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In the present study, we determined whether the immunomodulatory effect of adenosine receptor stimulation depends on the Toll-like Receptor (TLR) used for stimulation of cytokine release. Therefore, human mononuclear cells were stimulated by different TLR agonists in the absence and presence of A1 (CPA), A2a (CGS21680), and A3 (Cl-IB-MECA) adenosine receptor agonists. Effects of these agonists on Il-6, Il-10, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and Il-1beta production were expressed as percentage inhibition/stimulation after TLR stimulation. CGS21680 inhibited TLR4-mediated TNF-alpha release and potentiated TLR3- and TLR5-mediated IL-6 release. Cl-IB-MECA inhibited TLR4-agonist-induced IFN-gamma release. Interestingly, CPA en Cl-IB-MECA tended to inhibit cytokine release only after TLR4 stimulation. In more detail, CPA potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 production, TLR3-mediated IFN-gamma production and TLR3-mediated Il-1beta-production compared to TLR4-mediated stimulation. Cl-IB-MECA potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 and Il-1beta formation as compared to TLR4-mediated stimulation. Finally, CGS21680 potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 production compared to TLR1-2 stimulation, and potentiated TLR3- and TLR5-mediated IL-10 production compared to TLR1-2-mediated stimulation. In conclusion, the effect of adenosine agonists on cytokine production depends on the specific TLR agonist used for stimulation. These findings suggest that well-known anti-inflammatory effects of adenosine agonists on LPS-induced inflammation cannot be extrapolated to situations in which stimulation of other TLR subtypes is involved.  相似文献   
We have used binary markers and microsatellites on the Y chromosome to analyse diversity in a sample of Greenlandic Inuit males. This sample contains Y chromosomes typical of those found in European populations. Because the Y chromosome has a unique and robust phylogeny of a time depth that precedes the split between European and Native American populations, it is possible to assign chromosomes in an admixed population to either continental source. On this basis, 58+/-6% of these Y chromosomes have been assigned to a European origin. The high proportion of European Y chromosomes contrasts with a complete absence of European mitochondrial DNA and indicates strongly male-biased European admixture into Inuit. Comparison of the European component of Inuit Y chromosomes with European population data suggests that they have their origins in Scandinavia. There are two potential source populations: Norse settlers from Iceland, who may have been assimilated 500 years ago, and the Danish-Norwegian colonists of the eighteenth century. Insufficient differentiation between modern Icelandic and Danish Y chromosomes means that a choice between these cannot be made on the basis of diversity analysis. However, the extreme sex bias in the admixture makes the later event more likely as the source.  相似文献   
The hypothesis was tested that cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV) are increased by a moderate physiological elevation in sodium intake with a more pronounced effect in the ambulatory upright seated than supine position. Fourteen healthy males were investigated during ambulatory and controlled laboratory conditions at the end of two consecutive 5-day periods with sodium intakes of 70 (low) and 250 (high) mmol/24 h or vice versa, respectively. Comparing high and low sodium intake, plasma volume and plasma protein concentrations were 9 and 8% higher in the seated and the supine position, respectively. When seated during laboratory conditions, CO was 5.3 +/- 0.2 l/min on the high sodium intake vs. 4.8 +/- 0.2 l/min on the low (P < 0.05), and SV was 81 +/- 3 vs. 68 +/- 3 ml (P < 0.05). In the supine position, SV was 107 +/- 3 ml on the high vs. 99 +/- 3 ml (P < 0.05) on the low sodium intake, while CO remained unchanged. The difference in CO and SV induced by the change in sodium intake was significantly higher in the seated than in the supine position (P < 0.05). During upright ambulatory conditions, CO was 5.9 +/- 0.2 l/min during the high and 5.2 +/- 0.2 l/min during the low sodium intake (P < 0.05), and SV was 84 +/- 3 and 69 +/- 3 ml (P < 0.05), respectively. Mean arterial pressure was unchanged by the variations in sodium intake. In conclusion, increments in sodium intake within the normal physiological range increase CO and SV and more so in the seated vs. the supine position. These changes are readily detectable during upright, ambulatory conditions. The results indicate that the higher SV and CO could constitute an arterial baroreflex stimulus for the augmented renal sodium excretion.  相似文献   
Skovgaard A  Daugbjerg N 《Protist》2008,159(3):401-413
Paradinium and Paradinium-like parasites were detected in various copepod hosts collected in the NW Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean, and the Godth?bsfjord (Greenland). The identity and systematic position of the parasitic, plasmodial protist Paradinium was investigated on the basis of SSU rDNA and morphology. SSU rDNA sequences were obtained from 3 specimens of Paradinium poucheti isolated from their cyclopoid copepod host, Oithona similis. In addition, a comparable sequence was obtained from a hitherto undescribed species of Paradinium from the harpactacoid copepod Euterpina acutifrons. Finally, SSU rDNA sequences were acquired from 2 specimens of a red plasmodial parasite (RP parasite) isolated from Clausocalanus sp. Both morphological and SSU rDNA sequence data supported that P. poucheti and Paradinium sp. are closely related organisms. In phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences, Paradinium spp. clustered with sequences from an uncultured eukaryote clone from the Pacific Ocean and two sequences from haplosporidian-like parasites of shrimps, Pandalus spp. This Paradinium clade branched as a sister group to a clade comprising the Haplosporidia and the Foraminifera. The RP parasite had a superficial morphological resemblance to Paradinium and has previously been interpreted as a member of this genus. However, several morphological characters contradict this and SSU rDNA sequence data disagree with the RP parasite and Paradinium being related. The phylogenetic analyses suggested that the RP parasite is a fast-evolved alveolate and a member of the so-called marine alveolate Group I (MAGI) and emerging data now suggest that this enigmatic group may, like the syndinian dinoflagellates, consist of heterotrophic parasites.  相似文献   
