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Light modulation of the ability of three artificial quinones, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ), and tetramethyl-p-benzoquinone (duroquinone), to quench chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence photochemically or non-photochemically was studied to simulate the functions of endogenous plastoquinones during the thermal phase of fast Chl fluorescence induction kinetics. DBMIB was found to suppress by severalfold the basal level of Chl fluorescence (F(o)) and to markedly retard the light-induced rise of variable fluorescence (F(v)). After irradiation with actinic light, Chl fluorescence rapidly dropped down to the level corresponding to F(o) level in untreated thylakoids and then slowly declined to the initial level. DBMIB was found to be an efficient photochemical quencher of energy in Photosystem II (PSII) in the dark, but not after prolonged irradiation. Those events were owing to DBMIB reduction under light and its oxidation in the dark. At high concentrations, DCBQ exhibited quenching behaviours similar to those of DBMIB. In contrast, duroquinone demonstrated the ability to quench F(v) at low concentration, while F(o) was declined only at high concentrations of this artificial quinone. Unlike for DBMIB and DCBQ, quenched F(o) level was attained rapidly after actinic light had been turned off in the presence of high duroquinone concentrations. That finding evidenced that the capacity of duroquinone to non-photochemically quench excitation energy in PSII was maintained during irradiation, which is likely owing to the rapid electron transfer from duroquinol to Photosystem I (PSI). It was suggested that DBMIB and DCBQ at high concentration, on the one hand, and duroquinone, on the other hand, mimic the properties of plastoquinones as photochemical and non-photochemical quenchers of energy in PSII under different conditions. The first model corresponds to the conditions under which the plastoquinone pool can be largely reduced (weak electron release from PSII to PSI compared to PSII-driven electron flow from water under strong light and weak PSI photochemical capacity because of inactive electron transport on its reducing side), while the second one mimics the behaviour of the plastoquinone pool when it cannot be filled up with electrons (weak or moderate light and high photochemical competence of PSI).  相似文献   
Addition of NADP(+) to thylakoid membranes or isolated photosystem I (PSI) submembrane fractions quenched chlorophyll fluorescence by up to 40% at low or room temperature. This quenching was reversed by NADPH. Similar quenching was also observed with the addition of heparin or thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), inhibitors that bind ferredoxin:NADP(+) reductase (FNR) and prevent reduction of NADP(+). The NADP(+)-induced quenching coincided with a reversible conformational change of the secondary protein structure in the PSI submembrane fractions where 20% of the alpha-helix conformations were transformed mainly into beta-sheet-like structures. Further, P700 photooxidation was retarded due to this conformational change, and about 25% of the centers could not be photooxidized, these changes being also reversible with addition of NADPH. The above modifications in the presence of NADP(+) also increased photodamage processes under strong illumination, and NADPH protected it. Conformational modification of FNR upon binding of NADP(+) or NADPH is proposed to trigger the macromolecular changes in a larger part of the protein complex of PSI. The conformational changes must increase the intermolecular distances and change the mutual orientation between the various cofactors in the PSI complex. This new control mechanism of energy dissipation and photochemical activity by NADP(+)/NADPH is proposed to increase the turnover rate of PSI under conditions when both linear and cyclic electron transport activities must be supported.  相似文献   
The (1)H NMR resonances of the heme substituents of the low-spin Fe(III) form of nitrophorin 2, as its complexes with N-methylimidazole (NP2-NMeIm) and imidazole (NP2-ImH), have been assigned by a combination of (1)H homonuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques and (1)H-(13)C HMQC. Complete assignment of the proton and partial assignment of the (13)C resonances of the heme of these complexes has been achieved. Due to favorable rates of ligand exchange, it was also possible to assign part of the (1)H resonances of the high-spin heme via saturation transfer between high- and low-spin protein forms in a partially liganded NP2-NMeIm sample; additional resonances (vinyl and propionate) were assigned by NOESY techniques. The order of heme methyl resonances in the high-spin form of the protein over the temperature range of 10-37 degrees C is 8 = 5 > 1 > 3; the NMeIm complex has 5 > 1 > 3 > 8 as the order of heme methyl resonances at <30 degrees C, while above that temperature, the order is 5 > 3 > 1 > 8, due to crossover of the closely spaced 3- and 1-methyl resonances of the low-spin complex at higher temperatures. This crossover defines the nodal plane of the heme orbital used for spin delocalization as being oriented 162 +/- 2 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis for the heme in the B orientation. For the NP2-ImH complex, the order of heme methyl resonances is 3 > 5 > 1 > 8, which defines the orientation of the nodal plane of the heme orbital used for spin delocalization as being oriented approximately 150-155 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis. In both low-spin complexes, the results are most consistent with the exogenous planar ligand controlling the orientation of the nodal plane of the heme orbital. In the high-spin form of NP2, the proximal histidine plane is shown to be oriented 135 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis, again for the B heme orientation. A correlation between the order of heme methyl resonances in the high-spin form of NP2 and several other ferriheme proteins and an apparent 90 degrees shift in the nodal plane of the orbital involved in spin delocalization from that expected on the basis of the orientation of the axial histidine imidazole nodal plane have been explained in terms of bonding interactions between Fe(III), the axial histidine imidazole nitrogen, and the porphyrin pi orbitals of the high-spin protein.  相似文献   
