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Analysis of the feeding behavior of animals using such a high temporal resolution that meals can be defined may improve our understanding of the mechanisms regulating feeding. Meals can be distinguished in an ethologically meaningful manner by using the ‘meal criterion’, the shortest non‐feeding interval between feeding bouts recognized as meals. However, such a criterion has only been determined for a few insect species. Applying a recent method developed for assessing meal criteria for vertebrates, we determined the meal criterion for Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on data from video recordings of single individuals feeding on seedlings of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Pinaceae). The pine weevil is an economically important pest insect, because it feeds on the stem bark of planted conifer seedlings. Weevils had 4–5 meals per day. Each meal lasted about 24 min during which about 13 mm2 of bark per meal were removed. Females had longer total meal durations and longer non‐feeding intervals within meals than males. Girdling seedlings did not affect the weevils' feeding properties. The size of meals was significantly correlated with the duration of non‐feeding intervals before and after them. This study is one of few describing the feeding behavior of an insect at a temporal resolution that allows individual meals to be distinguished. With more meal‐related data from insects available, differences in meal properties may be interpreted based on phylogeny, ecology, and physiology. Our results may also assist in the setup and interpretation of studies of plant‐insect interactions, and facilitate the evaluation and development of methods to protect plants against herbivores.  相似文献   
We studied the speciose butterfly genus Erebia by reconstructing its phylogenetic relationships using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We estimated times and rates of diversification for its lineages and employed a biogeographical analysis in order to reconstruct its evolutionary history. DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial gene and three nuclear genes were analyzed for a total of 74 species in Erebia. The estimated dates of origin and diversification for clades, in combination with a biogeographical analysis, suggest that the genus originated in Asian Russia and started its diversification process around 23 Myr. An important event was the dispersal of a lineage from Asia to Western Europe between 23 and 17 Myr, which allowed the radiation of most of species in the genus. The diversification pattern is consistent with a model of diversity limited by clade richness, which implies an early rapid diversification followed by deceleration due to a decrease in speciation. We argue that these characteristics of the evolutionary history of Erebia are consistent with a density‐dependent scenario, with species radiation limited by filling of niche space and reduced resources. We found that the Boeberia parmenio appears strongly supported in the genus Erebia and therefore we place Boeberia Prout, 1901 as a junior synonym of Erebia Dalman, 1816 ( syn. nov. ).  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression and have multiple effects in various tissues including adipose inflammation, a condition characterized by increased local release of the pro-lipolytic cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Whether miRNAs regulate adipocyte lipolysis is unknown. We set out to determine whether miRNAs affect adipocyte lipolysis in human fat cells. To this end, eleven miRNAs known to be present in human adipose tissue were over-expressed in human in vitro differentiated adipocytes followed by assessments of TNF-α and glycerol levels in conditioned media after 48 h. Three miRNAs (miR-145, -26a and let-7d) modulated both parameters in parallel. However, while miR-26a and let-7d decreased, miR-145 increased both glycerol release and TNF-α secretion. Further studies were focused therefore on miR-145 since this was the only stimulator of lipolysis and TNF-α secretion. Time-course analysis demonstrated that miR-145 over-expression up-regulated TNF-α expression/secretion followed by increased glycerol release. Increase in TNF-α production by miR-145 was mediated via activation of p65, a member of the NF-κB complex. In addition, miR-145 down-regulated the expression of the protease ADAM17, resulting in an increased fraction of membrane bound TNF-α, which is the more biologically active form of TNF-α. MiR-145 overexpression also increased the phosphorylation of activating serine residues in hormone sensitive lipase and decreased the mRNA expression of phosphodiesterase 3B, effects which are also observed upon TNF-α treatment in human adipocytes. We conclude that miR-145 regulates adipocyte lipolysis via multiple mechanisms involving increased production and processing of TNF-α in fat cells.  相似文献   
