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The effect of dicarboxylic phosphatidylcholines (glutarylphosphatidylcholine) on the structural changes of phosphatidylcholine liposomes is examined by using multilamellar liposomes prepared with egg phosphatidylcholine or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and by varying the surface charge by addition of dicetyl phosphate. Investigations are performed by gel chromatography and electron microscopy. Glutarylphosphatidylcholine is in micellar form (rod-like micelles or globular micelles). The structures obtained depend on the fatty acid saturation of liposomes and on the charge of liposome (addition or not of dicetyl phosphate). With egg phosphatidylcholine/glutarylphosphatidylcholine dispersions, an aspect more similar to myelinic figures than liposomes is observed, while in the presence of dicetyl phosphate, liposomes similar to control egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes are obtained. Gel chromatography on Sepharose 4B and turbidity measurements prove that dicetyl phosphate increases the stability of egg phosphatidylcholine/glutarylphosphatidylcholine mixtures. On the other hand, in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/glutarylphosphatidylcholine dispersions, incorporation of dicetyl phosphate destabilizes bilayer structure and the formation of mixed micelles occurs. Viscosity measurement shows, in the presence of dicetyl phosphate, an increased fluidity for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/glutarylphosphatidylcholine dispersions, in agreement with the micellar organization. These data confirm that the disorganization of liposomal membranes by dicarboxylic phosphatidylcholine depends on the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine and on the presence of dicetyl phosphate.  相似文献   
Genetic and biochemical consequences of thymidylate stress   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have examined the genetic and biochemical consequences of thymidylate stress in haploid and diploid strains of the simple eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bakers' yeast). Previously we reported that inhibition of dTMP biosynthesis causes "thymineless death" and is highly recombinagenic, but apparently not mutagenic, at the nuclear level; however, it is mutagenic for mitochondria. Concurrent provision of dTMP abolishes these effects. Conversely, excess dTMP is highly mutagenic for nuclear genes. It is likely that DNA strand breaks are responsible for the recombinagenic effects of thymidylate deprivation; such breaks could be produced by reiterative uracil incorporation and excision in DNA repair patches. In our experiments, thymidylate stress was produced both by starving dTMP auxotrophs for the required nucleotide and also by blocking de novo synthesis of thymidylate by various antimetabolites. We found that the antifolate methotrexate is a potent inducer of mitotic recombination (both gene conversion and mitotic crossing-over). This suggests that the gene amplification associated with methotrexate resistance in mammalian cells could arise, in part, by unequal sister-chromatid exchange induced by thymidylate stress. In addition, several sulfa drugs, which impede de novo folate biosynthesis, also have considerable recombinagenic activity.  相似文献   
Detailed restriction and nucleotide sequence analysis of the Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid pDK1 xylE gene revealed significant homology with isofunctional xylE (81.5%) and nahH (78.0%) genes from the TOL pWW0 and NAH7 plasmids. The highest degrees of nucleotide and apparent amino acid conservation (82.2 and 86.4%, respectively) among all three genes were found to exist within a region comprising 264 nucleotides encoding the C terminus. A comparison of localized regions revealed significantly greater homology between xylEpWW0 and xylEpDK1 within the C-terminal region, whereas xylEpWW0 and nahH showed greater similarity at the N terminus. The possibility that xylEpWW0 may represent a genetic hybrid of xylEpDK1 and nahH is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A characterization was conducted on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules extracted separately from 107 European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) both wild and domestic, 13 European hares (Lepus capensis), and 1 eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus). Experimentally this study took into account restriction site polymorphism, overall length variation of the noncoding region, and numbers of repeated sequences. Nucleotide divergences indicate that the mtDNAs from the three species derived from a common ancestor some 6–8 million years (Myr) ago. Every animal appeared heteroplasmic for a set of molecules with various lengths of the noncoding region and variable numbers of repeated sequences that contribute to them. This systematic heteroplasmy, most probably generated by a rate of localized mtDNA rearrangements high enough to counterbalance the cellular segregation of rearranged molecules, is a shared derived character of leporids.The geographic distribution of mtDNA polymorphism among wild rabbit populations over the western European basin shows that two molecular lineages are represented, one in southern Spain, the second over northern Spain, France, and Tunisia. These two lineages derived from a common ancestor some 2 Myr ago. Their present geographical distribution may be correlated to the separation of rabbits into two stocks at the time of Mindel glaciation.Finally the distribution of mtDNA diversity exhibits a mosaic pattern both at inter- and intrapopulation levels.  相似文献   
To study alterations in cellular gene expression in mouse kidney cell cultures infected with simian virus 40 (SV40) or polyomavirus, we performed a differential screening of a mouse kidney cDNA library with probes prepared from mRNAs of virus-infected and mock-infected cells. We isolated and characterized cDNA recombinant pKT13 which detected increased mRNA levels in infected cells. Sequence analysis of pKT13 revealed close to 100% homology with the 3'-end of mouse fibronectin (FN) mRNA. Since primary cultures of baby mouse kidney cells have been extensively characterized in our laboratories, we studied FN gene expression at different stages of uninfected and virus-infected cultures. High levels of FN and of its mRNA were found in the kidneys of suckling mice, while in primary cultures of proliferating epithelial kidney cells the expression of FN was very low until the cultures became confluent. Thereafter FN increased and reached high levels in cells which were irreversibly arrested in phase Go and which had apparently exhausted their finite division potential. Infection of confluent cultures with polyomavirus or SV40 resulted in a further stimulation of FN gene expression. However, during abortive infection with SV40, FN mRNA and FN levels decreased with emergence of transformed cells and were low in an established SV40-transformed mouse kidney cell line. These changes in FN gene expression suggest that high levels of FN might be indicative in vivo for terminal differentiation and in vitro for cellular senescence.  相似文献   
