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RidA (for Reactive Intermediate Deaminase A) proteins are ubiquitous, yet their function in eukaryotes is unclear. It is known that deleting Salmonella enterica ridA causes Ser sensitivity and that S. enterica RidA and its homologs from other organisms hydrolyze the enamine/imine intermediates that Thr dehydratase forms from Ser or Thr. In S. enterica, the Ser-derived enamine/imine inactivates a branched-chain aminotransferase; RidA prevents this damage. Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays) have a RidA homolog that is predicted to be plastidial. Expression of either homolog complemented the Ser sensitivity of the S. enterica ridA mutant. The purified proteins hydrolyzed the enamines/imines formed by Thr dehydratase from Ser or Thr and protected the Arabidopsis plastidial branched-chain aminotransferase BCAT3 from inactivation by the Ser-derived enamine/imine. In vitro chloroplast import assays and in vivo localization of green fluorescent protein fusions showed that Arabidopsis RidA and Thr dehydratase are chloroplast targeted. Disrupting Arabidopsis RidA reduced root growth and raised the root and shoot levels of the branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis intermediate 2-oxobutanoate; Ser treatment exacerbated these effects in roots. Supplying Ile reversed the root growth defect. These results indicate that plastidial RidA proteins can preempt damage to BCAT3 and Ile biosynthesis by hydrolyzing the Ser-derived enamine/imine product of Thr dehydratase.  相似文献   
Adduct formation, fragmentation events and matrix effects impose special challenges to the identification and quantitation of metabolites in LC-ESI-MS datasets. An important step in compound identification is the deconvolution of mass signals. During this processing step, peaks representing adducts, fragments, and isotopologues of the same analyte are allocated to a distinct group, in order to separate peaks from coeluting compounds. From these peak groups, neutral masses and pseudo spectra are derived and used for metabolite identification via mass decomposition and database matching. Quantitation of metabolites is hampered by matrix effects and nonlinear responses in LC-ESI-MS measurements. A common approach to correct for these effects is the addition of a U-13C-labeled internal standard and the calculation of mass isotopomer ratios for each metabolite. Here we present a new web-platform for the analysis of LC-ESI-MS experiments. ALLocator covers the workflow from raw data processing to metabolite identification and mass isotopomer ratio analysis. The integrated processing pipeline for spectra deconvolution “ALLocatorSD” generates pseudo spectra and automatically identifies peaks emerging from the U-13C-labeled internal standard. Information from the latter improves mass decomposition and annotation of neutral losses. ALLocator provides an interactive and dynamic interface to explore and enhance the results in depth. Pseudo spectra of identified metabolites can be stored in user- and method-specific reference lists that can be applied on succeeding datasets. The potential of the software is exemplified in an experiment, in which abundance fold-changes of metabolites of the l-arginine biosynthesis in C. glutamicum type strain ATCC 13032 and l-arginine producing strain ATCC 21831 are compared. Furthermore, the capability for detection and annotation of uncommon large neutral losses is shown by the identification of (γ-)glutamyl dipeptides in the same strains. ALLocator is available online at: https://allocator.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de. A login is required, but freely available.  相似文献   
Composition and gene content of a biogas-producing microbial community from a production-scale biogas plant fed with renewable primary products was analysed by means of a metagenomic approach applying the ultrafast 454-pyrosequencing technology. Sequencing of isolated total community DNA on a Genome Sequencer FLX System resulted in 616,072 reads with an average read length of 230 bases accounting for 141,664,289 bases sequence information. Assignment of obtained single reads to COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins) categories revealed a genetic profile characteristic for an anaerobic microbial consortium conducting fermentative metabolic pathways. Assembly of single reads resulted in the formation of 8752 contigs larger than 500 bases in size. Contigs longer than 10kb mainly encode house-keeping proteins, e.g. DNA polymerase, recombinase, DNA ligase, sigma factor RpoD and genes involved in sugar and amino acid metabolism. A significant portion