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Parameters that affect production of the recombinant reporter protein, EGFP, in the T7 promoter based VOTE vaccinia virus-HeLa cell expression system were examined. Length of infection phase, inducer concentration, and timing of its addition relative to infection were evaluated in 6-well plate monolayer cultures. One hour infection with 1.0 mM IPTG added at the time of infection provided a robust process. For larger scale experiments, anchorage-dependent HeLa cells were grown on 5 g/L Cytodex 3 microcarriers. The change to this dynamic culture environment, with cell-covered microcarriers suspended in culture medium in spinner flasks, suggested a re-examination of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) for this culture type that indicated a need for an increase in the number of virus particles per cell to 5.0, higher than that needed for complete infection in monolayer tissue flask culture. Additionally, dissolved oxygen level and temperature during the protein production phase were evaluated for their effect on EGFP expression in microcarrier spinner flask culture. Both increased dissolved oxygen, based on surface area to volume (SA/V) adjustments, and decreased temperature from 37 to 31 degrees C showed increases in EGFP production over the course of the production phase. The level of production achieved with this system reached approximately 17 microg EGFP/10(6) infected cells.  相似文献   
The activity of the housekeeping ATP:co(I)rrinoid adenosyltransferase (CobA) enzyme of Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium is required to adenosylate de novo biosynthetic intermediates of adenosylcobalamin and to salvage incomplete and complete corrinoids from the environment of this bacterium. In vitro, reduced flavodoxin (FldA) provides an electron to generate the co(I)rrinoid substrate in the CobA active site. To understand how CobA and FldA interact, a computer model of a CobA.FldA complex was generated. This model was used to guide the introduction of mutations into CobA using site-directed mutagenesis and the synthesis of a peptide mimic of FldA. Residues Arg-9 and Arg-165 of CobA were critical for FldA-dependent adenosylation but were catalytically as competent as the wild-type protein when cob(I)alamin was provided as substrate. These results indicate that Arg-9 and Arg-165 are important for CobA.FldA docking but not to catalysis. A truncation of the 9-amino acid N-terminal helix of CobA reduced its FldA-dependent cobalamin adenosyltransferase activity by 97.4%. The same protein, however, had a 4-fold higher specific activity than the native enzyme when cob(I)alamin was generated chemically in situ.  相似文献   
Spatially distinct populations of microfilaments, characterized by different tropomyosin (Tm) isoforms, are present within a neuron. To investigate the impact of altered tropomyosin isoform expression on neuronal morphogenesis, embryonic cortical neurons from transgenic mice expressing the isoforms Tm3 and Tm5NM1, under the control of the beta-actin promoter, were cultured in vitro. Exogenously expressed Tm isoforms sorted to different subcellular compartments with Tm5NM1 enriched in filopodia and growth cones, whereas the Tm3 was more broadly localized. The Tm5NM1 neurons displayed significantly enlarged growth cones accompanied by an increase in the number of dendrites and axonal branching. In contrast, Tm3 neurons displayed inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Recruitment of Tm5a and myosin IIB was observed in the peripheral region of a significant number of Tm5NM1 growth cones. We propose that enrichment of myosin IIB increases filament stability, leading to the enlarged growth cones. Our observations support a role for different tropomyosin isoforms in regulating interactions with myosin and thereby regulating morphology in specific intracellular compartments.  相似文献   
C1s and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) are the proteases that trigger the classical and lectin pathways of complement, respectively. They have identical modular architectures and cleave the same substrates, C2 and C4, but show markedly different efficiencies toward C4. Multisite-directed mutagenesis was used to engineer hybrid C1s/MASP-2 molecules where either the complement control protein (CCP) modules or the serine protease (SP) domain of C1s were swapped for their MASP-2 counterparts. The resulting chimeras (C1s(MASP-2 CCP1/2) and C1s(MASP-2 SP), respectively) were expressed and characterized chemically and functionally. Whereas C1s(MASP-2 SP) was recovered as an active enzyme, C1s(MASP-2 CCP1/2) was produced in a proenzyme form and was susceptible to activation by C1r, indicating that the activation properties of the chimeras were dictated by the nature of their SP domain. Similarly, each activated chimera had an esterolytic activity characteristic of its own SP domain and cleaved C2 with an efficiency comparable with that of their parent C1s and MASP-2 proteases. Both chimeras cleaved C4, but whereas C1s(MASP-2 SP) and C1s had Km values in the micromolar range, C1s(MASP-2 CCP1/2) and MASP-2 had Km values in the nanomolar range, resulting in 21-27-fold higher kcat/Km ratios. Thus, the higher C4 cleavage efficiency of MASP-2 arises from a higher substrate recognition efficacy of its CCP modules. Remarkably, C1s(MASP-2 CCP1/2) retained C1s ability to associate with C1r and C1q to form a pseudo-C1 complex and to undergo activation within this complex, indicating that the C1s-CCP modules have no direct implication in either function.  相似文献   
A macromorphological study is made on taxa of the genusOrnithogalum subg.Heliocharmos in North Africa, Spain, and France. The results obtained are consistent with data from cytogenetics, reproductive biology and strategies of reproduction. They allow the retention of two species:O. algeriense andO. umbellatum. A biogeographical and phylogenetic interpretation of the subgenus is proposed for the western Mediterranean. Theoretical views on phenetics are discussed.  相似文献   
The Rab GTPase Ypt1p and the large homodimer Uso1p are both required for tethering endoplasmic reticulum-derived vesicles to early Golgi compartments in yeast. Loss-of-function ypt1 and uso1 mutations are suppressed by SLY1-20, a dominant allele that encodes the Sed5p-associated protein, Sly1p. Here, we investigate the mechanism of SLY1-20 suppression. In wild-type strains, Ypt1p can be coimmunoprecipitated with Uso1p; however, in a ypt1Delta/SLY1-20 strain, which lacks this complex, membrane binding of Uso1p was reduced. In spite of Ypt1p depletion, Uso1p-dependent vesicle tethering was not bypassed under the ypt1Delta/SLY1-20 condition. Moreover, tethering and fusion assays with ypt1Delta/SLY1-20 membranes remained sensitive to Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor. These results indicate that an alternative Rab protein satisfies the Ypt1p requirement in Uso1p-dependent tethering when SLY1-20 is expressed. Further genetic and biochemical tests revealed that a related Rab protein, Ypt6, might substitute for Ypt1p in ypt1Delta/SLY1-20 cells. Additional experimentation to address the mechanism of SLY1-20 suppression in a cog2Delta [sec35Delta] strain indicated that the Cog2p subunit of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex is either functionally redundant or is not directly required for anterograde transport to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   
Pleurodeles exhibits a ZZ/ZW system of GSD (genotype sex determination). However, the Z and W sex chromosomes appear to be morphologically identical. A short RNA sequence is described that was specifically bound to lampbrush loops in the differential segment of the sexual bivalent IV. The distribution of these labeled loops in experimentally produced ZZ and WW females enabled us to demonstrate that such labeled loops were perfectly correlated with the W chromosome. Therefore, this RNA sequence constitutes an excellent marker for the W differential segment. Furthermore, analysis of the labeled loops under various experimental conditions suggested that their labeling is caused by specific interactions between this RNA sequence and lampbrush loop-associated proteins (RNA/protein interactions). North-western assays revealed that nuclear polypeptide(s) of 65 kDa could be responsible for such binding.  相似文献   
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