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We have searched for sequence differences in the region of the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene encoding amino acids 3130-3630 in eight individuals with reduced affinity of low density lipoprotein (LDL) for the normal LDL-receptor. All individuals were hypercholesterolaemic and were selected either on the basis of reduced fractional catabolic rate (FCR) of autologous LDL or substantially reduced binding of their LDL to normal LDL-receptors determined by an in vitro cell growth assay using the U937 macrophage-like cell line. Segments of the apo B gene were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. Using a combination of cloning and sequencing the amplified fragment, together with chemical cleavage mismatch analysis, no sequence differences were identified in this region of the gene. We therefore conclude that variation outside the region of the apo B gene that codes for amino acids 3130-3630 must be responsible for the reduced LDL clearance in these patients.  相似文献   
Chylomicrons labeled with [3H]arachidonic and [14C]linoleic acid were incubated with bovine milk lipoprotein lipase or rat postheparin plasma, containing both lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase. During incubation with bovine lipoprotein lipase, [3H]arachidonic acid was released from chylomicron triacylglycerols at a slower rate than [14C]linoleic acid. Only small amounts of [14C]linoleic acid were found as 1,2(2,3)-diacylglycerols, whereas a transient accumulation as [14C]monoacylglycerols was observed. In contrast, significantly more [3H]arachidonic acid was found as 1,2(2,3)-diacylglycerols than as monoacylglycerols at all time intervals investigated. The initial pattern of triacylglycerol hydrolysis by postheparin plasma was similar to that of bovine lipoprotein lipase. However, in contrast to the results obtained with bovine lipoprotein lipase, little [3H]1,2(2,3)-diacylglycerol accumulated. The addition of antiserum to hepatic lipase increased the amount of 3H found in 1,2(2,3)-diacylglycerols and inhibited the formation of free [3H]arachidonic acid. The antiserum also caused a significant inhibition of the hydrolysis of [3H]-but not of [14C]triacylglycerol. With regard to chylomicron phospholipids, the rate of hydrolysis of [14C]linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine with milk lipoprotein lipase was twofold higher than that of the [3H]arachidonyl phosphatidylcholine. However, the hepatic lipase of postheparin plasma had similar activity towards the two phosphatidylcholine species. Postheparin plasma rapidly hydrolyzed chylomicron 3H-labeled and 14C-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine to the same degree, and lipoprotein lipase similarly hydrolyzed 3H-labeled and 14C-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine at approximately equal rates. Antiserum to hepatic lipase inhibited the postheparin plasma hydrolysis of phosphatidylethanolamine and 3H-labeled phosphatidylcholine by about 60%, but the 14C-labeled phosphatidylcholine by only 27%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The solution structure of the self-complementary DNA hexamer 5'd(GCATGC)2 comprising the specific target site for the restriction endonuclease Sph 1 is investigated by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. All the nonexchangeable proton resonances are assigned sequentially, and from time-dependent nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements a set of 158 approximate interproton distances are determined. These distances are used as the basis of a structure refinement using restrained molecular dynamics in which the interproton distances are incorporated into the total energy function of the system in the form of an effective potential term. Two restrained molecular dynamics simulations are carried out, starting from classical B- and A-DNA [atomic root mean square (rms) difference 3.3 A]. In both cases convergence is achieved to essentially identical structures satisfying the experimental restraints and having a root mean square difference of only 0.3 A between them, which is within the rms fluctuations of the atoms about their average positions. These results suggest that the restrained molecular dynamics structures represent reasonable approximations of the solution structure. The converged structures are of the B type and exhibit clear sequence-dependent variations of helical parameters, some of which follow Calladine's rules and can be attributed to the relief of interstrand purine-purine clash at adjacent base pairs. In addition, the converged restrained dynamics structures appear bent with a radius of curvature of approximately 20 A. This bending appears to be due almost entirely to the large positive base roll angles, particularly at the Pyr-Pur steps. Further, the global and local helix axes are not coincident, and the global helix axis represents a superhelical axis which the bent DNA, when extended into an "infinite" helix by repeated translation and rotation, wraps around.  相似文献   