of contigs was allocated to the genome sequence of the archaeal methanogen Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1. Mapping of single reads to the M. marisnigri JR1 genome revealed that approximately 64% of the reference genome including methanogenesis gene regions are deeply covered. These results suggest that species related to those of the genus Methanoculleus play a dominant role in methanogenesis in the analysed fermentation sample. Moreover, assignment of numerous contig sequences to clostridial genomes including gene regions for cellulolytic functions indicates that clostridia are important for hydrolysis of cellulosic plant biomass in the biogas fermenter under study. Metagenome sequence data from a biogas-producing microbial community residing in a fermenter of a biogas plant provide the basis for a rational approach to improve the biotechnological process of biogas production.  相似文献   


Metagenomics, or the sequencing and analysis of collective genomes (metagenomes) of microorganisms isolated from an environment, promises direct access to the "unculturable majority". This emerging field offers the potential to lay solid basis on our understanding of the entire living world. However, the taxonomic classification is an essential task in the analysis of metagenomics data sets that it is still far from being solved. We present a novel strategy to predict the taxonomic origin of environmental genomic fragments. The proposed classifier combines the idea of the k-nearest neighbor with strategies from kernel-based learning.  相似文献   
This study examined the extent to which socioemotional well-being mediated the relationship between language status and achievement, while exploring variability in this relationship based on informant (student versus teacher reports of socioemotional problems) and native language background (Spanish-speaking English language learners [ELLs] versus ELLs from Asian-language backgrounds). Participants included 9,046 fifth-grade students from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort of 1998. Results from structural equation modeling showed that Spanish-speaking ELLs reported more social-emotional problems as compared to English-monolingual (EM) and Asian-language ELL classmates in third grade, which partially explained their lower achievement levels in fifth grade. The model accounted for approximately 34% of the variance in students’ academic achievement in fifth grade (R2 = .343, p < .001). When comparing ELL and EM students, results differed when using teachers’ versus students’ reports of socioemotional well-being. For both Spanish-speaking and Asian-language ELLs, teachers perceived fewer social and emotional difficulties than the students themselves reported in comparison to their EM classmates.  相似文献   
Histone modifications are crucial for the regulation of secondary metabolism in various filamentous fungi. Here we studied the involvement of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in secondary metabolism in the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium fujikuroi, a known producer of several secondary metabolites, including phytohormones, pigments, and mycotoxins. Deletion of three Zn2+-dependent HDAC-encoding genes, ffhda1, ffhda2, and ffhda4, indicated that FfHda1 and FfHda2 regulate secondary metabolism, whereas FfHda4 is involved in developmental processes but is dispensable for secondary-metabolite production in F. fujikuroi. Single deletions of ffhda1 and ffhda2 resulted not only in an increase or decrease but also in derepression of metabolite biosynthesis under normally repressing conditions. Moreover, double deletion of both the ffhda1 and ffhda2 genes showed additive but also distinct phenotypes with regard to secondary-metabolite biosynthesis, and both genes are required for gibberellic acid (GA)-induced bakanae disease on the preferred host plant rice, as Δffhda1 Δffhda2 mutants resemble the uninfected control plant. Microarray analysis with a Δffhda1 mutant that has lost the major HDAC revealed differential expression of secondary-metabolite gene clusters, which was subsequently verified by a combination of chemical and biological approaches. These results indicate that HDACs are involved not only in gene silencing but also in the activation of some genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation with the Δffhda1 mutant revealed significant alterations in the acetylation state of secondary-metabolite gene clusters compared to the wild type, thereby providing insights into the regulatory mechanism at the chromatin level. Altogether, manipulation of HDAC-encoding genes constitutes a powerful tool to control secondary metabolism in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
