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Four widely used bubble oxygenators-the Optiflo I, the Bentley Q 200 A, the Harvey 200, and the Shiley 100 A-were tested and compared in 182 patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery. Fifty-six cases were performed with normothermia and 126 cases incorporated mild hypothermia (28-30 degrees C). There was no significant difference in the average age of the patients (51 yrs) or the perfusion time (60 min). All components of the extracorporeal circuit were identical, and anesthetic regimens and surgical techniques were also similar. In this study, the Shiley 100 A oxygenator was found to be the most suitable for cases requiring mild hypothermia and was generally considered to be the oxygenator of choice.  相似文献   
The effect of somatostatin on gluconeogenesis was studied in kidney cortex slices. Addition of somatostatin (2 μg) stimulated gluconeogenesis from lactate, pyruvate and glutamine by 42%, 50% and 68% respectively. Stimulation of glucose synthesis from lactate by somatostatin was found to be linear with time and dose dependent between 0.1 and 20 μg. Somatostatin-stimulated gluconeogenesis was inhibited by phentolamine (10 μM) but not by propranolol (10 μM) suggesting that somatostatin action is mediated by α-adrenergic stimuli.  相似文献   
Three populations of the grasshopper Trimerotropis pallidipennis from southern Argentina have been studied cytologically. A very characteristic B-chromosome was found in all three. They also showed geographical variability in respect of the presence of pericentric inversions, and the inversion system was found to influence chiasma frequency. The Laguna Blanca population, which is on the hypothetical pathway the species is believed to have followed during its migration from northern to southern latitudes, has the same karyotype composition as the N. American form, with fixed inversions in the 3 largest autosomes and the X-chromosome. Its members have a high total chiasma frequency and a great number of interstitial chiasmata. The Sierra de la Ventana population, situated at the absolute eastern border of the species distribution is highly polymorphic with respect to the presence of inversions in the medium chromosomes. Its members have the lowest total chiasma frequency and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata. Situated geographically between the other two, the Choele-Choel population has the highest frequency of inversions and many of them are homozygous. Its members have a higher total chiasma frequency than that observed in specimens from Sierra de la Ventana, and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata, similar to that observed in individuals from the latter population.  相似文献   
A liquid medium was developed for the continuous cultivation of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the several highly purified macromolecules tested only bovine liver catalase, horseradish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, and bovine hemoglobin supported the continuous growth, at high yield, of mice-virulent Trypanosoma cruzi; other hemoproteins were inactive. Bovine liver catalase showed optimal Trypanosoma cruzi growth-promoting activity, parasites reaching 20 × 106 parasites/ml (95% epimastigotes) at about 10 days in most of the 45 subpassages to date. Furthermore, this protein in the incubation medium provided all the amino acid requirements of actively growing parasites, thus eliminating the need for exogeneous free amino acids. Additional experiments revealed that the hemoprotein's growth-promoting activity was independent of any enzymatic activity and that reconstituting the exact protein composition by means of exogeneous amino acids did not support parasite multiplication, suggesting the importance of the primary structure of the active proteins for growth-promoting activity. These active macromolecules supported the multiplication of five different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, but did not support Leishmania brasiliensis or Leishmania mexicana proliferation, suggesting species specificity.  相似文献   
Summary Two new forms of the plasma membrane ATP-ase ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus NCTC 2665 were isolated from a sub-strain of the microorganism by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of them had a mol.wt of 368,000 and a very low specific activity (0.80 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1) that could not be stimulated by trypsin. This form has been called BI (strain B, inactive). If the electrophoresis was carried out in the presence of reducing agents (i.e., dithiothreitol) and the pH of the effluent maintained at a value of 8.5 another form of the enzyme was obtained. This had a mol.wt of 385,000 and a specific activity of 2.5–5.0 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1 that could be stimulated by trypsin to 5–10 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1. This preparation of the ATPase has been called form BA (strain B, enzyme active). The subunit composition of both forms has been studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate and urea gel electrophoresis and compared to that of the enzyme previously purified from the original strain (form A). The three forms of the enzyme had similar and subunits, with mol.wt of about 50,000 and 30,000 dalton, respectively. They also had in common the component(s) of relative mobility 1.0, whose status as true subunit(s) of