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Tujula NA Holmström C Mussmann M Amann R Kjelleberg S Crocetti GR 《Journal of microbiological methods》2006,65(3):604-607
A CARD-FISH protocol was developed and applied to analyse surface-associated bacteria on the marine algae Ulva lactuca, Delisea pulchra, Corallina officinalis, Amphiroa anceps, Porphyra sp. and Sargassum linearifolium. The combination of Alexa(546)-labelled tyramide as the reporter molecule with SYBR Green II counterstain allowed for superior detection of the hybridised probe fluorescence against plant tissue from which pigment autofluorescence has been reduced. 相似文献
Yuli Ratiner Irina Latto Inna Ulisko Marina Alekseeva Anja Siitonen 《FEMS immunology and medical microbiology》1995,10(2):125-132
Abstract Variation of the Escherichia coli flagellar antigen H1 was studied among 120 human isolates belonging to more than 25 O:K serovars. Factor-specific antisera were prepared and shown to be useful in the identification of serological subtypes of H1. The three subtypes found were defined as H1abc, H1acd and H1abe. The H1abc corresponded to the standard flagellar antigen H1 present in 84% of all strains. It was found in all O groups except O15, O17 and O83. Eight O15 and two O17 strains studied were of subtype H1abe, while the one O83 strain studied was H1acd. Both subtypes H1abc and H1acd were found among strains within O6:K5, O6:K13 or O-non-typeable:K5 serovars. 相似文献
Outi Nyholm Jani Halkilahti Gudrun Wiklund Uche Okeke Lars Paulin Petri Auvinen Kaisa Haukka Anja Siitonen 《PloS one》2015,10(8)
Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) cause serious foodborne infections in humans. These two pathogroups are defined based on the pathogroup-associated virulence genes: stx encoding Shiga toxin (Stx) for STEC and elt encoding heat-labile and/or est encoding heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) for ETEC. The study investigated the genomics of STEC/ETEC hybrid strains to determine their phylogenetic position among E. coli and to define the virulence genes they harbor.Methods
The whole genomes of three STEC/ETEC strains possessing both stx and est genes were sequenced using PacBio RS sequencer. Two of the strains were isolated from the patients, one with hemolytic uremic syndrome, and one with diarrhea. The third strain was of bovine origin. Core genome analysis of the shared chromosomal genes and comparison with E. coli and Shigella spp. reference genomes was performed to determine the phylogenetic position of the STEC/ETEC strains. In addition, a set of virulence genes and ETEC colonization factors were extracted from the genomes. The production of Stx and ST were studied.Results
The human STEC/ETEC strains clustered with strains representing ETEC, STEC, enteroaggregative E. coli, and commensal and laboratory-adapted E. coli. However, the bovine STEC/ETEC strain formed a remote cluster with two STECs of bovine origin. All three STEC/ETEC strains harbored several other virulence genes, apart from stx and est, and lacked ETEC colonization factors. Two STEC/ETEC strains produced both toxins and one strain Stx only.Conclusions
This study shows that pathogroup-associated virulence genes of different E. coli can co-exist in strains originating from different phylogenetic lineages. The possibility of virulence genes to be associated with several E. coli pathogroups should be taken into account in strain typing and in epidemiological surveillance. Development of novel hybrid E. coli strains may cause a new public health risk, which challenges the traditional diagnostics of E. coli infections. 相似文献55.
Mirva Piippo Niina Lietzén Olli S Nevalainen Jussi Salmi Tuula A Nyman 《BMC bioinformatics》2010,11(1):320
Caspases are a family of proteases that have central functions in programmed cell death (apoptosis) and inflammation. Caspases mediate their effects through aspartate-specific cleavage of their target proteins, and at present almost 400 caspase substrates are known. There are several methods developed to predict caspase cleavage sites from individual proteins, but currently none of them can be used to predict caspase cleavage sites from multiple proteins or entire proteomes, or to use several classifiers in combination. The possibility to create a database from predicted caspase cleavage products for the whole genome could significantly aid in identifying novel caspase targets from tandem mass spectrometry based proteomic experiments. 相似文献56.
