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A new string searching algorithm is presented aimed at searchingfor the occurrence of character patterns in longer charactertexts. The algorithm, specifically designed for nucleic acidsequence data, is essentially derived from the Boyer –Moore method (Comm. ACM, 20, 762 – 772, 1977). Both patternand text data are compressed so that the natural 4-letter alphabetof nucleic acid sequences is considerably enlarged. The stringsearch starts from the last character of the pattern and proceedsin large jumps through the text to be searched. The data compressionand searching algorithm allows one to avoid searching for patternsnot present in the text as well as to inspect, for each pattern,all text characters until the exact match with the text is found.These considerations are supported by empirical evidence andcomparisons with other methods.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - The wide use of copper (Cu)-based fungicide has caused a stepwise accumulation of Cu in the environment increasing the occurrence of phytotoxicity in crops. To...  相似文献   
The infection of R. Thames flounders, Platichthys flesus L., at Fulham by the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevix (Müller) is described in terms of parasite population structure, life-cycle organization, reproductive biology and host microhabitat utilization. The parasites demonstrated 100% prevalence in this tidal but essentially freshwater locality (intestinal intensity 34.47) and were overdispersed in the flounder population (variance/mean ratio = 10.39, k= 1.04). Overall about 11% of the worms occurred in peritoneal cavity sites, the remainder being firmly attached to the gut wall in the posterior region of the intestine and rectum. The P. laevis populations were reproductively active, demonstrating that the flounder acts as a significant final host in this locality. Viable larval stages were identified in Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, a predominantly estuarine amphipod, indicating that P. laevis is likely to be able to complete its life cycle at Fulham. Over half the female parasites examined were gravid and many of the non-gravid worms were inseminated but had not yet started egg production. The proportion of females gravid, the number of ovarian balls and the number of eggs in gravid females was seen to increase with worm size. Both the identity of the intermediate host and the reproductive status of P. laevis in the Thames flounders differ from the Pomphorhynchus/flounder system studied by Kennedy (1984) in the R. Avon, suggesting that the two P. laevis populations may belong at least to discrete subspecies or strains. Parasites in flounders maintained under laboratory conditions in fresh water, 50% sea water and 100% sea water showed similar population, microhabitat and reproductive characteristics to those observed in the field. This suggests that increased salinity has a negligible effect on established parasites in the short term, and therefore that salinity may not form a barrier to the survival and dispersal of the R. Thames parasite when the flounders return to sea.  相似文献   
Bacterial cytochromes P-450   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The cytochromes P-450 (P-450s) constitute an extremely large family ('superfamily') of haemoproteins that catalyse the oxidation of a wide range of physiological and non-physiological compounds. A remarkable feature of the P-450s is the manipulation of the same basic structure and chemistry to achieve an enormous range of functions in organisms as diverse as bacteria and man. Indeed, the P-450s have been described as ‘the most versatile biological catalyst known’. Much research is focussed on mammalian P-450s, with their roles in such processes as steroid transformations and the metabolism of carcinogens and other xenobiotics. However, our knowledge of the structure and function of the P-450s has been advanced by analysis of a limited number of its bacterial members, primarily P-450cam from Pseudomonas putida. Four P-450 structures have been solved to date, all of which are from bacterial sources. The aim of this review is to assess current knowledge of the many bacterial P-450s, with emphasis on their diverse biological roles and on the advances in our knowledge of this extremely important enzyme class, which have been made feasible through their study.  相似文献   
A novel lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis gene, lic2B, which is required for the biosynthesis of a phase-variable LPS structure expressed by Haemo philus influenzae RM7004 is described. The product of this gene is homologous to Lic2A and the recently described LPS biosynthetic enzymes, LgtB from Neis seria gonorrhoea and LgtE from Neisseria meningitidis, and LpsA from Pasteurella haemolytica. Of this family of enzymes only Lic2A contains the repetitive tetrapeptide motif (SINQ)n encoded by multiple tandem repeats of 5′-CAAT-3′. This observation suggested that (SINQ)n might not be a prerequisite for the catalytic activity of this protein. To address this hypothesis, we deleted the 5′-CAAT-3’repeats from lic2A so that the protein encoded by the modified gene was analogous to Lic2B. This mutation had no apparent effect on the overall apparent molecular weight of LPS as judged by Tricine-SDS-PAGE and did not affect ability to react with monoclonal antibody 4C4. It was therefore concluded that (SINQ)n is not a prerequisite for the enzymatic function of Lic2A and that the 5′-CAAT-3’repeats in lic2A function solely as a mechan ism for generating phase variation. This observation suggested that wide variation in the number of 5’-CAAT-3’repeats might be tolerated in lic2A, and this was confirmed by surveying the number of 5′-CAAT-3’repeats in a range of different H. influenzae strains. The predicted secondary structure of (SINQ)n indicates that it forms a highly flexible random coiled structure, which is unlikely to impede formation of the domains that may be required for catalytic activity. This characteristic is also a feature of repetitive tetrapeptides encoded by other tetrameric repeats located within coding sequences present on the chromosome of H. influenzae Rd.  相似文献   
