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VIA medium for Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was modified by substituting meropenem (16 mg/L) for imipenem. S. maltophilia grew from 40% of drains sampled within a hospital and surrounding locations in Perth, Western Australia. The specificity of the new medium for S. maltophilia was 62%, and all contaminating bacteria were easily distinguishable by phenotypic tests and PCR.  相似文献   
While the introduction of off-pump myocardial revascularization (OPCAB) has initially shown promise in reducing respiratory complications inherent to conventional coronary surgery, it has failed to eradicate them. Our study focused on quantifying the lactate release from the lungs and the dysfunction at the level of the alveolar-capillary membrane precipitated by OPCAB at different time points after the insult. Furthermore, we aimed to determine the impact of pulmonary lactate production on systemic lactic acid concentrations. The study was conducted in a prospective observational fashion. Forty consecutive patients undergoing OPCAB were analyzed. The mean patient age was 60 +/- 10 years. The mean EUROScore was 3.8 +/- 2.9. The alveolar-arterial O2 gradient increased from 19 [range 9 to 30] to 26 [range 20 to 34] kPa (P < 0.001) and remained elevated up to 6 hours after surgery. It rapidly declined again by 18 hours postoperatively. The observed increase in the pulmonary lactate release (PLR) from a baseline value of 0.022 [range -0.074 to 0.066] to 0.089 [range 0.016 to 0.209] mmol/min/m2 at six hours postoperatively did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.105). The systemic arterial lactate (Ls) concentration increased from 0.94 [range 0.78 to 1.06] to 1.39 [range 0.97 to 2.81] mmol/L (P < 0.001). The venoarterial pCO2 difference showed no significant change in comparison to baseline values. The mortality in the studied group was 2.5% (1/40). The pulmonary lactate production showed a statistically significant correlation with the systemic lactate concentration (R = 0.46; P = 0.003). Pulmonary injury following off pump myocardial revascularization was evidenced by a prompt increase in the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient. The alveolar-arterial O2 gradient correlated with the duration of mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress induced by various oxidants in a random and destructive manner is considered to play an important role in the pathophysiology of a number of human disorders and diseases. It is important to assess the oxidative injury in vivo accurately and inclusively. We have developed an improved method for the measurement of in vivo lipid peroxidation by using a single plasma or liver sample, where total 8-iso-prostaglandin F(2alpha) (t8-iso-PGF(2alpha)), total hydroxyoctadecadienoic acids (tHODEs), total hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (tHETEs), and total 7-hydroxycholesterol (t7-OHCh), as well as their parent molecules linoleic acid (t18:2) and cholesterol (tCh), are determined by LC-MS/MS (for t8-iso-PGF(2alpha), tHODE, and tHETE) and GC-MS (for t7-OHCh, t18:2, and tCh) analyses. The plasma and liver samples from human are reduced with sodium borohydride and saponified by potassium hydroxide after the addition of heavy isotopic standards. After extraction by chloroform/ethyl acetate (CHCl(3)/CH(3)COOC(2)H(5), 4:1), they are analyzed without any further sample processing. We applied this method to hepatitis C virus-infected patients (n=8, plasma and liver), hepatitis B virus-infected patients (n=2, plasma and liver), and controls (virus free, n=8, plasma and liver). It was found that in the plasma of patients and controls, the concentrations of oxidized lipids decreased in the following order: tHODE tHETE t7-OHCh > t8-iso-PGF(2alpha). As expected, the virus clearly increased these concentrations. The ratio of stereoisomers of HODE [(E,E)-HODE/(E,Z)-HODE], which reflects the antioxidant capacity in vivo, can also be determined by this method. A significant decrease in the stereoisomer ratio for the liver of patients was observed, indicating liver dysfunction. t8-iso-PGF(2alpha), tHODE, tHETE, and t7-OHCh are measured satisfactorily and inclusively by the current method from biological fluids and tissues, and they can account for a large portion of oxidized lipids in vivo.  相似文献   
As a first step toward making an efficient acclimatization methodology for minipigs, the reaction of G?ttingen minipigs, 3-24 months of age, toward humans was investigated. All minipigs were kept in an individual cage, and the reaction toward humans (acclimatization index) was evaluated by simple observations. The acclimatization index was evaluated as the total number of points scored (0-30 points) based on the following criteria: (1) the position of the minipig when the cage door was opened; (2) the reaction of the minipig when the observer approached; and (31 the reaction of the minipig when the observer touched it. Subsequently, each animal was ranked by total points scored: 30 points = AA, 20 points < or = A < 30 points, 10 points < or = B < 20 points, 0 points < or = C < 10 points. Based on this evaluation, the reactions of minipigs under three conditions were investigated. The following findings were confirmed: first, minipig reaction to humans was influenced by monthly age; second, taming was possible under ordinary conditions of care, but we had to wait until 10 months of age on average for this to occur; third, if simple contact was made during care time, minipigs became tame within less than 4 weeks after the commencement of contact. We therefore consider it possible to artificially control the reaction of minipigs toward humans, and to make minipigs more available for experiments by adding control of the hereditary factors that influence this reaction.  相似文献   