the enzyme remains yet to be established. However, subunit, that had a mol.wt of about a 52,500 in form A (Andreu et al. Eur. J. Biochem. (1973) 37, 505–515), had a mol.wt similar to in form BI and about 60,000 in form BA. Furthermore BA usually showed two types of this subunit ( and) and an additional peptide chain () with a mol.wt of about 25,000 dalton. This latter subunit seemed to account for the stimulation by trypsin of form BA.Forms BA could be converted to BI by storage and freezing and thawing. Conventional protease activity could not be detected in any of the purified ATPase forms and addition of protease inhibitors to form BA failed to prevent its conversion to form BI. The low activity form (BI) was more stable than the active forms of the enzyme and also differed in its circular dichroism. These results show thatM. lysodeikticus ATPase can be isolated in several forms. Although these variations may be artifacts caused by the purification procedures, they provide model systems for understanding the structural and functional relationships of the enzyme and for drawing some speculations about its functionin vivo.  相似文献   
A soluble purified form of Micrococcus lysodeikticus ATPase (form BAT, from strain B, active, trypsin-stimulated) was stimulated 100% by trypsin and this stimulation was inhibited by preincubation of the protease with phenyl methyl sulphonylfluoride. This form of the enzyme was also stimulated 125–150% by filtration on Sephadex G-200. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis showed that stimulation of this form of M. lysodeikticus ATPase was always accompanied by the disappearance of a subunit of mol. wt. 25 000 (ε subunit). It suggests that this subunit is the natural inhibitor of M. lysodeikticus ATPase. In the case of ATPase stimulation by trypsin, a partial and limited degradation of the α subunit was also observed. The interaction between the ε subunit and the rest of the ATPase complex was reversibly affected by pH, suggesting its non-covalent nature.  相似文献   
A preparation of ATPase from the membranes of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, solubilized and more than 95 %. pure, showed two main bands in analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. They did not correspond to isoenzymes because one band could be converted into the other by exposure to a mildly alkaline pH value. The conversion was paralleled by changes in molecular weight, circular dichroism and catalytic properties. Denaturation by pH at 25 °C was followed by means of circular dichroism, ultracentrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A large conformational transition took place in the acid range with midpoints at about pH = 3.6 (I = 10?4 M), 4.3 (I = 0.03 M) and 5.3 (I = 0.1 M). The transition was irreversible. Strong aggregation of the protein occurred in this range of pH. The final product was largely random coil, but even at pH 1.5 dissociation into individual subunits was not complete. However, partial dissociation took place at pH 5 (I = 0.028 M). At this pH value the enzyme was inactive, but 20–30 % of the activity could be recovered when the pH was returned to 7.5.In the alkaline region the midpoint of the transition occurred near pH = 11 (I = 0.028 M). The pK of most of the tyrosine residues of the protein was about 10.9. The unfolding was irreversible and the protein was soon converted into peptide species with molecular weights lower than those determined for the subunits by gel clectrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Conventional proteolysis did not account for the transformation.  相似文献   
Summary Ethidium was found to be taken up by yeast cells in a process that, at certain concentrations has the main following characteristics: a) a substrate is required; b) it presents cooperative kinetics, withn, according to the Hill equation 3; c) ethidium can be concentrated more than 100-fold; d) the uptake is inhibited by Ca2+; e) the uptake of the dye is inhibited by monovalent cations with a selectivity pattern similar to that observed in their transport by yeast; f) ethidium inhibits the uptake of K+, and, at concentrations up to about 250 m produces a competitive inhibition on the uptake of Rb+; and g) ethidium produces the same effects as K+ on respiration and the extrusion of H+. It is concluded that ethidium is taken up by yeast cells in a selective way by the same transport system normally employed for monovalent cation uptake.  相似文献   
Photoreceptor Pigment for Blue Light in Neurospora crassa   总被引:22,自引:15,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Irradiating the mycelium of Neurospora crassa with moderate intensities of blue light causes a reversible photoreduction of a b-type cytochrome. The action spectrum for the photoreduction of cytochrome b is very similar to the absorption spectrum of flavin pigments. Prolonged irradiation of the mycelium with strong blue light irreversibly bleaches flavin-like pigments and as these pigments are bleached the photoresponse of cytochrome b is lost. We conclude from these and other data that a flavin is the photoreceptor pigment for the photoreduction of cytochrome b. The close similarity between the action spectrum for the photoreduction of cytochrome b and action spectra for a number of physiological photoresponses suggests that this photoreceptor pigment controls a wide variety of photobiological processes in a wide diversity of organisms.  相似文献   
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