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We analyzed the differences in species richness, community composition, population structure and within-tree location of epiphytic bromeliads in contiguous secondary and mature forests in a premontane area in Costa Rica. Diversity in the mature forest was highest, and the communities differed in their composition as well as in the recruitment rates of the dominant species. Guzmania monostachia and Catopsis nutans dominated the secondary forests, whereas Tillandsia fasciculata and T. tricolor were more abundant in the mature forest. The secondary forest species showed high rates of seedling recruitment while the opposite was found for the mature forest species. Species presence and abundance among and within habitats did not correlate with their physiological (i.e. CAM vs. C3 photosynthesis) or morphological attributes. The spatial distribution patterns were similar among habitats; bromeliads tended to aggregate on a few relatively large phorophytes. The species shared a similar vertical stratification within habitats, except for the two dominant species in the early and mid-successional stages, although its ecological implication is not clear. With some exceptions, conspecifics of different ages were located on similar substrate types (i.e. stems, primary, secondary, or tertiary branches) within the tree-crowns, which suggests limited within-tree dispersion. Differences in species composition and rates of seedling recruitment among secondary and mature forest may arise from ecophysiological differences among species; however, the combined effect of seed availability and dispersal differences may have a larger influence. Thus, epiphyte community assembly can only be understood when the differences in habitat conditions, the availability of propagules, their dispersal characteristics and requirements for seedling establishment are known.  相似文献   
Ecological differentiation is widely seen as an important factor enabling the stable coexistence of closely related plants of different ploidy levels. We studied ecological and genetic differentiation between co-occurring sexual diploid and apomictic triploid Taraxacum section Ruderalia by analysing spatial patterns both in the distribution of cytotypes and in the distribution of genetic variation within and between the cytotypes. A significant relationship between ploidy level and elevation was found. This mode of ecological differentiation however, was not sufficient to explain the significant spatial structure in the distribution of diploids and triploids within the population. Strong congruence was found between the spatial genetic patterns within the diploids and within the triploids. We argue that this congruence is an indication of gene flow between neighbouring plants of different ploidy levels.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) are professional Ag-capturing and -presenting cells of the immune system. Because of their exceptional capability of activating tumor-specific T cells, cancer vaccination research is now shifting toward the formulation of a clinical human DC vaccine. We developed a short term and serum-free culture protocol for rapid generation of fully mature, viable, and highly stimulatory CD83(+) DC. Human monocytes were cultured for 24 h in serum-free AIM-V medium, followed by 24-h maturation by polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (polyI:C). Short term cultured, polyI:C-maturated DC, far more than immature DC, showed typical mature DC markers and high allogeneic stimulatory capacity and had high autologous stimulatory capacity in an influenza model system using peptide-pulsed DC. Electroporation of mRNA as an Ag-loading strategy in these cells was optimized using mRNA encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Monocytes electroporated with EGFP mRNA, followed by short term, serum-free differentiation to mature DC, had a phenotype of DC, and all showed positive EGFP fluorescence. Influenza matrix protein mRNA-electroporated monocytes cultured serum-free and maturated with polyI:C showed high stimulatory capacity in autologous T cell activation experiments. In conclusion, the present short term and serum-free ex vivo DC culture protocol in combination with mRNA electroporation at the monocyte stage imply an important reduction in time and consumables for preparation of Ag-loaded mature DC compared with classical DC culture protocols and might find application in clinical immunotherapy settings.  相似文献   
Paul Nijs 《BBA》1967,143(3):454-461
1. A series of eight classical respiratory-chain inhibitors was studied. The slopes of State-3 respiratory rate versus dose plots are convex for antimycin, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HOQNO), rotenone and sulfide, and concave for malonate, Amytal, cyanide and azide.

2. Plots of ADP: O ratio versus dose indicate uncoupling effects at higher concentrations of antimycin, HOQNO, cyanide and azide. On the other hand, sulfide and rotenone have no effect on the phosphorylating efficiency. Malonate increases the ADP: O ratio.

3. Two inhibitors can be combined in such a way that the total inhibition should be equal to the inhibition caused by the single inhibitors if each inhibitor affects respiration independently (additivity of inhibition). In practice, however, antagonism and synergism are also found.

4. Additivity of combined inhibition occurs where both inhibitors act on the same enzyme.

5. Antagonism is observed where the two inhibitors act on different enzymes of the same chain.

6. Synergism is found where the two inhibitors act on enzymes in different branches of a forked chain. This turns into normal additivity when the electron flow through both branches is made equal.

7. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that respiratory enzymes are arranged in chains. The possibility that the chains may be cross-linked or branched is discussed.  相似文献   

In naturally colonised species-rich grassland communities, we examined the properties of a plant’s aboveground neighbourhood that affect its performance (aboveground biomass). To this end a range of neighbourhood parameters were measured: number, biomass and species richness of the neighbours, number and biomass of the conspecific neighbours, and light availability at the base of the target plant. We also determined at which neighbourhood size the strongest target plant–neighbour interactions occurred, and whether conspecific neighbours affected competitively stronger or weaker target species differently. Target plant performance varied with target identity, and was significantly affected by light availability and the number of neighbouring plants (neighbourhood density). Depending on the target species, there was also an effect of total neighbour biomass on plant performance. The target plants were most strongly affected by their neighbours within a 3-cm distance, which could account for 78% of the variance in target biomass. Number or biomass of the conspecific neighbours did not contribute to the explanation of target performance in any of the target species. Whereas in an 8-cm neighbourhood the amount of light penetration was the strongest predictor of target performance, the number of neighbours was more important in a 3-cm neighbourhood. These experimental results might be useful to extend existing neighbourhood competition models for one or two species to multi-species competition models.  相似文献   
Infraspecific cytogenetical variation was studied in a diverse collection of five non-cultivated and cultivatedCucumis sativus accessions. The individual chromosomes of different accessions could be identified by the C-banding pattern and chromosome measurements. About 40–50% of the genomic area are made up of heterochromatin inC. sativus. The non-cultivated accessions exhibit more heterochromatin and lower chiasma frequencies per pollen mother cell than cultivated accessions. There is infraspecific variation in C-banding pattern, karyomorphology and multinucleolate cells. The use of C-banding in infraspecific classification is discussed.  相似文献   
It is widely suggested that climate warming will increase the impact of biological invasions, yet, to date studies on the combined effect of these two global changes are scarce. Here, we study how climate warming and associated soil drought affect the competition between native and invasive alien plant species. Three highly invasive alien plant species in West Europe, each with a native competitor, were grown either together or in isolation at ambient and at elevated air temperature (+3 °C) in climate-controlled chambers. Equal amounts of water were added to all communities. Soil drought observed in the heated chambers did not induce severe stress in the plants. In two species pairs, Fallopia japonica (Houtt.)–Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and Solidago gigantea Ait.–Epilobium hirsutum L. (alien invasive–native), the native species dominated in mixture, while the alien invasive species dominated in the third pair Senecio inaequidens DC.–Plantago lanceolata L. Warming did not modify the competitive balance in any of these pairs, in spite of enhancing the aboveground biomass of S. inaequidens and P. lanceolata and the greater photosynthetic rates in S. inaequidens. The results of this study cannot be extrapolated to all invasive or exotic species but may represent the possible future of three principle invaders and some of their key native counterparts. Future experiments are needed to identify response patterns of alien plants to climate warming more in general.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity is an intrinsic characteristic of soils, which regulates plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. However, whether soil heterogeneity also modulates responses of plant communities to climate change, including climate extremes, remains largely an open question. Here, we explore responses of plant communities to drought extremes across four levels of spatial soil heterogeneity, with cell sizes varying from very small to very large, i.e. 0, 12, 24 and 48 cm. These were created in mesocosms by alternating nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor substrate in three dimensions. A seed mixture of 24 grassland species was evenly sown on each mesocosm in spring. In late summer, a three-week drought was imposed with a rainout shelter. During the drought, soil water content at the mesocosm scale decreased more at intermediate (12 and 24 cm) than at small or large (0 and 48 cm) cell sizes, which was reflected in increased senescence and drought-induced heat stress. These responses could be traced to greater plant biomass coupled with higher water demand at those intermediate cell sizes, likely related to between-cell access to nutrients and effects of diversity and community composition. Our results indicate that soil heterogeneity can modulate the impact of drought extremes on plant communities, though more research is needed on the transition between intermediate and extreme cell sizes, where heterogeneity effects seem to change most. We propose that soil heterogeneity be considered more explicitly in studies of changing precipitation regimes.  相似文献   
Here we investigate the extent to which infrared heating used to warm plant canopies in climate manipulation experiments increases transpiration. Concerns regarding the impact of the infrared heater technique on the water balance have been raised before, but a quantification is lacking. We calculate transpiration rates under infrared heaters and compare these with air warming at constant relative humidity. As infrared heating primarily warms the leaves and not the air, this method increases both the gradient and the conductance for water vapour. Stomatal conductance is determined both independently of vapour pressure differences and as a function thereof, while boundary layer conductance is calculated using several approaches. We argue that none of these approaches is fully accurate, and opt to present results as an interval in which the actual water loss is likely to be found. For typical conditions in a temperate climate, our results suggest a 12–15% increase in transpiration under infrared heaters for a 1 °C warming. This effect decreases when stomatal conductance is allowed to vary with the vapour pressure difference. Importantly, the artefact is less of a concern when simulating heat waves. The higher atmospheric water demand underneath the heaters reflects naturally occurring increases of potential evapotranspiration during heat waves resulting from atmospheric feedback. While air warming encompasses no increases in transpiration, this fully depends on the ability to keep humidity constant, which in the case of greenhouses requires the presence of an air humidification system. As various artefacts have been associated with chamber experiments, we argue that manipulating climate in the field should be prioritized, while striving to limit confounding factors. The excess water loss underneath infrared heaters reported upon here could be compensated by increasing irrigation or applying newly developed techniques for increasing air humidity in the field.  相似文献   
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