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Micropropagation of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl has been successfully achieved both from mature and juvenile plant material using shoot tip and nodal explants. Several basal media supplemented with benzyladenine (BA) and indolebutyric acid (IBA) were tested for shoot proliferation. The most new explants per mature explant (5.3) was obtained on DKW medium plus 4.4 M BA+0.98 M IBA. The most new explants per juvenile explant (5.6) was produced on QL medium plus 8.9 M BA+0.49 M IBA. Rooting was achieved on WPM supplemented with 0.98–4.9 M IBA. Rooted plantlets were transferred to soil and acclimatized with 85% survival.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - IBA indolebutyric acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
From the cloned mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) isolated from two bisexual species, one Mediterranean, Artemia salina, and one American, Artemia franciscana, and two parthenogenetic (diploid and tetraploid) strains of Artemia parthenogenetica collected in Spain, physical maps have been constructed and compared. They are extremely different among themselves, much more than the differences between Drosophila melanogaster and D. yakuba and in the same range of different mammalian species such as mouse/rat or man/cow. The nucleotide sequences of two regions of mtDNA encoding parts of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cytb) genes have been determined in the two bisexual species and the two parthenogenetic strains. Comparisons of these sequences have revealed a high degree of divergence at the nucleotide level, averaging more than 15%, in agreement with the differences found in the physical maps. The majority of the nucleotide changes are silent and there is a strong bias toward transitions, with the CT substitutions being highly predominant. The evolutionary distance between the two Artemia parthenogenetica is high and there is no clear relationship with any of the bisexual species, including the one present nowadays in Spain. Using a combination of molecular (mtDNA) and morphological markers it is possible to conclude that all of these Artemia isolates should be actually considered as belonging to different species, even the two Artemia parthenogenetica diploidica and tetraploidica.On sabbatical leave from Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madridearly Italian artemiologists to designate the Medi-Beatriz Batuecas died in an accident during the Christmas holy days of 1988 after she had initiated this workCorrespondence to: R. Garesse  相似文献   
A highly mobile Insertion sequence designated IS 1110 was detected in Mycobacterium avium strain LR541 following an observed increase in size of the plasmid pLR20. Genomic libraries of M. avium strains carrying either parental pLR20 or the modified plasmid (pLR20′) were constructed and the sequence of the relevant clones was determined to characterize the insertion sequence and the target region. IS 1110 is a 1457 bp element lacking terminal inverted repeats, and is related to IS900 (from Mycobacterium paratuberculosis), IS901 and IS902 (from M. avium) and to IS116 (from Streptomyces clavuligerus). LR541 carries several copies of IS 1110. Individual colonies from the same plate show differences in Southern blot patterns when tested with an IS1110-derived probe; the ability to detect transposition events in random colonies, without any selection pressure, indicates an exceptionally high degree of mobility, which will be invaluable for transposon mutagenesis. Analyses of M. avium isolates from human, veterinary, and environmental sources showed that IS1110-hybridizing sequences are present in some M. avium isolates but they were not detected in strains of other mycobacterial species. The polymorphism exhibited In M. avium isolates suggests that this element may be useful for molecular epidemiological studies of M. avium infections.  相似文献   
A girl with severe Becker muscular dystrophy and apparently normal chromosomes had a heterozygous deletion for exons 51, 52, and 53 of the dystrophin gene. This deletion was transmitted by her mother, who was unaffected. To differentiate the normal and the deleted X chromosomes, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to metaphase chromosomes, using probes for both exons 51 and 52, which are only 388 and 113 base pairs long, respectively. FISH signals were observed in one or both chromatids of one chromosome, but never on both chromosomes, suggesting the lack of hybridization on the deleted X chromosome. Using 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation to differentiate the late (inactive) and the early replicating (active) X chromosomes, 77% of the signals were observed on the active X chromosomes in the mother. This percentage was only 18% in the daughter, suggesting that skewed inactivation of the X chromosomes was responsible for the phenotypic differences.  相似文献   
The effects of the platelet-activating factor antagonist BN 50739 and a free radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide on the accumulation of free fatty acids in post-ischemic canine brain are reported. Following 14 min of complete normothermic ischemia and 60 min of reperfusion, the total brain FFAs were approximately 150% higher than in the control group (p<0.05). Perfusion with the platelet-activating factor antagonist BN50739 in its diluent dimethyl sulfoxide during 60 min of post-ischemic reoxygenation resulted in a 61.8% (p<0.01) reduction in the total brain free fatty acid accumulation. Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and arachidonic acids decreased by 53.8%, 63.5%, 69.0%, 47.4%, and 57.2%, respectively. Although dimethyl sulfoxide alone caused stearic and arachidonic acids to return to the normal concentration range, BN 50739 had a significant influence on recovery of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids and was previously shown to provide significant therapeutic protection against damage to brain mitochondria following an ischemic episode. Because free fatty acid accumulation is one of the early phenomena in cerebral ischemia, this study provides evidence to support the hypothesis that both platelet-activating factor and free radicals are involved in initiating cerebral ischemic injury.  相似文献   
