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Summary— Multidrug-resistant (MDR) variants of a human osteosarcoma cell line (U-2 OS) have been recently obtained by continuous exposure to doxorubicin (DX). The growth and phenotypic characteristics of these cell lines have been demonstrated to be related to the level of expression of P-glycoprotein. In this work, the morphological changes associated with MDR have been evaluated by quantitative image analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Resistant cells present morphological changes with respect to sensitive cells at both cytoplasmic and nuclear level. Some of these changes appear to be related to the degree of resistance but not to the direct presence of DX, since deprived cells maintain some modified characters, while others are partly lost. These findings suggest that DX exposure affects cell metabolism causing progressive changes of the cell morphotype.  相似文献   
The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application ofpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searchingstrategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of theseprotein molecules will be involved in protein–protein interactions (e.g. growth factors,receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellularprocess. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novelproteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as orphan molecules.Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands orreceptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biologicalextracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification,purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically thesynergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques.  相似文献   
The chemical shift assignments and secondary structure of a murine–human chimera,MH35, of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a 180-residue protein of molecular mass 20 kDa,have been determined from multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectra acquired on auniformly 13C,15N-labelled sample. Secondary structure elements were defined on the basisof chemical shifts, NH-CH coupling constants, medium-range NOEs and the location ofslowly exchanging amide protons. The protein contains four -helices, the relativeorientations of which were determined on the basis of long-range, interhelical NOEs. The fourhelices are arranged in an up-up-down-down orientation, as found in other four-helical bundlecytokines. The overall topology of MH35-LIF is similar to that of the X-ray crystallographicstructure for murine LIF [Robinson et al. (1994) Cell, 77, 1101–1116]. Differencesbetween the X-ray structure and the solution structure are evident in the N-terminal tail, wherethe solution structure has a trans-Pro17 compared with the cis-Pro17 found in the crystalstructure and the small antiparallel -sheet encompassing residues in the N-terminus andCD loop in the crystal structure is less stable.  相似文献   
A microbial biofilm community was established over 971 days within gravel in an aquarium so as to model biofouling of an aquifer. When the water was allowed to evaporate slowly, white crystalline deposits, containing several carbonate and sulphate minerals including nesquehonite (MgCO3.3H2O), were seen at the highest points on the surface of the biofouled gravel. No such deposits occurred in regions lacking biofilms. These crystals appeared to originate from evaporation of dissolved salts which had migrated through the biofilm. Surfaceadherent microbial biofilms may conceivably provide a conduit for solute transport in porous media such as soils and aquifers.  相似文献   
The Zinnia mesophyll cell system consists of isolated leaf mesophyll cells in culture that can be induced, by auxin and cytokinin, to transdifferentiate semi-synchronously into tracheary elements (TEs). This system has been used to establish the precise time point at which the TE cell fate becomes determined, and then changes have been looked for in cell-wall composition and architecture that are associated with the establishment of competence, determination, and differentiation with the transition from primary to secondary cell wall formation. At very early stages in this time course, changes in the repertoire of proteins and polysaccharides both in the cell wall and secreted into the culture medium were found. Changes in the secretion of pectic polysaccharides, xyloglucans and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) have been detected using the monoclonal antibodies JIM 7, CCRC-M1 and JIM 13, that recognize these three classes of cell-wall molecule, respectively. Twenty-four hours before secondary thickenings are visible, an AGP is present in the primary walls of a subpopulation of cells, and is secreted into the culture medium. This molecule is present in the secondary thickenings of mature TEs but not in their surrounding primary walls. Methyl-esterified pectic polysaccharides are present in all cell walls and are secreted into the culture medium throughout the time course of differentiation, though at an increased rate in inductive medium. However, sugar and linkage analysis of culture media shows that a relatively unbranched rhamnogalacturonan is enriched in inductive medium around the time of determination and increases rapidly in concentration. The amount of fucosylated xyloglucan in cell walls increases during