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Nils Hennion Mickael Durand Ccile Vriet Joan Doidy Laurence Maurousset Rmi Lemoine Nathalie Pourtau 《Physiologia plantarum》2019,165(1):44-57
In plants, the root is a typical sink organ that relies exclusively on the import of sugar from the aerial parts. Sucrose is delivered by the phloem to the most distant root tips and, en route to the tip, is used by the different root tissues for metabolism and storage. Besides, a certain portion of this carbon is exuded in the rhizosphere, supplied to beneficial microorganisms and diverted by parasitic microbes. The transport of sugars toward these numerous sinks either occurs symplastically through cell connections (plasmodesmata) or is apoplastically mediated through membrane transporters (MST, mononsaccharide tranporters, SUT/SUC, H+/sucrose transporters and SWEET, Sugar will eventually be exported transporters) that control monosaccharide and sucrose fluxes. Here, we review recent progresses on carbon partitioning within and outside roots, discussing membrane transporters involved in plant responses to biotic and abiotic factors. 相似文献
Raschzok N Morgul MH Pinkernelle J Vondran FW Billecke N Kammer NN Pless G Adonopoulou MK Leist C Stelter L Teichgraber U Schwartlander R Sauer IM 《Journal of cellular and molecular medicine》2008,12(4):1384-1394
Transplantation of primary human hepatocytes is a promising approach in certain liver diseases. For the visualization of the hepa-tocytes during and following cell application and the ability of a timely response to potential complications, a non-invasive modality for imaging the transplanted cells has to be established. The aim of this study was to label primary human hepatocytes with micron-sized iron oxide particles (MPIOs), enabling the detection of cells by clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Primary human hepatocytes isolated from 13 different donors were used for the labelling experiments. Following the dose-finding studies, hepatocytes were incubated with 30 particles/cell for 4 hrs in an adhesion culture. Particle incorporation was investigated via light, fluorescence and electron microscopy, and labelled cells were fixed and analysed in an agarose suspension by a 3.0 Tesla MR scanner. The hepatocytes were enzymatically resuspended and analysed during a 5-day reculture period for viability, total protein, enzyme leakage (aspartate aminotransferase [AST], lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]) and metabolic activity (urea, albumin). A mean uptake of 18 particles/cell could be observed, and the primary human hepatocytes were clearly detectable by MR instrumentation. The particle load was not affected by resuspension and showed no alternations during the culture period. Compared to control groups, labelling and resuspension had no adverse effects on the viability, enzyme leakage and metabolic activity of the human hepatocytes. The feasibility of preparing MPIO-labelled primary human hepatocytes detectable by clinical MR equipment was shown in vitro. MPIO-labelled cells could serve for basic research and quality control in the clinical setting of human hepatocyte transplantation. 相似文献
Nils?E?MagnussonEmail author Alessandra?K?Cardozo Mogens?Kruh?ffer Decio?L?Eizirik Torben?F??rntoft Jens?L?Jensen 《BMC bioinformatics》2005,6(1):311
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a autoimmune disease caused by a long-term negative balance between immune-mediated beta-cell damage and beta-cell repair/regeneration. Following immune-mediated damage the beta-cell fate depends on several genes up- or down-regulated in parallel and/or sequentially. Based on the information obtained by the analysis of several microarray experiments of beta-cells exposed to pro-apoptotic conditions (e.g. double stranded RNA (dsRNA) and cytokines), we have developed a spotted rat oligonucleotide microarray, the APOCHIP, containing 60-mer probes for 574 genes selected for the study of beta-cell apoptosis. 相似文献105.
