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TNF is implicated in the attenuation of neutrophil constitutive apoptosis during sepsis. Antiapoptotic signaling is mediated principally through the TNF receptor-1 (TNFR-1). In adherent neutrophils, when -integrin signaling is activated, TNF phosphorylates TNFR-1 and activates prosurvival and antiapoptotic signaling. Previously, we identified the -PKC isotype and phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase as critical regulators of TNF signaling in adherent neutrophils. Both kinases associate with TNFR-1 in response to TNF and are required for TNFR-1 serine phosphorylation, NF-B activation, and inhibition of apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of -PKC and PI 3-kinase in the assembly of TNFR-1 signaling complex that regulates NF-B activation and antiapoptotic signaling. Coimmunoprecipitation studies established that PI 3-kinase, -PKC, and TNFR-1 formed a signal complex in response to TNF. -PKC recruitment required both -PKC and PI 3-kinase activity, whereas PI 3-kinase recruitment was -PKC independent, suggesting that PI 3-kinase acts upstream of -PKC. An important regulatory step in control of antiapoptotic signaling is the assembly of the TNFR-1-TNFR-1-associated death domain protein (TRADD)-TNFR-associated factor 2 (TRAF2)-receptor interacting protein (RIP) complex that controls NF-B activation. Inhibition of either -PKC or PI 3-kinase decreased TNF-mediated recruitment of RIP and TRAF2 to TNFR-1. In contrast, TRADD recruitment was enhanced. Thus -PKC and PI 3-kinase are positive regulators of TNF-mediated association of TRAF2 and RIP with TNFR-1. Conversely, these kinases are negative regulators of TRADD association. These results suggest that -PKC and PI 3-kinase regulate TNF antiapoptotic signaling at the level of the TNFR-1 through control of assembly of a TNFR-1-TRADD-RIP-TRAF2 complex. inflammation; tumor necrosis factor receptor-1-associated death domain protein; receptor interacting protein; tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2; antiapoptotic signaling  相似文献   
c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and is robustly activated in response to muscle contraction. Little is known about the biological functions of JNK signaling in terminally differentiated muscle cells, although this protein has been proposed to regulate insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity in mouse skeletal muscle. To determine whether JNK signaling regulates contraction-stimulated glycogen synthase activation, we applied an electroporation technique to induce JNK overexpression (O/E) in mouse skeletal muscle. Ten days after electroporation, in situ muscle contraction increased JNK activity 2.6-fold in control muscles and 15-fold in the JNK O/E muscles. Despite the enormous activation of JNK activity in JNK O/E muscles, contraction resulted in similar increases in glycogen synthase activity in control and JNK O/E muscles. Consistent with these findings, basal and contraction-induced glycogen synthase activity was normal in muscles of both JNK1- and JNK2-deficient mice. JNK overexpression in muscle resulted in significant alterations in the basal phosphorylation state of several signaling proteins, such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, p90 S6 kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3, protein kinase B/Akt, and p70 S6 kinase, in the absence of changes in the expression of these proteins. These data suggest that JNK signaling regulates the phosphorylation state of several kinases in skeletal muscle. JNK activation is unlikely to be the major mechanism by which contractile activity increases glycogen synthase activity in skeletal muscle. electroporation; gene delivery; muscle contraction; exercise  相似文献   
Much of the ADP-Glc required for starch synthesis in the plastids of cereal endosperm is synthesized in the cytosol and transported across the plastid envelope. To provide information on the nature and role of the plastidial ADP-Glc transporter in barley (Hordeum vulgare), we screened a collection of low-starch mutants for lines with abnormally high levels of ADP-Glc in the developing endosperm. Three independent mutants were discovered, all of which carried mutations at the lys5 locus. Plastids isolated from the lys5 mutants were able to synthesize starch at normal rates from Glc-1-P but not from ADP-Glc, suggesting a specific lesion in the transport of ADP-Glc across the plastid envelope. The major plastidial envelope protein was purified, and its sequence showed it to be homologous to the maize (Zea mays) ADP-Glc transporter BRITTLE1. The gene encoding this protein in barley, Hv.Nst1, was cloned, sequenced, and mapped. Like lys5, Hv.Nst1 lies on chromosome 6(6H), and all three of the lys5 alleles that were examined were shown to carry lesions in Hv.Nst1. Two of the identified mutations in Hv.Nst1 lead to amino acid substitutions in a domain that is conserved in all members of the family of carrier proteins to which Hv.NST1 belongs. This strongly suggests that Hv.Nst1 lies at the Lys5 locus and encodes a plastidial ADP-Glc transporter. The low-starch phenotype of the lys5 mutants shows that the ADP-Glc transporter is required for normal rates of starch synthesis. This work on Hv.NST1, together with the earlier work on BRITTLE1, suggests that homologous transporters are probably present in the endosperm of all cereals.  相似文献   
