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Summary The presence and distribution of regulatory peptides in nerves and endocrine cells of the stomach, intestine and rectum of a urodele amphibian, the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus, was studied immunohistochemically in sections or whole-mount preparations of the gut wall. The effect of the occurring peptides on gut motility was studied in isolated strip preparations of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle from different parts of the gut.Bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like immunoreactivity was present in abundant nerve fibres in the myenteric plexus of both stomach, intestine and rectum. Single fibres or bundles were present in the circular muscle layer and in a well-developed deep muscular plexus in the intestine and rectum. Immunoreactive nerve cells were found in the myenteric plexus of the stomach, intestine (neurotensin only) and rectum. Gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactivity was observed only in a few fibres in stomach and rectum.Endocrine cells containing bombesin-, met-enkephalin-, gastrin/CCK-, neurotensin-, somatostatin- or substance P- like immunoreactivity were present in the mucosa.The effect of bombesin was an inhibition of the rhythmic activity in circular muscle preparations and in longitudinal muscle from the rectum, while longitudinal muscle from the stomach usually responded with a weak increase in tonus. Neurotensin, like bombesin, was inhibitory on the spontaneous rhythmic activity of circular muscle throughout the gut, while the effect on longitudinal muscle was an increase in tonus. Met-enkephalin and substance P increased the tonus of all types of preparations, and often, in addition, initiated a rhythmic activity superimposed on this maintained tonus. VIP had a general inhibitory effect on the preparations, decreasing tonus and/or abolishing rhythmic activity.It is concluded that bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like peptides are present in nerves throughout the urodele gut and may have physiological functions in regulating the motility of the gut. The gastrin/CCK-like peptide present in nerves of the stomach and rectum may affect the function of these parts of the gut. The regulatory peptides present in endocrine cells may, perhaps with the exception of the somatostatin-like peptide, affect the motility humorally.  相似文献   
Complement factor C3, recently found to contain covalently bound phosphate, was phosphorylated in vitro by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A) and Ca2(+)-activated, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Both protein kinases phosphorylated the same serine residue(s) located in the C3a portion of the alpha-chain. In addition, protein kinase C phosphorylated the beta-chain to a lesser extent. Protein kinase A gave a maximal incorporation of 1 mol of phosphate/mol of C3 while that value with protein kinase C was 1.5 mol of phosphate/mol of C3. The velocity in pmol of [32P]phosphate/(min x unit kinase) was 20 times higher for protein kinase C than for protein kinase A although a 10 times lower ratio of protein kinase to C3 was used in the former case. The apparent Km for C3 was 2.6 microM when protein kinase C was used. The phosphorylated C3 was found to be more resistant to partial degradation by trypsin than unphosphorylated C3. It was also found that phosphorylation of C3 in the C3a portion of the alpha-chain inhibited both the classical and alternative complement activation pathways on an approximately stoichiometric basis.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena dominates the annual, toxic summer blooms in the Baltic Sea. Although Nodularia has been receiving attention due to its production of the hepatotoxin nodularin, molecular data regarding the regulation of nitrogen fixation is lacking. We have previously reported that N. spumigena strain AV1, unlike model filamentous cyanobacteria, differentiates heterocysts in the absence of detectable nitrogen fixation activity. To further analyze the uncoupling between these two linked processes, we assessed the impact of ammonium ions on the N. spumigena metabolism using a proteomic approach. Proteomic profiling was performed at three different times during ammonium supplementation using quantitative 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by MS/MS analysis. Using this approach, we identified 34 proteins, 28 of which were unique proteins that changed successively in abundance during growth on ammonium. Our results indicate that N. spumigena generally exhibits lower energy production and carbon fixation in the presence of ammonium and seems to be inefficient in utilizing ammonium as an external nitrogen source. The possibility of ammonium toxicity due to PSII damage was investigated and the results are discussed. Our findings have implications in regard to the strategies considered to manage the cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
The macroalgal belt in the southern Baltic Sea may be partly structured by the interaction of physical and biological factors. A field study, spanning the 1990s, describes a rapid decline of the Fucus spp. stands along the wave-exposed Swedish southeast coast. During this period, a relative dominance of Fucus vesiculosus L. shifted to a relative dominance of Fucus serratus L. The decline of F. vesiculosus coincided with observations of large numbers of the grazing isopods Idotea baltica (Pallas) and Idotea granulosa Rathke, or with field observations of frequent grazing marks on Fucus fronds. I. baltica, but not I. granulosa, tended to aggregate in the declining Fucus spp. stands, indicating a strong preference for Fucus spp. In a mesocosm experiment I. baltica, when given a choice, grazed both Fucus species at weak water motion. At strong water motion grazing was concentrated on F. vesiculosus. It is hypothesized that one of the reasons I. baltica preferred F. vesiculosus to F. serratus at strong water motion may have been differences in habitat quality, like width of thallus, influencing the ability to cling to the plant. Smaller thallus, as in F. vesiculosus, thus is the preferred habitat for grazing of I. blatica. We postulate that the existence of F. serratus in the area may be favoured by strong wave action and moderate but not strong grazing by I. baltica, relaxing the interspecific competition from F. vesiculosus.  相似文献   
Predicted climate change implies warmer weather and a higher frequency of extreme weather situations. The consequences of the warm July in 2003 was investigated in contrast to the cold July in 2004 in southern Sweden with focus on the dispersal rate of two species of burnet moths (Zygaenidae). During an extensive mark-release-recapture program in metapopulations of burnet moths substantial differences in inter habitat patch dispersal rates were observed. For two species of Zygaena it was 2.14 and 2.18 times higher during the warm year. Measured patch dispersal rate significantly declined towards the edges of the large study-area, suggesting that individuals disperse outside the study-area. No significant differences in dispersal rates were found between the two species studied. The dispersal rates were similar for both females and males, and no density dependent effects on dispersal or effects of amount of nectar rich flowers were found. Dispersal events appeared as distinct movements, often reaching several kilometres. We conclude that dispersal depend on climatic conditions. Exceptionally warm years may be especially important for survival of certain species in metapopulation systems and this may be crucial for the survival of populations during scenarios of climate change.  相似文献   
Here, we describe a new approach for mutational scanning of PCR products through hybridization analysis between complementary oligonucleotides. Sets of overlapping probe oligonucleotides complementary to wild-type (WT) sequence are hybridized to microbead-immobilized PCR products under solution-like conditions. Mismatch-hybridization situations between a mutant sample and probe oligonucleotides result in higher remaining concentrations in solution of involved probe oligonucleotides. Post-hybridization supernatants are subsequently analyzed for their probe oligonucleotide compositions using surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor technology. Relative remaining probe oligonucleotide concentrations are monitored in real-time through hybridization analysis between probe oligonucleotides and their corresponding sensor-chip immobilized complementary counterparts. This allows for the construction of composition diagrams revealing the existence and approximate location of a mutation within an investigated sample DNA sequence. Applied on PCR products derived from clinical samples of microdissected tumor biopsies, single mutations in exons 6 and 7 of the human p53 tumor-suppressor gene were successfully detected and approximately localized.  相似文献   
Örjan Nilsson 《Grana》2013,52(2-3):279-363
The pollen morphology of several genera in Portulacaceae is described. Particular attention has been paid to the genera of the subfamily Montioideae, as a stage of continued monographical studies. Among genera especially dealt with are Claytonia, Montia, Crunocallis, Naiocrene, Neopaxia, Mona, Maxia, Limnalsine, and Montiastrum. In the taxonomical treatment of these genera the pollen morphology has proved to afford many important additional characters.

