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Animal toxins are highly reticulated and structured polypeptides that adopt a limited number of folds. In scorpion species, the most represented fold is the alpha/beta scaffold in which an helical structure is connected to an antiparallel beta-sheet by two disulfide bridges. The intimate relationship existing between peptide reticulation and folding remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the role of disulfide bridging on the 3D structure of HsTx1, a scorpion toxin potently active on Kv1.1 and Kv1.3 channels. This toxin folds along the classical alpha/beta scaffold but belongs to a unique family of short-chain, four disulfide-bridged toxins. Removal of the fourth disulfide bridge of HsTx1 does not affect its helical structure, whereas its two-stranded beta-sheet is altered from a twisted to a nontwisted configuration. This structural change in HsTx1 is accompanied by a marked decrease in Kv1.1 and Kv1.3 current blockage, and by alterations in the toxin to channel molecular contacts. In contrast, a similar removal of the fourth disulfide bridge of Pi1, another scorpion toxin from the same structural family, has no impact on its 3D structure, pharmacology, or channel interaction. These data highlight the importance of disulfide bridging in reaching the correct bioactive conformation of some toxins.  相似文献   
Trk tyrosine kinases are receptors for members of the neurotrophin family and are crucial for growth and survival of specific populations of neurons. Yet, the functions of neurotrophin-Trk signaling in postnatal development as well as maintenance and plasticity of the adult nervous system are less clear. We report here the generation of mice harboring Trk knockin alleles that allow for pharmacological control of Trk kinase activity. Nanomolar concentrations of either 1NMPP1 or 1NaPP1, derivatives of the general kinase inhibitor PP1, inhibit NGF and BDNF signaling in TrkA(F592A) and TrkB(F616A) neurons, respectively, while no such Trk inhibition is observed in wild-type neurons. Moreover, oral administration of 1NMPP1 leads to specific inhibition of TrkA(F592A), TrkB(F616A), and TrkC(F167A) signaling in vivo. Thus, Trk knockin mice provide valuable tools for selective, rapid, and reversible inhibition of neurotrophin signaling in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
During development, embryonic cells display a large variety of behaviors that lead to the formation of embryonic structures that are frequently transient. Simultaneously, cells progress towards a specific fate. The current challenge for embryologists is to resolve how these two distinct aspects of development co-exist. As cell behaviors (including elementary cellular operations such as motility, adhesiveness, polarization, change in shape, division and death) and their control are much less well understood than the genetic aspects of cell fate determination, there is currently much interest in the study of cell behaviors. This mainly consists of labeling groups of cells or, less frequently, single cells and observing their descendants. In this review, we describe a few techniques for labeling groups of cells and we discuss prospective and retrospective clonal analysis, in particular the LaacZ system, in detail. We examine the information generated by these approaches.  相似文献   
The spindle checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism that regulates the metaphase-anaphase transition during somatic cell division through inhibition of the APC/C ensuring proper chromosome segregation. We show that the conserved spindle checkpoint protein BubR1 is required during early embryonic development. BubR1 is maternally provided and localises to kinetochores from prophase to metaphase during syncytial divisions similarly to somatic cells. To determine BubR1 function during embryogenesis, we generated a new hypomorphic semi-viable female sterile allele. Mutant females lay eggs containing undetectable levels of BubR1 show early developmental arrest, abnormal syncytial nuclear divisions, defects in chromosome congression, premature sister chromatids separation, irregular chromosome distribution and asynchronous divisions. Nuclei in BubR1 mutant embryos do not arrest in response to spindle damage suggesting that BubR1 performs a checkpoint function during syncytial divisions. Furthermore, we find that in wild-type embryos BubR1 localises to the kinetochores of condensed polar body chromosomes. This localisation is functional because in mutant embryos, polar body chromatin undergoes cycles of condensation-decondensation with additional rounds of DNA replication. Our results suggest that BubR1 is required for normal synchrony and progression of syncytial nuclei through mitosis and to maintain the mitotic arrest of the polar body chromosomes after completion of meiosis.  相似文献   
The NADPH oxidase is the main weapon of phagocytic white blood cells that are the first line of defence of our body against invading pathogens, and patients lacking a functional oxidase suffer from severe and recurrent infections. The oxidase is a multisubunit enzyme complex that transports electrons from cytoplasmic NADPH to molecular oxygen in order to generate superoxide free radicals. Electron transport across the plasma membrane is electrogenic and is associated with the flux of protons through voltage-activated proton channels. Both proton and electron currents can be recorded with the patch-clamp technique, but whether the oxidase is a proton channel or a proton channel modulator remains controversial. Recently, we have used the inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique to record proton and electron currents in excised patches. This approach allows us to measure the oxidase activity under very controlled conditions, and has provided new information about the enzymatic activity of the oxidase and its coupling to proton channels. In this chapter I will discuss how the unique characteristics of the electron and proton currents associated with the redox activity of the NADPH oxidase have extended our knowledge about the thermodynamics and the physiological regulation of this remarkable enzyme.  相似文献   
