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To generate new chromosome 21 markers in a region that is critical for the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (D21S55-MX1), we used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to isolate a 600-kb NruI DNA fragment from the WA17 hybrid cell line, which has retained chromosome 21 as the only human material. This fragment, which contains the oncogene ETS2, was used to construct a partial genomic library. Among the 14 unique sequences that were isolated, 3 were polymorphic markers and contained sequences that are conserved in mammals. Five of these markers mapped on the ETS2-containing NruI fragment and allowed us to define an 800-kb high-resolution PFGE map.  相似文献   
The tissue-specific pattern of expression directed by the H4A748 Arabidopsis histone promoter was investigated by analysis of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in transgenic Arabidopsis containing H4A748-GUS gene fusions. As determined by fluorimetric and histochemical tests, the H4A748 promoter directs preferential expression in meristems of young seedlings and adult plants. The low activity found in nonproliferating tissues may relate to basal constitutive expression of the histone promoter and/or to endoreduplication occurring in some tissues. The endogenous histone mRNA levels parallel the GUS activity found in different tissues. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5' deleted promoters showed that multiple positive elements exist between -900 and -219 and that the proximal region of the promoter to -219 is sufficient to establish the full tissue-specific pattern of expression. Further deletion to -93 nearly abolished the promoter activity thus suggesting that the 126 bp fragment located between -219 and -93 contains the elements responsible for the specific expression pattern. The presence of several remarkable sequences within this fragment is discussed.  相似文献   
Three strains of Cladosporium carrionii, two human isolates and one from a xerophilous plant, were used to study the effect of culture conditions in 106 newborn ddY mice. Growth in a complex medium (YPG) and a basal synthetic medium (BSM) was compared. Filamentous forms developed during static incubation while conidia were readily formed with shaking. Mice inoculated intraperitoneally were sacrified and autopsied after 4 weeks. Mortality was related only to sporulated exponential phase growing cells. Invasiveness ability was preserved in all experimental conditions. BSM medium that inhibited exopigment formation appeared more suitable than YPG to obtain intact cells for further studies.Biochemical and physiological alteration associated with shape changes during differentiation of vegetative cells into spores could play an important role in virulence of C. carrionii  相似文献   
Summary In order to determine the active site of penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli (PBP3), the serine residue at position 307 was replaced with alanine, threonine or cysteine by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. Since a unique BanII site exists at the position corresponding to serine-307, BanII digestion of the plasmid DNA after mutagenesis resulted in significant enrichment of the mutant plasmids. For mutagenesis, the gene coding for PBP3 (ftsI) was inserted into the expression cloning vector pIN-IIB. The hybrid protein produced was able to bind penicillin while mutant PBP3 in which serine-307 was replaced with either alanine or threonine did not lead to any detectable binding. However, contrary to the report of Broome-Smith et al. (1985) thiol-penicillin-binding protein 3, in which serine-307 was replaced with cysteine, was still able to bind penicillin. Replacement of serine-445 with an alanine residue had no effect on penicillin binding to PBP3.  相似文献   
Goats were prepared so that one carotid body (CB) could be perfused with blood in which the gas tensions could be controlled independently from the blood perfusing the systemic arterial system, including the brain. Since one CB is functionally adequate, the nonperfused CB was excised. To determine whether systemic arterial hypoxemia is necessary for ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH), the CB was perfused with hypoxic normocapnic blood for 6 h [means +/- SE: partial pressure of carotid body O2 (PcbO2), 40.6 +/- 0.3 Torr; partial pressure of carotid body CO2 (PcbCO2), 38.8 +/- 0.2 Torr] while the awake goat breathed room air to maintain systemic arterial normoxia. In control periods before and after CB hypoxia the CB was perfused with hyperoxic normocapnic blood. Changes in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) were used as an index of changes in ventilation. Acute hypoxia (0.5 h of hypoxic perfusion) resulted in hyperventilation sufficient to reduce average PaCO2 by 6.7 Torr from control (P less than 0.05). Over the subsequent 5.5 h of hypoxic perfusion, average PaCO2 decreased further, reaching 4.8 Torr below that observed acutely (P less than 0.05). Acute CB hyperoxic perfusion (20 min) following 6 h of hypoxia resulted in only partial restoration of PaCO2 toward control values; PaCO2 remained 7.9 Torr below control (P less than 0.05). The progressive hyperventilation that occurred during and after 6 h of CB hypoxia with concomitant systemic normoxia is similar to that occurring with total body hypoxia. We conclude that systemic (and probably brain) hypoxia is not a necessary requisite for VAH.  相似文献   
