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The aim of this investigation was to study the putative role of protein phosphorylation in interleukin-1 (IL-1) induced signal transduction in insulin producing cells. For this purpose, insulin producing RINm-5F cells were exposed to IL-1 for 7 hours with or without different agonists and antagonists to protein kinases and phosphatases and the production of nitrite was subsequently determined. It has been shown earlier that IL-1 will stimulate the production of nitrite in such cells. It was found that EDTA, TPA and staurosporine did not affect IL-1 induced nitrite production. However, the tyrosine kinase antagonist tyrphostin inhibited, whereas sodium orthovanadate, okadaic acid and cyclosporin A, all inhibitors of protein phosphatases, potentiated IL-1 induced nitrite release to the medium. The tyrosine kinase antagonist genistein potentiated at a low concentration and inhibited at a high concentration the IL-1 effect. It is concluded that protein phosphorylation events, mediated either by protein kinases or phosphatases on both tyrosine and serine/threonine residues, may mediate or antagonize IL-1 induced signal transduction in insulin producing cells.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of an anionic form of salmon trypsin has been determined at 1.82 Å resolution. We report the first structure of a trypsin from a phoikilothermic organism in a detailed comparison to mammalian trypsins in order to look for structural rationalizations for the cold-adaption features of salmon trypsin. This form of salmon trypsin (T II) comprises 222 residues, and is homologous to bovine trypsin (BT) in about 65% of the primary structure. The tertiary structures are similar, with an overall displacement in main chain atomic positions between salmon trypsin and various crystal structures of bovine trypsin of about 0.8 Å. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are compared and discussed in order to estimate possible differences in molecular flexibility which might explain the higher catalytic efficiency and lower thermostability of salmon trypsin compared to bovine trypsin. No overall differences in intramolecular interactions are detected between the two structures, but there are differences in certain regions of the structures which may explain some of the observed differences in physical properties. The distribution of charged residues is different in the two trypsins, and the impact this might have on substrate affinity has been discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A stationary bubble-swarm has been used to aerate a mammalian cell culture bioreactor with an extremely low gas flow rate. Prolonging the residence time of the gas bubbles within the medium improved the efficiency of the gas transfer into the liquid phase and suppressed foam formation. An appropriate field of speed gradients prevented the bubbles from rising to the surface. This aeration method achieves an almost 90% transfer of oxygen supplied by the bubbles. Consequently, it is able to supply cells with oxygen even at high cell densities, while sparging with a gas flow of only 0.22·10–3–1.45·10–3 vvm (30–200 ml/h).The reactor design, the oxygen transfer rates and the high efficiency of the system are presented. Two repeated batch cultures of a rat-mouse hybridoma cell line are compared with a surface-aerated spinner culture. The used cell culture medium was serum-free, either with or without BSA and did not contain surfactants or other cell protecting agents. One batch is discussed in detail for oxygen supply, amino acid consumption and specific antibody production.  相似文献   
The distribution of 1731 retrotransposon-hybridizing sequences in the family Drosophilidae has been studied using a 1731 probe from Drosophila melanogaster. Squash blot and Southern blot analyses of 42 species reveal that the 1731 sequences are widespread within both the Sophophora and Drosophila subgenera and are also present in the genera Scaptomyza and Zaprionus. Hence the 1731 retrotransposon family appears to have a long evolutionary history in the Drosophilidae genome. Differences of hybridization signal intensity suggested that the 1731 sequence is well conserved only in the three species most closely related to D. melanogaster (D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia). A survey of insertion sites in numerous different populations of the previous four species by in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes has shown in all cases both chromocentric hybridizations and a low number of sites (0-5) on the chromosomal arms. This number of sites is among the lowest observed in D. melanogaster and D. simulans when 1731 is compared with other retrotransposon families. In addition, we have observed species-specific patterns of the chromocentric hybridization signal, suggesting rapid modifications of the beta-heterochromatin components since the radiation of the melanogaster subgroup.   相似文献   
