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An investigation was made of the serum steroid levels found in intact and endocrine ablated nude mice of both sexes and in their intact homozygous littermates. The results showed that nude mice have a normal steroidogenesis, but with decreased levels of circulating steroids compared to those of the littermates. The efficacy of the endocrine ablations was confirmed by the reduction in serum oestrone following oophorectomy, and by the reduction in serum testosterone and progesterone following orchiectomy. The normal steroidogenesis in nude mice, and the similarities between mouse and man with regard to changes in serum steroids following oophorectomy and orchiectomy, support the usefulness of human tumor xenograft models for the study of hormone-tumor interactions.  相似文献   
Physiological profile of world-class high-altitude climbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The functional characteristics of six world-class high-altitude mountaineers were assessed 2-12 mo after the last high-altitude climb. Each climber on one or several occasions had reached altitudes of 8,500 m or above without supplementary O2. Static and dynamic lung volumes and right and left echocardiographic measurements were found to be within normal limits of sedentary controls (SC). Muscle fiber distribution was 70% type I, 22% type IIa, and 7% type IIb. Mean muscle fiber cross-sectional area was significantly smaller than that of SC (-15%) and of long-distance runners (LDR, -51%). The number of capillaries per unit cross-sectional area was significantly greater than that of SC (+ 40%). Total mitochondrial volume was not significantly different from that of SC, but its subsarcolemmal component was equal to that of LDR. Average maximal O2 consumption was 60 +/- 6 ml X kg-1 X min-1, which is between the values of SC and LDR. Average maximal anaerobic power was 28 +/- 2.5 W X kg-1, which is equal to that of SC and 40% lower that that of competitive high jumpers. All subjects were characterized by resting hyperventilation both in normoxia and in moderate (inspired O2 partial pressure = 77 Torr) hypoxia resulting in higher oxyhemoglobin saturation levels in hypoxia. The ventilatory response to four tidal volumes of pure O2 was similar to that of SC. It is concluded that elite high-altitude climbers do not have physiological adaptations to high altitude that justify their unique performance.  相似文献   
A prospective controlled investigation in 134 consecutive outpatients compared the cytologic adequacy of sputum samples obtained by spontaneous and provoked expectoration. Inhalation of nebulized 10% sodium chloride was used for provoked expectoration. A significantly higher number of adequate samples was produced after provocation, as judged by the presence of alveolar macrophages (X2 = 5.63; p less than 0.02). The improvement in sample adequacy was limited to the nonsmokers and ex-smokers in the study. This result, together with the relatively high cost of cytologic sputum examinations, indicates that provoked expectoration should at least be applied to the collection of sputum samples from nonsmokers and ex-smokers.  相似文献   
Long-chain acyl coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase in homogenates and microsomes from rat brain gray and white matter was studied. The formation of the thioesters of CoA was studied upon addition of [1-14C]-labeled fatty acids. The maximal activities were seen with linoleic acid, followed by arachidonic, palmitic, and docosahexaenoic acids in both gray and white matter homogenates and microsomes. The specific activities in microsomes were 3–5 times higher than in homogenates. The presence of Triton X-100 in the assay system enhanced the activity of long-chain acyl CoA synthetase in homogenates. The effect was more pronounced in palmitic and docosahexaenoic acid activation. The apparentK m values andV max values for palmitic and docosahexaenoic acids were much lower than for linoleic and arachidonic acids. The presence of Triton X-100 in the medium caused a definite decrease in the apparentK m and Vmax values for all the fatty acid except palmitic acid in which case the reverse was true. There were no significant differences observed in the kinetic measurements between gray and white matter microsomes. These findings are similar to those resulting from the known interference of Triton X-100 in the measurement of kinetic variables of long-chain acyl CoA synthetase of liver microsomes. In this work, no correlation was observed between the fatty acid composition of gray and white matter and the capacity of these tissues for the activation of different fatty acids.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ultrastruktur und Differenzierung von Penisstiletten bzw. Stilettnadeln wurden an Vertretern verschiedener Taxa freilebender Plathelminthen untersucht. Die Ausdifferenzierung der Hartstrukturen erfolgt auf unterschiedliche Weise, jedoch stets intrazellulär. Die Stilettnadeln von Philocelis cellata (Acoela) bestehen aus Mikrofibrillen und werden sukzessiv gebildet, mit der Spitze beginnend und basalwärts fortschreitend. Eine ebenfalls sukzessive Bildungsweise zeigen die Stilettapparaturen des Taxons Paromalostomum (Macrostomida); doch bestehen die Hartstrukturen hier aus Mikrotubuli mit angelagertem elektronendichtem Material und nicht aus Mikrofibrillen. Die sukzessive Ausdifferenzierung des Stiletts von Ciliopharyngiella intermedia erfolgt ähnlich wie bei den Hartstrukturen bestimmter Proseriaten mit der Anlage von Mikrofibrillen, die mit elektronendichtem Material verkleidet werden, jedoch weist C. intermedia zusätzlich eine innere und äußere Glättungsschicht auf. Dagegen erfolgt die Stilettbildung bei Adenorhynchus balticus (Typhloplanoida), Marirhynchus longasaeta (Kalyptorhynchia) und Provortex psammophilus und P. tubiferus (Dalyellioida) simultan und ohne Anlage einer Rohform mit einem fibrillären oder tubulären Gerüst. Strukturell sehr ähnlich wie bei A. balticus und M. longasaeta, jedoch sukzessiv erfolgt die Bildung der langen Stilette bei verschiedenen Species des Taxons Promesostoma (Typhloplanoida).Die bisher bekannten feinstrukturellen Organisationsmerkmale und die verschiedenen Bildungsmodi von penialen Hartstrukturen werden unter phylogenetischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert.