A recent X-ray crystallographic analysis of the binding of a water soluble camptothecin analogue to the human topoisomerase I-DNA covalent binary complex has suggested the existence of some novel features in the way that camptothecin is bound to the binary complex. Four additional models based on chemical and biochemical data have also been proposed. Presently we describe S-containing analogues of camptothecin prepared on the basis of these models, and report their ability to form stable ternary complexes with human topoisomerase I, and to mediate cytotoxicity at the locus of topoisomerase I. The results indicate that replacement of the 20-OH group of CPT with a SH functionality results in diminution of the potency of CPT as a topoisomerase I poison, while replacement of the O atoms at positions 20 and 21 with S atoms results in essentially complete loss of topoisomerase I inhibitory activity.  相似文献   
Microtubules play an essential role in eukaryotic cells, where they perform a wide variety of functions. In this paper, we describe the characterization of proteins associated to tubulin dimer in its native form, using affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry. We used an immunoaffinity column with coupled-monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Tubulin was first loaded onto the column, then interphase and mitotic cell lysates were chromatographed. Tubulin-binding proteins were eluted using a peptide mimicking the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Elution fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and a total of 14 proteins were identified with high confidence by mass spectrometry. These proteins could be grouped in four classes: known tubulin-binding proteins, one microtubule-associated protein, heat shock proteins, and proteins that were not shown previously to bind tubulin dimer or microtubules.  相似文献   
Inherited deficiency of 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase (MCC), an enzyme of leucine degradation, is an organic acidemia detectable by expanded newborn screening with a variable phenotype that ranges from asymptomatic to death in infancy. Here, we show that the two subunits of the enzyme (MCCalpha; MCCbeta) are imported into the mitochondrial matrix by the classical pathway involving cleavable amino-terminal targeting presequences. We identified the cleavage sites (Tyr41/Thr42 and Ala22/Tyr23 for MCCalpha and MCCbeta, respectively) of the targeting signals and the amino-termini of the mature polypeptides of MCC and propionyl-CoA carboxylase, a mitochondrial paralog. The amino-termini containing 39 (MCCalpha) or 20 amino acids (MCCbeta) were both necessary and sufficient for targeting. Structural requirements for mitochondrial import were defined by site-directed mutagenesis. Our studies provide the prerequisite to understand the impact of specific mutations on the clinical phenotype of MCC deficiency.  相似文献   
Notch1 is essential for postnatal hair follicle development and homeostasis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Notch genes encode evolutionarily conserved large, single transmembrane receptors, which regulate many cell fate decisions and differentiation processes during fetal and postnatal life. Multiple Notch receptors and ligands are expressed in both developing and adult epidermis and hair follicles. Proliferation and differentiation of these two ectodermal-derived structures have been proposed to be controlled in part by the Notch pathway. Whether Notch signaling is involved in postnatal hair homeostasis is currently unknown. Here, we investigate and compare the role of the Notch1 receptor during embryonic hair follicle development and postnatal hair homeostasis using Cre-loxP based tissue specific and inducible loss-of-function approaches. During embryonic development, tissue-specific ablation of Notch1 does not perturb formation and patterning of hair follicle placodes. However, Notch1 deficient hair follicles invaginate prematurely into the dermis. Embryonic as well as postnatal inactivation of Notch1 shortly after birth or in adult mice results in almost complete hair loss followed by cyst formation. The first hair cycle of Notch1 deficient mice is characterized by shortened anagen and a premature entry into catagen. These data show that Notch1 is essential for late stages of hair follicle development during embryogenesis as well as for post-natal hair follicle development and hair homeostasis.  相似文献   
We present a three-dimensional model of the homopentameric alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), that includes the extracellular and membrane domains, developed by comparative modeling on the basis of: 1), the x-ray crystal structure of the snail acetylcholine binding protein, an homolog of the extracellular domain of nAChRs; and 2), cryo-electron microscopy data of the membrane domain collected on Torpedo marmorata nAChRs. We performed normal mode analysis on the complete three-dimensional model to explore protein flexibility. Among the first 10 lowest frequency modes, only the first mode produces a structural reorganization compatible with channel gating: a wide opening of the channel pore caused by a concerted symmetrical quaternary twist motion of the protein with opposing rotations of the upper (extracellular) and lower (transmembrane) domains. Still, significant reorganizations are observed within each subunit, that involve their bending at the domain interface, an increase of angle between the two beta-sheets composing the extracellular domain, the internal beta-sheet being significantly correlated to the movement of the M2 alpha-helical segment. This global symmetrical twist motion of the pentameric protein complex, which resembles the opening transition of other multimeric ion channels, reasonably accounts for the available experimental data and thus likely describes the nAChR gating process.  相似文献   
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