Most sexually reproducing organisms have the ability to recognize individuals of the same species. In ascomycete fungi including yeasts, mating between cells of opposite mating type depends on the molecular recognition of two peptidyl mating pheromones by their corresponding G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Although such pheromone/receptor systems are likely to function in both mate choice and prezygotic isolation, very few studies have focused on the stringency of pheromone receptors. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has two mating types, Plus (P) and Minus (M). Here, we investigated the stringency of the two GPCRs, Mam2 and Map3, for their respective pheromones, P-factor and M-factor, in fission yeast. First, we switched GPCRs between S. pombe and the closely related species Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, which showed that SoMam2 (Mam2 of S. octosporus) is partially functional in S. pombe, whereas SoMap3 (Map3 of S. octosporus) is not interchangeable. Next, we swapped individual domains of Mam2 and Map3 with the respective domains in SoMam2 and SoMap3, which revealed differences between the receptors both in the intracellular regions that regulate the downstream signaling of pheromones and in the activation by the pheromone. In particular, we demonstrated that two amino acid residues of Map3, F214 and F215, are key residues important for discrimination of closely related M-factors. Thus, the differences in these two GPCRs might reflect the significantly distinct stringency/flexibility of their respective pheromone/receptor systems; nevertheless, species-specific pheromone recognition remains incomplete.  相似文献   
A matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)-based kinase assay using a peptide substrate tagged with a biotinyl group has been developed. The peptide moiety was designed to serve as an efficient substrate for calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, based on the in vivo phosphorylation site of phosrestin I, a Drosophila homolog of arrestin. In the assay, the quantitative relationship was determined from the ratio of the peak areas between the two peaks respectively representing the unphosphorylated and the phosphorylated substrate. Attempts to assay phosphorylated peptides directly from the reaction mixture, gave inaccurate results because of the high noise level caused by the presence of salts and detergents. In contrast, after purifying the substrate peptides with the biotin affinity tag using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads, peak areas accurately represented the ratio between the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated peptide. By changing the substrate peptide to a peptide sequence that serves as a kinase substrate, it is expected that an efficient non-radioactive protein kinase assay using MALDI-TOF MS can be developed for any type of protein kinase. We call this technique "Affinity-Tagged Phosphorylation Assay by MALDI-TOF MS (ATPA-MALDI)." ATPA-MALDI should serve as a quick and efficient non-radioactive protein kinase assay by MALDI-TOF MS.  相似文献   
Axonemal protein complexes, such as outer (ODA) and inner (IDA) dynein arms, are responsible for the generation and regulation of flagellar and ciliary beating. Studies in various ciliated model organisms have shown that axonemal dynein arms are first assembled in the cell cytoplasm and then delivered into axonemes during ciliogenesis. In humans, mutations in genes encoding for factors involved in this process cause structural and functional defects of motile cilia in various organs such as the airways and result in the hereditary disorder primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). Despite extensive knowledge about the cytoplasmic assembly of axonemal dynein arms in respiratory cilia, this process is still poorly understood in sperm flagella. To better define its clinical relevance on sperm structure and function, and thus male fertility, further investigations are required. Here we report the fertility status in different axonemal dynein preassembly mutant males (DNAAF2/ KTU, DNAAF4/ DYX1C1, DNAAF6/ PIH1D3, DNAAF7/ZMYND10, CFAP300/C11orf70 and LRRC6). Besides andrological examinations, we functionally and structurally analyzed sperm flagella of affected individuals by high-speed video- and transmission electron microscopy as well as systematically compared the composition of dynein arms in sperm flagella and respiratory cilia by immunofluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, we analyzed the flagellar length in dynein preassembly mutant sperm. We found that the process of axonemal dynein preassembly is also critical in sperm, by identifying defects of ODAs and IDAs in dysmotile sperm of these individuals. Interestingly, these mutant sperm consistently show a complete loss of ODAs, while some respiratory cilia from the same individual can retain ODAs in the proximal ciliary compartment. This agrees with reports of solely one distinct ODA type in sperm, compared to two different ODA types in proximal and distal respiratory ciliary axonemes. Consistent with observations in model organisms, we also determined a significant reduction of sperm flagellar length in these individuals. These findings are relevant to subsequent studies on the function and composition of sperm flagella in PCD patients and non-syndromic infertile males. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the fertility status in PCD-affected males and should help guide genetic and andrological counselling for affected males and their families.  相似文献   
Cell polarity determines the direction of cell growth in bacteria. MreB actin spatially regulates peptidoglycan synthesis to enable cells to elongate bidirectionally. MreB densely localizes in the cylindrical part of the rod cell and not in polar regions in Escherichia coli. When treated with A22, which inhibits MreB polymerization, rod‐shaped cells became round and MreB was diffusely distributed throughout the cytoplasmic membrane. A22 removal resulted in restoration of the rod shape. Initially, diffuse MreB started to re‐assemble, and MreB‐free zones were subsequently observed in the cytoplasmic membrane. These MreB‐free zones finally became cell poles, allowing the cells to elongate bidirectionally. When MreB was artificially located at the cell poles, an additional pole was created, indicating that artificial localization of MreB at the cell pole induced local peptidoglycan synthesis. It was found that the anionic phospholipids (aPLs), phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin, which were enriched in cell poles preferentially interact with monomeric MreB compared with assembled MreB in vitro. MreB tended to localize to cell poles in cells lacking both aPLs, resulting in production of Y‐shaped cells. Their findings indicated that aPLs exclude assembled MreB from cell poles to establish cell polarity, thereby allowing cells to elongate in a particular direction.  相似文献   
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