S Munro 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(19):4695-4704
The single transmembrane domains (TMDs) of the resident glycosylation enzymes of the Golgi apparatus are involved in preventing these proteins moving beyond the Golgi. It has been proposed that either the TMDs associate, resulting in the formation of large oligomers of Golgi enzymes, or that they mediate the lateral segregation of the enzymes between lipid microdomains. Evidence for either type of interaction has been sought by examining the retention of sialyltransferase (ST), an enzyme of the mammalian trans Golgi. No evidence could be obtained for specific interactions or 'kin recognition' between ST and other proteins of the trans Golgi. Moreover, it is shown that the previously described kin recognition between enzymes of the medial Golgi involves the lumenal portions of these proteins rather than their TMDs. To investigate further the role of the ST TMD, the effects on Golgi retention of various alterations in the TMD were examined. The addition or removal of residues showed that the efficiency of retention of ST is related to TMD length. Moreover, when a type I plasma membrane protein was expressed with a synthetic TMD of 23 leucines it appeared on the cell surface, but when the TMD was shortened to 17 leucines accumulation in the Golgi was observed. These observations are more consistent with lipid-based sorting of ST TMD, but they also allow for reconciliation with the kin recognition model which appears to act on sequences outside of the TMD.  相似文献   
The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application ofpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searchingstrategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of theseprotein molecules will be involved in protein–protein interactions (e.g. growth factors,receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellularprocess. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novelproteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as orphan molecules.Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands orreceptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biologicalextracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification,purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically thesynergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques.  相似文献   
The Zinnia mesophyll cell system consists of isolated leaf mesophyll cells in culture that can be induced, by auxin and cytokinin, to transdifferentiate semi-synchronously into tracheary elements (TEs). This system has been used to establish the precise time point at which the TE cell fate becomes determined, and then changes have been looked for in cell-wall composition and architecture that are associated with the establishment of competence, determination, and differentiation with the transition from primary to secondary cell wall formation. At very early stages in this time course, changes in the repertoire of proteins and polysaccharides both in the cell wall and secreted into the culture medium were found. Changes in the secretion of pectic polysaccharides, xyloglucans and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) have been detected using the monoclonal antibodies JIM 7, CCRC-M1 and JIM 13, that recognize these three classes of cell-wall molecule, respectively. Twenty-four hours before secondary thickenings are visible, an AGP is present in the primary walls of a subpopulation of cells, and is secreted into the culture medium. This molecule is present in the secondary thickenings of mature TEs but not in their surrounding primary walls. Methyl-esterified pectic polysaccharides are present in all cell walls and are secreted into the culture medium throughout the time course of differentiation, though at an increased rate in inductive medium. However, sugar and linkage analysis of culture media shows that a relatively unbranched rhamnogalacturonan is enriched in inductive medium around the time of determination and increases rapidly in concentration. The amount of fucosylated xyloglucan in cell walls increases during the time course, but appears in inductive medium 24 h earlier than in control medium and may have a subtly different structure. The fucose-containing epitope on the xyloglucan disappears abruptly and entirely from inductive medium 6 h before any secondary thickenings are visible in the cells. The disappearance of the epitope is correlated with secretion of several hydrolytic enzyme activities. In Zinnia leaves, the mesophyll cell walls contain neither the fucosylated xyloglucan nor the AGP, although methylesterified pectin is present. All three epitopes are expressed in the vascular bundles, and the AGP is specifically localized in the xylem cells. Fucosylated xyloglucan is also present in the epidermal tissue, and the AGP is present in guard cells. The dynamic behaviour of these specific cell-wall molecules is tightly correlated with differentiation events in vitro, and can be clearly distinguished from the production of new wall material found in expanding and elongating cells. The precise timing of the appearance and disappearance of these proteins and polysaccharides compared with the point of cell-fate determination provides us with a series of cell-surface markers for cell states at very early times in the transdifferentiation pathway.  相似文献   
Many proteases are available for the hydrolysis of various protein substrates. The qualitative effect of most experimental variables on reaction progress is known, so it is possible to devise a rational procedure for selecting the best enzyme. Reaction time and enzyme concentration should be chosen in the region where they have little effect on reaction progress. Substrate concentration should be low to avoid possible product inhibition. Each enzyme should be tested at its optimum pH, and at a range of temperatures around (mainly below) the reported temperature optimum. Enzyme cost and other relevant factors should also be considered in the enzyme selection. Using this selection procedure Alcalase was chosen as the most appropriate enzyme for solubilizing lean beef tissue.  相似文献   
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