Philippe Fuchs Nils Rugen Chris Carrie Marlene Elssser Iris Finkemeier Jonas Giese Tatjana M. Hildebrandt Kristina Kühn Veronica G. Maurino Cristina Ruberti Mareike Schallenberg‐Rüdinger Janina Steinbeck Hans‐Peter Braun Holger Eubel Etienne H. Meyer Stefanie J. Müller‐Schüssele Markus Schwarzlnder 《The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology》2020,101(2):420-441
Daniela Bustos‐Korts Ian K. Dawson Joanne Russell Alessandro Tondelli Davide Guerra Chiara Ferrandi Francesco Strozzi Ezequiel L. Nicolazzi Marta Molnar‐Lang Hakan Ozkan Maria Megyeri Peter Miko Esra akr Enes Yakr Noemi Trabanco Stefano Delbono Stylianos Kyriakidis Allan Booth Davide Cammarano Martin Mascher Peter Werner Luigi Cattivelli Laura Rossini Nils Stein Benjamin Kilian Robbie Waugh Fred A. van Eeuwijk 《The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology》2019,99(6):1172-1191
Broadening the genetic base of crops is crucial for developing varieties to respond to global agricultural challenges such as climate change. Here, we analysed a diverse panel of 371 domesticated lines of the model crop barley to explore the genetics of crop adaptation. We first collected exome sequence data and phenotypes of key life history traits from contrasting multi‐environment common garden trials. Then we applied refined statistical methods, including some based on exomic haplotype states, for genotype‐by‐environment (G×E) modelling. Sub‐populations defined from exomic profiles were coincident with barley's biology, geography and history, and explained a high proportion of trial phenotypic variance. Clear G×E interactions indicated adaptation profiles that varied for landraces and cultivars. Exploration of circadian clock‐related genes, associated with the environmentally adaptive days to heading trait (crucial for the crop's spread from the Fertile Crescent), illustrated complexities in G×E effect directions, and the importance of latitudinally based genic context in the expression of large‐effect alleles. Our analysis supports a gene‐level scientific understanding of crop adaption and leads to practical opportunities for crop improvement, allowing the prioritisation of genomic regions and particular sets of lines for breeding efforts seeking to cope with climate change and other stresses. 相似文献
Marianna Pasquariello Delfina Barabaschi Axel Himmelbach Burkhard Steuernagel Ruvini Ariyadasa Nils Stein Francesco Gandolfi Elena Tenedini Isabella Bernardis Enrico Tagliafico Nicola Pecchioni Enrico Francia 《Functional & integrative genomics》2014,14(1):85-100
Frost resistance-H2 (Fr-H2) is a major QTL affecting freezing tolerance in barley, yet its molecular basis is still not clearly understood. To gain a better insight into the structural characterization of the locus, a high-resolution linkage map developed from the Nure × Tremois cross was initially implemented to map 13 loci which divided the 0.602 cM total genetic distance into ten recombination segments. A PCR-based screening was then applied to identify positive bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from two genomic libraries of the reference genotype Morex. Twenty-six overlapping BACs from the integrated physical-genetic map were 454 sequenced. Reads assembled in contigs were subsequently ordered, aligned and manually curated in 42 scaffolds. In a total of 1.47 Mbp, 58 protein-coding sequences were identified, 33 of which classified according to similarity with sequences in public databases. As three complete barley C-repeat Binding Factors (HvCBF) genes were newly identified, the locus contained13 full-length HvCBFs, four Related to AP2 Triticeae (RAPT) genes, and at least five CBF pseudogenes. The final overall assembly of Fr-H2 includes more than 90 % of target region: all genes were identified along the locus, and a general survey of Repetitive Elements obtained. We believe that this gold-standard sequence for the Morex Fr-H2 will be a useful genomic tool for structural and evolutionary comparisons with Fr-H2 in winter-hardy cultivars along with Fr-2 of other Triticeae crops. 相似文献
This study describes the population structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies) as revealed by protein polymorphisms and morphological variation. Electrophoretically detectable genetic variability was examined at 22 protein loci in 70 populations from the natural range of the species in Europe. Like other conifers, Norway spruce exhibits a relatively large amount of genetic variability and little differentiation among populations. Sixteen polymorphic loci (73%) segregate for a total of 51 alleles, and average heterozygosity per population is 0.115. Approximately 5% of the total genetic diversity is explained by differences between populations (GST = 0.052), and Nei's standard genetic distance is less than 0.04 in all cases. We suggest that the population structure largely reflects relatively recent historical events related to the last glaciation and that Norway spruce is still in a process of adaptation and differentiation. There is a clear geographic pattern in the variation of allele frequencies. A major part of the allelefrequency variation can be accounted for by a few synthetic variables (principal components), and 80% of the variation of the first principal component is “explained” by latitude and longitude. The central European populations are consistently depauperate of genetic variability, most likely as an effect of severe restrictions of population size during the last glaciation. The pattern of differentiation at protein loci is very similar to that observed for seven morphological traits examined. This similarity suggests that the same evolutionary forces have acted upon both sets of characters. 相似文献