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Observing structure,function and assembly of single proteins by AFM   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Single molecule experiments provide insight into the individuality of biological macromolecules, their unique function, reaction pathways, trajectories and molecular interactions. The exceptional signal-to-noise ratio of the atomic force microscope allows individual proteins to be imaged under physiologically relevant conditions at a lateral resolution of 0.5–1 nm and a vertical resolution of 0.1–0.2 nm. Recently, it has become possible to observe single molecule events using this technique. This capability is reviewed on various water-soluble and membrane proteins. Examples of the observation of function, variability, and assembly of single proteins are discussed. Statistical analysis is important to extend conclusions derived from single molecule experiments to protein species. Such approaches allow the classification of protein conformations and movements. Recent developments of probe microscopy techniques allow simultaneous measurement of multiple signals on individual macromolecules, and greatly extend the range of experiments possible for probing biological systems at the molecular level. Biologists exploring molecular mechanisms will benefit from a burgeoning of scanning probe microscopes and of their future combination with molecular biological experiments.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: We present an extensive evaluation of different methods and criteria to detect remote homologs of a given protein sequence. We investigate two associated problems: first, to develop a sensitive searching method to identify possible candidates and, second, to assign a confidence to the putative candidates in order to select the best one. For searching methods where the score distributions are known, p-values are used as confidence measure with great success. For the cases where such theoretical backing is absent, we propose empirical approximations to p-values for searching procedures. RESULTS: As a baseline, we review the performances of different methods for detecting remote protein folds (sequence alignment and threading, with and without sequence profiles, global and local). The analysis is performed on a large representative set of protein structures. For fold recognition, we find that methods using sequence profiles generally perform better than methods using plain sequences, and that threading methods perform better than sequence alignment methods. In order to assess the quality of the predictions made, we establish and compare several confidence measures, including raw scores, z-scores, raw score gaps, z-score gaps, and different methods of p-value estimation. We work our way from the theoretically well backed local scores towards more explorative global and threading scores. The methods for assessing the statistical significance of predictions are compared using specificity--sensitivity plots. For local alignment techniques we find that p-value methods work best, albeit computationally cheaper methods such as those based on score gaps achieve similar performance. For global methods where no theory is available methods based on score gaps work best. By using the score gap functions as the measure of confidence we improve the more powerful fold recognition methods for which p-values are unavailable. AVAILABILITY: The benchmark set is available upon request.  相似文献   
Nikki M  Meriläinen J  Lehto VP 《Biochemistry》2002,41(20):6320-6329
FAP52 is a recently described focal adhesion-associated protein. It is a member of an emerging PCH (pombe Cdc15 homology) family of proteins characterized by a common domain organization and involvement in actin cytoskeleton organization, cytokinesis, and vesicular trafficking. Using gel filtration, surface plasmon resonance, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, combined with chemical cross-linking of both native and recombinant protein, we show that FAP52 self-associates in vitro and suggest that it occurs predominantly as a trimer also in vivo. Analysis of the various domains of FAP52 by surface plasmon resonance showed that the highly alpha-helical region in the N-terminal half of the protein provides the self-association interface. Overexpression of the oligomerization domain in cultured cells was accompanied by major alterations in cellular morphology, actin organization, and the structure of focal adhesions, suggesting that an orderly coming together of FAP52 molecules is crucial for a proper actin filament organization and cytoskeletal structure. Comparison of the primary structures shows that all of the members of the PCH family have, in their N-terminal halves, a similar, highly alpha-helical region, suggesting that they all have a capacity to self-associate.  相似文献   
We show that explicit mathematical and biological relationships exist among the scaling exponents and the allometric constants (α and β, respectively) of log–log linear tree‐community size frequency distributions, plant density NT, and minimum, maximum and average stem diameters (Dmin, Dmax, and , respectively). As individuals grow in size and Dmax increases, NT is predicted to decrease as reflected by a decrease in the numerical value of α and an increase in the value of β. Our derivations further show that NT decreases as increases even if Dmin or Dmax remain unchanged. Because Dmax and the age of the largest individuals in a community are correlated, albeit weakly, we argue that the interdependent relationships among the numerical values of α, β, NT, and shed light on the extent to which communities have experienced recent global disturbance. These predicted relationships receive strong statistical support using two large datasets spanning a broad spectrum of tree‐dominated communities.  相似文献   
The flavum strain of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) differs from the wild-type (wt) virus by causing strong yellow and green mosaic in the systemically infected developing leaves, yellowing in the fully expanded leaves, and distinct malformations of chloroplasts in both types of infected tissues. Analysis of the thylakoid proteins of flavum strain-infected tobacco leaves indicated that the chlorosis in mature leaves was accompanied by depletion of the entire photosystem II (PSII) core complexes and the 33-kDa protein of the oxygen evolving complex. The only change observed in the thylakoid proteins of the corresponding wt TMV-infected leaves was a slight reduction of the alpha and beta subunits of the ATP synthase complex. The coat proteins of different yellowing strains of TMV are known to effectively accumulate inside chloroplasts, but in this work, the viral movement protein also was detected in association with the thylakoid membranes of flavum strain-infected leaves. The mRNAs of different enzymes involved in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway were not reduced in the mature chlorotic leaves. These results suggest that the chlorosis was not caused by reduction of pigment biosynthesis, but rather, by reduction of specific proteins of the PSII core complexes and by consequent break-down of the pigments.  相似文献   