A short interdomain sequence between the N- and C-terminal domains of beta-conglycinin, the major 7S seed storage protein of soybean, was selected as a target for insertion of amino acid residues specifically cleaved by an asparaginyl endopeptidase that processes globulins into acidic and basic chains. Modified beta-conglycinin subunits containing the proteolytic cleavage site self-assembled into trimers in vitro at an efficiency similar to that of the unmodified subunit. In contrast to the absence of cleavage of the unmodified subunits, however, the modified beta-conglycinin trimers were processed by purified soybean asparaginyl endopeptidase into two polypeptides, each the size expected for the beta-conglycinin N- and C-terminal domains, respectively. The cleavage did not alter the assembly of mutant beta-conglycinins and the cleaved mutant trimers remained stable to further proteolytic attack. To examine the possibility of coassembly between the cleaved 11S and 7S subunits, in vitro processed mutant beta-conglycinin subunits were mixed with native dissociated 11S globulin preparations. Reassembly at a high ionic condition did not induce the 7S subunits to interact with 11S subunits to form hexameric complexes. Thus, cleavage of 7S globulin subunits into acidic and basic domains may not be sufficient for hexamer assembly to occur. Biotechnological implications of the engineered proteins are discussed.  相似文献   
Hot compressed liquid water was used to treat switchgrass in a method called hydrothermolysis to disrupt lignin, dissolve hemicellulose, and increase accessibility of cellulose to cellulase. Three temperatures (190, 200, and 210 °C) and hold times (10, 15, and 20 min) were tested. Switchgrass treated at 190 °C for 10 min had the greatest xylan recovery in the prehydrolyzate. Less than 0.65 g/L glucose were released into the prehydrolyzate for all pretreatment conditions, indicating most glucose was retained as cellulose in the solid substrate. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furfural formation in the prehydrolyzate were found to be less than 1 g/L for all treatments. The highest concentration of ethanol, 16.8 g/L (72% of theoretical), was produced from switchgrass pretreated at 210 °C and 15 min using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) at 45 °C with the thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB4 and 15 FPU cellulase/g glucan.  相似文献   
Lees, D. C., Rougerie, R., Zeller‐Lukashort, C. & Kristensen, N. P. (2010). DNA mini‐barcodes in taxonomic assignment: a morphologically unique new homoneurous moth clade from the Indian Himalayas described in Micropterix (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 642–661. The first micropterigid moths recorded from the Himalayas, Micropterix cornuella sp. n. and Micropterix longicornuella sp. n. (collected, respectively, in 1935 in the Arunachel Pradesh Province and in 1874 in Darjeeling, both Northeastern India) constitute a new clade, which is unique within the family because of striking specializations of the female postabdomen: tergum VIII ventral plate forming a continuous sclerotized ring, segment IX bearing a pair of strongly sclerotized lateroventral plates, each with a prominent horn‐like posterior process. Fore wing vein R unforked, all Rs veins preapical; hind wing devoid of a discrete vein R. The combination of the two first‐mentioned vein characters suggests close affinity to the large Palearctic genus Micropterix (to some species of which the members of the new clade bear strong superficial resemblance). Whilst absence of the hind wing R is unknown in that genus, this specialization is not incompatible with the new clade being subordinate within it. A 136‐bp fragment of Cytochrome oxidase I successfully amplified from both of the 75‐year‐old specimens strongly supports this generic assignment. Translated to amino acids, this DNA fragment is highly diagnostic of this genus, being identical to that of most (16 of the 26) Micropterix species studied comparatively here, 1–4 codons different from nine other species (including Micropterix wockei that in phylogenetic analyses we infer to be sister to other examined species), whilst 7–15 codons different to other amphiesmenopteran genera examined here. A dating analysis also suggests that the large clade excluding M. wockei to which M. cornuella belongs appeared <31 million years ago. These findings encourage discovery of a significant radiation of Micropterix in the Himalayan region. Our analysis has more general implications for testing the assignment of DNA mini‐barcodes to a taxon, in cases such as museum specimens where the full DNA barcode cannot be recovered.  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to explore parallel changes in EEG spectral frequencies during biofeedback of slow cortical potentials (SCPs) in epilepsy patients. Thirty-four patients with intractable focal epilepsy participated in 35 sessions of SCP self-regulation training. The spectral analysis was carried out for the EEG recorded at the same electrode site (Cz) that was used for SCP feedback. The most prominent effect was the increase in the 2 power (6.0–7.9 Hz) and the relative power decrement in all other frequency bands (particularly 1, 2, and 2) in transfer trials (i.e., where patients controlled their SCPs without continuous feedback) compared with feedback trials. In the second half of the training course (i.e., sessions 21–35) larger power values in the , , and bands were found when patients were required to produce positive versus negative SCP shifts. Both across-subject and across-session (within-subject) correlations between spectral EEG parameters, on the one hand, and SCP data, on the other hand, were low and inconsistent, contrary to high and stable correlations between different spectral variables. This fact, as well as the lack of considerable task-dependent effects during the first part of training, indicates that learned SCP shifts did not directly lead to the specific dynamics of the EEG power spectra. Rather, these dynamics were related to nonspecific changes in patients' brain state.  相似文献   
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