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Chronic heart failure (CHF) may be considered a state of immune activation and persistent inflammation expressed by increased circulating levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of the study was to investigate the immune status in patients with CHF compared to normal individuals. We measured serum cytokine levels as well as cytokine production after ex vivo LPS stimulation of whole blood taken from 14 patients with CHF and 14 healthy volunteers. We used 500 pg/ml of LPS for an incubation period of 4h to stimulate 100 microL of whole blood. Patients with CHF had significantly higher levels of TNF-RI, and TNF-RII in serum compared to normal individuals. TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-10 did not differ significantly. After LPS stimulation, patients with CHF had significantly higher levels of TNF-alpha and IL-10, and significantly lower IL-6 levels compared to normal individuals. TNF-alpha receptors did not differ significantly. Patients with CHF may be found in a pro- as well as an anti-inflammatory state. They also do not develop endotoxin tolerance in an ex vivo laboratory model using whole blood stimulated with LPS. They may have increased TNF-alpha and IL-10 production after LPS stimulation of whole blood, which may contribute to a worsening of heart function, more severe disease presentation and a worse outcome during infections.  相似文献   
A reduction-based exact algorithm for the contact map overlap problem.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aligning proteins based on their structural similarity is a fundamental problem in molecular biology with applications in many settings, including structure classification, database search, function prediction, and assessment of folding prediction methods. Structural alignment can be done via several methods, including contact map overlap (CMO) maximization that aligns proteins in a way that maximizes the number of common residue contacts. In this paper, we develop a reduction-based exact algorithm for the CMO problem. Our approach solves CMO directly rather than after transformation to other combinatorial optimization problems. We exploit the mathematical structure of the problem in order to develop a number of efficient lower bounding, upper bounding, and reduction schemes. Computational experiments demonstrate that our algorithm runs significantly faster than existing exact algorithms and solves some hard CMO instances that were not solved in the past. In addition, the algorithm produces protein clusters that are in excellent agreement with the SCOP classification. An implementation of our algorithm is accessible as an on-line server at http://eudoxus.scs.uiuc.edu/cmos/cmos.html.  相似文献   
Various species of the genus Phlomis have been reported to produce metabolites demonstrating significant pharmacological efficiency. In mature summer leaves of Phlomis fruticosa several secretory cells and structures were detected. A spectrum of compounds was localized histochemically within them. Calluses produced from leaf-cell cultures were histochemically investigated as well. Callus cells, although of low-differentiation, are synthetically active and produce various compounds. Many of them could be of pharmaceutical interest.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the morphologic and the morphometrical features of spindles in biopsies of patients with different types of muscular dystrophy and investigate the possible involvement of the spindle in the pathologic process of these diseases. STUDY DESIGN: The following variables were studied in biopsy specimens from 10 patients with Duchenne or Becker dystrophy, 9 with limb-girdle dystrophy, 3 with congenital dystrophy and 3 with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy: diameter and area of spindle; thickness of the capsule; number, diameter and area of intrafusal fibers; and number and area of nuclei. RESULTS: The statistical evaluation of the data showed significant differences regarding the thickness of the capsule, which was greater in patients than in controls, while the diameter and the area of the fibers were all smaller in patients than in controls. The area of nuclei of fibers was increased; this was a common feature for all types of muscular dystrophy. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that the spindle possibly participates in the pathologic process of different types of muscular dystrophies.  相似文献   
Sensory testing, by providing stimuli for nociceptors of the foot, is a popular method of evaluating sensory regeneration after damage to the sciatic nerve in the rat. In the following study, 20 rats were submitted to double transection of the sciatic nerve. The subsequent 14 mm gap was repaired through guidance interponation. In order to evaluate nerve regeneration, sensory testing was performed additionally to other methods, which included motor testing, morphometry, and electron microscopic assessments of nerves. Somatosensory testing revealed that all animals exhibited next to the same amount of sensory reinnervation on their foot regardless of their experimental group. In motor tests, however, two out of the three experimental groups did not improve at all. These groups also failed to show neural regrowth in morphometric and electron microscopic assessments of the associated nerve. Retrograde tracing was able to prove the saphenous nerve as an alternative source of sensory reinnervation in animals with failed sciatic regeneration. This means that results of sensory testing in the rat should be treated with caution, taking into account the areas tested and the likelihood that in these areas saphenous sprouting could have taken place. Furthermore, it is strongly advised that somatosensory testing should be conducted only on toe 5.  相似文献   
As part of its strategy to evade detection by the host immune system, murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) encodes three proteins that modulate cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules: the MHC-I homolog m152/gp40 as well as the m02-m16 family members m04/gp34 and m06/gp48. Previous studies of the m04 protein revealed a divergent Ig-like fold that is unique to immunoevasins of the m02-m16 family. Here, we engineer and characterize recombinant m06 and investigate its interactions with full-length and truncated forms of the MHC-I molecule H2-Ld by several techniques. Furthermore, we employ solution NMR to map the interaction footprint of the m06 protein on MHC-I, taking advantage of a truncated H2-Ld, “mini-H2-Ld,” consisting of only the α1α2 platform domain. Mini-H2-Ld refolded in vitro with a high affinity peptide yields a molecule that shows outstanding NMR spectral features, permitting complete backbone assignments. These NMR-based studies reveal that m06 binds tightly to a discrete site located under the peptide-binding platform that partially overlaps with the β2-microglobulin interface on the MHC-I heavy chain, consistent with in vitro binding experiments showing significantly reduced complex formation between m06 and β2-microglobulin-associated MHC-I. Moreover, we carry out NMR relaxation experiments to characterize the picosecond-nanosecond dynamics of the free mini-H2-Ld MHC-I molecule, revealing that the site of interaction is highly ordered. This study provides insight into the mechanism of the interaction of m06 with MHC-I, suggesting a structural manipulation of the target MHC-I molecule at an early stage of the peptide-loading pathway.  相似文献   


Serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is currently considered the best marker of ovarian reserve and of ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins in in-vitro fertilization (IVF). AMH assay, however, is not available in all IVF Units and is quite expensive, a reason that limits its use in developing countries. The aim of this study is to assess whether the "ovarian sensitivity index" precisely reflects AMH so that this index may be used as a surrogate for AMH in prediction of ovarian response during an IVF cycle.


AMH serum levels were measured in 61 patients undergoing IVF with a "long" stimulation protocol including the GnRH agonist buserelin and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rFSH). Patients were divided into four subgroups according to the percentile of serum AMH and their ovarian stimulation was prospectively followed. Ovarian sensitivity index (OSI) was calculated dividing the total administered FSH dose by the number of retrieved oocytes.


AMH and OSI show a highly significant negative correlation (r = -0.67; p = 0.0001) that is stronger than the one between AMH and the total number of retrieved oocytes and than the one between AMH and the total FSH dose.


OSI reflects quite satisfactory the AMH level and may be proposed as a surrogate of AMH assay in predicting ovarian responsiveness to FSH in IVF. Being very easy to calculate and costless, its use could be proposed where AMH measurement is not available or in developing countries where limiting costs is of primary importance.  相似文献   
l-Proline is the only, out of 20 essential, amino acid that contains a cyclized substituted α-amino group (is formally an imino acid), which restricts its conformational shape. The synthesis of well-defined homo- and copolymers of l-proline has been plagued either by the low purity of the monomer or the inability of most initiating species to polymerize the corresponding N-carboxy anhydride (NCA) because they require a hydrogen on the 3-N position of the five-member ring of the NCA, which is missing. Herein, highly pure l-proline NCA was synthesized by using the Boc-protected, rather than the free amino acid. The protection of the amine group as well as the efficient purification method utilized resulted in the synthesis of highly pure l-proline NCA. The high purity of the monomer and the use of an amino initiator, which does not require the presence of the 3-N hydrogen, led for the first time to well-defined poly(l-proline) (PLP) homopolymers, poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(l-proline), and poly(l-proline)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(l-proline) hybrids, along with poly(γ-benzyl-l-glutamate)-b-poly(l-proline) and poly(Boc-l-lysine)-b-poly(l-proline) copolypeptides. The combined characterization (NMR, FTIR, and MS) that results for the l-proline NCA revealed its high purity. In addition, all synthesized polymers exhibit high molecular and compositional homogeneity.  相似文献   
Metabolic profiling of biofluids, based on the quantitative analysis of the concentration profile of their free low molecular mass metabolites, has been playing increasing role employed as a means to gain understanding of the progression of metabolic disorders, including obesity. Chromatographic methods coupled with mass spectrometry have been established as a strategy for metabolic profiling. Among these, GC-MS, targeting mainly the primary metabolism intermediates, offers high sensitivity, good peak resolution and extensive databases. However, the derivatization step required for many involatile metabolites necessitates specific data validation, normalization and analysis protocols to ensure accurate and reproducible performance. In this study, the GC-MS metabolic profiles of plasma samples from mice maintained on 12- or 15-month long low (10 kcal%) or high (60 kcal%) fat diets were obtained. The profiles of the trimethylsilyl(TMS)-methoxime(MeOx) derivatives of the free polar metabolites were acquired through GC-(ion trap)MS, using [U-(13)C]-glucose as the internal standard. After the application of a recently developed data correction and normalization/filtering protocol for GC-MS metabolomic datasets, the profiles of 48 out of the 77 detected metabolites were used in multivariate statistical analysis. Data mining suggested a decrease in the activity of the energy metabolism with age. In addition, the metabolic profiles indicated the presence of subpopulations with different physiology within the high- and low-fat diet mice, which correlated well with the difference in body weight among the animals and current knowledge about hyperglycemic conditions.  相似文献   
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