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Commercial materials with polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and polymeric amberlites (XAD7HP, XAD16) are commonly used for the adsorptive downstream processing of polyphenols from renewable resources. In this study, beta‐zeolite‐based adsorbent systems were examined, and their properties were compared to organic resins. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted with synthetic solutions of major polyphenols. Adsorption isotherms and desorption characteristics of individual adsorbent were determined based on these results. Maximum adsorption capacities were calculated using the Langmuir model. For example, the zeolites had capacities up to 203.2 mg/g for ferulic acid. To extend these results to a complex system, additional experiments were performed on rapeseed meal and wheat seed extracts as representative renewable resources. HPLC analysis showed that with 7.5% w/v, which is regarded as the optimum amount of zeolites, zeolites A and B could bind 100% of the major polyphenols as well as release polyphenols at high yields. Additionally, regeneration experiments were performed with isopropyl alcohol at 99°C to evaluate how zeolites regenerate under mild conditions. The results showed only a negligible loss of adsorption capacity and no loss of desorption capacity. In summary, it was concluded that beta‐zeolites were promising adsorbents for developing new processes to isolate polyphenols from renewable resources.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is an increasing threat to wildlife species across the globe and it has been predicted that future biodiversity will decrease rapidly without the intervention of scientifically-based management. In this study we have applied a landscape genetics approach to suggest a network design that will maintain connectivity among populations of the endangered mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the fragmented highlands of Ethiopia. DNA was obtained non-invasively from 328 individuals and genetic population structure and gene flow were estimated using 12 microsatellite markers. In addition, a 475-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 132 individuals. Potential dispersal corridors were determined from least-cost path analysis based on a habitat suitability map. The genetic data indicated limited gene flow between the sampled mountain Nyala populations of the Bale Massif and the Arsi Massif. The genetic differentiation observed among five sampling areas of the Bale Massif followed a pattern of isolation by distance. We detected no impact of habitat resistance on the gene flow. In the future, however, the current expanding human population in the highlands of Ethiopia may reduce the current mountain Nyala habitat and further limit migration. Hence, maintaining habitat connectivity and facilitating survival of stepping-stone populations will be important for the future conservation of the species. The approach used here may also be useful for the study and conservation of other wildlife species inhabiting areas of increasing human encroachment.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that fluorescence spectroscopy of plasma samples has promising abilities regarding early detection of colorectal cancer. In the present paper, these results were further developed by combining fluorescence with the biomarkers, CEA and TIMP-1 and traditional metabolomic measurements in the form of 1H NMR spectroscopy. The results indicate that using an extensive profile established by combining such measurements together with the biomarkers is better than using single markers.  相似文献   
The Arabian Peninsula is a key region for understanding climate change and human occupation history in a marginal environment. The Mundafan palaeolake is situated in southern Saudi Arabia, in the Rub’ al-Khali (the ‘Empty Quarter’), the world’s largest sand desert. Here we report the first discoveries of Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic archaeological sites in association with the palaeolake. We associate the human occupations with new geochronological data, and suggest the archaeological sites date to the wet periods of Marine Isotope Stage 5 and the Early Holocene. The archaeological sites indicate that humans repeatedly penetrated the ameliorated environments of the Rub’ al-Khali. The sites probably represent short-term occupations, with the Neolithic sites focused on hunting, as indicated by points and weaponry. Middle Palaeolithic assemblages at Mundafan support a lacustrine adaptive focus in Arabia. Provenancing of obsidian artifacts indicates that Neolithic groups at Mundafan had a wide wandering range, with transport of artifacts from distant sources.  相似文献   
Primates inhabiting human-modified landscapes often exploit matrix habitat to supplement their diet with cultivated foods, at times resulting in economic losses and conflict with local people. Understanding human-nonhuman primate interactions and the attitudes and perceptions of local people towards crop feeding species are crucial to designing effective species-based management plans. Over a 12-month period, we used scan sampling to study the consumption of cultivated foods and matrix use patterns by two habituated groups of Bale monkeys (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis), Ethiopian-endemic bamboo specialists, in two forest fragments (Kokosa and Afursa) set amidst human settlements and farmland in the southern Ethiopian Highlands. Further, we conducted interviews with local people to document their attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys at the two sites. We found that Bale monkeys at Kokosa, a more degraded habitat by most measures, consumed significantly more cultivated foods than their counterparts at Afursa. Moreover, Bale monkeys at Kokosa spent significantly more time in the matrix than in the forest habitat, while monkeys at Afursa spent significantly less time in the matrix than in the forest habitat. Not surprisingly, local people displayed a more negative attitude towards monkeys inhabiting Kokosa than those inhabiting Afursa. The differences in Bale monkey cultivated food consumption and matrix use patterns—as well as in local people's attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys—between Kokosa and Afursa are probably associated with differences in habitat structure, degree of habitat alteration, and land-use practices between the sites. We conclude that to ensure long-term coexistence between Bale monkeys and local people in human-modified landscapes, it is vital to incorporate nearby matrix habitats into management plans and to work closely with local communities to develop effective nonlethal crop protection strategies, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative interactions between Bale monkeys and humans.  相似文献   