Ovine tubal (n = 87) and ovarian in vitro matured oocytes (n = 99) were fertilized in vitro with ejaculated spermatozoa capacitated for 8 h in modified defined medium buffered with Hepes. High levels of fertilization were obtained as assessed by development to two-to six-cell stage within 40 h (75. 8% for ovulated and 62. 6% for in vitro matured oocytes). Electron microscope analysis of oocytes 20–22 h after insemination indicated that in vitro fertilization approximated the in vivo events. Embryos (two- to six-cell) were transferred surgically to the oviducts of pseudopregnant rabbits. Three days later, 42 (from ovulated oocytes) and 15 (from in vitro matured oocytes) embryos were recovered; 26 (61. 9%) and 10 (66. 6%), respectively, had cleaved at least once. Embryos incubated in vivo (n = 20 from ovulated oocytes; n = 9 from in vitro matured oocytes) were transferred surgically to the uteri of seven and four recipient ewes resulting in four and two pregnancies, respectively, from which three and one, respectively, have been maintained ( > 3 months). The first lamb resulting from the in vitro fertilization of an ovulated oocyte was born. In addition, six embryos (two- to four-cell) from tubal oocytes and ten embryos (two- to six-cell) from in vitro matured oocytes were directly transferred to the oviducts of two and three ewes, respectively. Two pregnancies resulting from in vitro matured fertilized oocytes are in progress ( > 3 months).  相似文献   
A stopped flow rapid reaction apparatus capable of following changes of ±0.02 pH unit in 0.1 ml of solution in less than 0.005 sec has been developed, utilizing a commercially available pH-sensitive glass electrode. Using this instrument, extracellular pH at 37°C was followed from less than 0.025 sec to 300 sec after mixing equal volumes of the following CO2-free solutions: (A) normal human red cells, washed three times and resuspended in 150 mM NaCl at pH 7.2 with a hematocrit of 18%; and, (B) 150 mM NaCl adjusted with HCl or NaOH to pH 2.1 to pH 10.3. A minimum of 2 ml of mixture had to flow through the electrode chamber to ensure complete washout. The mixing process produced a step change in the pH of the extracellular fluid, after which exchanges across the red cell membrane and buffering by intracellular hemoglobin caused it to return toward pH 7.2 with an approximately exponential time course. Under the assumption that pH changes after mixing represent exchanges of hydroxyl for chloride ions across the cell membrane, hydroxyl ion permeabilities (P OH - in cm/sec) were calculated and found to vary from 2 x 10-4 at pH 9 to 4 x 10-1 at pH 4 according to the empirical relationship P OH - = 170 exp (-1.51 pH). The form of the dependence of P OH - on extracellular pH does not appear compatible with a simple fixed charge theory of membrane permselectivity.  相似文献   
Summary 1. In solution culture with oats (Avena sativa) the effect of the K concentration of the nutrient solution on yield and K uptake rates has been investigated. The K concentration of the different treatments were: 0.1, 0.3, 0.9 and 2.7 me K/l. These concentrations were kept constant during the whole growing period. 2. The growth of the plants in all treatments was normal. Even with the lowest K concentration no visible symptoms of K deficiency occurred. The highest grain yield was obtained with a K concentration of 0.9 me K/l. This yield was about 40% higher than the yield with the lowest K concentration and about 5% higher than the grain yield with the highest K concentration. 3. The increasing K supply had a favorable effect on the fat and crude protein content of the grains. The highest K concentration (2.7 me K/l) resulted in the highest content of crude protein (20%) and of fat (6.2%). 4. The rates of K uptake throughout the growing period differed considerably. The highest rates were measured during the shooting stage and the blossom stage. The K concentration of the nutrient solution influenced the uptake rates significantly. High yields were obtained if the K uptake at the beginning of the blossom stage was higher than 50% of the total K uptake. 5. The optimal K concentration for the yield performance, 0.9 me K/l, found in this experiment cannot be compared with K concentrations of the soil solution under field conditions without reservations. Under field conditions root growth and the contact surface between soil solution and root surface are different. Assuming that under field condition this contact surface nutrient solution/root surface is not larger than in solution culture, also a K concentration of 1 me K/l of the soil solution should meet the K demand of the plants, necessary for the production of high grain yields.   相似文献   
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