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Phosphorylase kinase (PhK) is a large hexadecameric complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation and activation of glycogen phosphorylase (GP). It consists in four copies each of a catalytic subunit (gamma) and three regulatory subunits (alpha beta delta). Delta corresponds to endogenous calmodulin, whereas little is known on the molecular architecture of the large alpha and beta subunits, which probably arose from gene duplication. Here, using sensitive methods of sequence analysis, we show that the C-terminal domain (named domain D) of these alpha and beta subunits can be significantly related to calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins. CBL are members of the EF-hand family that are involved in the regulation of plant-specific kinases of the CIPK/PKS family, and relieve autoinhibition of their target kinases by binding to their regulatory region. The relationship highlighted here suggests that PhK alpha and/or beta domain D may be involved in a similar regulation mechanism, a hypothesis which is supported by the experimental observation of a direct interaction between domain D of PhKalpha and the regulatory region of the Gamma subunit. This finding, together the identification of significant similarities of domain D with the preceding domain C, may help to understand the molecular mechanism by which PhK alpha and/or beta domain D might regulate PhK activity.  相似文献   
The preparation of a phosphorylated alpha-dicarbonyl compound designed to specifically react with arginine residues of enzymes accepting phosphorylated compounds as effectors is reported, and shown to inhibit rabbit muscle aldolase in a time-dependent and irreversible manner. This irreversible inhibition occured in a buffer devoid of borate ions, suggesting that the presence of the phosphate moiety contributes in the stabilization of the adduct formed with arginine residues. Under the same conditions, the metalloenzyme iron superoxide dismutase, in which an arginine is known to be critical for the catalytic function, is not significantly inhibited.  相似文献   
Erythrocytic cell kinetics were studied in normal dog bone marrow, at the transition between younger cells that are able to synthesize DNA, and more mature nucleated normoblasts which have lost this ability. the rate of progression out of the first group was compared to that into the second, after necessary adjustments of group sizes. No significant discrepancy was detected within the limits of resolution of autoradiographic cytokinetic analysis.
It is concluded that 'ineffective' red cell production in the normal dog, if it occurs at all, can only be very small in quantity.  相似文献   
Gaps in our current understanding and quantification of biomass carbon stocks, particularly in tropics, lead to large uncertainty in future projections of the terrestrial carbon balance. We use the recently published GlobBiomass data set of forest above‐ground biomass (AGB) density for the year 2010, obtained from multiple remote sensing and in situ observations at 100 m spatial resolution to evaluate AGB estimated by nine dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). The global total forest AGB of the nine DGVMs is 365 ± 66 Pg C, the spread corresponding to the standard deviation between models, compared to 275 Pg C with an uncertainty of ~13.5% from GlobBiomass. Model‐data discrepancy in total forest AGB can be attributed to their discrepancies in the AGB density and/or forest area. While DGVMs represent the global spatial gradients of AGB density reasonably well, they only have modest ability to reproduce the regional spatial gradients of AGB density at scales below 1000 km. The 95th percentile of AGB density (AGB95) in tropics can be considered as the potential maximum of AGB density which can be reached for a given annual precipitation. GlobBiomass data show local deficits of AGB density compared to the AGB95, particularly in transitional and/or wet regions in tropics. We hypothesize that local human disturbances cause more AGB density deficits from GlobBiomass than from DGVMs, which rarely represent human disturbances. We then analyse empirical relationships between AGB density deficits and forest cover changes, population density, burned areas and livestock density. Regression analysis indicated that more than 40% of the spatial variance of AGB density deficits in South America and Africa can be explained; in Southeast Asia, these factors explain only ~25%. This result suggests TRENDY v6 DGVMs tend to underestimate biomass loss from diverse and widespread anthropogenic disturbances, and as a result overestimate turnover time in AGB.  相似文献   
Understanding how ecological traits have changed over evolutionary time is a fundamental question in biology. Specifically, the extent to which more closely related organisms share similar ecological preferences due to phylogenetic conservation – or if they are forced apart by competition – is still debated. Here, we explored the co-occurrence patterns of freshwater cyanobacteria at the sub-genus level to investigate whether more closely related taxa share more similar niches and to what extent these niches were defined by abiotic or biotic variables. We used deep 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and measured several abiotic environmental parameters (nutrients, temperature, etc.) in water samples collected over time and space in Furnas Reservoir, Brazil. We found that relatively more closely related Synechococcus (in the continuous range of 93%–100% nucleotide identity in 16S) had an increased tendency to co-occur with one another (i.e. had similar realized niches). This tendency could not be easily explained by shared preferences for measured abiotic niche dimensions. Thus, commonly measured abiotic parameters might not be sufficient to characterize, nor to predict community assembly or dynamics. Rather, co-occurrence between Synechococcus and the surrounding community (whether or not they represent true biological interactions) may be a more sensitive measure of realized niches. Overall, our results suggest that realized niches are phylogenetically conserved, at least at the sub-genus level and at the resolution of the 16S marker. Determining how these results generalize to other genera and at finer genetic resolution merits further investigation.  相似文献   
Aging is a negative regulator of general homeostasis, tissue function, and regeneration. Changes in organismal energy levels and physiology, through systemic manipulations such as calorie restriction and young blood infusion, can regenerate tissue activity and increase lifespan in aged mice. However, whether these two systemic manipulations could be linked has never been investigated. Here, we report that systemic GDF11 triggers a calorie restriction‐like phenotype without affecting appetite or GDF15 levels in the blood, restores the insulin/IGF‐1 signaling pathway, and stimulates adiponectin secretion from white adipose tissue by direct action on adipocytes, while repairing neurogenesis in the aged brain. These findings suggest that GDF11 has a pleiotropic effect on an organismal level and that it could be a linking mechanism of rejuvenation between heterochronic parabiosis and calorie restriction. As such, GDF11 could be considered as an important therapeutic candidate for age‐related neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean (SO) is among the regions on Earth that are undergoing regionally the fastest environmental changes. The unique ecological features of its marine life make it particularly vulnerable to the multiple effects of climate change. A network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has started to be implemented in the SO to protect marine ecosystems. However, considering future predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the relevance of current, static, MPAs may be questioned under future scenarios. In this context, the ecoregionalization approach can prove promising in identifying well‐delimited regions of common species composition and environmental settings. These so‐called ecoregions are expected to show similar biotic responses to environmental changes and can be used to define priority areas for the designation of new MPAs and the update of their current delimitation. In the present work, a benthic ecoregionalization of the entire SO is proposed for the first time based on abiotic environmental parameters and the distribution of echinoid fauna, a diversified and common member of Antarctic benthic ecosystems. A novel two‐step approach was developed combining species distribution modeling with Random Forest and Gaussian Mixture modeling from species probabilities to define current ecoregions and predict future ecoregions under IPCC scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5. The ecological representativity of current and proposed MPAs of the SO is discussed with regard to the modeled benthic ecoregions. In all, 12 benthic ecoregions were determined under present conditions, they are representative of major biogeographic patterns already described. Our results show that the most dramatic changes can be expected along the Antarctic Peninsula, in East Antarctica and the sub‐Antarctic islands under both IPCC scenarios. Our results advocate for a dynamic definition of MPAs, they also argue for improving the representativity of Antarctic ecoregions in proposed MPAs and support current proposals of Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources for the creation of Antarctic MPAs.  相似文献   
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