Continuous processing is the future production method for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). A fully continuous, fully automated downstream process based on disposable equipment was developed and implemented inside the MoBiDiK pilot plant. However, a study evaluating the comparability between batch and continuous processing based on product quality attributes was not conducted before. The work presented fills this gap comparing both process modes experimentally by purifying the same harvest material (side-by-side comparability). Samples were drawn at different time points and positions in the process for batch and continuous mode. Product quality attributes, product-related impurities, as well as process-related impurities were determined. The resulting polished material was processed to drug substance and further evaluated regarding storage stability and degradation behavior. The in-process control data from the continuous process showed the high degree of accuracy in providing relevant process parameters such as pH, conductivity, and protein concentration during the entire process duration. Minor differences between batch and continuous samples are expected as different processing conditions are unavoidable due to the different nature of batch and continuous processing. All tests revealed no significant differences in the intermediates and comparability in the drug substance between the samples of both process modes. The stability study of the final product also showed no differences in the stability profile during storage and forced degradation. Finally, online data analysis is presented as a powerful tool for online-monitoring of chromatography columns during continuous processing.  相似文献   
Trade-offs in resource selection by central-place foragers are driven by the need to balance the benefits of selecting resources against the costs of travel from the central place. For group-territorial central-place foraging birds, trade-offs in resource selection are likely to be complicated by a competitive advantage for larger groups at high group density that may limit accessibility of high-quality distant resources to small groups. We used the group-territorial, central-place foraging Red-cockaded Woodpecker Leuconotopicus borealis (RCW) as a case study to test predictions that increases in group density lead to differences in foraging distances and resource selection for groups of different sizes. We used GPS tracking and LiDAR-derived habitat data to model effects of group size on foraging distances and selection for high-quality pines (≥ 35.6 cm diameter at breast height (dbh)) and lower quality pines (25.4–35.6 cm dbh) by RCW groups across low (n = 14), moderate (n = 10) and high group density (n = 10) conditions. At low and moderate group density, all RCW groups selected distant high-quality pines in addition to those near the central place because competition for resources was low. In contrast, at high group density, larger groups travelled further to select high-quality pines, whereas smaller groups selected high-quality pines only when they were close to the central place and, conversely, were more likely to select lower quality pines at greater distances from the central place. Selection for high-quality pines only when close to the cavity tree cluster at high group density is important to long-term fitness of small RCW groups because it allows them to maximize benefits from both territorial defence and selecting high-quality resources while minimizing costs of competition. These relationships suggest that intraspecific competition at high group density entails substantive costs to smaller groups of territorial central-place foragers by limiting accessibility of distant high-quality foraging resources.  相似文献   
Long‐range, seasonal migration is a widespread phenomenon among insects, allowing them to track and exploit abundant but ephemeral resources over vast geographical areas. However, the basic patterns of how species shift across multiple locations and seasons are unknown in most cases, even though migrant species comprise an important component of the temperate‐zone biota. The painted lady butterfly Vanessa cardui is such an example; a cosmopolitan continuously‐brooded species which migrates each year between Africa and Europe, sometimes in enormous numbers. The migration of 2009 was one of the most impressive recorded, and thousands of observations were collected through citizen science programmes and systematic entomological surveys, such as high altitude insect‐monitoring radar and ground‐based butterfly monitoring schemes. Here we use V. cardui as a model species to better understand insect migration in the Western Palaearctic, and we capitalise on the complementary data sources available for this iconic butterfly. The migratory cycle in this species involves six generations, encompassing a latitudinal shift of thousands of kilometres (up to 60 degrees of latitude). The cycle comprises an annual poleward advance of the populations in spring followed by an equatorward return movement in autumn, with returning individuals potentially flying thousands of kilometres. We show that many long‐distance migrants take advantage of favourable winds, moving downwind at high elevation (from some tens of metres from the ground to altitudes over 1000 m), pointing at strong similarities in the flight strategies used by V. cardui and other migrant Lepidoptera. Our results reveal the highly successful strategy that has evolved in these insects, and provide a useful framework for a better understanding of long‐distance seasonal migration in the temperate regions worldwide.  相似文献   
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