The mouse C5a receptor gene was isolated using the human C5a receptor cDNA probe recently described (Gerard, N. P., and C. Gerard. 1991. Nature 349:614). By analogy with the human gene, the mouse homolog contains two exons with the 5' untranslated region and initiating methionine codon present in exon 1 and the remainder of the molecule in exon 2. Generation of an expressible cDNA for the mouse C5a receptor was accomplished using the polymerase chain reaction and a sense oligodeoxynucleotide primer which included an initiation codon just 5' to the sequence encoding the N-linked glycosylation site. When transfected into human 293 kidney epithelial cells the cloned cDNA directs expression of a binding site for human C5a anaphylatoxin with a binding constant of 2.5 +/- 0.3 nM; the human C5a receptor expressed under identical conditions has a Kd of 1.7 +/- 0.2 nM. Overall, the deduced amino acid sequences of the receptors are 65% identical given the analogous gene structures. Alignment of the sequences as seven transmembrane segment receptors reveals that the greatest structural diversity (approximately 70%) exists in the putative extracellular domains. In contrast, species differences among other members of this family of seven membrane-spanning receptors is generally only 10 to 20%, even for receptors whose ligands are relatively small and not expected to interact with sites on the extracellular surfaces. A high degree of structural identify is observed for the C5a receptors in the transmembrane segments and in all but one of the loops predicted to exist in the cytoplasm. Inasmuch as critical structures responsible for high affinity binding of the 74 amino acid polypeptide to both C5a receptors involve features conserved between species, these data provide the starting point for mutagenesis studies to determine the nature of the binding and activation sites for the chemotactic receptors. Additionally, these data provide a reagent for immunologic and molecular genetic studies on the role of C5a receptors in inflammatory models.  相似文献   
Drosophila embryonic cells were exposed to a number of metal ions that have been previously reported to act as teratogens in mammalian systems, including some known to induce heat shock (stress) proteins in a variety of model systems. This study examined the effects of these ions both on differentiation of muscles and neurons and on the induction of heat shock proteins. Metals such as arsenate, cadmium, and mercury all inhibited neuron and/or muscle differentiation in Drosophila embryonic cultures, while they also induced the entire set of heat shock proteins. Two metal ions, nickel and zinc, were shown to induce only the 22-and 23-K proteins, a pattern similar to that seen in “classical” teratogens reported previously. None of the metals tested induced only the 26-and 27-K proteins. These results suggest that there exist different regulatory mechanisms responsible for the heat shock response.  相似文献   
Saline playa lakes represent major geomorphic and hydrologic components of internal drainage basins in the arid to semiarid interior of Australia. These lakes mark the outcrop areas of regional shallow groundwater; thus, they are effective hydro-chemical sinks for elemental concentration and authigenic formation of carbonate, evaporite, and silica/silicate minerals.Field observations and petrochemical characterization of playa sediments from drainage basins in Western and Central Australia indicate that localized discharge of groundwater, from shallow aquifers in calcrete deposits, plays a fundamental role in geochemical evolution of playa-lake marginal facies. The available data indicates also that although evaporative concentration and salt recycling are major controls on geochemistry of the playas, yet a simple evaporative concentration model does not provide a complete explanation for brine evolution and particularly the geochemical process-product relationships observed in the individual playa lakes. The distribution of the chemical facies in the playas, in relation to geomorphic setting of the internal drainage basins, reflects a significant impact of variation in groundwater discharge pattern on the geochemical evolution of the playa lakes. Accordingly, the development of chemical facies in individual playas have progressed through repeated episodes of evaporative concentration, groundwater-level fluctuations and ion-exchange processes.  相似文献   
Ganglioside distribution was studied in peripheral nerves of normal controls and those of Trembler mutant mouse with defect in Schwann cell differentiation and myelination. Neuraminic acid content was considerably decreased in the mutant. Ganglioside distribution as evaluated by densitometry of resorcinol positive spots on thin-layer chromatography revealed a major peak for GDla in normal controls. In the mutant, the relative proportion was modified with qualitative modifications in the GDla area and a tremendous increase in GM3 content. The relation with the intense Schwann cell proliferation observed in the mutant is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The rDNA content in Drosophila hydei has been compared in wild-type and in two translocation genotypes possessing only one nucleolus organizer. In highly polyploid salivary glands where rDNA is underreplicated, an independent polytenization of the rDNA occurs resulting in about the same rDNA level in each genotype independently of the number of nucleolous organizers present in the genome. Thus, the situation in the salivary glands of D. hydei is similar to that in D. melanogaster (Spear and Gall 1973).In tetraploid thoracic muscle where rDNA is not underreplicated, the rDNA percentage in the two translocation genotypes is also considerably increased, although the wild-type level is not completely attained. This result shows that rDNA replication is independently controlled even in a non-underreplicating tissue.In larval diploid brain the situation in the two translocation stocks is dissimilar: in one genotype the rDNA content remains unaltered whereas in the other it is increased. This demonstrates for the first time that a gene compensation does occur in a diploid tissue.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ku 282/7)  相似文献   
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