A new technique for molar use-wear analysis is applied to samples of all 16 species of extinct lemurs with known dentitions, as well as to a large comparative sample of extant primates. This technique, which relies on the light refractive properties of wear pits and scratches as seen under a standard stereoscopic microscope, has shown itself to be effective in distinguishing the diets of ungulates and extant primates. We draw dietary inferences for each of the 16 extinct lemur species in our database. There is a strong phylogenetic signal, with the Palaeopropithecidae showing use-wear signatures similar to those of the Indriidae; extinct lemurids (Pachylemur spp.) showing striking similarities to extant lemurids (except Hapalemur spp.); and Megaladapis showing similarities to Lepilemur spp. Only the Archaeolemuridae have dietary signatures unlike those of any extant lemurs, with the partial exception of Daubentonia. We conclude that the Archaeolemuridae were hard-object feeders; the Palaeopropithecidae were seed predators, consuming a mixed diet of foliage and fruit to varying degrees; Pachylemur was a fruit-dominated mixed feeder, but not a seed predator; and all Megaladapis were leaf browsers. There is no molar use wear evidence that any of the extinct lemurs relied on terrestrial foods (C4 grasses, tubers, rhizomes). This has possible implications for the role of the disappearance of wooded habitats in the extinction of lemurs.  相似文献   
A chronology for late prehistoric Madagascar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A database has been assembled with 278 age determinations for Madagascar. Materials 14C dated include pretreated sediments and plant macrofossils from cores and excavations throughout the island, and bones, teeth, or eggshells of most of the extinct megafaunal taxa, including the giant lemurs, hippopotami, and ratites. Additional measurements come from uranium-series dates on speleothems and thermoluminescence dating of pottery. Changes documented include late Pleistocene climatic events and, in the late Holocene, the apparently human-caused transformation of the environment. Multiple lines of evidence point to the earliest human presence at ca. 2300 14C yr BP (350 cal yr BC). A decline in megafauna, inferred from a drastic decrease in spores of the coprophilous fungus Sporormiella spp. in sediments at 1720+/-40 14C yr BP (230-410 cal yr AD), is followed by large increases in charcoal particles in sediment cores, beginning in the SW part of the island, and spreading to other coasts and the interior over the next millennium. The record of human occupation is initially sparse, but shows large human populations throughout the island by the beginning of the Second Millennium AD. Dating of the "subfossil" megafauna, including pygmy hippos, elephant birds, giant tortoises, and large lemurs, demonstrates that most if not all the extinct taxa were still present on the island when humans arrived. Many taxa overlapped chronologically with humans for a millennium or more. The extinct lemurs Hadropithecus stenognathus, Pachylemur insignis, Mesopropithecus pithecoides, and Daubentonia robusta, and the elephant birds Aepyornis spp. and Mullerornis spp., were still present near the end of the First Millennium AD. Palaeopropithecus ingens, Megaladapis edwardsi, and Archaeolemur sp. (cf. edwardsi) may have survived until the middle of the Second Millennium A.D. One specimen of Hippopotamus of unknown provenance dates to the period of European colonization.  相似文献   
Creating porcine biomedical models through recombineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in genomics provide genetic information from humans and other mammals (mouse, rat, dog and primates) traditionally used as models as well as new candidates (pigs and cattle). In addition, linked enabling technologies, such as transgenesis and animal cloning, provide innovative ways to design and perform experiments to dissect complex biological systems. Exploitation of genomic information overcomes the traditional need to choose naturally occurring models. Thus, investigators can utilize emerging genomic knowledge and tools to create relevant animal models. This approach is referred to as reverse genetics. In contrast to 'forward genetics', in which gene(s) responsible for a particular phenotype are identified by positional cloning (phenotype to genotype), the 'reverse genetics' approach determines the function of a gene and predicts the phenotype of a cell, tissue, or organism (genotype to phenotype). The convergence of classical and reverse genetics, along with genomics, provides a working definition of a 'genetic model' organism (3). The recent construction of phenotypic maps defining quantitative trait loci (QTL) in various domesticated species provides insights into how allelic variations contribute to phenotypic diversity. Targeted chromosomal regions are characterized by the construction of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs to isolate and characterize genes contributing towards phenotypic variation. Recombineering provides a powerful methodology to harvest genetic information responsible for phenotype. Linking recombineering with gene-targeted homologous recombination, coupled with nuclear transfer (NT) technology can provide 'clones' of genetically modified animals.  相似文献   
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