The pollen grains of Claytonia are distinguished from those of the remainder in being 3-colpate. The grains of the Claytonia-type have many similarities with those of Lewisia, a genus of the subfamily Portulacoideae. The other genera of Montioideae have pantocolpate pollen grains. Among these genera several different pollen types are distinguished, chiefly with regard to the sexine structures and the aperture membranes. The Montiastrum-type is especially interesting, with tholate grains, a particular pollen type not met with in any other genus in the family. The pollen morphology of some genera in the Portulacoideae is also treated. In some species in Calandrina and Talinum pantotreme pollen grains are observed with apertures transitional between pori and colpi. The apertures of the pantotreme grains are arranged in characteristic patterns.

Particular attention has been given to the variation of the pollen morphological characters. This variation has been examined with regard to the differences between different populations of the same species as well as between different species. The greatest variation has been observed in the shape and size of the grains. The structure and sculpture and thickness of the sexine and the aperture membranes are less variable. Some polyploid taxa are connected with the occurrence of pollen grains with divergent and varying aperture numbers.

In a survey of the genera the taxonomical results of the investigation are presented with particular regard to the pollen morphology. The new genus, Maxia Ö. Nilss., is described. One new species, Montia clara Ö. Nilss., is described and some new combinations are made.

Pollen morphological diagnoses are given for 46 different taxa. The aperture conditions for 96 different species are presented.  相似文献   
The phylogeography of an endangered salmonid, European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), was studied based on analysis of 17 nuclear microsatellite DNA loci. In agreement with earlier mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies, phylogenetic relationships of the populations suggested that northern Europe was colonized from two distinct Pleistocene refugia. Furthermore, microsatellites revealed highly supported grouping of mainland Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German and Slovenian populations, suggesting that grayling from the northwestern and central Europe have descended from their southern conspecifics. The level of divergence between populations was substantial, even across short geographical distances. Although this was in part due to postglacial colonization patterns and contemporary barriers for gene flow, the high divergence estimates between hydrologically connected sampling locations implied efficient interpopulation reproductive isolation. Microsatellites revealed that the populations exhibited, on average, only 3.5 (+/-2.2) alleles per locus, indicating that T. thymallus has strikingly low levels of intrapopulation genetic diversity as compared with other freshwater fish species. Accordingly, as indicated by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), only 49.1-58.0% of the total grayling microsatellite diversity resided within populations. A latitudinal genetic diversity gradient, potentially resulting from glaciation-mediated founder events, was not evident. Alternatively, it is possible that grayling display limited dispersal behaviour/capability, leading to low long-term effective population sizes and, consequently, depauperate intrapopulation polymorphism. These findings have implications for conservation of T. thymallus. Importantly, they exemplify that microsatellites can be highly informative for intraspecific phylogeography studies dealing with substantial divergence scales.  相似文献   
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