing 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose, 6-deoxy-l-talose (l-6dTal), and 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) and has the following structure. [structure: see text]  相似文献   
The O-polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Providencia alcalifaciens O32 and studied by sugar and methylation analyses, solvolysis with triflic acid, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including two-dimensional 1H,1H COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, H-detected 1H,13C HSQC and HMBC experiments. It was found that the polysaccharide has a branched tetrasaccharide repeating unit containing 2-acetamido-3-O-[(S)-1-carboxyethyl]-2-deoxy-D-glucose (D-GlcNAc3Slac, N-acetylisomuramic acid) with the following structure: [STRUCTURE: SEE TEXT]. Serological studies with O-antisera showed antigenic relationships between P. alcalifaciens O32 and O29 as well as several other Providencia and Proteus strains sharing putative epitopes on the O-polysaccharides.  相似文献   
Diversification and speciation processes are influenced by intrinsic (ecological specialization, dispersal) and extrinsic (habitat structure and instability) factors, but the effect of ecological characteristics on dispersal is difficult to assess. This study uses mitochondrial control region sequences to investigate the population structure and demographic history of the endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus caudopunctatus with a preference for the rock-sand interface along two stretches of continuous, rocky shoreline, and across a sandy bay representing a potential dispersal barrier. Populations along uninterrupted habitat were not differentiated; whereas, the sandy bay separated two reciprocally monophyletic clades. The split between the two clades between 170,000 and 260,000 years BP coincides with a period of rising water level following a major lowstand, and indicates that clades remained isolated throughout subsequent lake level fluctuations. Low long-term effective population sizes were inferred from modest genetic diversity estimates, and may be due to recent population expansions starting from small population sizes 45,000–60,000 years BP. Comparisons with available data from specialized rock-dwelling species of the␣same area suggest that habitat structure and lake level fluctuations determine phylogeographic patterns on large scales, while fine-scale population structure and demography are modulated by species-specific ecologies.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study was to evaluate if specific cytokine expression in the NK/Ly lymphoma cells might be involved in development of intoxication in the tumor-bearing animals. RT-PCR analysis was used to study an expression of mRNA coding for IL-1α, IL-6, TNF-α, TNF-β and VEGF. ELISA was used to evaluate IL-6 and IFN-γ concentration in the ascitic fluid. Cytomorphological investigation of tumor cells was done after standard Romanovsky-Giemsa staining, and chromatin staining was performed with hematoxyline and neutral red. Lactate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase release from tumor cells was estimated. It was revealed that the level of mRNA coding for VEGF and IL-6 was significant in the lymphoma cells. The level of VEGF mRNA was initially high and did not change during tumor progression, while the level of expression of IL6 mRNA was low at the initial stages of tumor growth and markedly increased (up to 5-fold) at the terminal stages. The obtained data on IL-6 mRNA expression were confirmed by ELISA, which showed more than 6-fold increase (from 90 to 570 pg/ml) in the IL-6 concentration in the ascitic fluid at late stages of NK/Ly tumor development. On the contrary to IL-6, concentration of IFN-γ in the ascitic fluid was very high at early stages of tumor development (1,000 pg/ml) and it markedly decreased (up to 30-fold, 30 pg/ml) at the terminal stages of tumor development. The high levels of IL-6 mRNA in tumor cells and IL-6 content in extracellular medium correlated with cell deterioration, as revealed by cytomorphologic study and the release of intracellular enzymes into extracellular medium. We suggest that an enhanced production and release of IL-6 by lymphoma cells can cause intoxication and exhaustion of the organism observed at terminal stages of tumor growth.  相似文献   
Exposure to high temperature or other stresses induces a synthesis of heat shock proteins. Many of these proteins are molecular chaperones and some of them help cells to cope with heat-induced denaturation and aggregation of other proteins. In the last decade, chaperones have received increased attention in connection with their role in maintenance and propagation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae prions, infectious or heritable agents transmitted at the protein level. Recent data suggest that functioning of the chaperones in reactivation of heat-damaged proteins and in propagation of prions is based on the same molecular mechanisms but may lead to different consequences depending on the type of aggregate. In both cases the concerted and balanced action of “chaperones'' team,” including Hsp104, Hsp70, Hsp40 and possibly other proteins, determines whether a misfolded protein is to be incorporated into an aggregate, rescued to the native state or targeted for degradation.Key Words: Amyloid, Hsp40, Hsp70, Hsp104, stress response, yeast  相似文献   
Plants have evolved a multitude of adaptations to survive extreme conditions. Succulent plants have the capacity to tolerate periodically dry environments, due to their ability to retain water in a specialized tissue, termed hydrenchyma. Cell wall polysaccharides are important components of water storage in hydrenchyma cells. However, the role of the cell wall and its polysaccharide composition in relation to drought resistance of succulent plants are unknown. We investigate the drought response of leaf‐succulent Aloe (Asphodelaceae) species using a combination of histological microscopy, quantification of water content, and comprehensive microarray polymer profiling. We observed a previously unreported mode of polysaccharide and cell wall structural dynamics triggered by water shortage. Microscopical analysis of the hydrenchyma cell walls revealed highly regular folding patterns indicative of predetermined cell wall mechanics in the remobilization of stored water and the possible role of homogalacturonan in this process. The in situ distribution of mannans in distinct intracellular compartments during drought, for storage, and apparent upregulation of pectins, imparting flexibility to the cell wall, facilitate elaborate cell wall folding during drought stress. We conclude that cell wall polysaccharide composition plays an important role in water storage and drought response in Aloe.  相似文献   
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