Pancreatic beta-cells isolated from obese-hyperglycaemic mice released intracellular Ca2+ in response to carbamoylcholine, an effect dependent on the presence of glucose. The effective Ca2+ concentration reached was sufficient to evoke a transient release of insulin. When the cells were deficient in Ca2+, the Ca2+ pool sensitive to carbamoylcholine stimulation was equivalent to that released by ionomycin. Unlike intact cells, cells permeabilized by high-voltage discharges failed to generate either inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3) or to release Ca2+ after exposure to carbamoylcholine. However, the permeabilized cells released insulin sigmoidally in response to increasing concentrations of Ca2+. Also in the absence of functional mitochondria these cells exhibited a large ATP-dependent buffering of Ca2+, enabling the maintenance of an ambient Ca2+ concentration corresponding to about 150 nM even after several additional pulses of Ca2+. InsP3, maximally effective at 6 microM, promoted a rapid and pronounced release of Ca2+. The InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ pool was rapidly filled and lost its Ca2+ late after ATP depletion. The transient nature of the Ca2+ signal was not overcome by repetitive additions of InsP3. It was possible to restore the response to InsP3 after a delay of approx. 20 min, an effect which had less latency after the addition of Ca2+. These latter findings argue against degradation and/or desensitization as factors responsible for the transiency in InsP3 response. It is suggested that Ca2+ released by InsP3 is taken up by a part of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) not sensitive to InsP3. On metabolism of InsP3, Ca2+ recycles to the InsP3-sensitive pool, implying that this pool indeed has a very high affinity for the ion. The presence of functional mitochondria did not interfere with the recycling process. The ER in pancreatic beta-cells is of major importance in buffering Ca2+, but InsP3 only modulates Ca2+ transport for a restricted period of time following immediately upon its formation. Thereafter the non-sensitive part of the ER takes over the continuous regulation of Ca2+ cycling.  相似文献   
N-Deacetylation of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-hexose residues is accomplished in liquid ammonia containing calcium. Oligosaccharides, lacto-N-fucopentaose II and lacto-N-difucohexaose I, containing 3,4-disubstitutedN-acetylhexosamine residues are quantitativelyN-deacetylated. When applied to polysaccharides, however, only partialN-deacetylation was achieved.Author for correspondence. AXRD  相似文献   
The different fragments of the third complement component, C3, generated upon complement activation/inactivation have the ability to bind to several other complement components and receptors as well as to proteins of foreign origin. These multiple reactivities of C3 fragments are associated with a series of conformational changes occurring in the C3 molecule during its degradation. The conformations acquired by the different C3 fragments are also associated with the exposure of neoantigenic epitopes that are specific for (a) particular fragment(s). In order to study these epitopes and thus the conformational changes occurring in C3, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing such epitopes were produced in Balb/c mice after immunization with denatured human C3. Two of the three antibodies (7D84.1 and 7D264.6) presented in this study recognized predominantly surface-bound iC3b, and one mAb (7D323.1) recognized both surface-bound and fluid-phase iC3b. Although none of the mAbs recognized any other fluid-phase C3 fragment, all three antibodies detected micro-titre-plate-fixed C3b and iC3b, but not C3c or C3d. In addition to the reaction with human C3, mAb 7D323.1 also bound to micro-titre-plate-fixed rabbit C3. The epitopes recognized by the three mAbs were further localized by using synthetic peptides that were designed on the basis of the differential binding of the mAbs to the C3 fragments. All three antibodies reacted with C3-(924-965)-peptide, which represents the region of C3 between the kallikrein-cleavage site (923-924) and the elastase-cleavage site (965-966). On the basis of the binding of the mAbs to five different overlapping peptides spanning the region between residues 924 and 965 of the human C3 sequence, and the sequence similarity between human C3 and rabbit C3 within this area, the epitopes recognized by these antibodies are mapped. The contribution of the individual amino acid residues in the formation of the epitopes is discussed.  相似文献   