In sesquioxide-rich soils of tropical and subtropical areas and volcanic-ash soils with high levels of active Al(Fe), large amounts of phosphate fertilizers are needed to overcome their high P-fixation capacity (quenching strategy). A greenhouse pot experiment has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of city refuse compost (CRC) as a P-source for these variable-charge soils, compared to inorganic P. Mature CRC and K2HPO4 were applied at rates equivalent to 125, 250, 375, 500 and 625 kg P ha–1 to a ferrallitic soils from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paleudult) with a high content in active Al+Fe (4.82%) and a high P-fixation capacity (87%). Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in pots and plants were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. CRC increases plant P concentration and soil labile-P proportional to the applied rate. The best results were obtained from a compost application of 30 t ha–1 equivalent-rate, after a residence time of at least three months. An important residual effect in the supply capacity of P in relation to the phosphate fertilizer was also observed. The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) in comparison to K2HPO4 was 66% after 6 months, considering P uptake + soil labile-P. The soil P-fixation capacity was significantly reduced from a compost application of 40 t ha–1 equivalent-rate. Competition in adsorption between organic ligands and phosphate, in combination with net mineralization of organic P in compost, might account for the high RAE value obtained. The main conclusion is that the city refuse compost could be a suitable P-amendment for resquioxic soils due to its high RAE, and the residual effect on P-supply. ei]H. Lambers  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) treatment (100 mg/kg/day, per os, for 14 days) on electroconvulsive shock (ECS)-induced accumulation of free fatty acids (FFA) and diacylglycerols (DAG) was analyzed in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. EGb 761 reduced the FFA pool size by 33% and increased the DAG pool by 36% in the hippocampus. These endogenous lipids were unaffected in cerebral cortex. During the tonic seizure (10 s after ECS) the fast accumulation of FFA, mainly 20:4, was similar in sham- and EGb 761 -treated rats, in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. However, further accumulation of free 18:0 and 20:4, observed in the hippocampus of sham-treated rats during clonic seizures (30 s to 2 min after ECS), did not occur in EGb 761-treated animals. The rise in DAG content triggered in the cortex and hippocampus by ECS was delayed by EGb 761 treatment from 10 s to 1 min, when values similar to those in sham animals were attained. Moreover, in the hippocampus the size of the total DAG pool was decreased by 19% during the tonic seizure. At later times, DAG content showed a faster decrease in EGb 761-treated rats. By 2 min levels of all DAG acyl groups decreased to values significantly lower than in sham animals in both cortex and hippocampus. This study shows that EGb 761 treatment affects, with high selectivity, lipid metabolism and lipid-derived second messenger release and removal in the hippocampus, while affecting to a lesser extent the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
During the last two decades, inventory data show that droughts have reduced biomass carbon sink of the Amazon forest by causing mortality to exceed growth. However, process-based models have struggled to include drought-induced responses of growth and mortality and have not been evaluated against plot data. A process-based model, ORCHIDEE-CAN-NHA, including forest demography with tree cohorts, plant hydraulic architecture and drought-induced tree mortality, was applied over Amazonia rainforests forced by gridded climate fields and rising CO2 from 1901 to 2019. The model reproduced the decelerating signal of net carbon sink and drought sensitivity of aboveground biomass (AGB) growth and mortality observed at forest plots across selected Amazon intact forests for 2005 and 2010. We predicted a larger mortality rate and a more negative sensitivity of the net carbon sink during the 2015/16 El Niño compared with the former droughts. 2015/16 was indeed the most severe drought since 1901 regarding both AGB loss and area experiencing a severe carbon loss. We found that even if climate change did increase mortality, elevated CO2 contributed to balance the biomass mortality, since CO2-induced stomatal closure reduces transpiration, thus, offsets increased transpiration from CO2-induced higher foliage area.  相似文献   
Accurate estimates of forest biomass stocks and fluxes are needed to quantify global carbon budgets and assess the response of forests to climate change. However, most forest inventories consider tree mortality as the only aboveground biomass (AGB) loss without accounting for losses via damage to living trees: branchfall, trunk breakage, and wood decay. Here, we use ~151,000 annual records of tree survival and structural completeness to compare AGB loss via damage to living trees to total AGB loss (mortality + damage) in seven tropical forests widely distributed across environmental conditions. We find that 42% (3.62 Mg ha−1 year−1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.36–5.25) of total AGB loss (8.72 Mg ha−1 year−1; CI 5.57–12.86) is due to damage to living trees. Total AGB loss was highly variable among forests, but these differences were mainly caused by site variability in damage-related AGB losses rather than by mortality-related AGB losses. We show that conventional forest inventories overestimate stand-level AGB stocks by 4% (1%–17% range across forests) because assume structurally complete trees, underestimate total AGB loss by 29% (6%–57% range across forests) due to overlooked damage-related AGB losses, and overestimate AGB loss via mortality by 22% (7%–80% range across forests) because of the assumption that trees are undamaged before dying. Our results indicate that forest carbon fluxes are higher than previously thought. Damage on living trees is an underappreciated component of the forest carbon cycle that is likely to become even more important as the frequency and severity of forest disturbances increase.  相似文献   
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