Biogenesis of ribosomal subunits involves enzymatic modifications of rRNA that fine-tune functionally important regions. The universally conserved prokaryotic dimethyltransferase KsgA sequentially modifies two universally conserved adenosine residues in helix 45 of the small ribosomal subunit rRNA, which is in proximity of the decoding site. Here we present the cryo-EM structure of Escherichia coli KsgA bound to an E. coli 30S at a resolution of 3.1 Å. The high-resolution structure reveals how KsgA recognizes immature rRNA and binds helix 45 in a conformation where one of the substrate nucleotides is flipped-out into the active site. We suggest that successive processing of two adjacent nucleotides involves base-flipping of the rRNA, which allows modification of the second substrate nucleotide without dissociation of the enzyme. Since KsgA is homologous to the essential eukaryotic methyltransferase Dim1 involved in 40S maturation, these results have also implications for understanding eukaryotic ribosome maturation.  相似文献   
Amphipyrinae have long been a catchall taxon for Noctuidae, with most members lacking discernible morphological synapomorphies that would allow their assignment to one of the many readily diagnosable noctuid subfamilies. Here data from seven gene regions (> 5500 bp) for more than 120 noctuid genera are used to infer a phylogeny for Amphipyrinae and related subfamilies. Sequence data for 57 amphipyrine genera – most represented by the type species of the genus – are examined. We present here the first large‐scale molecular phylogenetic study of Amphipyrinae and the largest molecular phylogeny of Noctuidae to date; several proposed nomenclatural changes for well‐supported results; and the identification of areas of noctuid phylogeny where greater taxon sampling and/or genomic‐scale data are needed. Adult and larval morphology, along with life‐history traits, for taxonomic groupings most relevant to the results are discussed. Amphipyrinae are significantly redefined; many former amphipyrines, excluded as a result of these analyses, are reassigned to other noctuid subfamily‐level taxa. Four genera, Chamaeclea Grote, Heminocloa Barnes & Benjamin, Hemioslaria Barnes & Benjamin and Thurberiphaga Dyar, are transferred to the tribe Chamaecleini Keegan & Wagner tribe n. in Acontiinae. Stiriina is elevated to Stiriinae rev. stat. , Grotellina is elevated to Grotellinae rev. stat. and Annaphilina is elevated to Annaphilini rev. stat. Acopa Harvey is transferred to Bryophilinae, Aleptina Dyar is transferred to Condicinae, Leucocnemis Hampson and Oxycnemis gracillinea (Grote) are transferred to Oncocnemidinae, Nacopa Barnes & Benjamin is transferred to Noctuinae and Narthecophora Smith is transferred to Stiriinae. Azenia Grote (and its subtribe Azeniina), Cropia Walker, Metaponpneumata Möschler, Sexserrata Barnes & Benjamin and Tristyla Smith are transferred to Noctuidae incertae sedis. Hemigrotella Barnes & McDunnough (formerly in subtribe Grotellina) is retained in Amphipyrinae. Argentostiria Poole and Bistica Dyar are retained in Stiriini but removed from incertae sedis position. This published work has been registered on ZooBank: http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4A140782‐31BA‐445A‐B7BA‐6EAB98ED43FA .  相似文献   
Species delimitation is at the core of biological sciences. During the last decade, molecular‐based approaches have advanced the field by providing additional sources of evidence to classical, morphology‐based taxonomy. However, taxonomy has not yet fully embraced molecular species delimitation beyond threshold‐based, single‐gene approaches, and taxonomic knowledge is not commonly integrated into multilocus species delimitation models. Here we aim to bridge empirical data (taxonomic and genetic) with recently developed coalescent‐based species delimitation approaches. We use the multispecies coalescent model as implemented in two Bayesian methods (dissect/stacey and bp&p ) to infer species hypotheses. In both cases, we account for phylogenetic uncertainty (by not using any guide tree) and taxonomic uncertainty (by measuring the impact of using a priori taxonomic assignments to specimens). We focus on an entire Neotropical tribe of butterflies, the Haeterini (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). We contrast divergent taxonomic opinion – splitting, lumping and misclassifying species – in the light of different phenotypic classifications proposed to date. Our results provide a solid background for the recognition of 22 species. The synergistic approach presented here overcomes limitations in both traditional taxonomy (e.g. by recognizing cryptic species) and molecular‐based methods (e.g. by recognizing structured populations, and not raising them to species). Our framework provides a step forward towards standardization and increasing reproducibility of species delimitations.  相似文献   