The role of the cytoskeleton in regulation of purinergic agonist- and endoplasmic Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitors-induced Ca2+ signals in rat peritoneal macrophages was investigated. It has been shown that in cells pretreated with agents that disrupt microtubules (vinblastine, colchicine, colcemid) or actin microfilaments (cytochalasins, phalloidin), the ability of thapsigargin or cyclopiazonic acid to empty Ca2+ stores and activate store-dependent Ca2+ influx was significantly attenuated. On the contrary, microfilaments and microtubule disrupters did not affect ATP- or UTP-induced Ca2+ mobilization, indicating that release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores through the inositol phosphate pathway was intact. The results suggested that an intact cytoskeleton is required for capacitative Ca2+ entry but not for agonist-induced Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   
We report a synthetic procedure for conversion of oligonucleotides to their 5'-triphosphate derivatives with moderate yield. The oligonucleotides were synthesized on solid support using standard phosphoramidite protocols. The DMT protection group was removed and the 5'-OH was phosphitylated using 2-chloro-4H-1,3,2-benzodioxaphosphorin-4-one followed by reaction with tributyammonium pyrophosphate and iodine oxidation. After subsequent removal from support and complete deprotection, the products were isolated by anion-exchange HPLC chromatography. Structures of several 5'-triphosphate derivatives have been proven by phosphorus NMR, Mass-spectrometry and by HPLC comparison with authentic samples.  相似文献   
Rats behaviour in the "open field" changed in 2 hrs after a single episode of hypoglycaemia was abolished with glucose whereas no changes occurred in their stereotyped behaviour and intraspecies interaction. In 24 hrs quantitative parameters of the "open field" behaviour normalised although the behaviour still had an altered structure. At the same time, amphetamine-induced stereotyped behaviour's indices became reduced. These and other findings suggest some deeper behavioural changes in rats during their recovery from repeated hypoglycaemic episodes and absence of synchronisation of the insulin effects.  相似文献   
To investigate whether nongastric H+-K+-ATPases transport Na+ in exchange for K+ and whether different beta-isoforms influence their transport properties, we compared the functional properties of the catalytic subunit of human nongastric H+-K+-ATPase, ATP1al1 (AL1), and of the Na+-K+-ATPase alpha1-subunit (alpha1) expressed in Xenopus oocytes, with different beta-subunits. Our results show that betaHK and beta1-NK can produce functional AL1/beta complexes at the oocyte cell surface that, in contrast to alpha1/beta1 NK and alpha1/betaHK complexes, exhibit a similar apparent K+ affinity. Similar to Na+-K+-ATPase, AL1/beta complexes are able to decrease intracellular Na+ concentrations in Na+-loaded oocytes, and their K+ transport depends on intra- and extracellular Na+ concentrations. Finally, controlled trypsinolysis reveals that beta-isoforms influence the protease sensitivity of AL1 and alpha1 and that AL1/beta complexes, similar to the Na+-K+-ATPase, can undergo distinct K+-Na+- and ouabain-dependent conformational changes. These results provide new evidence that the human nongastric H+-K+-ATPase interacts with and transports Na+ in exchange for K+ and that beta-isoforms have a distinct effect on the overall structural integrity of AL1 but influence its transport properties less than those of the Na+-K+-ATPase alpha-subunit.  相似文献   
The MkaH protein from the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri, an unusual assembly of two histone-fold domains in a single polypeptide chain, demonstrates high structural similarity to eukaryal histones. We studied the DNA binding and self-association properties of MkaH by means of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), electron microscopy (EM), chemical cross-linking, and analytical gel filtration. EMSA showed an increased mobility of linear DNA complexed with MkaH protein with a maximum at a protein-DNA weight ratio (R(w)) of approximately 3; the mobility decreased at higher protein concentration. EM of the complexes formed at Rw or=9) thickened compact nucleoprotein structures were observed; no individual loops were seen within the complexes. Gel filtration chromatography and chemical fixation indicated that in the absence of DNA the dominant form of the MkaH in solution, unlike other archaeal histones, is a stable dimer (pseudo-tetramer of the histone-fold domain) apparently resembling the eukaryal (H3-H4)(2) tetramer. Similarly, dimers are the dominant form of the protein interacting with DNA. The properties of MkaH supporting the assignment of its intermediate position between other archaeal and eukaryal histones are discussed.  相似文献   
Dietary soy may attenuate the development of arterial hypertension. In addition, some soy-containing foods exhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory properties. Accordingly, we tested the hypothesis that ACE inhibition contributes to the antihypertensive effect of dietary soy. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was recorded from conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) at least 24 h after the implantation of catheters. Cumulative dose-response curves to intravenous angiotensin I (AI) (5-100 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and angiotensin II (AII) (1-20 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) were constructed for male, sham-operated female, and ovariectomized female (OVX) SHR that were maintained on either casein or soy diets. The soy diet was associated with a significant reduction in baseline MAP in the OVX SHR (approximately 20 mmHg, 1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa). AI and AII infusions caused graded increases in MAP in all groups. However, there was no significant attenuation of the pressor responses to AI in the soy-fed SHR. Conversely, we observed a significant rightward displacement of the AII dose-response curves in the soy-fed sham-operated and OVX SHR. We conclude that ACE inhibition does not account for the antihypertensive effect of dietary soy in mature SHR.  相似文献   
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