To determine features of the steady state [Ca2+]-tension relationship in intact heart, we measured steady force and intracellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) in tetanized ferret papillary muscles. [Ca2+]i was estimated from the luminescence emitted by muscles that had been microinjected with aequorin, a Ca2+-sensitive, bioluminescent protein. We found that by raising extracellular [Ca2+] and/or by exposing muscles to the Ca2+ channel agonist Bay K 8644, tension development could be varied from rest to an apparently saturating level, at which increases in [Ca2+]i produced no further rise in force. 95% of maximal Ca2+-activated force was reached at a [Ca2+]i of 0.85 +/- 0.06 microM (mean +/- SEM; n = 7), which suggests that the sensitivity of the myofilaments to [Ca2+]i is far greater than anticipated from studies of skinned heart preparations (or from previous studies using Ca2+-sensitive microelectrodes in intact heart). Our finding that maximal force was reached by approximately 1 microM also allowed us to calculate that the steady state [Ca2+]i-tension relationship, as it might be observed in intact muscle, should be steep (Hill coefficient of greater than 4), which is consistent with the Hill coefficient estimated from the entire [Ca2+]i-tension relationship derived from families of variably activated tetani (6.08 +/- 0.68; n = 7). Finally, with regard to whether steady state measurements can be applied directly toward understanding physiological contractions, we found that the relation between steady force and [Ca2+]i obtained during tetani was steeper than that between peak force and peak [Ca2+]i observed during physiological twitches.  相似文献   
A system for the inducible destruction of plant tissues based on the deacetylation of the non-toxic compound N-acetyl-l -phosphinothricin (N-ac-Pt) has been developed. The argE gene product of Escherichia coli, representing a N-acetyl-l -ornithine deacetylase was identified to remove the acetyl-group from N-ac-Pt giving the cytotoxic compound l -phosphinothricin (Pt, glufosinate). Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants constitutively expressing the argE gene were constructed. No effect of the bacterial N-acetyl-l -ornithine deacetylase on plant growth and reproduction could be traced. However, application of N-ac-Pt on leaves of the transgenic plants led to the formation of necrotic areas due to the release of Pt. Additionally, due to the uptake of the N-ac-Pt by roots, transgenic shoots grown on medium containing N-ac-Pt bleached within 6–7 days and finally died. Untransformed controls showed no reaction to high amounts of N-ac-Pt applied, either under sterile or under unsterile conditions. In order to construct inducible male-sterile plants, the argE coding region was fused to a DNA fragment carrying sequences homologous to the tobacco TA29 promoter, known to function exclusively in the tapetum. Owing to the tapetum-specific expression of the chimeric gene the application of N-ac-Pt led to empty anthers resulting in male-sterile plants. The sanity of the female reproductive part of the male-sterile flowers could be demonstrated by cross-pollination. Without N-ac-Pt treatment the plants turned out to be completely fertile making fertility restoration in the F1 generation superflous. The system presented is easy to handle and might be applicable to a wide range of crop plants.  相似文献   
The structural gene encoding a thioredoxin-dependent 5-phosphoadenylyl sulphate (PAPS) reductase (EC 1.8.4.-) from cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans) was detected by heterologous hybridization with the cysH gene from Escherichia coli K12. The cyanobacterial gene (further called par gene) comprised 696 nt which are 57.8% homologous to the enterobacterial gene. The putative open reading frame encoded a polypeptide consisting of 232 amino acid residues (deduced molecular weight 26635) which showed significant homologies to the polypeptide from E. coli (50.8%) and to the polypeptide from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (30.3%). A single cysteine located at the C-terminus of the polypeptide of E. coli (Cys239) was conserved in Synechococcus. Conservation of this cysteinyl residue seems indispensable for catalysis. Complementation of a cysH-deficient mutant of E. coli by the cyanobacterial gene indicated that the cloned DNA is the structural gene of the PAPS reductase.Abbreviations IPTG isopropyl-1-thio--D-galactoside - PAPS 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosposulphate  相似文献   
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