Two novel monoclonal antibodies were raised and used to study the expression of laminin (Ln) alpha1-chain in developing and adult human tissues. In both fetal and adult kidney, a distinct immunoreactivity was seen in basement membranes (BM) of most proximal tubules but not in the distal tubular or glomerular BM or in the basal laminae of blood vessels. Immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cultured human renal proximal tubular cells showed an abundant production and deposition of Ln alpha1-chain to the extracellular matrix, suggestive of an epithelial origin of kidney Ln-1. Quantitative cell adhesion experiments with JAR choriocarcinoma cells showed that purified human Ln-1 is a good substrate for cell adhesion that it is differently recognized by integrin receptors when compared to mouse Ln-1. In fetal and adult testes immunoreactivity was solely confined to BM of the seminiferous epithelium. In the airways BM-confined reaction was only seen in fetal budding bronchial tubules (16-19 weeks) at the pseudoglandular stage of development. In the skin a distinct immunoreactivity was confined to BM of developing hair buds but not in epithelial BMs of adult epidermis or of epidermal appendages. In other adult tissues, immunoreactivity was found in BMs of thyroid, salivary, and mammary glands as well as in BMs of endometrium and endocervix, but not of ectocervix or vagina. No immunoreactivity was found in BMs of most of the digestive tract, including the liver and pancreas, except for BMs of esophageal submucosal glands and duodenal Brunner's glands. In fetal specimens, BMs of the bottoms of the intestinal and gastric glands were positive. Basal laminae of blood vessels were generally negative for Ln alpha1 chain with the exception of specimens of both fetal and adult central nervous system in which immunoreactivity for Ln alpha1 chain was prominently confined to capillary walls. The results suggest that outside the central nervous system, Ln alpha1 chain shows a restricted and developmentally regulated expression in BMs of distinct epithelial tissues.  相似文献   
Signal transduction by the T-cell and B-cell antigen receptors and receptors for immunoglobulin Fc regions depends highly on the cytoplasmic immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). After binding of the ligand, phosphorylation of the two conserved tyrosines of ITAM creates binding sites for downstream signalling molecules and thus enables the initiation of signalling events. Here, we report that the recently found apoptosis receptor, WSL-1/DR3/APO-3/LARD/TRAMP also contains this motif. This may imply that the apoptosis receptor uses ways similar to immunoreceptors in relaying the induction/suppression of the apoptotic signal.  相似文献   
The air disturbance patterns created by and around the ovules of Taxus cuspidata are quantified for various orientations to the direction of ambient airflow, and are shown to largely dictate the motion (vectoral trajectories) and mode of deposition of windborne pollen on ovule surfaces. Perpendicular orientation to the direction of airflow results in two regions characterized by high densities of adhering pollen — one on the windward surface of the ovule, resulting from direct inertial collision, and another on the leeward surface resulting from non-inertial sedimentation. Parallel and inclined orientations of the ovule to the direction of airflow produce quantitative and qualitative variations in the pattern of adhering pollen resulting from inertial and non-inertial deposition. Direct collision of windborne pollen grains with the micropylar ends of ovules occurs for all orientations to wind direction. The aerodynamics of the ovulate shoot complex of Taxus cuspidata is related to that previously described for conifer ovulate cones, cycad megastrobili, and simulated wind tunnel analyses of archaic Paleozoic ovules based on scale models. Water transport of pollen (adhering to integument and bract surfaces) to micropyles quantitatively alters the distribution of adhering pollen grains on ovule surfaces. Although there is no evidence that pollen grains of this species are osmotically ruptured, observations do not preclude the possibility that water transport of pollen may reduce the number of viable pollen grains reaching the micropyle.  相似文献   
Divergence time analyses in the coffee family (Rubiaceae) have all relied on the same Gentianales crown group age estimate, reported by an earlier analysis of the asterids, for defining the upper age bound of the root node in their analyses. However, not only did the asterid analysis suffer from several analytical shortcomings, but the estimate itself has been used in highly inconsistent ways in these Rubiaceae analyses. Based on the original data, we here reanalyze the divergence times of the asterids using relaxed-clock models and 14 fossil-based minimum age constraints. We also expand the data set to include an additional 67 taxa from Rubiaceae sampled across all three subfamilies recognized in the family. Three analyses are conducted: a separate analysis of the asterids, which completely mirrors the original asterid analysis in terms of taxon sample and data; a separate analysis of the Gentianales, where the result from the first analysis is used for defining a secondary root calibration point; and a combined analysis where all taxa are analyzed simultaneously. Results are presented in the form of a time-calibrated phylogeny, and age estimates for asterid groups, Gentianales, and major groups of Rubiaceae are compared and discussed in relation to previously published estimates. Our updated age estimates for major groups of Rubiaceae provide a significant step forward towards the long term goal of establishing a robust temporal framework for the divergence of this biologically diverse and fascinating group of plants.  相似文献   
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