Bratt A Birot O Sinha I Veitonmäki N Aase K Ernkvist M Holmgren L 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2005,280(41):34859-34869
We have previously identified angiomotin by its ability to bind to and mediate the anti-angiogenic properties of angiostatin. In vivo and in vitro data indicate an essential role of angiomotin in endothelial cell motility. Here we show that angiostatin binds angiomotin on the cell surface and provide evidence for a transmembrane model for the topology of both p80 and p130 angiomotin isoforms. Immunofluorescence analysis shows that angiomotin co-localized with ZO-1 in cell-cell contacts in endothelial cells in vitro and in angiogenic blood vessels of the postnatal mouse retina in vivo. Transfection of p80 as well as p130 angiomotin in Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in junctional localization of both isoforms. Furthermore, p130 angiomotin could recruit ZO-1 to actin stress fibers. The p130 but not p80 isoform could be coprecipitated with MAGI-1b, a component of endothelial tight junctions. Paracellular permeability, as measured by diffusion of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran, was reduced by p80 and p130 angiomotin expression with 70 and 88%, respectively, compared with control. Angiostatin did not have any effect on cell permeability but inhibited the migration of angiomotin-expressing cells in the Boyden chamber assay. We conclude that angiomotin, in addition to controlling cell motility, may play a role in the assembly of endothelial cell-cell junctions. 相似文献
N Kolehmainen G Maclennan L Ternent EA Duncan EM Duncan SB Ryan L McKee JJ Francis 《Implementation science : IS》2012,7(1):76
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Access and equity in children's therapy services may be improved by directing clinicians' use of resources toward specific goals that are important to patients. A practice-change intervention (titled 'Good Goals') was designed to achieve this. This study investigated uptake, adoption, and possible effects of at intervention in children's occupational therapy services. METHODS: Mixed methods case studies (n = 3 services, including 46 therapists and 558 children) were conducted. The intervention was delivered over 25 weeks through face-to-face training, team workbooks, and 'tools for change'. Data were collected before, during, and after the intervention on a range of factors using interviews, a focus group, case note analysis, routine data, document analysis, and researchers' observations. RESULTS: Factors related to uptake and adoptions were: mode of intervention delivery, competing demands on therapists' time, and leadership by service manager. Service managers and therapists reported that the intervention: helped therapists establish a shared rationale for clinical decisions; increased clarity in service provision; and improved interactions with families and schools. During the study period, therapists' behaviours changed: identifying goals, odds ratio 2.4 (95% CI 1.5 to 3.8); agreeing goals, 3.5 (2.4 to 5.1); evaluating progress, 2.0 (1.1 to 3.5). Children's LoT decreased by two months [95% CI [MINUS SIGN]8 to +4 months] across the services. Cost per therapist trained ranged from [POUND SIGN]1,003 to [POUND SIGN]1,277, depending upon service size and therapists' salary bands. CONCLUSIONS: Good Goals is a promising quality improvement intervention that can be delivered and adopted in practice and may have benefits. Further research is required to evaluate its: (i) impact on patient outcomes, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and (ii) transferability to other clinical contexts. 相似文献
Niina Sokolova Shi Pan Sarah Provazza Gisela Beutner Marko Vendelin Rikke Birkedal Shey-Shing Sheu 《PloS one》2013,8(12)
ADP is not only a key substrate for ATP generation, but also a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). In this study, we assessed how oxidative stress affects the potency of ADP as an mPTP inhibitor and whether its reduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production might be involved. We determined quantitatively the effects of ADP on mitochondrial Ca2+ retention capacity (CRC) until the induction of mPTP in normal and stressed isolated cardiac mitochondria. We used two models of chronic oxidative stress (old and diabetic mice) and two models of acute oxidative stress (ischemia reperfusion (IR) and tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BH)). In control mitochondria, the CRC was 344 ± 32 nmol/mg protein. 500 μmol/L ADP increased CRC to 774 ± 65 nmol/mg protein. This effect of ADP seemed to relate to its concentration as 50 μmol/L had a significantly smaller effect. Also, oligomycin, which inhibits the conversion of ADP to ATP by F0F1ATPase, significantly increased the effect of 50 μmol/L ADP. Chronic oxidative stress did not affect CRC or the effect of 500 μmol/L ADP. After IR or t-BH exposure, CRC was drastically reduced to 1 ± 0.2 and 32 ± 4 nmol/mg protein, respectively. Surprisingly, ADP increased the CRC to 447 ± 105 and 514 ± 103 nmol/mg protein in IR and t-BH, respectively. Thus, it increased CRC by the same amount as in control. In control mitochondria, ADP decreased both substrate and Ca2+-induced increase of ROS. However, in t-BH mitochondria the effect of ADP on ROS was relatively small. We conclude that ADP potently restores CRC capacity in severely stressed mitochondria. This effect is most likely not related to a reduction in ROS production. As the effect of ADP relates to its concentration, increased ADP as occurs in the pathophysiological situation may protect mitochondrial integrity and function. 相似文献
Restriction of intracellular diffusion of adenine nucleotides has been studied intensively on adult rat cardiomyocytes. However, their cause and role in vivo is still uncertain. Intracellular membrane structures have been suggested to play a role. We therefore chose to study cardiomyocytes from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which are thinner and have fewer intracellular membrane structures than adult rat cardiomyocytes. Previous studies suggest that trout permeabilized cardiac fibers also have diffusion restrictions. However, results from fibers may be affected by incomplete separation of the cells. This is avoided when studying permeabilized, isolated cardiomyocytes. The aim of this study was to verify the existence of diffusion restrictions in trout cardiomyocytes by comparing ADP-kinetics of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized fibers, permeabilized cardiomyocytes and isolated mitochondria from rainbow trout heart. Experiments were performed at 10, 15 and 20°C in the absence and presence of creatine. 相似文献60.