the time course, but appears in inductive medium 24 h earlier than in control medium and may have a subtly different structure. The fucose-containing epitope on the xyloglucan disappears abruptly and entirely from inductive medium 6 h before any secondary thickenings are visible in the cells. The disappearance of the epitope is correlated with secretion of several hydrolytic enzyme activities. In Zinnia leaves, the mesophyll cell walls contain neither the fucosylated xyloglucan nor the AGP, although methylesterified pectin is present. All three epitopes are expressed in the vascular bundles, and the AGP is specifically localized in the xylem cells. Fucosylated xyloglucan is also present in the epidermal tissue, and the AGP is present in guard cells. The dynamic behaviour of these specific cell-wall molecules is tightly correlated with differentiation events in vitro, and can be clearly distinguished from the production of new wall material found in expanding and elongating cells. The precise timing of the appearance and disappearance of these proteins and polysaccharides compared with the point of cell-fate determination provides us with a series of cell-surface markers for cell states at very early times in the transdifferentiation pathway.  相似文献   
The detailed examination of the masticating apparatus of 18 skulls from the Middle Bronze Age in Pitten (Lower Austria) revealed numerous pathological findings of the teeth. Most remarkable were frequency and extent of dental abrasions. In addition to it, indications on inflammatory processes in the marginal parodontium were obtained, combined with partly immense formations of concrements on the surfaces of the teeth. The incidence of dental caries was relatively low. Abnormal positions of the teeth and pathological processes concerning the development of dentition as well as the eruption of the wisdom teeth could be observed repeatedly. Conclusions on insufficiences of the oral hygiene in this time follow especially from the concrement findings and from the inflammatory reactions of the marginal parodontium.  相似文献   
Sonicated DNA has been covalently attached to Sepharose 4B by a carbodiimide method [Rickwood, P. (1972) Biochim. Biophys. Acta269, 47–50] which minimizes modification of the DNA and matrix. Columns of this material have been used to study the interaction between cationic polypeptides and DNA. When poly(l-lysine) is bound to such columns at low ionic strength and then eluted with a linear salt gradient the polypeptide elutes over a broad range of salt concentration, presumably reflecting different strengths of interaction with various sites on the DNA. The broadness of the elution profile cannot be attributed to heterogeneity in the poly(l-lysine) sample but rather to the ATGC content of various DNA sites. Studies with other polypeptides, poly(l-Lys79, l-Leu21) and poly-(l-Lys-l-Ala-Gly), as well as studies at different temperatures, have helped to clarify the possible roles of conformational mobility, polypeptide hydrophobicity, and the presence of contiguous lysines in determining the strength of interaction of polypeptides and proteins with DNA sites.  相似文献   
Multi-angle light scattering flow photometry was used to study the light scattering properties of normal cultured fibroblasts and a mutant fibroblast line containing cytoplasmic lysosomal inclusions. The effect of glutaraldehyde fixation on the light scattering properties of the cells was also examined and correlated with their ultrastructure. Normal fibroblasts showed uniform organelle distribution with few vacuoles or dense bodies in the cytoplasm while the mutant line showed abnormal cytoplasmic inclusions of varying morphology, density and lucency. As predicted by light scattering theory, the mutant cells containing the cytoplasmic inclusions scattered more light at large angles (greater than theta = 1.85 degrees) than did the normal cells. Glutaraldehyde fixation decreased light scattering at small angles (less than theta = 1.85 degrees), increased light scattering at larger angles (greater than theta = 1.85 degrees) in both normal and mutant cells and enhanced resolution of the light scattering signatures. The mutant line scattered 2-3 times more light at a wide angle (greater than theta = 12.74 degrees) than did the normal cells. These data suggest that abnormal lysosomal storage inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of the cells can be detected by differential light scattering methods.  相似文献   
Gel electrophoresis of DNA from 95 clinical isolates of Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri resistant to antibiotics revealed a heterogeneous plasmid population. Most of the plasmids were smaller than 6 megadaltons (Mdal). Six S. sonnei isolates with the most common antibiotic resistance pattern were characterized. They had two plasmids in common: one was a self-transmissible Fi+ plasmid of 46 Mdal encoding resistance to streptomycin and sulphafurazole. In addition, several cryptic plasmids ranging in size from 1.0 to 24.5 Mdal were present. Mobilization of the 5.5 Mdal SuSm plasmid and a 1.0 Mdal cryptic plasmid was demonstrated with all six S. sonnei isolates during conjugation. This mobilization was mediated by the 46 Mdal self-transmissible Fi+ R plasmid and also by a 24.5 Mdal Fi- plasmid carrying no known drug resistance determinants.  相似文献   
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