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Climate change will cause large-scale plant migration. Seedling recruitment constitutes a bottleneck in the migration process but is itself climate-dependent. We tested the effect of warming on early establishment of three Arctic pioneer species, while holding other environmental variables constant. Seeds and bulbils were sown in artificial gaps in dry Arctic tundra and subjected to a 13-day heating of the soil surface by 2–8°C, simulating temperature increases ranging from the general summer warming to heat waves projected to occur more frequently with global warming. All species showed decreased establishment with increasing soil surface temperature. The short-term heat pulse decreased establishment of Polygonum viviparum and Saxifraga cernua, whereas establishment of Cerastium alpinum decreased with temperature due to more permanent natural variation in micro-climate. The treatment effects increased by the quadrat of the temperature increase. Warming and in particular heat waves may result in declining establishment of Arctic plants in dry tundra regions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The observer effect in plant science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change will alter precipitation patterns with consequences for soil C cycling. An understanding of how fluctuating soil moisture affects microbial processes is therefore critical to predict responses to future global change. We investigated how long‐term experimental field drought influences microbial tolerance to lower moisture levels (“resistance”) and ability to recover when rewetted after drought (“resilience”), using soils from a heathland which had been subjected to experimental precipitation reduction during the summer for 18 years. We tested whether drought could induce increased resistance, resilience, and changes in the balance between respiration and bacterial growth during perturbation events, by following a two‐tiered approach. We first evaluated the effects of the long‐term summer drought on microbial community functioning to drought and drying–rewetting (D/RW), and second tested the ability to alter resistance and resilience through additional perturbation cycles. A history of summer drought in the field selected for increased resilience but not resistance, suggesting that rewetting after drought, rather than low moisture levels during drought, was the selective pressure shaping the microbial community functions. Laboratory D/RW cycles also selected for communities with a higher resilience rather than increased resistance. The ratio of respiration to bacterial growth during D/RW perturbation was lower for the field drought‐exposed communities and decreased for both field treatments during the D/RW cycles. This suggests that cycles of D/RW also structure microbial communities to respond quickly and efficiently to rewetting after drought. Our findings imply that microbial communities can adapt to changing climatic conditions and that this might slow the rate of soil C loss predicted to be induced by future cyclic drought.  相似文献   
Climate warming is likely to have pronounced impacts on soil biota in arctic ecosystems. In a warmer climate, heatwaves are more frequent and intense, but it is unclear to what extent soil communities are buffered against this. We studied the effects of an artificially induced heatwave on the structure of testate amoebae communities in dry heath tundra in Qeqertarsuaq (Disko Island, West Greenland) during the summer of 2003. While the heatwave was severe enough to induce significant leaf mortality in the aboveground vegetation, overall testate amoebae abundance did not react to the difference in temperature. However, in the heated plots transient shifts in species populations occurred during the exposure, followed by increases in species richness weeks after the heatwave had ended. The most important taxa appearing after the heating period belonged to bacterivorous genera, in agreement with a transient peak in bacterial colony forming units, caused by the heatwave. Lobose testate amoebae resisted the heating and its associated desiccation better than their filose counterparts.  相似文献   
Few studies have investigated whether responses to nutrient supply of mixed plant communities change under combined elevated CO2 and climate warming. In this study we analyzed the response of constructed temperate grassland communities to five levels of nitrogen (N) supply, ranging from 0 to 150 kg N ha?1, under two climate scenarios. Biomass of the plant communities responded positively to N supply in the current climate, but was insensitive to N supply in the future climate. This altered response was not the result of a changing response from a single species, but all species seemed to contribute to it. The weaker response in the future climate was caused by changes in N uptake rather than by changes in nitrogen use efficiency, as community N stocks showed the same response pattern as community biomass. Climate change apparently modified the relation between fertilizer N addition and plant available N.  相似文献   
A cytogeographical and morphological (fruit-types and leaf-shape) study of the crítícal Rumex acetosella aggregate has been made on the basis of 38 population samples, for the most part from the Czech Socialistic Republic. In the genecological respect the populations from Bohemia and those from North and West Moravia fit into the pattern earlier found in West and Central Europe (i.e. they are 6x, mainly angiocarpous, and have non-dissected leaf lobes). Samples from the xerothermic region of South Moravia and parts of Slovakia and adjacent Austria are thought to be related to the Balkan population group (mainly 4x, gymnocarpous and with much dissected—multifid—leaf lobes). Evidence of introgressíve hybridisation from the 4x into the 6x ploidy-level has been found in the region of the well known migration route through the Moravian Gate.  相似文献   
4 Correspondence address. E-mail: willem.ombelet{at}telenet.be It is generally accepted that intrauterine insemination (IUI)should be preferred to more invasive and expensive techniquesof assisted reproduction and be offered as a first-choice treatmentin cases of unexplained and moderate male factor subfertility.Scientific validation of this strategy is rather difficult becauseliterature is rather confusing and not conclusive. IUI is proveneasier to perform, less invasive and less expensive than othermethods of assisted reproduction. Effectivity has been documentedin controlled studies under the condition that the inseminatingmotile count exceeds more than 1 million motile spermatozoa.Risks are minimal, provided the multiple gestation incidencecan be reduced to an acceptable level and provided at leastone tube is patent. Therefore, in developing countries, reflectionon the implementation and use of IUI as a first-line treatmentfor most cases of non-tubal infertility seems mandatory. Thecosts are minimal, training is easy, quality control possibleand severe complications are almost non-existing. In cases ofunexplained infertility or combined male subfertility and ovulatorydysfunction, correction and/or ovarian stimulation with clomiphenecitrate (CC) is probably the best strategy from a cost–benefitpoint of view unless CC-resistancy has been proven in whichthe use of low-dose gonadotrophins is necessary.  相似文献   
  • Plants are known to respond to warming temperatures. Few studies, however, have included the temperature experienced by the parent plant in the experimental design, in spite of the importance of this factor for population dynamics.
  • We investigated the phenological and growth responses of seedlings of two key temperate tree species (Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur) to spatiotemporal temperature variation during the reproductive period (parental generation) and experimental warming of the offspring. To this end, we sampled oak and beech seedlings of different ages (1–5 years) from isolated mother trees and planted the seedlings in a common garden.
  • Warming of the seedlings advanced bud burst in both species. In oak seedlings, higher temperatures experienced by mother trees during the reproductive period delayed bud burst in control conditions, but advanced bud burst in heated seedlings. In beech seedlings, bud burst timing advanced both with increasing temperatures during the reproductive period of the parents and with experimental warming of the seedlings. Relative diameter growth was enhanced in control oak seedlings but decreased with warming when the mother plant experienced higher temperatures during the reproductive period.
  • Overall, oak displayed more plastic responses to temperatures than beech. Our results emphasise that temperature during the reproductive period can be a potential determinant of tree responses to climate change.
The reproductive ecology of nine hermaphroditic understory species in a tropical montane Quercus forest was studied at two sites (2300 and 2600 m elev.) in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Flower life span, studied in six species, averaged 4.4 d. This is longer than flower life spans found in the Monteverde cloud forest (2.7 d) and comparable to flower life spans found for arctic and alpine species. We studied the breeding system in five species and found no self-incompatible species. Four species proved self-compatible, and three of these showed autogamy. The main diurnal insect pollinator was the bumblebee Bombus ephippiatus. Natural fruit set was low (8-32%) in six species with few seeds per fruit, while two many-seeded species showed a high rate of fruit set (90 and 96%). The incidence of pre–dispersal seed predation was high; the percentage of seeds infested in four species ranged from 8 to 56 percent.  相似文献   
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