Rabbit antisera against native human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I; somatomedin C) or a synthetic tetradecapeptide, representing the carboxyterminal amino acids 57-70 of human IGF-I, were used to map immunohistochemically the distribution of IGF-I immunoreactive material in adult rats. Both antisera were specific for IGF-I, as characterized by immunoabsorption, immunoblotting and radioimmunoassay. There was no cross-reactivity to IGF-II, relaxin or pro-insulin; substances having a high degree of structural homology with IGF-I. High IGF-I immunoreactivity was observed in spermatocytes of the testis; in oocytes, granulosa and theca interna cells of the ovary during early stages of follicle development; in some lymphocytes and in reticular cells of lymphoid and hematopoietic organs; in salivary gland duct cells; in the adrenal medulla, the parathyroid gland and the Langerhans' islets. Chondrocytes in the epiphyseal and rib growth plates and at articular surfaces showed strong IGF-I immunoreactivity. Brown but not white fat cells were stained. Nerve cells in the peripheral and autonomic nervous system showed faint to intense IGF-I immunoreactivity. In contrast, neurons and neuroglial cells in the central nervous system were generally negative; motor neurons being an exception. Erythropoietic, thrombocytopoietic and myeloic cells in the bone marrow showed IGF-I immunoreactivity, but only at defined developmental stages. Hepatocytes showed faint IGF-I immunoreactivity, but became more intensely stained after pretreatment with colchicine. The present results suggest that IGF-I is synthetized by cells in several tissues and organs in the adult rat. There was an apparent association between the localization of IGF-I and cell differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Observations on territoriality and the associated odour-marking and foraging behaviours in male Pachymelus limbarus Saussure, a Malagasy endemic anthophorid bee, are reported. Data indicated a monandrous mating system where virgin females are attracted, probably by pheromonal cues, to male-patrolled territories associated with flowering, nectariferous Plectran- rhussensu lato species (Lamiaceae). One male observed in detail applied odour marks every 30–80 minutes on twigs around a food-resource area that contained c. 850 flowers. This marking behaviour always preceded territory residence. The male spent c. 80% of his time patrolling. Meanwhile, any intruding flying insect was inspected or chased, which caused conspecific males, as well as often females, to leave the site. The resident male fed frequently on flowers within his territory (c. 3,600 flower-visits on fine days), except immediately following odour-marking bouts. His flower-visiting was often released by interactions with intruding insects entering the territory. The observations provide the first example of male territoriality based on resource defence polygyny in the bee family Anthophoridae. The importance of resource distribution in the evolution of male territoriality in bees is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In the superposition eyes of the sphingid moth Deilephila and the neuropteran Ascalaphus, adjustment to different intensities is subserved by longitudinal migrations of screening pigment in specialized pigment cells. Using ophthalmoscopic techniques we have localized the light-sensitive trigger that controls pigment position.In both species, local illumination of a small spot anywhere within the eye glow of a dark-adapted eye evokes local light adaptation in the ommatidia whose facets receive the light. Details of the response pattern demonstrate that a distal light-sensitive trigger is located axially in the ommatidium, just beneath the crystalline cone, and extends with less sensitivity deep into the clear zone. The distal trigger in Deilephila was shown to be predominantly UV sensitive, and a UV-absorbing structure, presumably the distal trigger, was observed near the proximal tip of the crystalline cone.In Ascalaphus we also found another trigger located more proximally, which causes local pigment reaction in the ommatidia whose rhabdoms are illuminated (the centre of the eye glow). The light-sensitive trigger for this response appears to be the rhabdom itself.  相似文献   
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