A multigene phylogenetic study was carried out to test current, mostly morphology-based hypotheses on Sterrhinae phylogeny with additional material included from further geographical areas and morphologically different lineages. A maximum likelihood analysis (11 molecular markers and 7665 bp) was conducted on 76 species and 41 genera using iq-tree software. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis is well resolved and branches have high support values. Results generally agree with earlier hypotheses at tribal levels and support the hypothesis that Sterrhinae comprises two major lineages. Based on the molecular phylogeny and extensive morphological examination, nine tribes are considered valid and the following taxonomic changes are introduced to recognize monophyletic groups: Mecoceratini Guenée, 1858 (= Ametridini Prout, 1910) is transferred from Desmobathrinae to Sterrhinae, and it is considered valid at tribal level new classification ; Haemaleini Sihvonen & Brehm is described as a new tribe and deemed sister to Scopulini + Lissoblemmini; Lissoblemmini Sihvonen & Staude is described as a new tribe and sister to Scopulini; Lythriini Herbulot, 1962 is now a junior synonym of Rhodometrini Agenjo, 1952 syn.n. ; and Rhodostrophiini Prout, 1935 is now a junior synonym of Cyllopodini Kirby, 1892 syn.n. In addition, 48 taxa are transferred from other geometrid subfamilies to Sterrhinae, or within Sterrhinae from one tribe to another, or they are classified into a tribe for the first time, or a new genus classification is proposed. The results demonstrate the limited explanatory power of earlier classifications, particularly at the tribal level. This is probably a result of earlier classifications being based on superficial characters and biased towards the European and North American fauna. The species richness and distribution of Sterrhinae and its constituent tribes are reviewed, showing that the globally distributed Sterrhinae are most diverse in the Neotropics (31% of global fauna). They are species-rich in the Palaearctic (22%), Afrotropics (19%) and Indo-Malay (16%) regions, whereas they are almost absent in Oceania (1%). In terms of the described fauna, the most species-rich tribes are Scopulini (928 species), Sterrhini (876 species) and Cosymbiini (553 species), all of which have a cosmopolitan distribution. Mecoceratiini and Haemaleini are almost entirely Neotropical. Timandrini and Lissoblemmini, by contrast, are absent in the Neotropics. We present a revised classification of the global Sterrhinae fauna, which includes about 3000 putatively valid species, classified into nine tribes and 97 genera. Four genera are of uncertain position within Sterrhinae. Our results highlight the compelling need to include more genera from a global perspective in molecular phylogenetic studies, in order to create a stable global classification for this subfamily. This published work has been registered on ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org :pub:A66F5DDD-06D6-4908-893E-E8B124BB99B1.  相似文献   
Recent advances in obtaining reduced representation libraries for next-generation sequencing permit phylogenomic analysis of species-rich, recently diverged taxa. In this study, we performed sequence capture with homemade PCR-generated probes to study diversification among closely related species in a large insect genus to examine the utility of this method. We reconstructed the phylogeny of Neptis Fabricius, a large and poorly studied nymphalid butterfly genus distributed throughout the Old World. We inferred relationships among 108 Neptis samples using 89 loci totaling up to 84 519 bp per specimen. Our taxon sample focused on Palearctic, Oriental and Australasian species, but included 8 African species and outgroups from 5 related genera. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses yielded identical trees with full support for almost all nodes. We confirmed that Neptis is not monophyletic because Lasippa heliodore (Fabricius) and Phaedyma amphion (Linnaeus) are nested within the genus, and we redefine species groups for Neptis found outside of Africa. The statistical support of our results demonstrates that the probe set we employed is useful for inferring phylogenetic relationships among Neptis species and likely has great value for intrageneric phylogenetic reconstruction of Lepidoptera. Based on our results, we revise the following two taxa: Neptis heliodore comb. rev. and Neptis amphion comb. rev.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to investigate the time course of electrocortical facilitation for affectively arousing written words during the so-called 'attentional blink' (AB) period in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. The AB refers to a period of reduced awareness for second-target stimuli following a first target by an interval of about 200–500 ms. Pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant written verbs were used as second targets in an 8.6-Hz RSVP paradigm that contained affectively neutral words as distractors. Replicating and extending behavioral studies, we expected that emotional second targets would be associated with better identification accuracy and greater electrocortical activity, compared with neutral targets.  相似文献   
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