This study describes the population structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies) as revealed by protein polymorphisms and morphological variation. Electrophoretically detectable genetic variability was examined at 22 protein loci in 70 populations from the natural range of the species in Europe. Like other conifers, Norway spruce exhibits a relatively large amount of genetic variability and little differentiation among populations. Sixteen polymorphic loci (73%) segregate for a total of 51 alleles, and average heterozygosity per population is 0.115. Approximately 5% of the total genetic diversity is explained by differences between populations (GST = 0.052), and Nei's standard genetic distance is less than 0.04 in all cases. We suggest that the population structure largely reflects relatively recent historical events related to the last glaciation and that Norway spruce is still in a process of adaptation and differentiation. There is a clear geographic pattern in the variation of allele frequencies. A major part of the allelefrequency variation can be accounted for by a few synthetic variables (principal components), and 80% of the variation of the first principal component is “explained” by latitude and longitude. The central European populations are consistently depauperate of genetic variability, most likely as an effect of severe restrictions of population size during the last glaciation. The pattern of differentiation at protein loci is very similar to that observed for seven morphological traits examined. This similarity suggests that the same evolutionary forces have acted upon both sets of characters.  相似文献   
We shall present several qualitative mathematical models to describe the early evolution of water transport systems in plants. To perform this in a systematic way we apply methods which have been developed in phenomenological synergetics. These methods rest on the fact that it becomes possible to describe the macroscopic behavior of a complex system by a set of control and order parameters when they are suitably identified. Our presentation is addressed to community with interdisciplinary interests.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of acetic acid and specific growth rate on acetic acid tolerance and trehalose content of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 2806 were studied using anaerobic chemostat cultures. Cells grown in the presence of acetic acid at a defined specific growth rate showed a higher acetic acid tolerance and a slightly lower trehalose content. Cells grown at a low specific growth rate showed a lower energy demand, a higher acetic acid tolerance, and a higher trehalose content. These results indicate that trehalose plays a growth rate dependent role in the tolerance of S. cerevisiae to acetic acid.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms are characteristic of many physiological and biochemical processes in the freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis. Earlier, we found that the rhythms of photosynthesis, phototaxis and cell shape followed the same pattern in control organisms, but were differently affected by stress such as UV-B irradiation and nitrogen deficiency. Here we extend our studies to use isolated plasma membranes to characterize the rhythms of some plasma membrane-bound enzymes. Also, we wanted to see whether stress-induced changes of these rhythms could be detected at the subcellular level and possibly be coupled to the changes seen in photosynthesis, phototaxis and cell shape. The isolation of plasma membranes using aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning was successful, as judged by the large enrichment of the plasma membrane-marker 5′-nucleotidase, and the difference in the polypeptide pattern compared with the microsomal fraction from which it was prepared. Two other enzymes were analyzed, K+, Mg2+-ATPase, and adenylyl cyclase. The specific activities of all three enzymes were decreased by UV-B radiation by ca 30–50%, compared with the control cultures. On the other hand, nitrogen deficiency not only reduced the activity of the K+.Mg2+-ATPase but also increased the activities of the 5′-nucleotidase and adenylyl cyclase. The different treatments also resulted in differences in polypeptide pattern, e.g., a polypeptide around 30 kDa seemed to be specific to plasma membranes of nitrogen-deficient cultures and one at 39 kDa for the UV-B radiated ones. All three enzymes showed diurnal rhythms that were affected by UV-B radiation. The peak in the rhythm of the ATPase was shifted by UV-B radiation, the rhythm of the 5′-nucleotidase nearly eliminated. The first peak of adenylyl cyclase activity was delayed, so that it looked more like a broad peak between 2 and 11 h after the onset of light. The rhythm of ATPase activity could be correlated with that of photosynthesis in both control and UV-B irradiated cultures. Also, the rhythms of adenylyl cyclase activity and cell shape changes showed some similarities.  相似文献   
Following DNA damage or a block to DNA synthesis, checkpoint pathways act to arrest mitosis and prevent the attempted segregation of damaged or unreplicated DNA. The rad17 locus of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is one of seven known radiation-sensitive (rad) loci which are absolutely required to prevent mitosis following DNA damage in fission yeast. Six of these (rad1, rad3, rad9, rad17, rad26 and hus1) are also required for the checkpoint which prevents mitosis from occurring before DNA replication is complete. We report here that the predicted rad17 gene product is a basic hydrophilic protein of 606 amino acids which contains five domains with sequence homology to replication factor C (RF-C)/activator 1 subunits. Western analysis and fusion with Green Fluorescent Protein indicate that the abundance and electrophoretic mobility of Rad17 is not significantly modified following a block to DNA synthesis or following DNA damage, and that Rad17 is localized in the nucleus. Rad17 function is not essential for growth, but is required for the function of the DNA structure-dependent checkpoints. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to demonstrate the biological significance of the RF-C/activator 1-related domains. These studies have also defined an element of the radiation sensitivity caused by loss of Rad17 function which is not associated with the radiation-induced G2 arrest defect seen in the rad17.d null mutant cells.  相似文献   
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