Ultrastructure and differentiation of penial hard structures in free-living plathelminths
Summary Ultrastructure and differentiation of penis stylets and stylet needles have been investigated in several representatives of different groups of the free-living plathelminths. The formation of the hard structures occurs in different ways, but always intracellularly. The stylet needles of Philocelis cellata (Acoela) consist of microfibrils and are formed successively, beginning with the distal tip. The species of the taxon Paromalostomum (Macrostomida) have stylet apparatuses which also show a successive formation mode; however, the hard elements are built of microtubules and enveloped by electron-dense material. The successive differentiation of the stylet of Ciliopharyngiella intermedia occurs similarly to the hard structure formation of certain proseriates by building a framework of microfibrils which becomes enveloped by electron-dense material; in addition to this rough-form, in C. intermedia an intracellular smooth layer is formed on the inner and outer side of the stylet. In contrast, the stylet formation of Adenorhynchus balticus (Typhloplanoida), Marirhynchus longasaeta (Kalypthorhynchia), Provortex psammophilus and P. tubiferus (Dalyellioida) occurs synchronously and without a roughform, containing a fibrillar or tubular framework. The stylets in several species of the taxon Promesostoma (Typhloplanoida) are built in a way very similar to that in A. balticus and M. longasaeta, but successively.The fine structural properties known at present and the various formation modes of penial hard structures are discussed from the phylogenetic aspect.

Abkürzungen ae Atriumepithelzelle - ag Atrium genitale - am Atriummuskulatur - ba Bakterium - bl Basallamina oder vergleichbare Interzellularsubstanz - bm Bulbusmuskulatur - bz Stilettbildungszelle - cw Cilienwurzel - de Ductus ejaculatorius - dr Drüsenrohr - dz Ductuszelle - fz Füllzelle - hd Hemidesmosom - hz Hüllzelle - k Kern einer Stilett- bzw. Nadelbildungszelle - m entstehende Muskulatur - ma Macula adhaerens - mc Muskelzylinder - mf Mikrofibrillen - mv Mikrovilli - n Nerv - nz Nadelbildungszelle - pm äußere Penismuskulatur - rm Ringmuskulatur - s Stilett - sd Septatdesmosom - sg Sekretgangzelle - sgz Sekretgangzelle - skg Spermakornsekretgang - skr Spermakornsekretrohr - sm stilettumhüllende Muskulatur - sn Stilettnadel - sna Stilettnaht - sp Spermium - sz Sekretzelle - vg Vesicula granulorum - vgm Muskulatur der Vesicula granulorum - za Zonula adhaerens  相似文献   
Primary production data from the south-eastern Weddell Sea   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Phytoplankton production for three size classes (<20 m, 20–100 m, >100 m), total primary production and qualitative composition of phytoplankton populations were recorded from 18 stations in the south-eastern Weddell Sea in February/March 1983. Total primary production ranged between 80 and 1670 mg C m-2 d-1 with an average of 670 mg C m-2 d-1, nearly 70% of which was contributed by the <20 m size fraction (usually pennate and/or centric diatoms). Production of phytoplankton was in the higher range of values reported by other authors for the same region. Variations in primary production could not be attributed to composition of populations, ambient light levels or concentrations of macronutrients (N, P, Si). Phytoplankton populations had a higher diversity in the deeper parts of the Weddell Sea and coincided with different oceanographic situations. Three zones (along the shelf-ice edge from Atka Bay to Halley Bay, west of Halley Bay and off the Filchner/Rønne Ice Shelf) with different communities could be clearly distinguished.  相似文献   
We sequenced the chloroplast 16S rRNA gene of two Euglena gracilis mutants which contain streptomycin-resistant chloroplasts (Smr 139.12/4 and Smr 139.20/2). These mutants are known to contain a single intact rrn operon per circular chloroplast genome. Nucleotide sequence comparison between a 16S rRNA gene of wild type Euglena gracilis, strain Z, with streptomycin-sensitive chloroplasts, and the 16S rRNA gene of both Smr-strains reveals a single base change (C to T) at position 876. This position is equivalent to the invariant position 912 of the E. coli 16S rRNA gene. The analogous position is also conserved in all chloroplast small subunit RNA genes from lower and higher plants sequenced so far. Light dependent protein synthesis with purified chloroplasts from streptomycin-resistant cells is not inhibited by streptomycin. Based on the results reported here we postulate linkage between the observed point mutation on the 16S rRNA gene and streptomycin-resistance of chloroplast 70S ribosomes.  相似文献   
Animal community structure as a function of stream size   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The species-area relationship of the island biogeography theory was calculated for macroinvertebrates in 22 coastal, adjacent streams. A z-value of 0.19 was obtained. The low z-value was probably a consequence of the short distances between streams as well as high dispersal rates. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the dissimilarity of species assemblages showed that stream size was of prime importance in categorizing the streams. To a smaller extent water quality affected the community structure in the streams.  相似文献   
Summary The risk of a Velia caprai (Heteroptera: Veliidae) individual to fall victim to brown trout (Salmo trutta) was demonstrated experimentally to be markedly lower when several bugs were simultaneously exposed to the trout. V. caprai was found distasteful to brown trout, and a high proportion was ejected alive after being captured. We suggest that school formation in V. caprai lowers the risk of predation because frequent predator-prey encounters may assist in retention of the avoidance learned by the predator. Individual behavioural responses to attacks were variable and the frequency of expansion skating and thanatosis was temperature dependent. Thanatosis postures were either symmetric with the legs pressed to the body or irregular.  相似文献   
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